• Lionino
    So, if all there is, is energy then there are no things.boagie

    Non sequitur and contradiction, energy is a thing.

    There are only things for biology, experiencing these energies and processing them biologically gives one a world of objects, an apparent realityboagie

    Isn't the biology here a thing?

    If you mean to say that the "objects" we see are mere appearances produced by our brain, when we receive sense-data, then there is nothing novel about that — noumenon, phenomenon. But where does the sense-data come from? From objects. Obviously objects are also made of energy, but then your argument becomes simply a sequence of analytic statements from your semantic game, non-informative as a whole.
  • boagie

    Think of the philosophical quote that subject and object stands or falls together, which means that apparent reality is dependent on the relationship between them. Energy in the forms of frequencies and vibrations processed through a biological subject produces apparent reality, for the subject is not the energies, which are now manifested as objects in the dream world of biology. If you wish to experience a different world, simply alter your biological nature, perhaps with drugs and/or meditation. In the absence of a conscious subject, nothing can be known, nothing is experienced, and the apparent world is biological reaction dependent.
  • boagie

    In the absence of a conscious subject there is no world, as there is no subject. The world is subject and object in relation, experienced as meanings to the biological subject. Meaning is never the property of the object/energy, it is the property of a conscious subject only, which the subject then bestows on a meaningless world, thus giving it meaning significance. Apparent reality is a biological readout, a biological simulation, we do not experience what is, we experience the effects of what is on our altered biological natures.
  • boagie

    Biology is an energy form, a form that recognizes other energy formations, through being altered by those energy forms. We do not experience many energy forms, or at least we are not conscious of them, though they may affect us in ways unknown. Just as there are no colors or sounds in the real world, so too, there are no objects in the real world, simply energies in the forms of frequencies and vibrations. Apparent reality is the experience of biology, a melody played upon biology by the energies that surround us, a melody only life forms hear/see. Experience is meaning, and the property of the biological subjects, it is never the property of the object energy form. The conscious subject then bestows his/her meanings upon a meaningless world, through its biological readout, its reactions to these energies is precisely what meanings are. Biology/body is a thing, but the mind is not, and you experience your body as an object in the physical world the same way you experience all objects in the physical world. It is a bit like a dream world, a biological simulation, a biological readout, it is not delusion it is the biological reaction the experience of being altered by energies. Only in what is called apparent has things/objects, through biological readout of one's altered biology. What is called ultimate reality is a place of energy, a place of nothing--no-things.
  • Lionino
    Biology is an energy formboagie

    That is not what the word 'biology' means. Biology is the study of living beings.

    "We do not experience many energy forms"
    The only form of energy we do not experience is the strong gluon force, and maybe the weak force WZ if you don't count radiation as part of it.

    "Just as there are no colors or sounds in the real world, so too, there are no objects in the real world"
    That does not follow.

    "simply energies in the forms of frequencies and vibrations"
    Frequency is a concept that by itself already evokes the concept of vibration. I am not sure whether every form of energy may be described as vibration (wave), but I doubt you are either.

    In any case, these two books will blow your mind:
  • boagie

    Try to get beyond text book definitions sometimes, all energy is in motion, all things have frequencies and vibrations. Tesla, " If you wish to understand reality, think in terms of energy, frequencies and vibrations." That is not what biology means you say, but, biology like everything else is energy. There are a great many energy forms we do not experience, our biological senses both enable and limit our conscious experience of all energies. Thanks for the reference materials.
  • Lionino
    I recommend Brexpiprazole, Cariprazine, or Clozapine. Good luck and farewell!
  • boagie

    One just has to realize that if all there is energy, where do all these THINGS come from, there must be something happening here. There in fact is no separation between subject and object, it is only in our attempts to understand our reality, that we talk as if there was a separation. Relativity, and relationship make it one, and reaction is the process of belonging, to being the world, not being of it. I do not try to do without things, just trying to explain how they come about in a greater reality of energies representing no things, ultimate reality. Apparent reality, our everyday reality, is a biological readout, apparent reality is how energies alter our biology to give us experience, meanings and knowledge. Meanings are the understandings of our altered biologizes relative to our survival and general well-being. Apparent reality, our everyday reality, is a bit like life's dream world and particular to life itself.
  • boagie

    Thanks Lionino, don't be a stranger!!
  • Corvus
    If you wish to experience a different world, simply alter your biological nature, perhaps with drugs and/or meditation. In the absence of a conscious subject, nothing can be known, nothing is experienced, and the apparent world is biological reaction dependent.boagie
    I would advise you to stay away from any drugs or medication induced experiments with your minds. You will end up being dependent on them, and eventually you will be damaging your biological and mental health.
  • boagie

    Excellent advice. The point was however, that to alter one's reality one need only alter one's biology, different biologizes different realities.
  • Corvus
    Excellent advice. The point was however, that to alter one's reality one need only alter one's biology, different biologizes different realities.boagie
    Everyone knows that human perception is bound by the biological sense organs. There is nothing new or interesting in that point.

    But if you induce some kind of drug or medication based changes in your mind, then you will have uncontrollable and unexpected hallucinations, rather than an accurate perceptual understanding of the world.

    It would be like keep shouting "The world is dark." with a dark sunglasses on. What's the point in that? Take off your sunglasses and see the world again with your bare eyes.
  • boagie

    You've never been stoned, have you? My point has been that apparent reality is biologically dependent. Why on earth if all is energy, frequencies, and vibrations, and we have the examples of there not being any color or sound in the real world, do we assume that objects are any different than sound or color? It is all energy, what makes objects manifest?
  • Corvus
    You've never been stoned, have you?boagie
    I heard some folks saying that they get stoned for listening to the music in order to hear more details in the music, and some saying that they get stoned for having sex in order to increase the sensuality etc, but it just sounded like fooling their senses, which will result in self harming themselves.

    My point has been that apparent reality is biologically dependent. Why on earth if all is energy, frequencies, and vibrations, and we have the examples of there not being any color or sound in the real world, do we assume that objects are any different than sound or color? It is all energy, what makes objects manifest?boagie
    OK, you have a point in saying that our senses are the only gate for perceiving the world, which is also for the ground for the sceptics assertions for their sceptic claims on the existence of the world.

    But I don't quite see your point on saying that it is all energy. There are more than energy in the world. Don't you see the sky, the stars, clouds, sun, the mountains, hills, rivers, sea, the roads, buildings, houses, cars and the people? They are not all energy. They are the physical objects in the world, with which you interact in your daily life.

    Energy is only energy when the resource has been directed, converted or read, in order to actually being used with the device to exert, process, activate motions, heat or sounds.

    The entity such as waves and vibrations are not energy on its natural form before the modifications and processed for the emanations of the power, force, heat or sound. It entails the claim that "everything is energy." is invalid.
  • TheArchitectOfTheGods
    I have just logged on again to this forum after 2 years, and I find many new posts. Proof positive that the world exists and it does not give a damn about me! :D

    But I don't quite see your point on saying that it is all energy. There are more than energy in the world. Don't you see the sky, the stars, clouds, sun, the mountains, hills, rivers, sea, the roads, buildings, houses, cars and the people? They are not all energy. They are the physical objects in the world, with which you interact in your daily life.Corvus
    But the energy is just trapped in the matter, and can be released. All matter in the universe contains a lot of energy and is in the end equivalent to energy via E=mc2. I am surprised by the above statement, I thought this was at least since a hundred years a majority view that the universe consists only of Energy/Information and that all visible or invisible matter is just a manifestation of that energy.
  • boagie

    Regarding getting stoned, one should not really have a passionate opinion on something one has never tried. As far as your understanding of energy goes, you need to read some more science. You are not just contradicting me, SO RUDE --lol!! You are contradicting the science of physics.
  • Corvus
    I have just logged on again to this forum after 2 years, and I find many new posts. Proof positive that the world exists and it does not give a damn about me! :DTheArchitectOfTheGods
    Welcome back to TPF. :D I don't think we spoke before. Glad to catch you.

    But the energy is just trapped in the matter, and can be released. All matter in the universe contains a lot of energy and is in the end equivalent to energy via E=mc2. I am surprised by the above statement, I thought this was at least since a hundred years a majority view that the universe consists only of Energy/Information and that all visible or invisible matter is just a manifestation of that energy.TheArchitectOfTheGods
    I think you have been hibernating too long from the real world :D
    Energy is capacity for work. (The Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (MacMillan 1967) It is potentiality not actuality until you have applied into the physical objects, device or existence.

    So until the resource of energy is somehow detonated (like in the example of E=MC square), it is just a potential resource of power, action, explosion, heat .... etc etc. You cannot possibly call a litre of gasoline as energy, until you filled it into the car and drove away. The force which caused the movement of the car by the engine is energy, not the oil, vibration, wave ... whatever.
  • Corvus
    Regarding getting stoned, one should not really have a passionate opinion on something one has never tried.boagie
    If you had some deductive reasoning skills, then you can know most things by the reasoning alone without having to try it for yourself. :)

    You are not just contradicting me, SO RUDE --lol!! You are contradicting the science of physics.boagie
    I am sorry if you felt insulted by my rudeness. I apoligise in full. But also why not consider if you have been over sensitive as well? Feeling insulted too easily by unfounded causes can be the evidence of something irrational or psychological unbalance lurking underneath the unconsciousness, for example, from bad experience of childhood memories, or unfulfilled wishes of some sort?

    Science of Physics? All science is just the objects for the Philosophical analysis and investigations. If their claims are not in the form of Logic, then toss them to the bin, or commit them into the flames, as Hume said. :)
  • boagie

  • TheArchitectOfTheGods
    Sorry to interrupt your stimulating discussion :D .... Well we know that something existed in the universe before the first particles of matter formed, so these particles of matter formed from what was there before, which was according to our best knowledge unbound forms of energy. So all matter literally consists of energy in the standard model of particle physics.
  • Corvus
    khaaa ... hear the uncontrolled emotional explosion? :lol: Calm down.
  • boagie

    Passive-aggressive asshole that you are!
  • Corvus
    Yes, matter contains potential energy within it. But it is not energy yet, until some detonation, crash, combustion or shock, i.e. physical or chemical processes happened in it - as thrown to a wall, or dropped down to the ground from the top of the building etc. When it hits another hard object after the motion which carried the matter, then the energy generates.
  • Corvus
    Passive-aggressive asshole that you are!boagie
    Well say whatever you want. They are just the reflection of yourself.
  • Lionino
    Well say whatever you want. They are just the reflection of yourself.Corvus

    I have reported this guy to moderation already. I would suggest that you do the same if you see fit. To me, he has nothing to contribute at all, just illiterate shit-flinging.

    Yes, matter contains potential energy within it. But it is not energy yet, until some detonation, crash, combustion or shock, i.e. physical or chemical processes happened in it - as thrown to a wall, or dropped down to the ground from the top of the building etcCorvus

    I think he is referring to rest mass energy. I have seen the former concept being criticised by physicists several times, so I can't really comment on it, I don't know much relativity.
  • Corvus
    I have reported this guy to moderation already. I would suggest that you do the same if you see fit. To me, he has nothing to contribute at all, just illiterate shit-flinging.Lionino
    Thank you Lionino. Yeah, a strange guy he was. There was no need for throwing childish tantrums in the public forum against what is supposed to be a witty banter. He wasn't a philosopher at all to allow himself opening his temper like that in public for absolutely nothing.

    It didn't bother me at all. Truths sometimes faces mindless challenges :D We live and learn. Happy new year to you and yours my friend.
  • Lionino

    Not to beat a dead horse, as he has been banned, but what did he even mean by that?
  • Corvus
    Not to beat a dead horse, as he has been banned, but what did he even mean by that?Lionino
    Shakespeare has been dead for almost 400 years.
  • Lionino
    Exactly the source of my confusion.
  • Corvus

    "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts."
    As You Like It, Act 2, Scene 7, Shakespeare
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