• Truth Seeker
    Suffering is evidently reduced by medicine or psychology, inequality by distribution, injustice by justice, and death is reduced by healthy, peaceful living.jkop

    I see your points. How do we ensure those who need the medical or psychological treatments get them? How do we distribute resources evenly amid so much inequality? How do we replace injustice with justice? How do we get people to live healthy and peaceful lives?
  • jkop
    How do we ensure those who need the medical or psychological treatments get them?Truth Seeker

    For example, by paying our taxes, voting, building and maintaining institutions for public health care and education.

    How do we distribute resources evenly amid so much inequality?Truth Seeker

    Which resources? Many resources are unevenly distributed by nature, such as oil, gas, water, crops, knowledge, etc but we redistribute them more evenly by pipelines, vehicles, trade, education/research, adaptation, diversification etc.

    How do we replace injustice with justice?Truth Seeker

    Justice doesn't replace injustice, it counteracts and reduces it. One easy way to reduce injustice is by not taking part in it, e.g. don't support bullies, unethical organizations etc

    How do we get people to live healthy and peaceful lives?Truth Seeker

    By good examples, shared knowledge and opportunities.
  • Truth Seeker
    Good ideas in principle, but in practice, these are difficult. I have seen much corruption that increases suffering, inequality, injustice, and death on Earth.
  • Fire Ologist
    In fact, I support free everythingTruth Seeker
    Surely, sharing would work everywhere?Truth Seeker
    Let's ban money and let's ban private ownership.Truth Seeker

    This is a contradiction. If no one privately owns anything, no one is in a position to share anything.

    If we make everything free, we need to take everything away from everyone first.

    Once we share everything and ban private ownership, there will be no more sharing ever again. The idea of sharing would just become redistribution of equity - which is not sharing, just administration.
  • BC
    The world is full of suffering, inequality, injustice, and deathTruth Seeker

    Last things first: death is unavoidable. Sooner or later we all die, along with every other living being.

    Suffering: reducible but not eliminable.
    Inequality: reducible but not eliminable.
    Injustice: reducible but not eliminable.

    Why? The world is an unsatisfactory place. Resources, population, good government, favorable weather/climate are unevenly distributed. The absence of tectonic events, disease, pestilence, war, famine, flood, drought, etc. are nice but just can't be counted on. We just never know where disaster will strike next.

    There is not enough of the good stuff to go around (decent housing, plentiful food, clean water, good climate, nice weather, proper civil government, education, health care, and so on). The good stuff costs a lot of money (and labor) to produce and maintain. The more people there are in the world and the hotter the world gets, the more likely it is that there will be less to go around in the future.

    We can do better, but even meeting a fairly low bar is difficult.

    Despite all that, we might as well be upbeat and optimistic.
  • AmadeusD
    I don't particularly care to, personally.
  • Truth Seeker
    At the moment, private ownership exists. I agree that if no one owned anything, no one would be in a position to share anything. I don't think those who own lots would agree to ban private ownership and ban money. That would take away their privileges and luxuries.
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