• Bylaw
    Well, yes, I took B
    instead, they are methodological criteria (not merely "worldviews") for excluding "immaterial" data and "nonphysical" concepts, respectively, fromthe construction of explanatory models of nature (i.e. phenomena
    especially the part i bolded above has mainly referring to science. And to me methods if they are effective, then they are being used. I don't know how we judge the effectiveness of philosophers ruling out the non-material. I also had a few things to say not just about practice but also cogency, and even meaningfulness.
  • Gnomon
    A. In science, what specifiable problem does "Enformationism" solve falsifiably?
    B. In philosophy, what non-trivial, coherent question does "Enformationism" raise without begging any (or translate into a more probative question or questions)? — 180 Proof
    These are good challenges to enformationism. Does 'materialism' pass A & B? or physicalism?
    I have repeatedly responded to 180's demands for empirical evidence to support the Enformationism thesis by pointing out the obvious : it's not a scientific thesis, and I am not a scientist. In 180's own words : it is not "an attempt to solve scientific problems". It's also not a vetted academic thesis. Enformationism is instead a personal philosophical thesis. Others are free to take it for what it's worth to them.

    But 180 rejects & repudiates the thesis, apparently because it clashes with his own personal worldview. I'm not sure what to call his anti-idealism ideology, but it seems to be opposed to Metaphysics-in-general (non-physical aspects of reality), and to the metaphysical-New-Age-mindset (spiritual aspects of the world) in particular. In contrast to his Idealistic/Spiritualistic interpretation, the Enformationism thesis was based on the novel-but-pragmatic 20th century sciences of Quantum Physics and Information Theory. It was not in any way inspired by Eastern religions or New Age doctrines. Any similarity to NA though, may be due to the emphasis on Holistic philosophical methods instead of Reductive scientific methods.

    Ironically, the introduction to Enformationism proposes a new paradigm to update the ancient belief-systems of both scientific Materialism and religious Spiritualism. This new/old way of looking at the world has no inherent religious implications, but it can be interpreted to support a variety of Mind-over-Matter notions, although empirical evidence is lacking. As a scientific paradigm though, it has already found a key role in Quantum Theory, Complexity, and Cybernetics, among other disciplines. So, you are correct to note that Materialism/Physicalism are philosophies of Metaphysical Naturalism, that ironically exclude the generalizing (holistic) methods of Metaphysics. :cool:

    Vulgar materialism is the kind represented by the British writer Samuel Johnson (1709–84) kicking a stone to prove its existence. Some forms emphasize the physical and biological basis of human social being. Materialism rejects Cartesian dualism and disembodied existence.

    Spiritualism :
    the doctrine that the spirit exists as distinct from matter, or that spirit is the only reality.
    ___Oxford dictionary

    Enformationism :
    A new post-post-modern philosophical paradigm, proposed to supersede the obsolete modernist worldview of Materialism / Determinism. It proposes that matter and energy are essentially special forms of Generic Information.
    Enformationism Glossary

    David Bohm developed a quantum theory in which mind and matter are brought together. He writes: “A similar mind-like quality of matter reveals itself strongly at the quantum level, . . . . ”

    Active information can be viewed as the underlying reality, both physical and mental, from which both mind and matter emerge.

    Information Realism :
    Physics Is Pointing Inexorably to Mind

    Holism :
    Ancient Greek philosophers, for example, had a tendency to have a holistic perspective. We can find it both in Plato and Aristotle.

  • 180 Proof
    180's demands for empirical evidence to support the Enformationism thesisGnomon
    This is false.

    I'm not sure what to call his anti-idealism ideology, but it seems to be opposed to Metaphysics-in-general (non-physical aspects of reality),
    More barking at a strawman's shadow. Another falsehood. I've proposed to you my own unorthodox understanding of metaphysics (with several links to further elaborating posts) here .

    Apparently, Gnomon, you are incapable of answering my actual questions about your "thesis"


    in a clear, succinct manner (or show that my questions are mistaken). :brow:
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