    I don't know if this is asked before or not, and if this is the right place to post, but if yes then apologizes for repetitive post.

    My curiosity or in general a question about humans and human behavior or the humanity itself.

    With everything we have read and still reading and still being written to be read, why do humans cannot grasp the idea of humanity. Is it our ignorance? Lack of process? or we are built in such a way that we do understand but we cannot be understood?

    Why are we still writing on how to live and how to behave? aren't we over that? I would understand for a kid that needs to raise and gain knowledge, but I am talking about mature and fully grown human beings.

    What do you think, what is happening?
  • Heracloitus
    What do you mean by 'humanity'?
  • RBS

    I guess the way we live, we behave and we try to survive? Being a human in nature and in action. Being good to others and to themselves? maybe?
  • Heracloitus
    There is no formula for life. Best we can do is have an ongoing discussion about a subject, for 100's of years, without reaching a definitive conclusion. Voilà philosophy.
  • Jack Cummins

    I think that you raise an important area for considering because, on one hand, there is human nature, although, of course, there is no one single theory. However, apart from the basic assumptions made about what human beings are like, there are questions about potential and what we become. This is where agency comes in and we can begin to think about what it really means to be human and about becoming as a choice, although some would deny that we have free will.
  • RBS

    True, I guess we all live differently, financially, socially, environmentally and everything else that affects the way we live, but again the question is we all have the knowledge, mind, brain and understanding then why cannot we follow some simple way of life and guidelines.

    A formula not for perfection but rather for being a normal human being as it is required by it's nature and definition and understanding.
  • RBS

    True about human nature, but don't you think that we are all somewhat built in same nature? Do you think we all have a choice in becoming something different. Don't all kids want to grow to be good. I agree that different causes affects differently our growth and behavior, but don't you that those causes and affects are also the creation of humans?
  • javi2541997

    Thomas Hobbes: Homo homini lupus. Humans tend to be destructive to each other so humanity is dangerous by nature.
    Karl Marx: The human is humble by nature but the society corrupt him. Human’ s nature could be good if we don’t have any kind of society/system/state which is over and over again staining our soul.

    Which theory is the properly one? I guess it all depends about the educational system. We have to go back in Ancient Greece times where they developed ethics and human behaviour. We live today in a sense of selfishness feeding the leviathan of Thomas Hobbes or the society of Marx.
  • Jack Cummins

    You are raising several philosophy questions really. Mainly, you are asking whether we have free will. Also, you are asking about causes which include biological, psychological, social and environmental aspects. I do believe that your introduction is also probably concerning with what is s desirable for human beings to become.

    I have got to go out shortly, so I am logging out now. But, I think it will be interesting to see how other people respond and what path the thread takes.
  • synthesis
    What do you think, what is happening?RBS

    Everybody has their own reality but few have the courage to live it, so they subscribe to whichever collective reality seems to massage their insecurities.

    Just look at the number of white people who have bought into the meme that they are unconsciously racist. People will apparently latch onto any idea (no matter how absurd) if it gives if it helps to disguise their inability to stand on their own two feet.

    Groups are very dangerous entities because individuals can be so weak.
  • T Clark
    With everything we have read and still reading and still being written to be read, why do humans cannot grasp the idea of humanity. Is it our ignorance? Lack of process? or we are built in such a way that we do understand but we cannot be understood?RBS

    As you can see from the forum, people disagree about everything. It would be impossible for us all to agree on something as important as humanity and human nature.
  • RBS

    True, free will topic is a different one and not going to touch on it, but my reference to free will was more of an evolving process form the childhood where to many of them it's fixed of becoming a human that is actually matching the definition of humanity, kind, nice and so on. Obviously it changes later on as life goes by, which leads to

    Now about the causes, that is also a different case, but my reference to them is that if a cause is affecting the humans, and they can be as named above, aren't they being built by us humans? I am debating if causes are good or bad but pointing to it's origin.
  • RBS

    The human is humble by naturejavi2541997
    I can agree with Karl on this one.

    society corrupt himjavi2541997

    I think that society is a product of human beings so if we agree to the first quote of Karl then how come the society can be different. Where did we go wrong. What was the starting point of humans to get this much in trouble where if they were created with a humble nature.

    We live today in a sense of selfishness feeding the leviathan of Thomas Hobbes or the society of Marx.javi2541997

    This is exactly what i am after. How come there is a big difference in same humble nature.
  • RBS

    Well if education and knowledge meant for betterment which is, then I guess it's not doing it's job right. Or perhaps again coming to the first question, maybe we are out of line to everything and like you said we are in a disagreement to almost everything. Now if perfection is the achievement of every human being then how come the definition of perfection is so vague, vast and unclear, of course perfection in sense of humanity.
  • TheMadFool
    Well, I consider the absence/lack of a definitive, clear idea about humanity in the sense how we should conduct ourselves? a sign of complexity rather than incompetence. There are so many perspectives on the human family, each valid in its own way, that sorting the wheat from the chaff is an uphill task. I suggest/recommend patience on our part, adopt a laissez-faire attitude, perhaps even pray if you're the religious type, hope for a lucky break, and do what doctors sometime do, to wit, wait and watch. A part of me wants to kick myself for such naive optimism but I don't quite care.
  • javi2541997
    Where did we go wrong. What was the starting point of humans to get this much in trouble where if they were created with a humble nature.RBS

    Competitiveness. This what Marx was rejecting back in the time. Remember that Karl Marx was so opposed against the idea of State and he wanted to establish a system a working class. Probably trying to get something different of what we are used to.
    Nevertheless, this reflects how the human nature is selfish by nature. It is impossible getting an equality system because always there will be someone who will break it.
  • Nikolas
    Why are we still writing on how to live and how to behave? aren't we over that? I would understand for a kid that needs to raise and gain knowledge, but I am talking about mature and fully grown human beings.RBS

    It is just the way it is for human "being." The majority disagree on what to do and how to react but only a relative few contemplate what we ARE and why everything is as it is.
  • d Luke
    I think humans usually search for some sort of stability. But this stability is difficult to achieve for several reasons. Sometimes self-interests are a part of our search. And other times, stability cannot happen because events disturb it. Many times these events happen unexpectedly. Or they have an unexpected effect on humans. When this happens, humans sometimes come up with a method to deal with such events. Then a lot of the times they write about it. This is probably why ‘how-to’ books are very popular. But a large part of our perpetual writing about how to behave comes from trying to figure out how to deal with people and events that are out of our control.
  • RBS

    Very interesting and valuable notes here. So and if the definition of survival is clear which to most of us it is i guess, and we do have the wisdom to do so, then how come we cannot define the way to continue the survival in a way that is beneficial to all of us. Many reasons and or so perspective's can be stated here, but don't you think if we take each and everyone of them, it will lead back to it's origin which is again product of a human being.

    The key is patience of course but don't you think it's somewhat one sided? Also waiting and other aspects that you mentioned. Don't you think we all understand it very clearly?

    I am more interested to see how people think and general thoughts are somewhat agreeable to all of us about the environment, social and economical aspects and that so many attempted the need of an Utopian kind of city that matches the concept of Heaven and eternal happiness and so on or maybe i am totally wrong. But what if Human's are being born for a different purpose and that is totally forgotten?
  • RBS
    Nevertheless, this reflects how the human nature is selfish by nature.javi2541997

    This is very true. There is the strong desire of everything for oneself. If it's a good deed or a bad one or money or fame and all. I think to us sharing is the most difficult task even if it's labeled as caring. I think we can do much better when we come to our right mind and senses which is of a human nature.

    Do you think the working class theory can be accepted if all and everyone is created in the same aspect in compare to the rest of the humans. Don't you think that the system of equality will work if someone is holding more than others, in terms of knowledge, mind and hardships that he has faced in his life span?

    I sometimes tell myself that we all say the truth and tell others to do so, what if the truth is not the truth. What if we are all running away from the truth and created alternative truths. What if we are all living in a dream world where it's so real that we have lost the touch of reality. What if we have totally forgotten our existence and trying to reinvent it with what we think should be?
  • RBS

    It is just the way it is for human "being."Nikolas

    So you think human beings are not created equally or they are but they have altered themselves to not be?

    what we ARE and why everything is as it isNikolas

    This is exactly what i am after. I don't know if we have still figured that out. Or maybe we have but don't acknowledge it because it will contradict of what have we become. Or merely we think there is a need of a separation between the creation. Maybe layers of societies in shape of steps to achieve the height of survival for others.
  • RBS

    To me one of the definition of humanity itself is stability. I think the achievement is difficult due to not following the proper definition. I think there is a front and back to what humans say and what we actually do. I think we are all not being honest to ourselves. If we cannot be nice to ourselves then how come we can be to others.

    You are getting to a good explanation here of why the needs of writing is there. Agree on certain events being out of our control, but if it's something related to humans and what we have done or created then i think that is a different topic, and to me only humans are to blamed for that.
  • javi2541997
    Do you think the working class theory can be accepted if all and everyone is created in the same aspect in compare to the rest of the humans. Don't you think that the system of equality will work if someone is holding more than others, in terms of knowledge, mind and hardships that he has faced in his life span?RBS

    No. It won’t work the class work theory. If a quite perfect system as URSS fell down don’t expect this again in our lives. Why they ended? Because they turned out being the bourgeois one. If you have all the power in your own hand it is difficult have solidarity or at least trying to. Keep in my mind that sadly there are people who don’t want give an effort in life. They have laziness by nature. Others are not capable to do things probably for their illness, etc... so in this context we see clearly we are different from each other by nature. The problem here is that there are people who take a lot of advantage from this.

    What if we have totally forgotten our existence and trying to reinvent it with what we think should be?RBS

    I don’t know how can be but I defend at least will be dangerous and savage. Like the nature around us. When a cheetah has to kill an antelope to survive
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