• HardWorker
    Whether something is hard or easy is relative, its relative in the sense that whether or not its hard or easy depends on whose doing it.

    For instance, is Calculus hard? Most people would say it is and for many people it would be hard. For a child in the first grade whose just learning to add and subtract it would be impossibly hard. However, for somebody with a doctorate in engineering who works as a mechanical engineer Calculus might be a breeze for them.

    So therefore whether or not something is hard is relative on whose doing it. This might sound obvious but its something that's often overlooked.
  • Caleb Mercado
    I think life is hard for everyone.
  • T Clark
    Whether something is hard or easy is relativeHardWorker

    Sorry, I have the Tao Te Ching on the brain these days. This is from Derek Lin's translation of Verse 2.

    When the world knows beauty as beauty, ugliness arises
    When it knows good as good, evil arises
    Thus being and non-being produce each other
    Difficult and easy bring about each other
    Long and short reveal each other
    High and low support each other
    Music and voice harmonize each other
    Front and back follow each other
  • TheMadFool
    Whether something is hard or easy is relative, its relative in the sense that whether or not its hard or easy depends on whose doing it.HardWorker

    I could be wrong but that's not how relativity is to be understood. Difficulty level (hard/easy) is relative if a given problem is easy compared to another problem but hard in relation to yet another (for the same person). It's not about who's doing it. If it were, a better but not the best way to describe it would be that difficulty (hard/easy) is subjective.
  • HardWorker
    I think life is hard for everyone.Caleb Mercado

    This is obvious but it does vary from person to person, just how hard life is for somebody. But some people might choose to have things hard. In school, did you ever sign up for a harder class? If you play or played sports, did you ever choose to be on a harder, more advanced team? Depending on what kind of job you do, have you ever decided to take on a harder project? Even with stuff such as video games, if you're a video game player you might choose to play a game on the "hard" setting.

    Sometimes you want stuff to be hard because you want to grow and you want a challenge.
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