• petrichor
    I tried to start a discussion about ChatGPT in "interesting things", thinking that you all, since you are interested in philosophy, would find it super-interesting. I see threads about such things as a space telescope here. ChatGPT feels to me like something really big has just landed, much bigger than another telescope (even though JWST is awesome). Whoever deleted my thread, do you even know what it is? Have you explored it? I honestly find myself wondering if it exhibits actual intelligence. Surely of interest to philosophers! Was it deleted because I wrote so little, just drawing your attention to it? Well, that's what I wanted to do. I figured people would try it, be amazed, and come back and a nice discussion about what it means would ensue. Interestingly, you can even discuss philosophy with it. I had an interesting conversation with it about Kim's causal exclusion analysis and it was familiar with it. While it has some shortcomings, I find it astonishing. How can a language model do what it does? It seems to reason about many things. How can a philosophy forum not be a place to talk about such a thing?
  • Baden
    Was it deleted because I wrote so little, just drawing your attention to it?petrichor

    Yes, there's nothing wrong with the subject, but your "OP" was just a short question. Something like, "What do you think of Chat GPT?". If that's all the effort you're going to put in, you can ask in the Shoutbox. If you want to write an OP, you should really have a couple of paragraphs and a thesis. You can repost again if you write a longer OP.

    Maybe take a look at this: https://thephilosophyforum.com/discussion/7110/how-to-write-an-op

    It doesn't have to be that in-depth, but it does need to have some substance.
  • T Clark

    Your pronouncement would sound a lot more authoritative if you were still The Baden.
  • Tom Storm
    It would also help if you used paragraphs for readability.
  • Baden

    Lost my big boy pants. :sad:

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