• hachit
    The rules of debate are not an actual list if rules. Rather it is guide lines to foster a healthy debate. I figured that because it is not taught in schools like it was in ancient Rome/Greece I would put it here.

    The rules of debate
    1. Withhold jugement

    If you right someone off as crazy and try to convince them otherwise you will not get any were. So withhold jugement and hear them out.

    2. Seek to understand.

    As questions, and check to make sure your understanding what they are saying. In this way you will show them there opinions matter and you can help correct them were they have stumbled.

    3. Your goal is not to win.

    The goal is to get to a win-win conclusion. This may be getting to other person to agree but it is usually is when you agree on a common clause. This may mean you may have to give up some of you ideas your self.

    4. Say when they were right and/or you were wrong.

    This is important. If you tell someone they were right on someting, it shows that your paying attention. Also is you say we're you were wrong, it makes you more respectable. Ether of those is going to make the other person to listen to what you you have to say.

    5. Be calm.

    If you start getting angry or some other emotion you will not beable think correctly. It will also keep the argument from spiraling out of your hands and leading to a lose-lose scenario

    6. (This only applies when dealing with less educated in the topic) be patient, and will to help them go down there path.

    If you don't do this for these type of people it leads to a win-lose. You win but they don't feel they had a chance. They will ether agree reluctantly or right you off.

    These are the rules of debate the best in can explain them. These rules also apply to negotiation, and your standard argument.

    It also helps to know what arguments you may get. So be familiar with them.

    I figured this would help anyone that does not know these already.
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