• Possibility
    A thing and its opposite are not necessarily symmetrical. Symmetry is spatial—you may be talking about balance. And yes, balance is essential in ethics. But it’s not about balance between good and evil—I think that’s where you might be confused. Good is balance.Adam Hilstad

    Symmetry is not exclusively spatial - although, again, this is a common misconception. It’s a structural quality of invariance that can also be temporal (in mathematics), and even potential (in physics). Symmetry refers to invariance in the relation between a system and its iterations.

    Balance refers to an apparently stable relation between limited iterations of a system. It’s about focusing attention and effort to consolidate localised systems of low entropy.

    The way I see it, the difference between symmetry and balance in aesthetics is between understanding and appearance. You can create the appearance of balance by limiting perception (by ignoring, isolating or excluding information), but you can only demonstrate symmetry by increasing awareness, connection and collaboration with reality - by interacting with knowledge and experience beyond appearances.

    So your statement ‘good is balance’ is a limited perception of reality, an artificial normalisation that arbitrarily qualifies both sides of the equation. It is an example of limited imagination in relation to both understanding and judgement.

    There’s nothing wrong with this iteration as such - it just has no claim to certainty or objectivity in relation to truth.

    Ethics - the study of principles for behaviour - is not about defining the ‘good’, but about the notion of value in relation to human behaviour, intentionality/desire and judgement.

    Aesthetics - the study of principles for perception - is also not about defining ‘beauty’, but about the notion of value in relation to human perception, conceptual knowledge/experience and understanding.

    Logic/Philosophy of Religion - the study of principles for belief - rounds out the three, and is not about defining ‘truth’, but about the notion of value in relation to human belief, faith/mathematics and imagination.
  • 180 Proof
    Ethics - the study of principles for behaviour - is not about defining the ‘good’, but about the notion of value in relation to human behaviour, intentionality/desire and judgement.

    Aesthetics - the study of principles for perception - is also not about defining ‘beauty’, but about the notion of value in relation to human perception, conceptual knowledge/experience and understanding.

    Logic/Philosophy of Religion - the study of principles for belief - rounds out the three, and is not about defining ‘truth’, but about the notion of value in relation to human belief, faith/mathematics and imagination.
    Minor quibbles aside, very much works for me. :clap:
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