• Huh
    Is the only way to live in peace to strive to be amoral?
  • Amalac
    No it's not? Why would anybody think that?
  • Huh
    so you don't have to worry about losing things when people say your evil if your actually evil.
  • 180 Proof
    The only way to "live in peace" is to get lobotomized and then maintained with a continuous 24/7 morphine drip. I guess "the evil" in that is it's a soul-destroying way to loiter away your days in a waking coma.
  • Huh
    Your evil when you oppose people but not when your openly evil.
  • Huh
    as long as I'm safe I don't mind sleeping all day
  • Amalac

    so you don't have to worry about losing things when people saying your evil if your actually evil.

    What is that supposed to mean? Could you write more clearly? Which “things” are you referring to?
  • Huh
    your life could be ruined in a few words
  • 180 Proof
    Waste of grey matter. Go plant yourself (preferably, I suppose, somewhere with a nice view).
  • Huh
    other than being safe is there anything else to life?
  • Amalac
    Too few words in your response I'm afraid:

    Ruined by what? If what happens? Are you saying if I'm not evil my life could be ruined? If so, what is the basis for that claim?

    If you don't give me clear answers I'll see that you are not worth talking to.
  • Huh
    Being evil doesn't mean your lacking empathy
  • Huh
    if your evil you don't have to worry about good or bad
    It's more peaceful to be evil
    I suppose amoral is a better word
  • Amalac
    I suppose you could start by saying what you mean by “evil” first of all. How can someone be evil and empathetic at the same time? (Now I see you edited your post and mean amoral, which is a very different thing).

    But regardless, you can fantasize all you want about being evil and not caring about good and bad, in reality if you seriously act according to that thought you will simply be put in prison, get hurt or killed by the police or other people, or be involved in other conflicts and situations which are far from peaceful.

    And if you don't care about good and evil, how do you justify your own actions?
  • Huh
    You can be amoral and empathetic at the same time no?
    And when you oppose people's morals your evil no?
    When I do something why does it have to be good or evil?
    Can I just trust that if I'm a good person I'll be a good person
    and if I'm a bad person I'm a bad person?
  • 180 Proof
    Life is anything else but "being safe". Only the dead (& forgotten) are safe.
  • Amalac
    If you are amoral, you don't think empathy is good, so why would you choose to be empathetic? It would seem to be a random and baseless choice.
  • Huh
    Understanding others is what keeps me safe
    Listening to others doesn't keep me safe
    Empathy isn't moral
  • Amalac
    Understanding others is what keeps me safe

    If you are amoral you have no reason to think that it is better to be safe rather than not to be safe, so what is the basis of this claim of yours that I quoted here?

    Clearly you implicitly believe that it is good to be safe, which contradicts your supposed amorality.
  • Huh
    you cant be amoral if your dead?
    lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something.
  • Amalac

    you can be amoral if your dead?

    Well, that came out of nowhere. What is the point of such a question?

    Obviously a corpse doesn't believe that anything is good or bad, what does that have to do with what I said?
  • 180 Proof
    This is social psychopathy (i.e. remorseless indifference to the pain or misery of others, which you also feel, even when you are the cause) like e.g. (most) corporate CEOs, political elites, arms dealers, (banal) bureaucrats & clerks, etc. Dostoyevsky believed hell is the inability to love; well, I suspect, damnation begins with the inability to care (i.e. amorality).
  • Huh
    I still feel other people's misery ,
    But I would still pretend I dont.
    Otherwise I would never feel peace
  • 180 Proof
    Caveat: We are what we pretend. Your "peace" is a narcotic, or cowardice ...
  • Huh
    People who pretend to be good are good?
    I can't make safe people who don't wish for safety
  • Amalac

    When I do something why does it have to be good or evil?
    Can I just trust that if I'm a good person I'll be a good person
    am a bad person I'm a bad person?

    If you believe an action is good you should do it, if you believe it's bad you shouldn't. That is how a sane human being justifies his actions.

    What a person thinks is good or bad could be mistaken or contemptible sometimes or often, but that is a different matter.

    Let me ask you something: Why are you in this site if not because you believe (for practical purposes) that it is better (or good) to be here posting rather than not? If you don't worry about good and evil, why on earth are you here typing posts? How do you justify your actions?

    You may adopt some doctrine like emotivism, where what is good or evil depends upon feelings like empathy and moral indignation, but then you are no longer amoral.
  • Huh
    seeing what other people see as good or bad,for better understanding of others and my self , i never said I was amoral but striving to be might be beneficial.
  • 180 Proof
    i never said I was amoral but striving to be might be beneficial.Huh
    To whom? In what way?

    No. You're "good" when you (try to) do good often enough for the conduct to become habitual. Likewise, "pretending not to care" often enough (in effect, not caring via conduct) becomes habitual so that eventually you cannot care.
  • Huh
    iv been pretending for years it's not easy to lose understanding of others misery.
  • BC
    Can I just trust that if I'm a good person I'll be a good person
    and if I'm a bad person I'm a bad person?

    No, you can't--BECAUSE good people are capable of doing bad things, and conversely, bad people are capable of doing good things.

    Is the only way to live in peace to be amoral?Huh

    You will have to label yourself a lazy-assed amoralist. You really aren't working very hard on this.
  • Huh
    No, you can't--BECAUSE good people are capable of doing bad things, and conversely, bad people are capable of doing good things.
    I'm not denying that that's why I said I can only trust that I'll do the right thing.
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