• Dermot Griffin
    I have always been a big believer that the study of the humanities all should be studied in a manner that is pragmatic for everyday life. History, philosophy, art, and literature all can provide a way for us to make sense out of a world that at times is confusing and almost meaningless. This being said, I thought it would be a fun idea to try and develop a few discussion forums dedicated to the classic books. With each book I will post ten discussion questions primarily to encourage dialogue; Not everyone has to agree so long as we can agree to disagree.

    The first three forums will be regarding Stoicism and what I would like to do is set up a new discussion every 2 weeks so enough reading time and dialogue can happen. I will also try to include pdf’s of the texts that I’d like to cover so that everyone is on the same page. I’d like to begin with my personal favorite and that is Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Not only have I kept this book close since I was 13 but I think it is a great way of getting into Stoicism. The style is simple and easy to follow. Personally I think any version of Meditations will do but I am posting here the Hammond translation published by Penguin Books. I personally have begun using within the past year Robin Waterfield’s annotated edition (can’t get this as a pdf). The Penguin Books edition is very good, and I honestly think any version of Meditations will do. Parts 2 and 3 of Stoicism will include Epictetus and Seneca; Perhaps I will dedicate a forum to discussing the reconstructed works of Chrysippus but this might be a tad difficult. Regardless, the first 3 will focus on the Roman Stoics.

    The text (hopefully the link works): https://ia904509.us.archive.org/21/items/marcus-aurelius-emperor-of-rome-martin-hammond-diskin-clay-meditations/Marcus%20Aurelius%20%28Emperor%20of%20Rome%29%2C%20Martin%20Hammond%2C%20Diskin%20Clay%20Meditations%20%20.pdf

    Discussion Questions

    • How does Marcus Aurelius' philosophy of Stoicism influence his approach to dealing with challenges and setbacks in life?
    • In what ways does Marcus Aurelius explore the concept of self-improvement and personal growth throughout the book? Can you relate his ideas to modern self-help practices?
    • Reflect on the recurring theme of impermanence in Meditations. How does Marcus Aurelius suggest we come to terms with the transient nature of life?
    • Discuss the role of mindfulness and introspection in Marcus Aurelius' teachings. How can his ideas about self-awareness be applied to our daily lives?
    • Explore the dichotomy between the inner self and external circumstances as presented by Marcus Aurelius. How does he propose we find balance between these two aspects? How is his view of the self compared to the Cartesian view of the self?
    • Marcus Aurelius often contemplates the concept of duty to others and society. How does his perspective on duty compare to contemporary notions of responsibility and civic duty?
    • The idea of controlling one's emotions and reactions is central to Stoicism. How does Marcus Aurelius provide practical advice for managing emotions and maintaining inner peace?
    • Consider the concept of fate and determinism in the book. How does Marcus Aurelius view our ability to shape our destinies, and how does this align with or differ from modern beliefs?
    • Examine Marcus Aurelius' thoughts on the interconnectedness of all individuals. How can his views on unity and shared humanity be relevant in today's globalized world?
    • Meditations was originally written as a personal journal, not for public consumption. How does this intimate context affect the way we interpret and engage with Marcus Aurelius' insights?
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