• Winner568
    This is my metaphysics idea that I call Warp Mechanics.

    Warp Mechanics By: Winner568
    Part 1: Trine


    00. Efficiency is consummate.
    0. A unit is a nexus.
    1. Congruency adds density.
    2. Contraption brings exchange.
    3. Efficiency is congruent.
    4. Congruency exists therefore efficiency to a unit is true.
    5. Therefore efficiency to unit congruency to efficiency to "therefore" exists.
    6. Congruency exists so given efficiency exist and are true.
    7. Congruency yields a unit.
    8. Units an efficiency exist therein together as a function
    9. As written in step #8 therefore(-ness) as well functions therein. In conclusion these things are cohesive.
    10. Congruency causes (creates) causality.
    11. Units have novelty.
    12. Therefore is akin to the source.
    13. Trine has congruency therein.
    14. Efficiency, abstractly, is congruent to a function without a cause.
    15. Trine has efficiency akin to the source and visa versa with therefore(-ality) (thereforeness) (the reality of thereforeness.)
    16. Trine has efficiency and congruency yields therein a novelty... As written that novelty and efficiency exist therein together as a function, thereforeness as well functions therein. In conclusion these things are cohesive.
    17. The congruency contains a complementary eccentricity to the associated trine.
    18. The antithesis is that the congruency does not contain a complementary eccentricity to the associated trine. This can be represented by a triangle.


    Part 2: Barred Hexagon
    19. Critical observation is efficient by definition. Because it is a complete manifold semantically, intrinsically by definition.
    20. As one observes there occurs an efficient faculty of mind based on a critical faculty.
    21. Therefore observation is at least an efficient perception.
    22. Because the faculty of mind based on a critical faculty exists on a complete manifold.
    23. This can be represented by a barred hexagon. The barring represents the horizon of perception. The hexagon represents the efficient and complete mainfold that perception exists on.
    Part 3: Hexagon
    24. Because critical observation of inductive knowledge could be incorrect and/or could be correct then "it is not" can be a true statement.
    25. And from that true statement it is congruent that truth exists.
    26. Because "it is not" is proven to exist. It is therefore congruent that "it is" can be a true statement.
    27. Combining the three solutions equates so that "it is not and/or it is" can be a true statement.
    28. This can be represented by a hexagon. The hexagon represents a formal reasoning.
    Part 4: Rectangular Thinking
    29. Informal reasoning results in an informal state and/or a formal state. Also an informal state can lead to, an informal state and/or an informal state.
    30. This can be represented by a barred rectangle. And it can be represented by the phrase, "rectangular thinking."
    Part 5: Split Pentagon
    31. Because formal reasoning can exist in set with rectangular thinking. And because that set is also congruent to an identical set. Because of that, therefore trine exists therein.
    32. Informal reasoning can have efficiency.
    33. This is an example of a formal proof. All formal reasoning has efficiency. A formal theory is an example of formal reasoning. That formal theory has absoulute efficiency. And can be put into permanent writing.
    34. A formal theory can be represented by a split pentagon.
    Part 6: Crossed Square
    35. Permanent writing can be represented by a crossed square.


    Part 7. Warp Mechanics
    36. That permanent writing has absolute efficiency in the associated absolute reasoning.
    37. Then there must be a mechanic that can transfer over zero-time.
    38. Because the manifold, of the mechanisms described as trines. There must be such a complementary mechanism in order for the efficiency to be complete therein.
    39. Therefore I conclude based on critical inquiry accordingly that there are mechanics capable of transfer over zero-time.
    40. These mechanics contribute to the efficiency required to achieve absolute reasoning. The kind truly worthy of permanent writing.
    41. This can be represented by a split-right-filled rectangle and by the phrase, "warp mechanics."
    42. Because the manifold represented by the barred hexagon is congruent to the set of the manifolds represented by, trine, warp mechanics, rectangular thinking, hexagon, split pentagon, and crossed square.
    43. Because of the function of warp mechanics. And because of that written in step #42 the horizon of warp mechanics must function towards warp mechanics existing.
    44. This can be represented by a barred warp mechanics symbol functioning to a warp mechanics symbol.
