• wuliheron
    I'm what is called a "Warrior of the Rainbow" or member of the anarchistic "Rainbow Warrior Tribe". We're all anarchists who would never join a club that would have us as a member and, by tradition, meet in national forests around the world every solstice and equinox. Hippies basically, who have dropped out, tuned in, and turned on and are developing our own folk lore and philosophies including commonly referring to civilization as "Babylon" and the Tower of Babel.

    Anyway, some of us have a specific tradition of extrapolating poetry from the Tao Te Ching that combines Socratic Wisdom with Taoism. My own philosophy incorporates a variety of primitive tribal Pragmatic Taoism that eschews both metaphysics and mysticism. Commonly someone's poetry is considered the best reflection of an individual's philosophy so I thought I would post a poem here for people to get a feel for the genre. This style of poetry was first formalized 12,000 years ago in the Pakua by isolated primitive tribes in the southern mountains of China.

    Its mathematical poetry that obeys simple rules including that it treats every word like a variable with no intrinsic meaning or value and is very much a collaborate art form that people have been contributing to for eons. For example, although the author(s) of the first half of the Tao Te Ching are unknown, archaeologists have determined the second half was likely written anonymously by over a hundred different academics. In recent years its been determined that the 81 short poems of the Tao Te Ching are a minimalistic expression of a Fractal Dragon equation and to provide a complete description of the equation would require 4,430 poems however, thankfully, only 430 are required to provide a good representation of your philosophy.

    Their are millions if not billions of people worldwide familiar with the broader genre of this poetry extrapolated from the Tao Te Ching and, usually, we all immediately recognize what works best and what doesn't precisely because it is so mathematical and obeys simple rules. While 430 poems are required for a good representation of anyone's philosophy nobody has managed to write a complete set in the 2,500 years since the Tao Te Ching was originally published. The best I know of anyone accomplishing so far is perhaps 150 close to word perfect and complete poems with an additional 80 that are incomplete.

    However, the poetry obeys recursive logic with the first poem having to express everything in all of the subsequent poems and the more progress people make with the poetry the easier it becomes to write new ones. Among other things, the poetry is supposed to be every bit as self-consistent as it is artistic and, in recent years, physicists and others have joined in the fun. In fact, the fuzzy logic contained within these poems is intensely studied today by mathematicians around the world.
  • wuliheron
    Lost in the Crowd

    Life is not a state of being or a curse,
    But, silent poetry in motion!
    The same poems we all enjoy!
    The same groove we all move!
    The same absorbing ambiance;
    The same exact delicious steps,
    The same melody, we all adore,
    The same lyrics, no one tires of,
    The same warm ineffable prose!
    Yet unique, for each individual;
    Each having their unique value!
    Each possessed of a unique style,
    The delightful dance we all perform!
    As if we're a kid in a candy store!
    Betwixt the silent notes, of desire.
    Reciting our silent, personal prose!
    Dancing, to our unchained melody,
    Gliding upon heavenly moonbeams!
    Between all the stars and the moon!
    Ever higher with each deeper breath!
    Rapidly time slows to a crawl for us!
    Reveling in dancing poetry in motion!
    Reveling within this glorious moment!
    Reveling in doing what we wish to do!
    Reveling in the simple freedom to revel!
    Reveling, in our joyous freedom we feel!
    Lost, in the wonderment of amazement!
    Lost in the wonderment, of wonderment!
    Lost in wonderment, of all our ignorance!
    Our one desire to dance with the universe!
    To rejoice in dancing, with God's creation!
    To share any love with the whole universe!
    Singing our song, with the universal choir!
    Our jubilation ascending, unto the heavens;
    Casting gazes eternally higher, as we dance!
    Casting our sights upon the moon and stars!
    Open to all the joy, that life has yet to offer!
    Only knowing this singular blissful moment!
    Only knowing great wonderment never ends!
    Only knowing a journey can be never-ending!
    Often when too weak we can lie to ourselves!
    Waiting until we're sure we're strong enough!
    Waiting until we are certain the time is right!
    Some of us just waiting for some kind of sign,
    Some just wait when waiting just feels better.
    Some attempt to wrestle with their conscience!
    Some try to haggle, with anything in existence!
    Until more certain, or willing to face ourselves!
    Until feeling more comfortable simply listening,
    Until better prepared, to find a different world,
    Only aware, we are unwilling to go there today,
    To seek within where we all fear to go the most!
    To boldly go where nobody, has ever gone before!
    To beneath the deepest and bluest event horizon!
    To journey down any road, we're afraid to travel!
    To confront each of the obstacles, along our path!
    To slay the beasts of everyone's worst nightmares!
    Naked, and completely unashamed of who we are!
    Naked becoming invulnerable in our vulnerability!
    Unafraid to enter our world, as a different person!
    Whatever has happened, whenever we remain lost,
    When our feet lose the path and the path the way,
    You can never change, what has been done to you,
    You can never even take back, the things you felt;
    And nobody else will ever be able to do it for you.
    No one among us ever really made another listen!
    None among us, can ever make themselves listen,
    None can ever hope to make others listen either!
    None could really pop, another person's bubble!
    None forces themselves to listen to themselves,
    Never when intent on tuning themselves out!
    When all we have to do, is go with the flow;
    Granting ourselves all the serenity required!
    To face that which we alone might change,
    To accept the things, we can never change,
    The wisdom, to distinguish between them!
    To face whatever it is we may yet change,
    To face our fears and see them disappear,
    To do all the things we know we can do;
    To do more than all others think we can!
    Knowing, God, has already granted this.
    Simple pattern matching applying to all,
    The one greater context of the One truth,
    That which is beyond, all comprehension,
    That which gives, anything any meaning,
    That which gives our desires significance,
    That which makes the stars shine forever!
    That which graces, everything upon earth!
    That which is the great spark of life itself!
    Is all that anybody, has ever really needed!
    Humanity has merely to take the next step!
    Humanity has only to listen to their hearts!
    Has merely to begin dancing, to their music!
    To grasp both individually, and collectively!
    To grasp both intellectually, and affectively;
    What we've always all wanted, and desired!
    Humanity's final fulfillment, and birthright!
    Enough happiness, to fill the entire universe!
    Providing everything, we all actually require!
    Providing for any of our most personal needs!
    Giving us more than we think we can handle!
    Giving us all the resources, to make it happen;
    Giving us all everything we need this moment!
    To provide anyone their own Heaven on earth;
    To provide anyone what we've always wanted,
    To discover any happiness, peace, love, and joy!
    To spread it, to all the four corners of the earth,
    To personify love with each step we might take!
    The wisdom to know, what we may accomplish!
    The courage to manage the seemingly impossible!
    The contentment, to make the best of everything!
    The willingness to let go, what none may control!
    The grace to always find forgiveness in our heart!
    The serenity to accept what we may never change!
    The strength and motivation, for us to keep going!
    The love springing forth, from our memory of God!
    We have only but to accept the Truth in our heart!
    We have merely but to give in, to our heart's desire,
    We have only to allow ourselves to do as we desire!
    We have merely to encourage, our impulse to dance!
    We have merely to allow ourselves to live, yet again,
    Each has only to surrender to their individual truth!
    Each has only to raise their gazes, upon the heavens!
    Each has only to become, their own poetry in motion!
    No mere words of wisdom, provided by a mortal man!
    Nor greater triumph by the greatest of humanitarians;
    Nor even Jesus walking on water in front of everyone,
    Can really make anyone decide to tolerate one another!
    Can make us all choose to listen and go upon our faith!
    Can really force someone to exercise their own free will!
    Reaching out while allowing ourselves to be vulnerable;
    To abide by harmony, all must dance to their own music,
    Each must take their own steps on the road less traveled,
    Never dwelling on whether our dance is ever good enough,
    Never insisting we know any great secrets to good dancing!
    Never complaining anyone else, should behave a certain way!
    Never seriously considering becoming but another wall flower!
    Never distracted dwelling on, what we consider the best moves!
    Never raising our feet we are gliding upon invisible moonbeams!
    Never budging an inch, discover we're traversing the multiverse!
    Never remembering the lyrics discover our hearts may still sing!
    Never uttering a sound, we sing along with the angelic choir!
    Confident with every step, we may climb higher and higher!
    Confident none among the living might ever do any better!
    Than to savor each moment, improving upon themselves!
    Through opening our hearts we accept all of the world!
    Through opening our minds, we expand our universe!
    Through opening eyes we embrace the world anew!
    Through opening our own ears we can ease fears!
    Through opening our arms, we open our hearts!
    Through reaching out still discover ourselves!
    A tiniest silver lining, a quantum of solace!
    That which is seldom, seriously pondered!
    The most meager of paltry consolations;
    Beneath what academics may all prove,
    Beneath any and all of your sensations!
    Upon becoming lost in any large crowd,
    Upon losing ourselves in the Great Big World,
    We can always take the long way home,
    We can always find our way back home!
    Take a stroll down the road less traveled,
    With our deliciously lightest of footsteps,
    Dancing upon our delightful moonbeams!
    The forks in the road all looking the same!
    Forks blending into, ever greater horizons!
    Choosing not to choose wherever we do go!
    Permitting our mind, to meander wherever,
    Meandering merely for the sake of dancing!
    Pulling us down gravity still lifts us all up,
    Urging us onward, towards greater heights!
    Declaring approval for a wild river of tears!
    Our feet knowing the way the path our feet;
    Breathing deep while seeking out our center!
    Knowing the second you know you're wrong,
    Serenely placing one foot in front of another!
    Smallest of fry, must all be treated delicately;
    The child within, treated most tenderly of all!
    Nurtured becomes the hero of its own dreams!
    The heart alone capable of extreme tenderness,
    Upon losing yourself, in the largest of crowds,
    Upon losing yourself, even if you are all alone;
    Upon losing yourself, in the larger cruel world,
    Upon losing your way, anywhere in the world!
    One beacon of light, at the end of every tunnel;
    The one greater truth, urging us to continue on!
    Giving ourselves permission to end all suffering;
    Imploring us to find acceptance of our suffering,
    Honoring our past, while embracing the moment;
    Honoring the past looking forward to our future!
    Embracing our own feelings with all of our heart!
    With each tiny scrap, of T.L.C. we can yet muster,
    With every ounce of acceptance we might discover;
    With each tiny bit of courage, we can scrounge up!
    With any of our faith, we might bring to our table!
    With all the resolve and strength, we have to offer!
    With all of the resources of a lifetime of experience,
    Gingerly searching for the forest, through any trees;
    Seeking out the context, of greater truth to embrace.
    Positive it has to be out there somewhere if we look!
    Feeling deep in our bones that the answers await us,
    Knowing without knowing we should already know.
    Simply by opening our own hearts, may we open eyes!
    Simply by opening our arms we open everyone's minds!
    Simply using beautiful words we may yet defy gravity!
    Simply by opening minds, we can touch someone gently!
    Touching one another gently we may change our reality!
    Touching one another gently, we may move the universe!
    Never be too afraid, to scrutinize everything you believe!
    Never be too afraid to express what you desire to become!
    Never be too afraid to seek love anywhere you can find it!
    Never be too afraid to search for more of your Big Picture!
    Never be too afraid, to simply ask yourself some questions!
    Never be too afraid to engage living your life to the fullest!
    Never be too afraid, to learn to love yourself all over again!
    Never be too afraid, to journey down the road less traveled!
    To dance yet again as none else can, and none else ever will!
    To dance and lose yourself, in even the largest of all crowds.
    Gravity pulling us down painfully may yet lift us up again,
    Set yourself free and see if your love will come back to you.
    If it never does come back, it was never love to begin with,
    Unwilling to allow yourself to be free you can't give love,
    Confusing any happiness with avoiding all of your fears.
    Vigilant to avoid any fear you forsake all contentment,
    Unable to trust yourself fully you can't trust another.
    There are no more lost worlds to discover or conquer,
    Then all the ones that reside within each one of us!
    Each heart is a small child lost in the wilderness,
    Crying, lost among the legions of a strange city,
    For if not now then when can thee love thyself?
    There is no, appropriate, time and place to begin,
    There is no more appropriate person to start with.
    Love is all we need, and all nature has to offer us!
    Love may only be found allowing ourselves to give!
    Those who cannot yet give, unable to face the truth,
    The Truth, that always comes back to haunt anyone!
    The One Truth still hiding beneath all of our bullshit!
    The One Truth that none among us can avoid forever!
    The inescapable Truth, at the heart of any heartaches!
    The person they cannot give anything to is themselves!
    The person they cannot give the Truth to is themselves!
    The person who needs their ministrations is themselves!
    The person they could get to know better, is themselves!
    The person who can help them help others is themselves!
    The person they may still learn more about is themselves!
    The person who really needs them to listen, is themselves,
    The one who needs any help they may offer is themselves!
    The person, who needs somebody to lean on is themselves!
    The person they can learn to trust yet again is themselves!
    The person who needs, more of their support is themselves!
    The person who can help ease their suffering is themselves!
    The person who needs more of their guidance is themselves!
    The person they could possibly help the most, is themselves!
    The person they need to ask more questions of is themselves!
    The one person with many answers they need, is themselves!
    The person they need to be there for them more is themselves!
    The person they can learn to love all over again is themselves!
    Whether lost in a crowd or all alone, some of us may attempt!
    To accomplish what we ourselves already know, is impossible!
    To bend reality to our will, to force it to provide needy desires!
    To steal that which we know damned well can never be stolen!
    To force that which we know damned well just can't be forced!
    To corrupt that, which anybody knows may never be corrupted!
    To hide from that, which we all know you might only run from!
    To lose that which any know for themselves could never be lost!
    To barter that which everybody knows can't be bought and sold!
    To waste our own time and sanity upon what we know is futile!
    To ignore what everybody knows they can just pretend to ignore!
    To ignore what everyone knows, only comes back to haunt us all!
    Each worried they have lost what they know is only given away!
    Each worried they have ruined what no one among us can clutch!
    Each worried that a single step, might require a lifetime of effort!
    Each worried that once paradise is lost it might never be regained!
    Confused they choose not to choose to lose themselves in the crowd!
    Shadows of streetlight people searching up and down the boulevard,
    For a smile they can share the night, it goes on and on and on and on!
    All their shadows searching in the night searching just to find emotion!
    Shadows hiding in the night, don't stop believing, hold onto that feeling!
    Shadows somewhere in the night, oh the movie never ends it goes on and on!
    Some will win, some will lose, some are born to sing the blues it goes on and on,
    Ensuring even those lost in a crowd will always learn something about themselves.
  • wuliheron
    While the above poem is a bit long, I have some that are ten or more pages long. Its supposed to be purely descriptive rather than descriptive and I also have poems that are quite short and actually rhymes that I learned as a small child. So long as the poetry obeys the rules and expresses all of the sentiments and mathematics as humbly and elegantly as possible that's all that matters. My own poetry is what I like to describe as "primitive tribal adult potty humor" and many tribals see civilized people as having stunted senses of humor. They can literally tell jokes that would make a porn star blush and run the other way.
  • wuliheron
    Priceless Comedy

    Faint quiet laughter carries across the field.
    Jubilant toddlers playing hide and seek,
    Familiar siren voices calling me on the wind.
    Still foolish enough to merely laugh at any foolishness.
    Silly enough to tickle plenty of purple people pink!
    Somehow knowing, without knowing,
    That which none can ever really know:
    Their gift of grace is merely for sharing.
    Better enjoyed together for its own sake,
    The blissful contentment, bumbling along;
    Eternally fresh slapstick seizes the moment,
    Presenting delightful gifts to the entire world!
    Capable of wrapping people around their little fingers,
    Touching all affectionately, while contending with none.
    Engagingly flawless naiveté,
    Priceless family comedy.
  • wuliheron
    I thought I would add a more conventional and shorter poem. This one is a direct extrapolation of the last poem in the Tao Te Ching and is quite well known. As you may have guessed, all the poems are supposed to be centered rather than left aligned and their shapes are important. Not because we try to produce any particular shapes, but the shapes are intrinsic to the mathematics and provide clues as to when we have gotten a poem correct. For example, I have one poem in the shape of a mushroom and another in the shape of a toilet and, as difficult as it might be for some to accept, these shapes are not deliberate but simply incidental to the fractal equation. Chinese sometimes play with their shapes as refrigerator magnets shuffling them around to see what they can make with two of the poems being famous for depicting a man and woman fitting together and having sex.

    Believe it or not, this poetry is all agnostic, as am I, with references to God and mother nature always capable of being interpreted as simply the "truth" or "nature".
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