• Truth Seeker
    I have seen how a zygote is formed and how it develops. That's my evidence. A zygote does not create itself.
  • Truth Seeker
    You are lying. I have experienced suffering myself and have witnessed the suffering of others. Although I have not yet died, I will. You will, too.
  • Lionino
    You are lying. I have experienced suffering myself and have witnessed the suffering of others. Although I have not yet died, I will. You will, too.Truth Seeker

    I inserted that impression into your memories with my unlimited power. It was nothing but an illusion.
  • Truth Seeker
    LOL. You are great at lying. I would love to see you prove your claims with evidence.
  • Truth Seeker
    We already agreed that randomness does not add culpability. True randomness exists only at the quantum scale. True randomness does not exist at the macroscopic scale due to quantum decoherence.
  • flannel jesus
    right, so then saying "we don't have culpability because of determinism" doesn't really seem to make sense - if randomness doesn't add culpability, then we wouldn't have culpability even WITHOUT determinism.

    If that's your view, we don't have culpability either way, and determinism has nothing to do with it.
  • AmadeusD
    True, of politics and legislation. But societies generally adhere to a single set of basic values, though the members may disagree on detail and there will always be transgressors who have to be dealt with in order that the society may continue to function.Vera Mont

    So, yes, rule of the majority. And it is tyrannous if the basis for that interference with 'transgressors' is violent or restrictive.
  • Vera Mont
    So, yes, rule of the majority. And it is tyrannous if the basis for that interference with 'transgressors' is violent or restrictiveAmadeusD

    That 'if' clause holds true of any kind of governance. If a theocracy is violent and restrictive, it's likely that many harmless acts are considered to be transgressions. If a monarchy, military or populist dictatorship is violent and restrictive, many acts that are not in the least socially disruptive are considered transgressions and harshly punished. At least a democracy, even a flawed and corrupt one, tends toward less autocratic laws - and makes it easier to change the laws.
  • Truth Seeker
    If we had free will, we would be culpable, but we don't have free will, so we are not culpable. If the compatibilists are right, we could have limited free will, but I think they are wrong. Please see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqj32jxOC0Y
  • Truth Seeker
    Isn't democracy just majority rule where the 51% takes away the rights of the 49%? Besides, gerrymandering can make sure that even the minority takes away the rights of the majority. As can the Electoral College system in the USA where in 2016, Hillary Clinton got more votes from the public yet lost to Donald Trump who got more Electoral College votes. She got 65,853,514 votes from the public and he got 62,984,828 votes from the public. She got 227 electoral college votes and he got 304 electoral college votes.

    Ideally, all living things should be all-loving, all-knowing and all-powerful and own an infinite number of universes each and there should be no suffering, inequality, injustice, and death. We don't live in an ideal universe.
  • Vera Mont
    Isn't democracy just majority rule where the 51% takes away the rights of the 49%?Truth Seeker
    If you take the dimmest possible view of humankind. It's never even close to 51% of the population that wants to take rights away from their fellow citizens; it is at most 10 or 15%, and in a reasonable society, those ambitions are curbed. The US is ranked at 36th in the world, is a flawed and corrupted democracy; therefore hardly a benchmark for the form of government. The real power in a capitalist country, whatever its form of government, resides in the to 0.1% wealthiest.
    Most people are content to let other people get on with their lives, so long as they don't pose a threat to their fellow citizens. One large problem is that most people, especially in times of high anxiety, can be convinced that it's an identifiable group of their fellow fellow citizens that pose a threat, to direct their attention away from the actual cause of their anxiety.
    We clearly don't live in an ideal universe.Truth Seeker
    I think most of us were already aware of this - hence the attempts to organize ourselves in societies for mutual protection. I think most of us are inclined to be peaceful and co-operative most of the time, since we know we can't successfully fend for ourselves.
  • Lionino

    Your mortal mind would not ever be able to grasp my omnipotence and omniscience. How could I ever provide you enough evidence?
  • Truth Seeker
    To start with, please post a video of yourself changing colour like chameleons.
  • Truth Seeker
    I agree that the USA is hardly a benchmark for the form of government. I think the Earth should be one egalitarian country where everyone's Human Rights are protected and there is a separation between government and religion.
  • Lionino
    To start with, please post a video of yourself changing colour like chameleons.Truth Seeker

    I don't see how that proves my omnipotence, only that it proves I am a chameleon.
  • Vera Mont
    I think the Earth should be one egalitarian country where everyone's Human Rights are protected and there is a separation between government and religion.Truth Seeker

    That would be nice. But somebody still has to conceive of, define and articulate those human rights. The UN would be my choice, since I agree with their charter and the vast majority pf people on earth would benefit from it. But there will always be a minority that wants religion -their own, of course - making the rules for everybody, and a minority that wants special privilege, and a minority that demands a right to pursue activities that are harmful to other people and the environment. Those minorities would still feel oppressed. It's an imperfect world, growing less perfect every day.
  • AmadeusD
    At least a democracy, even a flawed and corrupt one, tends toward less autocratic laws - and makes it easier to change the laws.Vera Mont

    Thats true. I take Churchills line on this.
  • Truth Seeker
    How do you know this to be true?
  • Truth Seeker
    I said in an earlier post:

    My definition of free will is a will that is free from determinants and constraints. To prove me wrong, you would have to do the following:

    1. Live forever without consuming any oxygen, fluids, or food.
    2. Do things other organisms e.g. tardigrades, dolphins, chameleons, etc. can do.
    3. Teleport everywhere and everywhen.
    4. Prevent all suffering, inequality, injustice, and deaths.
    5. Make all living things (including the dead ones and the never-born ones) forever happy.
    6. Be all-loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful and make all the other beings also all-loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful.
    7. Own an infinite number of universes and give all beings an infinite number of universes each for free.

    Once you have done the above tasks, I will be convinced that you have free will. If I had free will, I would have already done the above tasks.

    You claimed that you had completed the tasks. I am asking for evidence proving that each of the tasks has been completed by you. Showing a video of yourself changing your skin colour like a chameleon would prove that even though you don't have the genes of a chameleon you can do what a chameleon can do. This would prove that genes don't determine what we can and can't do.
  • Truth Seeker
    Human Rights were declared on the 10th of December 1948 by the United Nations. Please see https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights Unfortunately, these rights are not implemented for all humans worldwide.

    If I could make all living things all-loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful, then everything would be perfect for everyone. Sadly, I can't do it.
  • Vera Mont
    If I could make all living things all-loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful, then everything would be perfect for everyone. Sadly, I can't do it.Truth Seeker

    Keep practicing!
  • Arne
    How do you know this to be true?Truth Seeker

    I know it to be the truth of me. Its truth value beyond that matters not to me.
  • Truth Seeker
    Ok, thank you for sharing.
  • Truth Seeker
    LOL. It's not a matter of practice. Learning to play the piano is a matter of practice.
  • Lionino
    Showing a video of yourself changing your skin colour like a chameleon would prove that even though you don't have the genes of a chameleon you can do what a chameleon can do.Truth Seeker

    Well, I would rather not expose my identity here.
  • Truth Seeker
    Why would an all-loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful being as you claim you are, be afraid of exposing his or her identity? What about doing something else from the list that doesn't expose your identity but still proves your claim that you have done all the tasks on the list?
  • Lionino
    Why would an all-loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful being as you claim you are, be afraid of exposing his or her identity?Truth Seeker

    I am not afraid, I just don't want to expose it.

    What about doing something else from the list that doesn't expose your identity but still proves your claim that you have done all the tasks on the list?Truth Seeker

    As I have said, I have done all.
  • Truth Seeker
    You have claimed that you have done all the tasks but you have not proven to me and others on this forum with evidence that you have done all the tasks.
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