• Varnaj42
    Our judgment? We sat on our hands and allowed it to be taken away. Now we're stuck with the results and if we try to do anything about it we are loudly scorned by the fools we elected or the fools they appointed and by those of us who are sworn to protect and serve.

    Sometimes I wonder if we are all suffering from some kind of mass hypnosis.
  • Jacques
    Because, it happened through the slow, indirect evolutionary process, not asking or wishing.Vera Mont

    I don't believe that would be so difficult. You would just need to form two groups and ask one group to only have children with the darkest members, while the other group only has children with the lightest members. In a few generations, you would have two different skin types.
  • Benj96
    I think if we are to truly see each other as equals, then we should operate as one race - the human race. This would seem to entail having one society and one governance.

    Boundaries are the artificial constructs placed to distinguish "selves": or "us" from "them".
    Our nation, their nation, our cuisine, their cuisine, our culture, their culture, our religion, their religion, our class/caste/status, their class/caste/status, our ethnicity, their ethnicity, our language, theirs, our laws, their laws, our wealth, theirs, our resources, their resources, our political views, theirs and so on.

    Mine vs. Yours/ Ours vs. Theirs.

    They are all dividing constructs that we use to construct self identity. And this fosters any myriad reasons to justify seeing ourselves as different from others on all levels: personal, familial, community, nation, international unions, etc.

    I think we have global problems now. Climate change. Inequality. The wealth/privilege gap. We simply cannot resolve these from a divided state of mind, and thus from a divided "state". Unification is the only way forward. Division is chaotic and opposing.
  • Vera Mont
    . You would just need to form two groups and ask one group to only have children with the darkest members,Jacques

    And they would all meekly obey - even though they didn't, under the most egregious apartheid.
  • Jacques
    And they would all meekly obey - even though they didn't, under the most egregious apartheid.Vera Mont

    That is indeed the most difficult hurdle: how to convince people of the idea, but it is the only one. :joke:
  • Vera Mont
    That is indeed the most difficult hurdle: how to convince people of the idea, but it is the only one.Jacques

    What for? Nobody cares what colour you prefer their skin to be.
  • Jacques
    What for? Nobody cares what colour you prefer their skin to be.Vera Mont

    Yes, you correctly identified my problem. :lol:
  • Athena
    As I said, I also see the disadvantages of uniformity, even though I don't view them as extreme as you do.Jacques

    I don't think the problem is uniformity but the total opposite. We have no culture unifying us.

    but given the nature of human beings, it doesn't seem possible to meJacques

    Different cultures mean different expressions of our human nature. To simplify this concept the Hopi are the opposite of the Apache and this difference begins with child-rearing. Cannibalism is another cultural expression and it is taboo to our Western consciousness. I think we need to be very careful when we talk about human nature. I am good with classifying humans as social animals and seeing their commonalities in that way, but I think things like being aggressive or non-aggressive are a matter of culture.

    Some Native American cultures shun individuality in favor of identifying with the tribe. I understand this as individuals in the family thinking as though they have very little connection with the family, or members of the family behaving as though family is more valuable than their individuality. This could be what you mean by conformity? Right now my family has one estranged member who is very hostile to the notion of behaving as part of the family. I think our culture has promoted the destruction of family and increased dependency on authority over the people. This has increased our differences and antagonism. There is a difference in what you mean by conformity. Members of the family can be very creative and different without alienating themselves from family.
  • SpaceDweller
    If humanity is unified under single government, meaning no wars between nations, then anyone who would oppose such government could easily be declared as terrorist or terrorist group.

    Doesn't sound like a good idea.
  • Athena
    Our judgment? We sat on our hands and allowed it to be taken away. Now we're stuck with the results and if we try to do anything about it we are loudly scorned by the fools we elected or the fools they appointed and by those of us who are sworn to protect and serve.

    Sometimes I wonder if we are all suffering from some kind of mass hypnosis.

    I explain the problem differently. I do not think we have a good understanding of how we think and have taken too much for granted. We were sold education for technology that is destroying the culture we had. We are no longer preparing the young for democracy and liberty. We are not preparing them for independent thinking. We stopped educating the young for good moral judgement and good citizenship. It is my hope if we understand we must learn how to think logically before we can think logically, and that locial thinking is directly associated with good moral judgment, we return to that education to make our democracy strong and moral.

    If we replace the autocratic model of industry with the democratic model and return to education for democracy, our democracy could be better than it ever was. That is really fundamental to the manifestation of democracy and having healthy families.

    In a way, we are all suffering a kind of mass hypnosis. We have no understanding of the importance of the rediscovery of Greek and Roman civilizations and how that took us out of the dark ages and back on track to evolving our human potential. I think Christianity is one of the strongest factors in destroying the necessary education because Christianity wants all the credit for all the good and it promotes ignorance, especially in Texas where it has a strong influence on schools. But the military is for sure the strongest factor for preparing our young for the Military Industrial Complex and bankers are another layer of the problem, insisting a population be prepared to serve industry before the community receives loans.

    Who cares about democracy, not politics, but democracy as a way of life? What are the principles of democracy? How is it manifested? What does culture have to do with the good life, democracy, liberty, and justice for all?
  • Athena
    If humanity is unified under single government, meaning no wars between nations, then anyone who would oppose such government could easily be declared as terrorist or terrorist group.

    Doesn't sound like a good idea.

    I totally agree it is not a good idea. Diversity is very important to progress and it is good to have communist nations, socialists, and monarchies so we can see what works and what does not.

    Germany was our world war enemy and the US have adopted our enemy's model for bureaucracy and model of education for technology and philosophy and is now what it defended its democracy against.
    There are some improvements and so problems. We have fought every war for nothing if we do not become aware of those changes.

    It was the communist who began income taxes and it was the communist who "liberated" women first. A fully employed population is good for the economy, and those women who are "just housewives" and not good for the economy.

    PS it was not gays who destroyed family values. Some of those gays are doing a better job of preserving family values than non gays.
  • GRWelsh
    The nuclear proliferation we're experiencing is currently unsustainable. So is the way we're addressing climate change. The idea that some governments can participate in reducing emissions while others opt out isn't going to work in the long run. And the proliferation of nuclear weapons under the control of multiple sovereign nations can only end one way since eventually someone will use them. A one world government is inevitable but it probably won't happen until we have a nuclear war and/or when global warming is out of control. When those things are obviously destroying us there will be finally enough impetus to form a one world government. It will be a unite or die situation. The fear is that the one world government will be authoritarian and not have any checks and balances in place. Look at Russia or North Korea, for example. There is no legal route to remove a dictator from power. You can't vote him out, impeach him, override his power constitutionally, etc. That's terrifying, and with good reason. But a government similar to that of the USA with a balance of power and a constitution would probably be the best case scenario. It isn't perfect but does allow for criticism with free speech and legal methods to enact change when people are unhappy with the way it is going.
  • Jacques
    Do you mean to say that every immigrant in the Canada is cooking boiled beef and cabbage, because they're under British-style governance?Vera Mont

    I agree with you that diversity is possible under a single government, even more so under a single municipal administration.
  • Vera Mont
    I agree with you that diversity is possible under a single government, even more so under a single municipal administration.Jacques

    And even more so in a United Nations style loose federation of independent states, who sign on to a charter of human rights and international law. Government doesn't dictate cuisines, dress codes, language or religious observance.
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