• Perrydiculous
    ADHD is said to be causing hyperactivity and a lack of attention. I dare question it being a legitimate disorder as well as what the actual resulting outcome is. I think it's not a matter of focus & energy, but rather a heightened curiosity. The way modern day society is constructed, wanting to know everything is frowned upon. When you question things like authority, you're rebelling and you're wrong. However, questioning things has, throughout history, been the power that drives mankind to become powerful enough to overcome their lack of physical attributes.

    I think that mankind has evolved differently in different continents, causing a difference in genetically fueled curiosity. From the beginning of all that exists, organisms with genetic markers resulting in specific traits, that were favored in their environment, had a higher chance of reproducing. This we already knew. However, what Darwin only came up with the theory of evolution, the theory itself was something that was still to be questioned and actually proven to (very likely) be valid.

    We've always been wondering questions like "Why are we here?" and "What would come after death?", but what we should've been wondering was: "How is this consciousness that is 'me' of use to me?". Consciousness has not been an ever existing tool that was granted by nature, but it is an extremely powerful one. An enormously advanced tool that grants your actions to have desired effects. All your conscious you is, is your steering wheel. When technologically was far from, well, anything, people had to get their minds of off thinking about the beginning and ending of life, to find the motivation to gather food and resources that enabled them to stay alive. This required a God to come into existence in their mind. As civilizations expanded and the earth becoming more and more populated, as mankind thrived, language developed.

    Humans developed language as a tool to prevent themselves to feel urged to murder other human beings. Which may, at first, sound farfetched, but the existence of ‘their’ Gods was suddenly questioned. When people managed to get along, they had the ability to get back to living. This, however, changed meaning when the difference in culture and belief was too much different from theirs. This probably happened when boats were invented and we managed to travel overseas. After many years of war, for which our associative and imaginative brains developed tools as well, years of trade followed. However, war never left from existence and to this day, mankind is still the only species that is actively reversing evolution.

    This reminds me of a TED Talk I watched recently, where someone spoke about monkeys being taught sign language. These monkeys knew how to communicate with us and they used this frequently, but never asked a “Why?” question. “Why?” questions are meant as a tool to question the environment and invent new ways to bend this environment to your profit. We should use the tool we already invented in the past so that we can challenge our environment once more. Let nature run its course the way it’s meant to be, but with combined knowledge instead of personalized. Looking throughout history, this has always been what we intended to do in the first place, but we’ve never really found time to communicate that origin with each other.

    This all being said, what is referred to ADHD is not a hyperactivity disorder. As a matter of fact, I believe all psychological and psychiatric disorders are made up. Genetic markers for specific behavioral traits aren’t genetic markers for disorders. The behavior that results from the genetic variance, is just not comprehended by society and society’s response is inhumane. With labeling behavior as wrong, it becomes stigmatized. A negative image develops for the majority and those labeled are left without means of communication. ADHD is, as Salif Mahamane (link) beautifully named, “a glowing ember, waiting to be stoked.” What is observed is another human being, being unable to communicate his thoughts properly, due to the construct of modern day society. The result is frustration, but the hyperactivity is excitement when acquiring new information to think with.

    Stigmatizing human behavior is cruel to its victims.

    Train of Thought #1:
    Remember how you're taught in school that you learn best from repetition?... I think you only learn what you're interested in and that you're only interested in what you can relate to. When repeating something uninteresting, you're forcing a way to relate to it. Why would you do something uninteresting in the first place? Well, this day and age, because of authority. We, as mankind, should banish authority from existence which, I predict, leads to our kind sustaining their position at the top of the food chain, while technology is no longer uselessly progressing into the vast eternity. We could keep things the way they are now, which I think will result in the destruction of earth if it isn't for our kind to lose its social character first.
    In short this sums up three possible outcomes: Social humans/psychopathic humans/destruction of the earth.

    Train of Thought #2:
    The human reward system is a very odd mechanism, compared to what one would imagine. It would appear logical that doing something that goes well, would induce pleasure. However, the reward system is activated right after the response to fear. The fear-response flushes the body with adrenaline, thus making you extremely fit for fighting and surviving in life threatening situations. The fear-response is followed by a release of norepinephrine and dopamine, which is conceived as pleasurable. As a result, an initial fear of the unknown will easily be overcome. Something you're getting comfortable with, however, becomes dull. What I think is that epinephrine is a response to fear and norepinephrine & dopamine aren't so much linked to the fear, but rather to getting to understand something. Getting to understand is fun, you get no response from a constant state, thus knowing doesn't make you happier than not knowing.
    We shouldn't have researched our internal existential debate nor should we have developed weapons to fight anything other than other human beings. Waging war against your own kind is idiocy. We should never have invented an economic system and we should never have started to accept athority.
    We're now stuck with the mess we've made.

    Train of Thought #3:
    Could it be that our primate-brain is what has granted our kind with social characteristics? Even though we all think we're social, our reflexes are always aggressive. Therefore, a reflection of our behavior is not always a reflection of what we want. Cognition's role is to not only act, but also observe and consider. Reflexes originate from the reptilian brain.
  • Chany
    No. You are just making assertions that do not make sense with what we know about reality, as well things that don't make much sense. The only good idea is that societies tend to treat those with mental issues and those who are different poorly and that we should make sure that what we label disorders are not just people who are different- not exactly a revelation.

    But make no mistake, there are disorders: traits that create signifigant problems for the person as they try to live. A person with chronic depression whose psychologists consider it a good day when they can get dressed. A person with ADHD has issues focusing in general, which can create issues in various pursuits.
  • BC
    It might possibly be the case that ADHD or ADD are not "real" disorders in the way that some other conditions indisputably are. Certainly, some children and some adults have difficulty managing sustained attention and some people are 'hyperactive'. The problem with this condition is that it hasn't been fully determined whether it is a "brain disorder" or an artifact of the children are raised, or a side-effect of bad environment.

    But not all mental "conditions" are vague and nebulous. Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, psychosis, paranoia, obsessive compulsive disorder, and so on are indisputably abnormal. That said, there are psychiatrists like Thomas Szasz and others who propose radically different interpretations of abnormal psychology. Personally, I don't believe them.

    That said, I also think too many people are assigned the diagnosis of "depression". Depression definitely exists, but so do a lot of other real-life situations that leave us in turmoil and which if solved, would leave us much more functional. LIKE: too much drinking, prolonged unemployment, abusive relationships, bad work-life situations, bad environments, and so forth. Too much noise, bad architecture, low grade culture, stupid art, heavy traffic, high concentrations of idiots, morons, and imbeciles per square mile, and so forth are all contributing factors. Lots of people feel dysfunctional, and are, in fact, dysfunctional -- but they are not mentally ill. They just resent living in the shit holes they are stuck in.

    Could it be that our primate-brain is what has granted our kind with social characteristics?Perrydiculous

    Of course, that is precisely the case. Primates are social creatures and the primate brain is what makes us social. We are social of necessity, since we take a long time "to become" and "becoming" is a social process as well as an individual process.
  • BC
    The human reward system is a very odd mechanism, compared to what one would imagine. It would appear logical that doing something that goes well, would induce pleasure. However, the reward system is activated right after the response to fear. The fear-response flushes the body with adrenaline, thus making you extremely fit for fighting and surviving in life threatening situations. The fear-response is followed by a release of norepinephrine and dopamine, which is conceived as pleasurable.Perrydiculous

    I haven't read basic psychology recently and I can't remember. But I suspect your interpretation.

    Ending a state of flight-or-fight-fear-indued hyper-stasis is a necessary event. Adrenaline is metabolized and norepinephrine and dopamine are excreted to return us to a state of homeostasis. We can't tolerate hyper-stasis as a steady diet.

    But I don't think it's fair to call this part of the reward system.

    A better example of the reward system at work is the way we respond to addictive substances like nicotine, caffeine, opiates, and stimulants like cocaine and amphetamines.

    People who are addicted to nicotine experience pleasure when they smoke. They feel relaxed, released, satisfied. But nicotine is a stimulant, and it shouldn't make us feel relaxed. So what is going on? What is happening is that a dose of nicotine is overdue and the CNS is getting antsy for what has become a normal level stimulation by nicotine. When the smoker lights up, the CNS relaxes, (dose arrives, everything is back to normal). It isn't the nicotine that relaxed, however. It's just the removal of a stimulative deficit. The same thing works with caffeine. Caffeine is another stimulant. I can testify to how irrupting it is to get up in the morning without coffee on hand. But what is irritating is the lack of the accustomed dose of stimulant, not the arrival of a tranquilizer.

    Most addictive substances work in the same way, whether it's a CNS depressant like an opiate or a stimulant like cocaine, or alcohol.
  • BC
    Genetic markers for specific behavioral traits aren’t genetic markers for disorders.Perrydiculous

    There are not many genetic markers for specific human behaviors, or disorders. Which is to say, we haven't found them. Of course, some behavior is genetically directed, and some features as well as disorders have genetic components. We know that from various researches. However, finding which scattered set of genes trigger a specific behavior is very difficult.
  • Efram
    I've had similar thoughts about ADHD, autism and such. For me, the danger lies in assuming that the status quo is correct and that anything contrary to it is wrong and needs to be fixed. Also, in many cases (such as depression or schizophrenia) it's the person themselves who identifies the problem and seeks help; in ADHD and autisim, another person makes that decision, followed by the decision to fill the "problem child" with chemicals.

    Using ADHD as an easy example: A child struggles to concentrate, etc. This might be considered a "disorder" as far as, that child is placed in a typical educational environment and then isn't able to handle it in a way that others can and in a way that others would like them to.

    To teachers and parents who want the child to sit still and soak everything in, this is a problem and they want to correct it (often chemically). However, there's not necessarily anything wrong with the child. It's entirely possible that the characteristics of their ADHD could have their own applications - probably later in life.

    In short: The lone fact of not being able to "fit in" shouldn't be considered a medical issue.
  • Wosret
    Who has figured out how to control children except through physical punishment, threats, lies, bribery, restraint, or sedation? Can't reason with them, they don't know anything, and respond "I don't know" to "why'd you do that", because their executive functions are not developed, and they're impulsive.

    Teaching is a conceit, people can only learn.

    My sister told me that she thought that I had ADHD. I probably have all of them, all of the disorders. I do like chaos.
  • Numi Who


    What ADHD is physically is a matter for science to pursue (you cannot 'speculate reality', your speculations only offer new possibilities that may or may not be worth further investigation (depending on all the investigation that has already been done).


    Now, once we know what ADHD is physically (for it is still under question as to whether it exists or not - it could be a pharmaceutical industry ruse to sell pills based on the erroneous theories/conclusion of uninformed/lazy/over-imaginative psychologists), THEN philosophy can step in to determine the value of ADHD as a TOOL (rather than as a defacto affliction).

    So you are right in pondering its potential worth (as a tool).
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