All else being equal, those who don't seek power will tend to have less of it than those who do. — Brendan Golledge
I think that it's far more that the people working for the government want to serve well and the people that are governed themselves either accept or not the government. People who have some job usually want to do it well, those working in the public sector aren't different from others. Outside governments rarely check on the doings of other states or then there has to be dramatic violations from the ordinary.I believe it's often fear of what other governments might do that keep governments from becoming totally tyrannical, corrupt, and incompetent. — Brendan Golledge
Don't generalize the US reality to the World. Women can have a considerable role.. In practice, all governments are rule by men. — Brendan Golledge
JRR Tolkien does the same things in his books; he refers to humankind as, "men", as distinct from elves and dwarves. — Brendan Golledge
How are you going to force 100% of the population to be uninterested in power? — Brendan Golledge
"Men" as the preferred collective term prevailed long after the medieval period--into the 20th century. — BC
We can say that today, "people" is the preferred collective term -- much more so than human, men, or women. — BC
Men are mortal. — Brendan Golledge
True. Looking down the barrel at my own mortality. And at this point, there seem to be insoluble political problems stacked up like cord wood. I attribute these plentiful insolubles to the facts of our primate heritage: On one hand, we have this big brain which is capable of complex thought. On the other hand the brain also runs a powerful, and generally none too rational emotional operation. Who's running the show -- the prefrontal cortex or the limbic system? Seems like the limbic system is, as often as not, in charge. — BC
Like some insightful person summed up: Copernicus showed that we are not the center of the universe; Darwin revealed that we are descendants of apes; and Freud tells us that we are not even masters of our own houses. — BC
EDIT: You might like knowing that one of the founders of modern propaganda and public relations was Signund Freud's nephew -- Edward Bernays. — BC
a proposal to construct pigeon-guided missiles — Arcane Sandwich
Humans have material bodies with material needs. So, the material is the most immediate cause of everything that happens. Therefore, if a person has the power to kill you, he has power over you to make you do anything, up until the point where you'd rather die. — Brendan Golledge
I'll agree that replying to your thread is moronic. Better things to do.You're another moron who replies to my threads... — Brendan Golledge
You're another moron who replies to my threads in order to argue against fantasies in your own mind which have nothing to do with anything I ever said or thought. — Brendan Golledge
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