• Jack Cummins

    Did you manage to get the 'Cannabis Satva', combined with passiflora over the counter or did you have to buy it online. I even find it hard to get Passiflora in health shops.

    The inclusion of Passiflora is interesting because it has mild hallucinogenic properties. On one occasion, I think that I really noticed this. Although I am inclined to borderline sleep experiences, I had an intense experience of seeing white light a couple of years ago. It was a positive experience rather than a negative one.
  • javi2541997
    I bought it at my local pharmacy. They said it is a "new natural" remedy for anxiety. It is true that Passiflora is a good choice to mixing up with Cannabis Sativa. Yet, it doesn't cause effects of hallucinations or borderline. When you ingest one of these gummies you feel relaxed and "chill" but it is not a big deal I guess. I took two gummies today and it was okay, but I am anticipating that, sooner or later, I will need more doses because they just work as a supplement. They do not have the real power that they should usually have.
  • 0 thru 9
    The effects of the gummy faded away quicker than I expected. I needed to take another one, and I feel relaxed and calm again. I think the reasonable portion is around 2 or 3 gummies per day, because one seems to be insufficient! :chin:javi2541997

    Hmm… maybe the manufacturer doesn’t want people to be tripping after they take one gummy? :starstruck: Not sure. Was that the biggest dose or milligrams that they had for sale? And I’m curious if it had both CBD and THC. Anyway, glad that it was relaxing!
  • javi2541997
    Was that the biggest dose or milligrams that they had for sale? And I’m curious if it had both CBD and THC. Anyway, glad that it was relaxing!0 thru 9

    Yes, I think it is the biggest dose. Just 320 milligrams. It does not contain THC, only CBD. I agree with you that maybe the point of the manufacturer was not provoking hallucinations, but reducing anxiety. I think it does make people more relaxed, but the Passiflora is an important component in these gummies as well.

    I took another one in the morning, and I feel very good. Not stressed or anxious. I feel chilled like relaxed on a couch reading a book. I have never smoked weed, but I guess the feeling is similar but with more notorious effects.
  • 0 thru 9
    Ok, thanks! That makes sense. You’re right about the THC being liable to provoke anxiety occasionally, which is obliviously not what we want! I’m still experimenting with Delta-8 THC, which is supposedly milder than the regular Delta-9 THC. Had a couple intense experiences. Not bad… just emotional. I felt raw and vulnerable emotionally.

    I look at it as a cathartic experience, like those ones people have with peyote or magic mushrooms. If I feel the experience becoming too intense, I take more CBD to soften the effects of the THC. I really like the “modularity” of being able to take CBD and THC separately. In the old days lol you just smoked it… and whatever happened you dealt with.

    My feelings now: I could live without the THC, but will keep experimenting cautiously with it. I use CBD every single day with only good effects. It helps me mentally by calming me and help me focus. Physically, it reduces pain and inflammation from exercise. Someone trying to take the CBD flowers away from me would be like trying to take a bone away from a hungry dog lol. :yum:
  • javi2541997
    Physically, it reduces pain and inflammation from exercise. Someone trying to take the CBD flowers away from me would be like trying to take a bone away from a hungry dog lol.0 thru 9

    Sorry for delaying my response to your post! My bad! Yesterday, I was very busy...

    Anyway, Anyway, I agree with you in the fact that CBD can help to reduce pain. We were debating on psychological issues, but I forgot to mention the relevance of reducing the pain in both bones and muscles. I have met a lot of people who smoked weed to reduce insufferable pain.

    When you go to hospital, most of the doctors prescribe you some pills and stuff with the aim to reduce the pain. Yet, those medications tend to be insufficient with the pass of months and years. For example: I remember that my mother always suffered a big pain in her back. In the first chance, they prescribed her pills and chemical stuff, but she ended up taking Cannabis sativa pills and everything went better off.

    Another hypocrisy from the part of the "system", they do not prescribe marijuana natural pills or tabs, but they recommend to take pills and chemical products that destroy your liver!
  • 0 thru 9
    Anyway, Anyway, I agree with you in the fact that CBD can help to reduce pain. We were debating on psychological issues, but I forgot to mention the relevance of reducing the pain in both bones and muscles. I have met a lot of people who smoked weed to reduce insufferable pain.javi2541997

    Yes, most definitely! The way CBD takes the edge off of pain amazes me. It seems to go to the root source of most pain: inflammation. Inflammation is a natural and healthy part of our bodies. But for some reason, in many of us the inflammation is hyperactive. It’s like a forest fire in our body.

    I guess that our modern life tends to make people vulnerable to it. Toxins everywhere! In the air, food, water, our jobs… and the internet lol. There are many vitamins known to be essential for human health. Vitamins A, B, C, D, E… Perhaps one day, it will be called “Vitamin CBD”.

    When you go to hospital, most of the doctors prescribe you some pills and stuff with the aim to reduce the pain. Yet, those medications tend to be insufficient with the pass of months and years. For example: I remember that my mother always suffered a big pain in her back. In the first chance, they prescribed her pills and chemical stuff, but she ended up taking Cannabis sativa pills and everything went better off.

    Another hypocrisy from the part of the "system", they do not prescribe marijuana natural pills or tabs, but they recommend to take pills and chemical products that destroy your liver!

    Glad to hear that cannabis helped your mother! Wonderful. I love hearing the stories of people helped by it. The more we look, the more we seem to find concerning cannabis.

    Novacaine, opioids, and steroids have their uses sometimes. But like you said… the system for some strange reason (spoiler alert: money :wink: ) goes for the hard pills too often. Which causes side effects… which need more “treatment”. Misery is good for business. It would be comical, if not for the immense suffering.

    Near where I live, many small but valuable and needed hospitals have closed. In their place are huge expensive shiny monoliths. They are high-tech and powerful. But I (and many people) wonder if they are money-making institutions first, places for healing a distant second.
  • javi2541997
    Glad to hear that cannabis helped your mother! Wonderful. I love hearing the stories of people helped by it. The more we look, the more we seem to find concerning cannabis.0 thru 9

    Exactly. This is the main point we should approach. Show the sceptics the positive effects of Cannabis when they are treated for medical purposes. It has been proven that it can help people out, but a lot of bureaucracy from the state considers its use illegal and even clinical investigation. Crazy!

    The big paradox here is the fact that maintaining marijuana as illegal doesn't remove the percentage of criminality or drug dependence. To be honest, I do not see the clue of maintaining this plant in the darkness of criminal organisations.
  • 0 thru 9
    It would be bad enough if the cannabis situation was the only time bureaucracy and money BS damaged people’s health or got in the way and made life substantially more complicated. Unfortunately, it’s not. In fact, it seems to be the modus operandi.

    For example, about 10 years ago the natural sweetener Stevia was becoming more known. It is no-carb and without the known risks of artificial sweeteners. Some big companies didn’t want Stevia added to foods, because they might lose money. So in the USA, it was only for sale as a ‘nutritional supplement’ for years.

    Then… magically it became legal to put into foods for sale. Coincidentally, the large food corporations that had originally blocked it were by then ready to release products with stevia. It’s criminal the level of corruption that goes on for the worship of the golden idol of money. :naughty:
  • 0 thru 9
    Here’s an excellent (and fair, I think) article about THC and driving. Includes video of stoned test monkeys drivers lol.

    (From www.cnbsjournal.com : “the Definitive Online Cannabis Resource”) :nerd:

    And for comparison… an article about CBD and its effects on driving.

    As the saying goes… “Know Thyself”. Including thy level of driving impairment!
  • 0 thru 9
    Here’s an article about CBD and drug testing.

    I was thinking of my previous comments recommending CBD from whole hemp flowers. I still think it’s a powerful health supplement. But I’ve realized that the .3% (3 tenths of a percent) THC allowed in hemp CBD products might be enough to cause someone to fail a drug test. Which is not good if it causes one to lose their job. (I’m speaking of USA laws in general).

    I’ve found that if one wants a strong CBD, with absolutely no THC, than CBD isolate is the answer. Also, it’s not as guaranteed THC-free as isolate, but products labeled “broad-spectrum” CBD have filtered out THC. “Full-spectrum” CBD has trace amounts.
  • Pantagruel
    his is the path we have to follow up! :flower:javi2541997

    Cannabis has a vast variety of chemical profiles, ranging from the hyper-stimulating effect of a pure Sativa, like Durban Poison, to the deeply sedative effect of a pure Indica, like Afghani Kush. Fortunately here in Canada, since legalization, it is becoming more and more feasible to identify and fine-tune these qualities through selective breeding and hybridization.

    I can personally testify to the positive effects of a strain called Harlequin, which is 50/50 THC-CBD. It's amazing for reading; distracting thoughts fade and the text becomes all-encompassing.
  • 0 thru 9
    I can personally testify to the positive effects of a strain called Harlequin, which is 50/50 THC-CBD. It's amazing for reading; distracting thoughts fade and the text becomes all-encompassing.Pantagruel

    Never tried that kind, but I’ll watch for it, thanks. :smile:
    But about the distracting thoughts fading… definitely! When the combo of CBD and THC match my energy level just right… reading can trigger deep thoughts which can spawn more deep thoughts.
    And I was just reading the weather forecast!

    But seriously, the thoughts seem mostly deep even later when ‘sober’… which is nice.
    Cannabis seems to push thoughts to deeper levels, and find connections between things that I hadn’t noticed before.
    Maybe everything is connected, if we could see completely.
    (If the doors of perception were cleansed… )
  • 0 thru 9
    Random thought…

    In Stephen King’s The Shining, if Jack Torrence would have had some pot to smoke, would there have been a different ending?
    Maybe where the whole family happily makes snowmen outside on the hotel lawn?
    And when they are inside warming by the fireplace, Wendy makes some hot cocoa with cream.
    And bakes some pot brownies.
    Maybe later Jack gets a little anxious because the potato chips are gone, but then he finds some pretzels and it’s cool.
  • 0 thru 9

    Op-art and cannabis… like peanut butter and jelly. :yum:
  • javi2541997

    Hello mate, how are you doing! I see that the last time you were connected was one month ago. I guess you are in a summer break, but I have some information on Cannabis that I want to share with you.

    I was trying 25 % oil CBD. The portion is used at night, just before to go to bed. I bought this from a third person who works in a Tattoo shop. We both were debating about the use of Cannabis for sleep purposes, and he recommended this little jar. It is very small, indeed. I think this proportion is even legal, but I bought so secretly... :lol:

    I have a problem. Despite I take the dose everything I cannot sleep very well or even it takes a lot of hours to reach the sleep. Now, I am worried because I am thinking that it has its counter-effects. Nonetheless, we are having a big damn heat wave in Spain, and maybe this is the problem and not the Cannabis itself.

    If it would have counter-effects, insomnia would not be one of them, right? I guess Cannabis is far of activate our nervous system. Did you ever have an experience like this?
  • 0 thru 9

    :smile: Hiya! Thanks for the message. Can’t afford an actual summer vacation, so i just fantasize lol.

    You’re right… insomnia isn’t a usual CBD side effect. It’s possible for a particular individual I’d assume. It might be activating something in your brain that then causes wakefulness maybe?

    But like you said, it could be the heat or something else. Do you still take melatonin?

    Hope you get some good sleep! :yawn:
  • javi2541997

    I slept better this night. I found a trick: Drinking Valerian tea previously to take the dose of CBD. I think it helped me because when I took it I was like... Drowsy.

    Yes, I still consume melatonin but even these were not so effective due to the heat wave of the week before! Crazy.

    I am happy to know that the problem was not the Cannabis oil but this hateful summer time.

    Here’s an article about how CBD might affect metabolism of medications.0 thru 9

    Interesting. I think I could have one of the factors because I take one pill mood medications, such as to treat anxiety. Maybe this is why - sometimes, it doesn't happen always - I wake up with fatigue or I feel dizzy during the first hours of the morning. :chin:
  • 0 thru 9

    :grin: Ok thanks for the reply! Glad CBD is not keeping you awake at night.

    But maybe as you say the dizziness might be an interaction with another medication possibly…

    Why is the body so complicated lol. Jerry Seinfeld said if our car needed as much maintenance as our body, we’d get rid of it because of the hassle! :lol:
  • javi2541997
    Why is the body so complicated lol. Jerry Seinfeld said if our car needed as much maintenance as our body, we’d get rid of it because of the hassle!0 thru 9

    LMAO he nailed it! :lol:
  • 0 thru 9
    haha! We’ll all shed our bodies one day and be free, but who’s in a hurry?

    As the saying goes… everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die. :snicker:
  • 0 thru 9
    Just wanted to emphasize the possible effects of CBD on medications that have a grapefruit/citrus interaction warning:

    Types of medications that commonly have a grapefruit warning
    antibiotics and antimicrobials
    anticancer medications
    antiepileptic drugs (AEDs)
    blood pressure medications
    blood thinners
    cholesterol medications
    erectile disfunction medications
    GI medications, such as to treat GERD or nausea
    heart rhythm medications
    mood medications, such as to treat anxiety, depression, or mood disorders
    pain medications
    prostate medications

    From this article. Could possibly effect other medications.

    I (not a doctor) personally think cannabis is (or can be) a wonder drug and miracle medication.
    Much research and experimenting needed. I volunteer to be a Guinea pig lol.
    But of course caution is needed, as in the rest of life. :smile: :flower:
  • javi2541997
    Thanks for that valuable data friend. I already discussed with you the counter effects of mixing them up, but after such tragic experience :lol: I learned something important: Cannabidiol (aka CBD) is much better than mood medications. I did the clinical trial of not taking pills of bromazepam and only taking CBD. The results were fascinating. I feel better with myself and I do not have that grapefruit interaction nor Rebound effect.
    I agree with you. Cannabis could be very helpful to face anxiety or mood disorders. It could be interesting to mix it with other plants like Valerian or Lavender. All of this natural... I ain't a doctor either but Jeez I guess natural gummies are better than chemical stuff...
  • 0 thru 9

    :grin: Wow, that’s good to hear! Glad you are feeling good and using CBD happily.
    That’s encouraging!

    I feel for those people locked into medications, especially psychiatric meds.
    Some of those meds (as I understand) make drastic changes in the brain, and must be either taken permanently or tapered off extremely slowly.

    For examples of someone trying to unsuccessfully ‘escape medication addiction’, I wonder if public violent meltdowns (and shootings) qualify? (Tangential but important question).

    I can’t think of any ‘herbal’ remedies that have this immense drawback.
    I wonder if ‘stronger and quicker’ is always better. (Our culture = Bigger! Better! New! More! )
    (Probably not… but there’s a buttload of money to be made, and millions of depressed people…
    sad to say).
  • javi2541997
    For examples of someone trying to unsuccessfully ‘escape medication addiction’, I wonder if public violent meltdowns (and shootings) qualify? (Tangential but important question).0 thru 9

    Good question.

    I think it could be a causal factor. Given its complexity, we can never know about the meltdowns of a person who is struggling to get rid of psychiatric pills. We just briefly understand that they end up in "Drug withdrawal syndrome" and depending on each patient one could act violently.

    I am not a doctor nor a psychologist, but I personally believe that those need like a "placebo" using plants or oil, for example.
  • 0 thru 9

    Thanks for your reply! :smile:

    So many of us are trying to find some mental and emotional stability… maybe after years of feeling bipolar, anxious, depressed, and on and on…

    As another tangential but important and interrelated issue… sugar / carb addiction.
    This is so pervasive in our culture… that strangely it’s almost invisible.
    Kids love sugar, and many of them can burn most of the carbs off by activity and by growing taller.

    But even this has its limits, as evidenced by surging child diabetes cases.
    Anyone who has experienced insulin instability, and the effects on the mind and emotions knows how devastating it is.
    Its ups and downs are the beginning of bipolar disorder.

    For example… start with a relatively happy and healthy child of ten years or so.
    Add some emotional stress like parents divorce or bad grades.
    Add high glycemic foods meant to soothe the pain.
    Substitute a healthy diet with one loaded with sugar and white flour.
    This causes blood sugar bipolar effects and vitamin deficiencies (which effect the brain as well as the body).
    Try to go on a ‘low-fat diet’ because ‘fat is bad’ and must be the culprit.
    This starves the brain of needed fats (which also stabilize insulin levels) and shifts the diet even more to the sugar and carb roller coaster.

    Repeat over and over.

    Add in the hormones that show up in puberty, which are almost like drugs in themselves given their powerful effects.
    And on top of that, the inevitable rapid weight gain will only worsen the feelings of isolation.
    Social media will tend to both magnify and distort these feelings like a stack of Marshall amplifiers in an echo chamber.
    By age 16, this young adult has a great likelihood to feel unstable and act very erratically.

    Maybe, if they are lucky they can repress all the stress, and achieve a delicate balance.
    Maybe they seek psychological help; maybe it is forced on them because of an ‘incident’.
    Here comes the drugs.
    (Psychological help at one time meant counseling, therapy, etc. Now it equals many powerful psychiatric and often experimental medications).

    It all starts so slowly, and gathers speed until the person is a walking car crash.
    Everyone feels trapped by the situation: the child, their family, anyone close to them.

    Meanwhile, corporations grow fat on the profits of misery with little backlash or protest.
    It goes on and on…
  • javi2541997

    Exactly. Sooner or later, we urgently need help to face our mood. I discover this issue when I became mature and I started to accept that I need medication to help me out. To be honest, I do not like therapy, so that's why always tried to find another solution or option.

    On the other hand, addiction to sugar is an important issue too, and I am worried about kids as much as you do. Well, it is another action by the hypocrisy of the state and corporations. I have already pointed out the big problem of alcohol and tobacco, but sugar is another one. While some get notoriously mad for consuming CBD, they allow children to become obese and letting their childish brain on the dependence of that trash... I cannot even understand this situation. Why it is allowed to eat food processing it is something that cannot behold with arguments. I wish some would have more responsibility for their decisions, but it seems that most do not care because money is more important anyway...

    To be honest, when I was a teenager (around 12 or 15 years old), I thought that the people who were consumers were taking drugs out of self pleasure. I was totally wrong. I discovered with the passing of the years that it is acceptable to face life struggles, and I wish that the state would be responsible on this matter rather than just criminalize both producers and consumers.(Act with less hypocrisy, while it is permitted to consume alcohol and tobacco.)
  • 0 thru 9
    Thanks for your reply! And for exploring the subject of cannabis from many angles. :smile:

    For mental relaxation and health, cannabis seems to help me in several ways.
    First is that instant reduction of anxiety, which is amazing.
    It takes those thoughts running around my head like chickens, and turns them into mellow doves.

    Then the focused feeling that arrives is amazing.
    Maybe that is just the brain working without the buzzing of random thoughts?
    Or a superpower of pot?
    In any case, it’s most helpful psychologically to deal with whatever feelings come up, and process them in a calm positive way.

    Meditation is very therapeutic, and the right amount of pot can facilitate that, helping to do it longer and deeper.
    The physical pain relief encourages meditation so one can focus on thoughts, rather than aches.
    And playing music with singing and instruments can be magical when everything lines up.
    The right amount for me is a balance of mostly CBD, with a little THC.
    I seem to get too edgy or sedated with too much THC, but everyone is different.

    I’ve been adding hemp-infused oil to a candle in order to benefit from the fact that heat activates both CBD and THC.
    (But there are benefits from the unheated forms of CBDA and THCA).
    I grind the hemp flowers into powder and douse that in grapeseed or coconut oil.
    Shake it, let it sit, then put some of the green oil in a candle, with some delta-8 THC oil.
    Not very smelly like a joint lol, don’t like that heavy smell, and don’t want to inhale lots of smoke.
    This seems like a good compromise, in addition to eating a spoonful of the powder and oil.
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