• Punshhh
    I sense a crisis in UK politics.
    There is the phenomenon of the Red Wall, a belt of working class heartlands which are turning Tory from their traditional Labour support. There is the nationalism of Brexit and the Scottish question, is the UK on the verge of inevitable break up?

    The Tory’s have become populist and seem to be trying to gobble up any political ground, like a feeding frenzy. They seem to have Labour on the run.

    But is this an expression of a deeper crisis of identity in the Tory party, the party of wealth, establishment and power. Since the financial crisis of 2008 the capitalist free market dream of the late 20th century has been questioned, perhaps broken. There is a sense that the people are having to pay for the mistakes of bankers, who are not being held to account and the pain of austerity doesn’t seem to be coming to an end.

    The populists have blamed the cuts and running down of public services on immigration, crowding out those services. This is a lie which turns the people nationalist and xenophobic, leading to Brexit.

    Is the Tory party trying to find a new narrative to convince the population to keep voting for them while the country becomes poorer and more unequal due to austerity. Are they paranoid of the rise of socialism coming after their wealth?

    I think the political landscape will look quite different in a few years time. But will we be happy with the Tory rule again and accepting a more US style of politics and economy, or will we be turning socialist and rebuilding our country and real economy, more along social democratic lines and realigning with the EU?
  • Amity
    I think the political landscape will look quite different in a few years time. But will we be happy with the Tory rule again and accepting a more US style of politics and economy, or will we be turning socialist and rebuilding our country and real economy, more along social democratic lines and realigning with the EU?Punshhh

    I am following the election results:


    Not looking good for Starmer
    Elections 2021: Starmer facing Labour backlash after Tories’ historic win in Hartlepool – live
  • unenlightened
    Robots are not programmed to join the Union. Therefore, Labour has lost its power base. As we see, money is quite happy 'to see the bodies pile high'. And it's good for the environment too.

    Having replaced the idealist Corbyn with the blandest thing on the menu, there's nowhere left to go, only variations on right. I think there's a long way down to go yet before anything like socialism has any hope of finding a way through the populist bull and Mossad disinformation.
  • Changeling
    There won't be any more leftist politics until the inevitable war with the robots.

    Unless proportional representation is actually brought in.
  • Apollodorus
    Is the Tory party trying to find a new narrative to convince the population to keep voting for them while the country becomes poorer and more unequal due to austerity. Are they paranoid of the rise of socialism coming after their wealth?Punshhh

    How is it "a new Tory narrative" when the Tories have been in power since 2010 and their narrative seems to be working?

    Labour is simply unable to bring its policies in order and is too minorities-oriented. A few years back, Sadiq Khan, currently Mayor of London, proclaimed that "Labour is and has always been the party of British Muslims". After that, with Corbyn as leader, Labour was accused of anti-Semitism and pandering to militant Islam. IMO Labour currently has an image crisis with the majority of voters. Nothing to do with the Tories.

    Plus, there are changes everywhere, like in France and other European countries. I doubt people seriously want socialist policies like abolition of private property, nationalization and total state control over society. A bit of socialism might be OK but anything more than that would be going downhill. Look at the history of Soviet Russia and other socialist regimes, all failed one after the other.
  • thewonder
    Having replaced the idealist Corbyn with the blandest thing on the menu, there's nowhere left to go, only variations on right. I think there's a long way down to go yet before anything like socialism has any hope of finding a way through the populist bull and Mossad disinformation.unenlightened

    I don't think that you have given enough credit to the counter-intelligence campaign that I suspect for Mossad to have created within the United Kingdom, which vaguely alludes to Pete Townshend's Lifehouse Project. It's real sad when you think about it. Being said, their website doesn't even offer you enough words to explain that the Central Intelligence Agency has been the wind beneath of the wings of both the political project of Neo-Fascism and any number of Islamic terrorist cells. It's sort of like how the website for the Directorate-General for External Security in France doesn't let you give them information if you are from the United States, though another form of machination.
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