• Mikie
    I say it how it isLionino

    an election where thousands of tourists and dead people votedLionino

    “Like it is.”

    In other words: “I find this obvious because of a feeling I picked up somewhere from 4Chan about trans kids or something.”
  • Mikie
    Fact: the election was the most secure and clean in history.

    Morons: “except for the THOUSANDS of dead voters and tourists and immigrants!”

    What evidence? None, it’s just “obvious.”

    Did it affect the election? No, not saying that.

    Apparently some people need a course in probability and statistics.

    The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, has been monitoring election fraud cases state by state. Election fraud covers a range of activities — such as registering someone to vote and forging their signature, filling out an absentee ballot for someone who has died or moved away, voting while ineligible, or pretending to be someone else at the polling place and voting. They find that there have been 1,465 proven cases of election fraud — 1,264 of these resulted in criminal prosecutions and the remainder resulted in civil prosecutions, diversion programs, judicial findings, or official findings.

    These may sound like big numbers, however, they must be examined in context. The findings encompass more than a decade of data during which, nationally, hundreds of millions of votes have been cast. For instance, in Texas, Heritage found 103 cases of confirmed election fraud. However, those 103 ranged from 2005 to 2022 during which time over 107 million ballots were cast. There were 11 million ballots cast in the 2020 presidential election alone. The fraud in Texas amounted to 0.000096% of all ballots cast — hardly evidence of a fundamentally corrupt system.


    I guess 0.000096% is a lot when dealing in feelings. To the rest of the world, it’s not worth mentioning any more than the epidemic of getting stuck by lightning (which is more likely).
  • RogueAI
    No, for the second time, I didn't say that, as you can verify since I never wrote anything like that. For future reference, I don't have an agenda when it comes to things that don't concern me, I say it how it is.Lionino

    No, you didn't say it, but you're certainly insinuating something. Was Biden the rightful winner or not?
  • Lionino
    but you're certainly insinuating something.RogueAI

    I am not insinuating, I am stating US elections are full of holes, 2020 included.

    Was Biden the rightful winner or not?RogueAI

    I don't know, I am not all-knowing, off the top of my head I would give 70% chance that he is. Poor guy still has dementia though, so it is not his merit.
  • RogueAI
    I am not insinuating, I am stating US elections are full of holes, 2020 included.Lionino

    You're stating that there have been a lot of US elections where there's a 30% chance massive fraud was involved in the outcome?
  • RogueAI
    I am stating US elections are full of holes, 2020 included.Lionino

    Let's go with this then. What does "full of holes" mean? Was there also only a 70% chance that Obama was the rightful winner in either of his elections?
  • Lionino
    What does "full of holes" mean?RogueAI

    The possibility of fraud, whether it is caught or not.

    Was there also only a 70% chance that Obama was the rightful winner in either of his elections?RogueAI

    Dunno, didn't pay attention to that one. Obama won by a landslide (2008), so any fraud to secure such a win would be impossible not to expose. Were there also vote spikes late into the game in 2008? https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27Q304/
  • RogueAI
    Ok. I appreciate the answers. I'm not trying to put words in your mouth.
  • Mikie
    Was Biden the rightful winner or not?
    — RogueAI

    I don't know, I am not all-knowing

    70% chance that he isLionino


    Is Biden actually an alien from Neptune? Don’t know…I’m not all knowing! I give it a 20% chance that he is. Because I read Twitter.

    Were there also vote spikes late into the game in 2008? https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27Q304/Lionino

    And then links to an article completely debunking the stupid, stupid claim that “vote spikes” (for both Trump and Biden) are somehow evidence of “fraud.”

    What a complete embarrassment. But please keep speaking of things for which you’re humiliatingly ignorant. It goes in line with…literally everything else you post.
  • Lionino
    Because I read Twitter.Mikie

    That is your domain.

    an article completely debunking the stupidMikie

    You would have noticed I am aware of that and don't think vote spikes prove fraud if you weren't so quick to have oestrogen-filled hissy fits.

    But please keep speaking of things for which you’re humiliatingly ignorant. It goes in line with…literally everything else you post.Mikie

    I wonder whether you are so hysterical with people in real life. The answer obviously is no. TPF is your venting mechanism for having to deal with being 5 foot 5 in your town where the average male height is 6 feet, which is why you are so feminine (imagine using ellipsis!) and volatile when people disagree with you.
  • Lionino
    But please keep speaking of things for which you’re humiliatingly ignorant.Mikie

    Speaking of, you sure enjoy talking about the climate with confidence. I take it you'd feel comfortable answering some basic questions about metereology and thermodynamics?
  • Mikie
    don't think vote spikes prove fraudLionino

    so any fraud to secure such a win would be impossible not to expose. Were there also vote spikes late into the game in 2008?Lionino

    :lol: Not even aware we can go back and find what was said.

    5 foot 5 in your town where the average male height is 6 feet, which is why you are so feminine (imagine using ellipsis!)Lionino


    The 4Chan incel mentality strikes again. Obsessed with goofy ideas of masculinity and their own latent homosexuality. Thank you for displaying your insecurities about your height and manliness. Keep up with those protein shakes.

    Anyway— good job deflecting away from your imbecilic claims about voter fraud. Still waiting for the evidence…oh wait, it’s just “obvious.” Nevermind. :ok:
  • jorndoe
    I'm told that Numbers 24:9 (read as being about Israel), is a reason for some to pick who to vote for. An exercise in (superstitious) dogmatism.
  • jorndoe
    Some politainment:

    'MAGA communism' derided as 'deranged fringe movement' – but it's winning converts
    — Travis Gettys · Raw Story · May 24, 2024

    It's almost like those guys make an effort to choose so that you can rely on choosing differently. :D
    I guess their livelihoods are somewhat limited, comedic entertainment, run for office, ...
  • 180 Proof
    Simon Rosenberg on C-Span, 24May24

    Addendum to
  • 180 Proof
    Now I can't wait for the June (debate") between Sleepy Dark Brandon and (probably no show) Convicted Felon-1. :lol:

  • 180 Proof
    1. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    2. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    3. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    4. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    5. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
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    21. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    22. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
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    25. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    26. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    27. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    28.Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    29.Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    30. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    31. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    32. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    33. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1
    34. Convicted Whiny Bitch Felon-1

    Not playing on Fox Noise, OAN, RT, Alex Jones or anyother MAGA/Putin propaganda outlet:
  • 180 Proof

    :smirk: I'm fever dreaming ...

    (1) After SCOTUS delay tactic decision to, in effect, kick "absolute immunity" pleading back down to the federal district court at end of June and sentencing drops on July 11 in NYC, Judge Chutkan in DC should revoke Convict-1's pre-trial release for violating its terms with 10 citations of criminal contempt of court and have Felon-1 sit in a Washington DC jail until his "January 6th Conspiracy" trial begins.

    (2) "October Surprise": in a prime time televised press conference, POTUS should offer a full pardon to Convicted Felon-1 two weeks before the general election IFF Convicted Felon-1 admits his guilt for both sets of federal crimes in Washington DC and South Florida ... "so that the people, not the courts, can decide the election", etc. Of course, Loser-1 won't accept such a pardon – either way he'd lose more support on the margins, especially among Independent voters in several critical "swing states".

    :victory: :cool:
  • Mikie

    Another excellent explainer by Vox. Goes to show how silly the US's system is.
  • Mikie
    Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden

    55% believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think the US is experiencing a recession, though the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing.

    49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though the index went up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year.

    49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low.

    It’s prices that matter to people, apparently— the cost of living. Not inflation, despite what’s claimed.

    But mostly just media consumption shaping one’s feelings.
  • jgill
    have Felon-1 sit in a Washington DC jail until his "January 6th Conspiracy" trial begins180 Proof

    Would his SS protection be placed in his cell, also? :cool:
  • Mikie
    Hunter Biden found guilty! Oh no! Lol

    Must all be rigged, judge was a republican, we’re a banana republic, etc.

    Oh wait…no one cares. And Joe Biden says he’ll respect the ruling.
  • jorndoe
    Does this stuff hold up?

    Opinion | The shocking truth behind the GOP's MAGA lie machine (via msn)
    — Thom Hartmann · Raw Story · Jun 19, 2024

    — the GOP lie that we’re in a recession (we’re in better shape, in most ways, than any time since the 1960s and inflation last month was zero while Ronald Reagan never got it below 4.1% in his entire eight years);
    — Republican lies about crime being up (it’s down dramatically since Trump);
    — their lies that “Democrats want elective abortion up to the moment of birth” (none have ever said that);
    — Trump’s lie that the 2020 election was “stolen” from Trump by “voter fraud”;
    — GOP lies that the southern border is “wide open”;
    — the Republican lie that Social Security is on the verge of bankruptcy and must be saved by privatization or benefits cuts;
    — their vicious lie that queer people are pedophiles targeting America’s schoolchildren; and
    — their NRA lie that more and more deadly guns will keep our kids safe.


    Are we talking a "post-truth" type thing? (also 2024Apr18) A BS epidemic? :D
  • Fooloso4
    Are we talking a "post-truth" type thing?jorndoe

    This concern was raised when Trump descended the golden escalator. He is a pathological liar. While it is true that all politicians lie, the extent of his lies is far beyond the norm. Backed by his red tie sycophants this became the new norm. He lies and they either support the lies, deny it said it, or claim that he meant something else. The distinction between true and false has not simply been blurred, it has been destroyed.
  • Tzeentch
    The distinction between true and false has not simply been blurred, it has been destroyed.Fooloso4

    That certainly is older than Trump. The US has been plunging regions of the world into chaos over fabrications like it is the national pastime.
  • jorndoe
    If US democracy is to be managed by avoidable stupidity, so be it. :meh:

    Opinion | A neuroscientist explains why stupidity is an existential threat to America (via msn)
    — Bobby Azarian · Raw Story · Feb 20, 2023
    Cognitive neuroscientist explains why stupidity is an existential threat to America
    — Bobby Azarian · Alternet · Feb 21, 2023

    (↑ Lauren Boebert is featured in photos :grin:)
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