• synthesis
    Can you describe how you live your life to minimize their omnipresence/omnipotence.T Clark

    I take as much personal/professional responsibility for my own actions. I am extremely independent.
  • synthesis
    Can you describe how you live your life to minimize their omnipresence/omnipotence.T Clark

    Let me give you an example...

    I am a practicing physician. If you were my patient, I would educate you to the best of my ability and then give you choices (and discuss those choices in great detail so you can make the best decision for yourself).

    Do you believe that this is what the health care system would like me to do?
  • T Clark
    Do you believe that this is what the health care system would like me to do?synthesis

    I don't think the health care system would mind you doing that, they just won't pay you for it.

    I don't begrudge you your principles or your life. It just seems like you would have a bit more understanding and sympathy for how hard it is to live your life outside the system as it is. Especially given that you work in health care, one of the professions most involving large institutions and bureaucracy.
  • Tzeentch

    I think you will find what all these destructive groups share, is exclusive group identity, and that is the more likely culprit, rather than groups themselves.

    Exclusivity feeds the ego, the "us vs. them" mentality. Instead of helping an individual to self-actualize, such groups pull individuals away from it and try to replace the self with the group identity.
  • synthesis
    I don't think the health care system would mind you doing that, they just won't pay you for it.

    I don't begrudge you your principles or your life. It just seems like you would have a bit more understanding and sympathy for how hard it is to live your life outside the system as it is. Especially given that you work in health care, one of the professions most involving large institutions and bureaucracy.
    T Clark

    Groups care about groups. Individuals care about individuals. Of course the health care system doesn't mind what I am doing, but what if EVERYBODY started doing it? Remember, the primary purpose of the health care system is the health care system, not the patients (and it's been this way for decades).

    I know how hard it is to live outside the system (somewhat, after all, how much can any of us really live outside of it at this point), but doing the right things in life is ALWAYS difficult. The point is that you have to do what you can and not give in to the feeling that you are powerless.
  • synthesis
    I think you will find what all these destructive groups share, is exclusive group identity, and that is the more likely culprit, rather than groups themselves.Tzeentch

    The problem is that they pool and leverage their power and individuals find themselves up against a creature they simply do not know how to fight.

    What do you do when you call your cell phone provider and they assure you that your issue is the most important one they are addressing (you the the fifty million other people they are telling the same thing).

    The nature of groups has been understood throughout history and this is why the U.S. Constitution was written the way it was, to protect its citizens from the destructive power of groups.
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