• TheMadFool
    There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement. — Lord Kelvin (26 June 1824 – 17 December 1907)

    In short precision is a very significant aspect of scientific theories. An example: Newton's gravity theory was imprecise when it came to predicting the planet Mercury's behavior. Enter Albert Einstein's theory of relativity and it solved the problem - Mercury's orbit could now be predicted precisely.

    What is precision?

    To me, as how I see it, the more decimal places there are in a measurement, the more precise it is. For instance, 2.09165 meters is more precise than 2 meters.

    What I can't wrap my head around is why increasing precision (a teensy-weensy change) requires entirely new scientific hypotheses/theories (a huge change)? It almost seems chaotic. The example of how Einstein's theory supplanted Newton's is a case in point.

    A difference in degrees (precision) requires a difference in kind (a radically different theory/hypothesis)!

    It's like saying the more precise I want to be about what good is in (say) utilitarianism, the more likely it is that I'll have to abandon utilitarianism and develop a totally novel theory that doesn't look anything like utilitarianism.
  • BC
    Does what Lord Kelvin (aka William Thomson) had to say about physics apply to philosophy and your example of asking what good is utilitarianism?

    There are various definitions of fascism, for instance; of democracy, of capitalism, of imperialism, of all sorts of things. What may be a good definition of fascism in 1925 (near the time the term was coined) may be less apt in 2021; same for democracy. Democracy in 1776 and 1976 may be dissimilar. Democracy in England may be quite unlike democracy in India. Greater precision doesn't seem to be the critical factor (though precision may be helpful).

    if one is a molecular biologist wielding CRISPR, more precision is definitely a good thing.
  • TheMadFool
    Hi Bitter Crank. Good to know you're alive & well.

    Does what Lord Kelvin (aka William Thomson) had to say about physics apply to philosophy and your example of asking what good is utilitarianism?Bitter Crank

    I'm, as mathematicians say, merely extrapolating the results.

    I don't know how familiar you are with math but increasing precision in a physical law e.g. Newton's F = ma, can be done, at least I think it can be done, by making more precise measurement.

    Say, m = 2 kg, a = 3

    F = ma = 2 × 3 = 6 Newtons of force.

    Now, if I measure the mass more precisely e.g. 2. 014 kg and I do the same thing to acceleration, a = 3.009 what I get is

    F = 2.014 × 3.009 = 6.060126 Newtons

    In other words, precision is a matter of inputting finer measurements into Newton's formula.

    However, that's not how it actually happens in science. If I'm correct, don't bet on it. we need an entirely new formula as part of an completely novel theory/hypothesis to achieve greater precision.

    Note: I'm not a scientist or a mathematician, cum grano salis.
  • Verdi
    Newton's gravity theory was imprecise when it came to predicting the planet Mercury's behavior.TheMadFool

    Newton's gravity was even more precise than GR. It made a very precise prediction about Mercury. But Mercury replied not precisely.
  • unenlightened
    I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken. — Cromwell

    And indeed My Lord Kelvin was mistaken. Not only were there many, many new things to be discovered (Radioactivity, relativity, a slew of new elements and subatomic particles, quarks and their properties, superconductivity, semiconductors, etc, etc) , but one of the discoveries (quantum mechanics) was that nature itself is imprecise.
  • SophistiCat
    Precision =/= Accuracy. As applied to a theory, precision is how specific the predictions of the theory are. Newtonian mechanics is about as precise as can be: its practical precision is limited only by the precision of calculations, which, ideally, can be extended indefinitely. Special and General theories of relativity are just as precise as Newtonian mechanics. But the latter yield more accurate predictions in some cases. Contrast that to, say, Aristotelian physics, which, apart from being less accurate, was also less precise in that it didn't yield such specific predictions about the motions of bodies as did Newtonian and relativistic physics.
  • Philosophim
    It's like saying the more precise I want to be about what good is in (say) utilitarianism, the more likely it is that I'll have to abandon utilitarianism and develop a totally novel theory that doesn't look anything like utilitarianism.TheMadFool

    You have made a step into the next level of philosophical thinking. Yes, the reality of many "ideologies" is they are imprecise but easy to digest ideas to be used as guidelines. They work for general use, but begin to fail when you want clarifications on specifics. Newton's theory of gravity is a fantastic example. Newton's gravity works for almost all of our daily experiences on Earth with bodies to our scale. It begins to break down when bodies become incredibly large, like solar systems, or incredibly small, like the sub atomic level.

    Philosophy is the same. Utilitarianism is fine as a general ideology for perhaps your day to day thinking and living. But when greater precision is needed, when the scale changes, more questions than answers begin to form.

    A belief in ideologies is for the beginners of philosophy. It is for the casual thinker that needs a rationale or inspiration to live or change the way they live. Just as the true physicist understands that the layman's concept of physics is not functional for in depth discoveries, and that it is merely an attempt to explain what is not fully translatable to English, so does the true philosopher understand ideologies are digests, and ultimately worthless labels when you are ready to dive into the deep logic underpining their conclusions.
  • Wheatley
    Newton's gravity theory was imprecise when it came to predicting the planet Mercury's behavior. Enter Albert Einstein's theory of relativity and it solved the problem - Mercury's orbit could now be predicted precisely.TheMadFool
    I dislike saying "[insert theory here] is just a theory" because that saying is often used to dismiss science. However, it seems intuitive to me that saying "gravity is only a theory" is indeed correct. Any theory of gravity is just that: a theory. It's just framework for describing and predicting how nature behaves at a certain abstract physical level. A very successful framework of course, yet it's still manufactured by physicists. Who knows, scientists might even come up with a new theory that rivals Einstein. If that happens, the same things we say about Newtonian laws being inaccurate or "imprecise" will equally be said about Einstein's general theory of relativity.
  • T Clark
    In short precision is a very significant aspect of scientific theories. An example: Newton's gravity theory was imprecise when it came to predicting the planet Mercury's behavior. Enter Albert Einstein's theory of relativity and it solved the problem - Mercury's orbit could now be predicted precisely.TheMadFool

    No. The relevance of precision in this case is that precise measurement of Mercury's orbit showed that Newton's theory was not imprecise but wrong.
  • Philosophim
    No. The relevance of precision in this case is that precise measurement of Mercury's orbit showed that Newton's theory was not imprecise but wrong.T Clark

    Interestingly enough, Newton wasn't wrong. It was simply not precise enough for large bodies. You can take the theory of relativity and reduce it down to Newton's equation for regular sized bodies. It is evidence that certain equations are useful for particular scales, but breakdown in others.
  • SophistiCat
    Newton's theory of gravity is a fantastic example. Newton's gravity works for almost all of our daily experiences on Earth with bodies to our scale. It begins to break down when bodies become incredibly large, like solar systems, or incredibly small, like the sub atomic level.Philosophim

    This is precisely wrong for reasons that I just explained. Newton's theory doesn't break down at large or small scales. Nothing special happens at those scales - it continues to give precise predictions. It becomes less accurate at high energy scales (a fact that we were only able to discover thanks to its great precision!) The theory breaks down at singularities, which it does not rule out in its minimal formulation - but that is true of Relativity as well.

    The distinction between precision and accuracy is an important one, because both are important, but in a sense they are pulling in opposite directions. A theory can be made more accurate at the expense of precision, and conversely the more precise a theory is, the riskier its predictions are (to use Popper's language) in terms of accuracy. Vague astrological predictions can be quite accurate, but quite useless at the same time.
  • T Clark
    Interestingly enough, Newton wasn't wrong. It was simply not precise enough for large bodies. You can take the theory of relativity and reduce it down to Newton's equation for regular sized bodies. It is evidence that certain equations are useful for particular scales, but breakdown in others.Philosophim

    A quibble.
  • TheMadFool
    Newton's gravity was even more precise than GR. It made a very precise prediction about Mercury. But Mercury replied not precisely.Verdi

    :lol: Good one!

    I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken.
    — Cromwell

    And indeed My Lord Kelvin was mistaken. Not only were there many, many new things to be discovered (Radioactivity, relativity, a slew of new elements and subatomic particles, quarks and their properties, superconductivity, semiconductors, etc, etc) , but one of the discoveries (quantum mechanics) was that nature itself is imprecise.

    :up: What do you mean by "nature itself is imprecise" vis-à-vis QM? There's wiggle room at the bottom but not so much up here at human scales? Do you have or is there an explanation for this seemingly odd fact?

    Are you perchance referring to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle which states, thoroughly confirmed by experimental findings, that more precise the measurement of one of either the position or the momentum of a particle, the more imprecise the value obtained for the other?

    Interestingly, if we ignore received wisdom on the matter which claims there really is no workaround for Heiseberg's uncertainty principle, wouldn't what I said in the OP entail that a better, brand-new theory could, somehow, solve the problem?

    Shooting in the dark here, kindly excuse my ignorance on questions as profound as this.

    Precision =/= Accuracy. As applied to a theory, precision is how specific the predictions of the theory are. Newtonian mechanics is about as precise as can be: its practical precision is limited only by the precision of calculations, which, ideally, can be extended indefinitely. Special and General theories of relativity are just as precise as Newtonian mechanics. But the latter yield more accurate predictions in some cases. Contrast that to, say, Aristotelian physics, which, apart from being less accurate, was also less precise in that it didn't yield such specific predictions about the motions of bodies as did Newtonian and relativistic physics.SophistiCat

    There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement. — Lord Kelvin (26 June 1824 – 17 December 1907)

    Either you're mistaken or Lord Kelvin is talking out of his hat.

    By the way what's the difference between precision and accuracy?

    I remember a darts analogy in a biochemistry book I read long ago.

    Accuracy: How close your darts are to the bullseye? How close to the true value your calculations/measurements are?

    Precision: How close your darts are to each other? I suppose clustering of the darts would mean high precision. Basically, your calculations spit out numbers/values that, well, huddle together, are in a bunch.

    So, your stance is that we revise theories in order to attain greater accuracy but not precision?

    Put simply, Newton's classical formula for gravity is less accurate than Eistein's relativistic formula for the same. How come though that Newton's formula and Einstein's formula differ only in the number of decimal places (precision) at nonrelativistic speeds? They both do hit the bullseye (equally accurate).

    Well said! The complexity we're faced with boggles the mind. Reminds me of Kurt Gödel's incompleteness theorems. As we make our concepts more and more exact, we need more and more sophisticated theories and, just guessing here, this process may go on ad infinitum.


    No. The relevance of precision in this case is that precise measurement of Mercury's orbit showed that Newton's theory was not imprecise but wrongT Clark

    I believe such black and white, binary, thinking, although apt on certain occasions, more obfuscates than clarifies. I remember reading that Newton's formulas are precise enough for space exploration. That's a big nod of approval - a lot is at stake and even one tiny error could jeopardize enitre missions.

    In addition, one possibility that bothers me and can't be ruled out is another planet with an orbit within that of Mercury's that could explain why Newton's theory can't account for Mercury's behavior - something similar happened with Uranus and Neptune (got that from astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson). I'm, of course, ignoring the other experiments that confirm Einstein's theory of relativity.
  • onomatomanic
    Say, m = 2 kg, a = 3 m/s2

    F = ma = 2 × 3 = 6 Newtons of force.

    Now, if I measure the mass more precisely e.g. 2. 014 kg and I do the same thing to acceleration, a = 3.009 m/s2 what I get is

    F = 2.014 × 3.009 = 6.060126 Newtons
    I'd normally not comment on this, outside of grading homework, but since precision is what this thread it about: Your last line is slightly problematic. A better version looks like this:

    F = 2.014 kg × 3.009 m/s² = 6.060 N

    I re-added the units, but never mind that. The relevant point is that the output is never going to be more precise than the inputs. Here, both of the inputs are precise to 4 "sigfigs" ("significant figures", which is similar to but more inclusive than the "decimal places" you touched on in the OP), so the output will be precise to 4 sigfigs at most. The additional numerals "126" are arithmetic artifacts, and contain no physically meaningful information.

    The reason including them is potentially harmful, and not merely pointless, is that a number like "6,060" contains an additional piece of information in this context. Namely, it implicitly tells you the precision of the value, by how many sigfigs it gives. An explicit equivalent for "6.06" is "6.06 +/- 0.005". For "6.060", it's "6.060 +/- 0.0005". And for "6.060126", it's "6.060126 +/- 0.0000005". And that claim clearly can't hold here.

    Unsurprisingly, what I just said is itself imprecise. Properly, combining the uncertainties in the input values into an uncertainty in the output value takes statistical methodology. And when it matters, that's what the professionals do, too. And then you get results along the lines of "6.0601 (-0.0007)(+0.0008) N", where the numbers in the parentheses specify the interval within which the true value is expected to fall with a given confidence, like 50% or 90%.

    End of tedious aside. :)
  • TheMadFool
    The relevant point is that the output is never going to be more precise than the inputs.onomatomanic



    Give me a crash course on signficant figures.
  • onomatomanic
    Interestingly enough, Newton wasn't wrong. It was simply not precise enough for large bodies. You can take the theory of relativity and reduce it down to Newton's equation for regular sized bodies. It is evidence that certain equations are useful for particular scales, but breakdown in others.Philosophim
    A quibble.T Clark
    Depends on who you ask.

    In the context of modern physics, it's pretty much the heart of the matter. Newtonian mechanics isn't false, and Relativity isn't true. Both are simply models, and it's not even as simple as that Einstein's model is unequivocally better than Newton's.

    Models approximate reality. Newton's model doesn't approximate it as well as Einstein's, so it's worse in that sense. But it's also considerably lower-effort, which is a point in its favour. Choosing a model to apply is like choosing a tool to use: The optimal choice depends on the job at hand.
  • T Clark
    Models approximate reality. Newton's model doesn't approximate it as well as Einstein's, so it's worse in that sense. But it's also considerably lower-effort, which is a point in its favour. Choosing a model to apply is like choosing a tool to use: The optimal choice depends on the job at hand.onomatomanic

    By that standard, Ptolemaic astronomy isn't wrong, it's just less precise than Kepler. Which is ok with me. I understand what you're trying to say.
  • onomatomanic
    The relevant point is that the output is never going to be more precise than the inputs.onomatomanic
    The general proof again needs statistical methods, no doubt. For the specific case of a multiplication like F = ma, though, just think of the inputs as the length and width of a rectangle, and the output as its area. If the length is known perfectly, and the width has an uncertainty of 10%, say, then the area will have an uncertainty of 10% as well. Vice versa, if the length has the 10% uncertainty, and the width is known perfectly, same result. So when both the length and the width have a 10% uncertainty, it should be clear that the area now has an uncertainty of more than 10%. Is that good enough? :)

    Give me a crash course on signficant figures.TheMadFool
    Let's write the earlier result like this, for the sake of illustration:

    000 006.060 126 000 +/- 0.000 5

    The leading zeros are insignificant, in that dropping them doesn't affect the value. Ditto for the trailing zeros. And the "126" portion is also insignificant, in that it's below the "certainty threshold" we're specifying. The remaining figures are the significant ones, and counting how many of them there are is a useful shorthand for the value's precision. "6.06" has 3 sigfigs, "6.060" has 4, which is why they don't mean quite the same thing (in this context, this is a convention that need not apply in others).
  • onomatomanic
    By that standard, Ptolemaic astronomy isn't wrong, it's just less precise than Kepler.T Clark
    Quite. Unfortunately, it's less precise while also being more effort. So as a model, it's objectively worse, and there is no situation in which it would be preferrable to use it. But I take your point. The standard is the one that modern physics applies to itself, primarily, and applying it outside of that domain can be a bit absurd.
  • T Clark
    Quite. Unfortunately, it's less precise while also being more effort. So as a model, it's objectively worse, and there is no situation in which it would be preferrable to use it. But I take your point. The standard is the one that modern physics applies to itself, primarily, and applying it outside of that domain can be a bit absurd.onomatomanic

    As I said, I understand the point you are trying to make.
  • tim wood
    Precision =/= Accuracy. As applied to a theory, precision is how specific....SophistiCat
    On my own behalf and those who should but haven't yet, thank you for the TPF education-in-a-paragraph. Taught, learnt: that, and figuring it out in the first place, is what it's all about.
  • TheMadFool
    Let's write the earlier result like this, for the sake of illustration:

    000 006.060 126 000 +/- 0.000 5

    The leading zeros are insignificant, in that dropping them doesn't affect the value. Ditto for the trailing zeros. And the "126" portion is also insignificant, in that it's below the "certainty threshold" we're specifying. The remaining figures are the significant ones, and counting how many of them there are is a useful shorthand for the value's precision. "6.06" has 3 sigfigs, "6.060" has 4, which is why they don't mean quite the same thing (in this context, this is a convention that need not apply in others)

    Oh! I see. Is the following correct then?

    For F = ma (Newton's force formula)

    A) If m = 2 and a = 3, F = 2 × 3 = 6

    B) If m = 2.1 and a = 3.1, F = 2.1 × 3.1 = 6.5 [ I dropped the 1 after 5]

    My precision in B is greater than my precision in A.

    If so, my question is does Newton's and Einstein's theories differ in this respect? Put differently, is Newton's theory less precise than Einstein's?

    I think the answer to the above question is "yes". If Newton had very precise measurements of mass and distance, he would've realized, given his genius, immediately that his formula was wrong, way off the mark as it were as demonstrated by Einstein. In short, Newton was working with poor quality measurements with fewer significant digits.
  • TheMadFool
    Suppose a certain measurement, say mass (m) is made with better and better instruments (precision + /accuracy +)

    True value of m: 2.0165394830013 kg

    Instrument X

    m = 2.017 kg

    Scientific theory T

    Instrument Y

    m = 2.01654 kg

    Scientific theory U

    Instrument Z

    m = 2.0165395 kg

    Scientific theory V

    Is it that T = U = V?


    Is it that T U V?
  • onomatomanic
    B) If m = 2.1 and a = 3.1, F = 2.1 × 3.1 = 6.5 [ I dropped the 1 after 5]

    My precision in B is greater than my precision in A.
    Yes. It gets a bit trickier when the inputs aren't of the order of magnitude of 1, which is to say, aren't between 1 and 10:

    C) If m = 20.1 and a = 30.1, F = 605

    3 sigfigs in the inputs, so 3 sigfigs in the output. That the figures are in different places (hundreds, tens, and ones; instead of tens, ones, and tenths) doesn't matter. This is one of the reasons why people like to use scientific notation:

    C') If m = 2.01*10^1 and a = 3.01*10^1, F = 6.05*10^2

    Back to not tricky at all. :)

    If so, my question is does Newton's and Einstein's theories differ in this respect? Put differently, is Newton's theory less precise than Einstein's?TheMadFool
    I don't quite know how to answer that - and as you've seen, others have responded in quite different ways - which shows that it's quite a good question. It seems to me that it depends more on how the theories are interpreted than on the theories themselves, ultimately.

    Put simply and imprecisely: Newtonian mechanics fails for Mercury because it uses Euclidean geometry; General Relativity holds for Mercury because it uses non-Euclidean geometry, aka "the curvature of space(-time)".

    The traditional interpretation of this discrepancy would be that each theory makes that assumption about the actual nature of actual space. In this interpretation, the fact that precise measurements of Mercury disagree with the Newtonian prediction tell us that its assumption was wrong, and therefore that the theory as a whole was fundamentally wrong. The imprecision is small, so the prediction is quantitatively quite good. But while convenient, that's not really the point - the way it describes the situation qualitatively is no good. So its being imprecise for once means that it was wrong all along.

    On the other hand, the fact that the measurements agree with the Relativistic prediction confirm its assumption. Which does not, of course, rule out that other measurements won't say otherwise. For the present, the theory remains "unfalsified", and its assumption about the actual nature of actual space remains in the running for being actually true.

    This is probably how Newton would have thought about it, and possibly how Einstein would have thought about it at least some of the time.

    The modern interpretation differs, unsurprisingly. One way to put it might be to say that it treats both theories models (the new label is somewhat tied to the new interpretation) as applying to distinct and equally hypothetical worlds, in which their respective assumptions hold by definition. What the measurements taken in the real world tell us is that Einstein's hypothetical world is a better approximation of ours than Newton's. Nevertheless, in the vast majority of practical situations, the disagreement between the two approximations is negligible. The fact that Newton's approximation is discovered to be non-negligibly imprecise under certain circumstances simply tells us not to rely on it in those sorts of circumstances. And the fact that Einstein's approximation holds up doesn't mean that it ceases to be an approximation, just that we've not yet achieved the precision or encountered the circumstances under which it, too, buckles. So both models are considered, a priori, to be precise within their hypothetical worlds and imprecise in the real world. Newton's model is lower-precision than Einstein's, but also lower-effort. Pick whichever fits a given situation, and don't worry about that elusive concept called "truth".
  • Verdi
    Newton's model is lower-precision than Einstein's, but also lower-effort. Pick whichever fits a given situation, and don't worry about that elusive concept called "truth".onomatomanic

    I don't think so. In calculating complicated three or four body problems in classical mechanics a huge effort can be invested. GR is not even able to approach this problem. There is more precision in the Newtonian approach than in the GR approach.
  • onomatomanic
    GR is not even able to approach this problem.Verdi
    Do you mean that our mathematical methods and computing resources are insufficient to apply GR to certain classes of problems, or that the model itself is less powerful than Newtonian mechanics? If what you mean is that for a given investment of effort, Newtonian methods will more often than not yield better results than Relativistic methods, then we're saying the same thing in different ways.
  • BC
    Limiting global warming requires accuracy, precision, and honesty in reporting greenhouse gas emissions and reductions. There is a lot of inaccuracy, imprecision (or worse crudeness), and dishonesty in reporting national and industrial emissions. Honesty/dishonesty is a major problem, but in the context of this thread method, accuracy, precision, consistency, and so forth of measurement is critical.

    One more reason for failing to limit global warming (regardless of what the reps at the COP26 say) is inaccuracy and imprecision in measurement. The result is a kind of climate-fraud, where officials claim accomplishments which simply do not exist. A report in the Washington Post noted that carbon from SE Asia palm oil production is underreported, thanks to both imprecision and willful errors. In the US, the Post reported that 25% of the gas in retail cooling systems is lost every year. Is that because of neglect, indifference, imprecision, inaccuracy, or what?

    We will not be able to save ourselves if we continue sloppy manufacturing and agricultural operations. Without precise data we are wandering around in the hot dark.
  • Verdi
    If what you mean is that for a given investment of effort, Newtonian methods will more often than not yield better results than Relativistic methods, then we're saying the same thing in different waysonomatomanic

    That's what I mean indeed. Sometimes the universe is classical absolute Newtonian, in other situations it's classical relativistic Einsteinian.
  • TheMadFool
    Limiting global warming requires accuracy, precision, and honesty in reporting greenhouse gas emissions and reductions. There is a lot of inaccuracy, imprecision (or worse crudeness), and dishonesty in reporting national and industrial emissions. Honesty/dishonesty is a major problem, but in the context of this thread method, accuracy, precision, consistency, and so forth of measurement is critical.

    One more reason for failing to limit global warming (regardless of what the reps at the COP26 say) is inaccuracy and imprecision in measurement. The result is a kind of climate-fraud, where officials claim accomplishments which simply do not exist. A report in the Washington Post noted that carbon from SE Asia palm oil production is underreported, thanks to both imprecision and willful errors. In the US, the Post reported that 25% of the gas in retail cooling systems is lost every year. Is that because of neglect, indifference, imprecision, inaccuracy, or what?

    We will not be able to save ourselves if we continue sloppy manufacturing and agricultural operations. Without precise data we are wandering around in the hot dark.
    Bitter Crank

    I see. So one way polluters (governments, big oil, etc.) can wiggle their way out of a tight spot is to fudge the numbers - lower the resolution of relevant figures (make them imprecise) and suddenly we lose the clarity necessary to hold entities to account. Nice!

    Lies, damned lies, and statistics. — Mark Twain/Benjamin Disraeli

    Numbers never lie, after all: they simply tell different stories depending on the math of the tellers. — Luis Alberto Urrea
  • TheMadFool
    :ok: :up:

    1. Am I correct about what I said about Newton? Had his measurements for mass and distance been more precise (had more decimal places) than what was available to him, he would've realized that the formula was wrong.

    2. Why can't the output of a formula not be more precise than the input?
  • TheMadFool
    The modern interpretation differs, unsurprisingly. One way to put it might be to say that it treats both theories models (the new label is somewhat tied to the new interpretation) as applying to distinct and equally hypothetical worlds, in which their respective assumptions hold by definition. What the measurements taken in the real world tell us is that Einstein's hypothetical world is a better approximation of ours than Newton's. Nevertheless, in the vast majority of practical situations, the disagreement between the two approximations is negligible. The fact that Newton's approximation is discovered to be non-negligibly imprecise under certain circumstances simply tells us not to rely on it in those sorts of circumstances. And the fact that Einstein's approximation holds up doesn't mean that it ceases to be an approximation, just that we've not yet achieved the precision or encountered the circumstances under which it, too, buckles. So both models are considered, a priori, to be precise within their hypothetical worlds and imprecise in the real world. Newton's model is lower-precision than Einstein's, but also lower-effort. Pick whichever fits a given situation, and don't worry about that elusive concept called "truth".onomatomanic

    What is of concern to me is why an entirely new model needs to be built from scratch simply to explain a more precise measurement if that is what's actually going on? Something doesn't add up. It's like saying that measurement data gathered using a high school student's ruler/scale requires a different explanatory model than measurement data acquired with a physicist's vernier calipers. I think I'm getting mixed up between accuracy and precision here but somehow I don't think it's my fault (see Lord Kelvin's quote in the OP).
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