• Baden

    What's weird is you can't admit your almost-exclusive function here is to promote Trump. It's not against the rules. You can support anyone you like within reasonable boundaries. Why dance around it? That's what you're here for. Embrace it.
  • Jeremiah
    What you are doing is no different than religious proselytizing, and on some fourms that is considered ban worthy spam. You show little to no interest in any of the philosophical discourse. Your main interest seems to spread pro Trump spam.
  • raza
    What's weird is you can't admit your almost-exclusive function here is to promote TrumpBaden

    It appears that my function is to moderate politically indocrinated commentators such as yourself.

    Case in point. NOW you have moderated to introducing the word “almost”.

    My function is functioning successfully.
  • Michael
    It appears that my function job is to moderate politically indocrinated commentators such as yourself.raza
  • raza
    What you are doing is no different than religious proselytizing, and on some fourms that is considered ban worthy spam. You show little to no interest in any of the philosophical discourse. Your main interest seems to spread pro Trump spamJeremiah

    You’re entitled to opinion. I regard your mindless anti trump proselytising as spam.
  • Relativist

    Again, I'm not declaring he's necessarily guilty, but here are a few of the laws that he might have broken:





    As a reminder, my question was: can you conceive of the possibility he broke the law or did something unethical (even if not a violation of the law)?
  • Michael
    Mueller offering 5 witnesses immunity. Guess that means they have something proper good.
  • Baden

    Interesting. Got a link for that?
  • Michael

    Edit: looks like it’s forced immunity to prevent them pleading the Fifth.
  • Jeremiah
    "...entitled to opinion"? That is an odd way to phrase it. Also Americans spell proselytizing with a Z.
  • frank
    You seem to be completely out of touch with reality, but I'm suspecting that you're just acting that way to make us think you're an average American. You really came here to this forum of brotherly and sisterly love to sew seeds of conflict on behalf of the Russian Empire. Admit it!
  • raza
    You seem to be completely out of touch with reality, but I'm suspecting that you're just acting that way to make us think you're an average American. You really came here to this forum of brotherly and sisterly love to sew seeds of conflict on behalf of the Russian Empire. Admit it!frank

    Damned both ways. But hey, this does seem to about identifying foes. Not merely those with other facts and disagreements but actual foes.

    So please feel free to explain what you mean by “reality”? Are you suggesting reality is what the intel state says it is?
  • frank
    Are you suggesting reality is what the intel state says it is?raza

    Only a bot wouldn't have recognized my post as a joke. How did you get past the reCAPTCHA? AI???
  • Relativist

    "Somewhat of a pointless exercise. But hey, whatever grabs your interest."

    Is it completely irrelevant to you if Trump actually committed a serious crime?is it that you simply think it is so extremely unlikely that he committed a serious crime? is it that you think all politicians are criminals, so it doesn't really matter as long as Trump does the things you want done? I'd really like to understand where you're coming from.
  • raza
    Is it completely irrelevant to you if Trump actually committed a serious crime?is it that you simply think it is so extremely unlikely that he committed a serious crime? is it that you think all politicians are criminals, so it doesn't really matter as long as Trump does the things you want done? I'd really like to understand where you're coming from.Relativist

    Insert Trump's crime here >........< and then there is something to discuss on this topic.
  • Relativist

    Insert Trump's crime here >........< and then there is something to discuss on this topic.

    I listed some crimes that Trump has possibly committed. Criminal investigation starts with suspicion, followed by investigation to see if there is a case. You can't demand proof of a crime prior to the investigation. Why should Trump not be investigated?
  • raza
    I listed some crimes that Trump has possibly committed. Criminal investigation starts with suspicion, followed by investigation to see if there is a case. You can't demand proof of a crime prior to the investigation. Why should Trump not be investigated?”

    And has he been? If not why not? Maybe the FBI should be talking to you to get direction.
  • creativesoul
    Where's Snowden?

  • creativesoul
    How long's he been there?

  • creativesoul
    What are the chances?

  • raza
    Where's Snowden?creativesoul

    Russia. Why?
  • creativesoul
    My what a tangled web we weave...
  • raza
    My what a tangled web we weavecreativesoul

    It appears I have merely interrupted a conversation you were having with yourself.

    Carry on.
  • raza

    Mueller investigative results to date, re: level of Russia’s influence on insignificant number of American voters.

    The extent of Russian operative penetration consisted of placed Facebook ads.

    (You know? The type of ads which barely anyone takes any notice of?)

    Above meagre Russian operation took place on Obama’s watch.

    Rosenstein has had to admit that No American has been shown to be involved in any Russian’s attempt to influence voters via such meagre means.

    Outcome: Some political theatre and a good payday for many lawyers and media persons.
  • Relativist

    It is impossible to assess the impact of any individual advertising campaign, whether allowed by law or not. Nevertheless, in the aggregate, it is pretty clear that advertising is somewhat effective.

    If you're right that it was nothing more than a few facebook ads, then it is much ado about nothing. But it was certainly at least a bit more than this, and possibly a good bit more. We need to wait and see.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    The extent of Russian operative penetration consisted of placed Facebook ads.raza

    What about all that computer hacking?

    Above meagre Russian operation took place on Obama’s watch.raza

    What difference does this make? If the store got robbed while I was at the desk, or while you were at the desk, is that supposed to implicate one of us, or something?
  • raza
    What about all that computer hacking?Metaphysician Undercover

    Are you talking of a “hack” of the dnc server that the dnc never turned over to the FBI for investigative analysis despite several FBI requests?
  • raza
    Above meagre Russian operation took place on Obama’s watch.
    — raza

    What difference does this make? If the store got robbed while I was at the desk, or while you were at the desk, is that supposed to implicate one of us, or something?
    Metaphysician Undercover

    The point is that Trump had zero control of that phenomena while Obama, comparively speaking (relative to Trump), had massive, governmental authoritative resources, therefore the other end of the spectrum with regard to control.

    To utilise your analogy, therefore, Trump was neither the robber or the store owner whereas Obama would be the store owner.
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