• empleat
    I have chronic pain and cfs last 6 years, I can't even watch tv shows/play pc games, as it is boring me to the point as watching a wall no joke! Only thing which can cure my boredom is philosophy/science. But my condition won't better in 2-4 years likely! Even if it was an year, which probably be longer (if you know how bad my condition is)... So I Am stuck whole day watching a wall! It won't get better likely years from now (even if I did everything perfectly from now on, which I won't...)!!! But how is one to endure such torturing boredom for years? So it wouldn't be enough I have also existential boredom, I Am just waiting to die, but I want to improve society anyway I can (it is complicated)... Imagine having depression not feeling anything only pain and despair and existential boredom and to it chronic pain cfs: it is like someone stuck you into tube with bayonets and push you through it... I have so insane pain in my brain like someone was pulling barbed wire back and forth...

    I need to go sleep every day at the same time, but I keep bedtime procrastinating from pure boredom, because at night I Am tired and I already saw best stuff and now I can't do anything. I get insane pain in head like brain zaps, burning, crawling... Liek my brain was rotting! And I keep deferring even 500 times from going to sleep from like 11PM to 3-8AM...

    At this point I need torture resistance techniques for boredom, but I can't find anything right now! I can't find even damn forums about torture... Anyone has ideas how to endure such terrible torture????

    Please on point, you don't understand what the problem is...
  • Sir2u
    I spend time listening to audio books. No effort needed except to turn on the app on my phone.
  • empleat
    That is the problem: every audio book which would even remotely interest me is Philosophy/Science, which I can't do right now! BEcause headaches, I have trouble tracking what they say in Tv shows let alone philosophy/science... I Am also so restless from boredom (I had idea 30 minutes before sleep to listen to sherlock my favorite audiobook to wind down) - still to boring can't take that (a) I have trouble to do that in the first place and b) it bores me anyway and I get agitated and can't sleep) and even I can't do that. I Am so boooooooooreeeeeeed out of my mind that mere thought of going to sleep hurts like needles and something like burning - specific feeling from boredom! I Am literally so bored, I Am trying to survive next smallest unit of time. I need to keep busy to go to sleep every day. You don't know how this feels! I literally need to entertain myself, if I stop even for one second I Am in big trouble! I get agitated before sleep a lot and procrsatinate even 500 times going to bed from like 11PM to 3-8AM... I literally bored as prisoners in isolation at this point, if not more. Every second is hell. I tried ask for boredom endurance techniques on navy seals, but got no answer - I think people not take this seriously, but it is real problem! Boredom is used even as torture and prolonged boredom is worse than painful death, except at that moment when you are literally dying... Wow this is so tough I have to work 18 hours in mine to get smallest things to done and yet I am feeling like i am being whipped every second... My whole face/aroudn head is crawling like nets from RSI and yet it is like someone would be poking me with stick every second!!!!!!!!!!!
  • L'éléphant
    I Am so boooooooooreeeeeeed out of my mind that mere thought of going to sleep hurts like needles and something like burning - specific feeling from boredom! I Am literally so bored, I Am trying to survive next smallest unit of time.empleat
    This is depression -- clinical. You should try to see a therapist.
  • empleat

    This is actually being stuck at home and not being able to do anything that would seem interesting to you more than watching a wall... You don't understand, I Am used to it...
  • Jack Cummins

    I have often thought that boredom covers many other emotions, depression being one, but not the only possibility. Generally, I haven't experienced boredom too much because I love reading and listening to music. However, for the last few months I have felt like I have come to a dead end or stagnation, which is a bit similar to boredom. I find that if I stay at home, but it may be that you are not well enough to go out. Many people complain of boredom if they stay at home too much, so it is best not to beat yourself up about it.

    It is something that you enjoy philosophy. I don't know how I would have coped with lockdown if it hadn't been for this forum.
  • 180 Proof
    I suspect we Humans are the only bored species which, more than language or reason, distinguishes us from all other animals. More than a virtue in flora, however, boredom seems the mark of divinity in Trees.
  • skyblack

    I see you still been dealing with "chicken shit", but perhaps you enjoy it. :-)

    More than a virtue in flora, however, boredom seems the mark of divinity in Trees.180 Proof

    In this context, 'leisure' (without unpacking the word's faceted meaning but using it per its popular usage) will be a better word instead of boredom, don't you think?
  • skyblack

    You will remember but so others don't misunderstand, the "chicken shit" joke can be seen here
  • 180 Proof
    "The joke" is lost on me. Only "chicken shit" around here is ... :roll:
  • skyblack

    Ah, sounds like you must be having a blonde moment. Any thoughts on the question i asked above?
  • 180 Proof
    Why question a "blonde"? You must be projecting. Go troll someone else who'll play along (i.e. try Reddit).
  • skyblack
    A bit baffled by this outburst, but, thanks for the confirmation. You must have your reasons. Wasn't sure before, when you were going around posting on my threads and fishing for info. Carry on :up:
  • Deletedmemberzc
    virtue in flora180 Proof

    Mmmmmmmm yummy. Virtues of the flowers.
  • Deletedmemberzc
    Meditation can help you. Focus on your breath. You'll get distracted. Return your focus gently, gently, gently* to your breath. Results take time (months to years) but are worth the effort - especially as you apparently have an excess of time on your hands. Try 20 minutes twice or three times a day.

    If your reaction is - that's woo woo bullcrap - rest assured, there's nothing supernatural about it. There's a neuroscience behind it. And it can give you some peace.

    *Gentleness is key - if you're not being gentle with your mind, you'll never get it.
  • Deletedmemberzc
    I suspect we Humans are the only bored species which, more than language or reason, distinguishes us from all other animals.180 Proof

    Animals at the zoo at times show signs of boredom: from pacing to all-day half-naps. Poor beasts.
  • 180 Proof

    We are less bored than our ancestors were, but we are more afraid of boredom. We have come to know, or rather to believe, that boredom is not part of the natural lot of man, but can be avoided by a sufficiently vigorous pursuit of excitement. — The Conquest of Happiness
  • Deletedmemberzc

    - Gush forth, waters of the pond. Foam, pour over the bridge and over the woods. Black shrouds and organs, lightning and thunder, rise up and spread everywhere. Waters and sorrows, rise up and bring back the Floods. For ever since they have gone - oh! the precious stones buried and the opened flowers! - we have been bored! The Queen, the Witch lighting her coal in the earthen pot, will never tell us what she knows and what we shall never know. — Riimbaud

    Be that Queen, that Witch. :fire: :heart: :fire:

    One can live either an inspired life or a bored life. An inspired life is possible. But I think there will always be moments of boredom.

    excitement.180 Proof

    Inspiration not excitement.

    One thing aspiritualists like Russell forget: prayer - even to Captain Unknown - the Flying Spaghetti Monster's transparent sibling* - and meditation can create a life of inspiration.

    *A la Pascal's wager and with the intellectual innocence of a child. :fire: :heart: :fire:

    (No delusion here just a toying with an unknown. Accepting an unknown as an unknown instead of playing the fool: The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. - I get that it's the fashion, but how can this be known?)
  • skyblack
    Boredom has no existence, no substance. The question of fighting it, avoiding it, doing something about it doesn't arise.
  • 180 Proof
    We are bored when we don't know what we are waiting for. — Arcades Project
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