• Beebert
    "Of what use is this insult?"

    It wasn't an insult, it was praise.
  • Beebert
    "You are projecting once again."

    Really? Here comes the psychologist again. Well then ... At least I have something in common with St Paul
  • Beebert
    "It looks ugly to you, I don't see anything ugly in the unrighteous being punished by the Living God."

    Me neither. If it wasn't an unending punishment that goes on for all eternity
  • Beebert
    "Why would I do that? I respect, love and admire God."

    What happened here? I was talking about me not you. If you misunderstand so gravely what I write then surely you have at least said one true thing: We can't have a discussion.
  • Agustino
    I was talking about me not you. If you misunderstand so gravely what I write then surely you have at least said one true thing: We can't have a discussion.Beebert
    So I take it that you don't respect, admire and love God then? :s
  • Agustino
    Omg what made you draw that conclusion from what I said?Beebert
    Because you said if God is transcendent then it is meaningless to speak about Him. And that's false.
  • Beebert
    Of course I dont respect and love the concept of the God of which most "christians" speak. The living God? No idea, I dont know if he exists.
  • Beebert
    No I didnt. I said that it is pointless to reason and discuss things when all you say is true and Beautiful because you pretend and claim to defend God, while all I say is basically blasphemous because it is against your conception. When I speak, God is impossible to question because he is transcendent, beyond Good and evil etc. But while you speak, everything is perfectly rational.
  • Beebert
    "God is incomprehensible, BUT we do know that He is the standard of justice and truth"

    1. God is beyond Good and evil
    2. What is justice and truth?
  • Agustino
    When I speak, God is impossible to question because he is transcendent, beyond Good and evil etc. But while you speak, everything is perfectly rational.Beebert
    It makes sense to question a theology maybe, but not to question God. You can think a theology is wrong, and that's entirely different. So far you haven't spoken of a theology being wrong, but rather of God being evil, etc.
  • Agustino
    1. God is beyond Good and evil
    Sure, hence he decides what is good and what is evil, just like he decides what is just and unjust.

    2. What is justice and truth?Beebert
    Those are too large questions, you need to be more specific. Truth for example doesn't have just one definition. A sentence being true is different from a a situation in the world being true, which is different from an emotion being true and so forth. Truth doesn't have only one sense.
  • Beebert
    I have constantly claimed that God as proclaimed by traditional christianity appears to me as evil. That is; God of dogmas, God of traditional theology, God as he appears when men speak about him. So, the living God being evil? I have NO idea. How can I have?
  • Agustino
    I have constantly claimed that God as proclaimed by traditional christianity appears to me as evil.Beebert

    And why would you think that your idea of good and evil can be applied to judge God?
  • Beebert
    Once again you take an irrational leap. Let us keep the distinctions. You said it is one thing to criticize God and another to criticize theology. I of course criticize the conceptions and understandings of God. Not God himself. If I criticize God himself, I dont find myself being so aware of it since I doubt he even exists
  • Janus

    Interesting, thanks.
  • Beebert
    "And why would you think that your idea of good and evil can be applied to judge God?"

    Consider what you really are asking here. A democratic question? What is this God you speak of and that which I speak about?
    "What makes you think that your idea lf good and evil can judge whether what Stalin did was evil or not?"
    Is that the concept of God you talk about?
  • Agustino
    "What makes you think that your idea lf good and evil can judge whether what Stalin did was evil or not?"Beebert
    Stalin is a created being, not an uncreated Creator.
  • Beebert
    and theology, Christians, the church are?

    Btw you didnt answer the question
  • Agustino
    and theology, Christians, the church are?Beebert
    Created beings, obviously. What's your point?
  • Beebert
    Those are what I criticize, and your God I dont know
  • Janus
    The critique of Steiner by Osho that Agustino linked. I thought it was interesting, but facile; or rather, interesting because it was facile. I mean, trumping mind by "no-mind" like that; a 'clever' Zen trick. Or perhaps not so clever.
  • Beebert
    I see! Do you like Steiner?
  • Agustino
    Those are what I criticize, and your God I dont knowBeebert
    Okay, sure, so what's the point? You don't seem to like the idea of eternal hell. Why not? Can you - a created being - decide what the just punishment is better than the uncreated God? If the uncreated God decided that eternal hell is the just punishment, why would you say it's unjust? Based on what?
  • Beebert
    Why must I like the idea? What rational person who, if christianity were true, would go to hell according to their dogmas, would like the idea? If he hasnt felt that he is moved by Christ, he would probably find the Christian belief to be oppresive, surpressive, irrational, wicked, strange, superstitious etc.
  • Janus

    I have found his philosophical works very interesting, and his theosophical works baffling; baffling both as to their meaning and the reason that he chose to write them.
  • Agustino
    Why must I like the idea?Beebert
    I didn't say you must like the idea, because as I said we're not sure if eternal refers to infinite temporal duration. It might refer to that. I said that you should be capable to be fine with it if it DOES indeed mean infinite temporal duration. That I do not know. God knows.
  • Beebert

    "If the uncreated God decided that eternal hell is the just punishment, why would you say it's unjust? Based on what?"
    Why? What do you mean? If he decides so I can accept that there is not much to do about it. But that is or. Based on our language it would be subjective to call it just/unjust. Just=What I want. Unjust=What I dont want. That is often how banal we are. But if we were honest, we would probably say "It is neither just or unjust. It is what it is"
    Based on the same reason why you wouldnt enjoy it if I came to your door and tortured you in various ways.

    Now two questions:
    1. On what bases do you value what is just and unjust? What is derrived from your own banality and what is derrived from the True living God?
    2. Considering the first question and granted that you answer it honestly; what would you say if God tortured everyone because he found it to be fun and just? If he, because he is justice, creates mankind just in order to play with it, deceive it and torture it endlessly without saving anyone? Would you agree with calvinists that it is just? Just in what way then? You dont know the mind of God, so isnt it better to look at it from a human Perspective?
  • Beebert
    Sure I am fine with it. But Why must I praise God for it?
  • Beebert
    You see, one of my points is that it is not working to defend God morally from a human perspective, because for one thing, slave minds and selfish Peoples without courage are often actually those who subject to the authority of the church, while those who oppose its claims and are braver than me and say "I accept the idea of hell but not God himself, nor his creation", might oppose it all because they dont care about whether they end up in hell or not. To not care where you end up; is that a virtue according to you?
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