• tim wood
    comes down to one's biological responsesBitconnectCarlos
    Nature? Or nurture? Maybe both, but necessarily one primarily. Yes?
  • praxis
    If not being able to conceive or being too short is a deficiency, is not being able to dunk a deficiency?BitconnectCarlos

    To clarify, homosexuals can conceive children. They cannot conceive children with those they presumably love romantically and in that way may experience a deficiency.

    Not being able to reach the cupboard without a boost is a deficiency, as is being incapable of dunking. Is it not PC to say this?
  • Streetlight
    I swear to God if you all turn this thread into one which was explicitly deleted by a mod I will ban the lot of you.
  • Gus Lamarch
    Perhaps the problem is that sex has been repressed and suppressed area of discussion within philosophy, while being the centre of many other aspects of culture. Perhaps this tension is arising in the cracks, as part of cultural collapse. Perhaps the unconscious is bursting through like a raging fire.Jack Cummins

    Sexuality is a topic I'm not willing to enter - at least not in this forum -.
  • Leghorn

    I just “posted” something here that apparently was considered so inappropriate by the powers that be that it never appeared...would y’all like to see it?
  • Baden
    Is rape really that bad? Is being French a disability? Are the Chinese evil? Is homosexuality a defect? All questions of a similar offensiveness that need not be dignified here imho.
  • Jack Cummins

    I think that the thread is going in a dangerous direction.
  • Streetlight
    Is being French a disabilityBaden

    :chin: :zip:
  • Baden

    Nothing never appears due to manual moderation. We don't work at the speed of light. If you want to run it by one of us, send it by PM. Don't post something deliberately to provoke us or you might be too successful.
  • Kenosha Kid
    Is being French a disability?Baden

    I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering this.
  • DingoJones
    I swear to God if you all turn this thread into one which was explicitly deleted by a mod I will ban the lot of you.StreetlightX

    That would only be appropriate if this thread was homophobic since that was the reason given for the other ones deletion. The topic itself wasnt the issue, and the topic in this thread has no homophobia so what are you even talking about? Is your modding guided entirely by your emotions/idealogy? You seem to be looking for teasons to exercise your banning power...
  • Baden

    The ghost of Robespierre will not forgive you, sir.

    Well, that backfired...
  • Jack Cummins

    I don't know it is that straightforward. I just got a reply from my comment about philosophy and sex in which the person seemed to think that any discussion of sexuality on the forum was breaking the boundaries. So, I am not even making a jesting comment and I feel that I have broken a taboo. So, I am left feeling really confused.
  • DingoJones
    Is rape really that bad? Is being French a disability? Are the Chinese evil? Is homosexuality a defect? All questions of a similar offensiveness that need not be dignified here imho.Baden

    If someone is seriously confused about any of those then a response is warranted, as opposed to someone just being hateful where I would agree a response is less warranted.
    If a person is sincerely asking the question, why wouldnt you respond? You dont believe in teaching moments?
  • Streetlight
    This isn't a discussion. You want to wonder if being homosexual is a defect - any more then being a black person or a jew is a defect - you can do it elsewhere. Do it here and I will make sure you can only do it elsewhere. I'm not 'looking for reasons', I'm telling you what they are. Your - or someone else's 'confusion' - is not my problem, nor anyone else's.
  • Leghorn
    @Baden Do you mean rather that nothing never “disappears” due to manual moderation?

    Nor did I mean to provoke anyone...just state an opinion...
    If someone said “some men are born slaves”, would you censure him?...Aristotle said it.
  • Joshs
    I think this has been a rather robust discussion of the ethics surrounding the use of the word ‘defect’ with regard to gender (thanks to your efforts). Free speech somehow has a way of wriggling its way around pc.
  • Baden

    Yes. We don't live in ancient Greece. Times have moved on a bit.

    My view, as I've expressed it also on the mod forum, is that we're not a daycare centre for moral kindergarteners.
  • Baden
    any discussion of sexuality on the forum was breaking the boundariesJack Cummins

    No, it's not.
  • DingoJones

    This thread isnt about homosexuality being a defect, its about why the other thread was deleted. Are you even paying attention or, again, are you simply rules by your emotions?
    No one is defending the claim that homosexuality is a defect. The opposite. Whats at issue is why we were not given the opportunity to correct that claim when it was made, especially since the OP was declared well intentioned by the mod who deleted it.
  • Joshs
    Is being French a disability?Baden
    If it isnt I’m going to have to return my car placard.
  • Jack Cummins

    I am glad, because I don't think that discussion on sexuality should be beyond the boundaries, or we would be going back into a Kantian atmosphere. I thought that the thread on the ethics of masturbation was really unique.
  • Gus Lamarch
    Block the option of further answers for this discussion. Thank you. @Baden
  • Streetlight
    This thread isnt about homosexuality being a defect, its about why the other thread was deleted.DingoJones

    Which is why, were you able to read, I spoke of those who looked to turn this thread into the one that was deleted. So maybe save the hysterics about 'paying attention' for the home ground hey?
  • praxis
    I thought that the thread on the ethics of masturbation was really unique.Jack Cummins

    So much for the moral kindergarten defense.
  • Baden

    I'm not going to do that unilaterally right now, there are different opinions among the mods on levels of censorship, but there are limits we'll adhere to.
  • Gus Lamarch
    I'm not going to do that unilaterally right now, there are different opinions among the mods on levels of censorship, but there are limits we'll adhere to.Baden

  • DingoJones
    My view, as I've said on the mod forum, is that we're not a daycare centre for moral kindergarteners.Baden

    No one is asking you to, in fact the issue is why we aren’t allowed to engage the person. No babysitting involved other than checking for breaches of the guidelines which you do anyway, and potentially deleting something, which was done anyway.
    I understand wanting to drop the hammer to deter bigots etc from polluting the forum, but thats not what this is. It really seemed like a sincere question, and not the kind of toxic garbage you are talking about.
  • DingoJones

    Like who? And also, That wasnt why the thread was deleted, according to the mod who deleted it.
    Also, “no YOU cant read”. Just flip what I said about you back around to deflect the actual point being made huh? Someone was saying something about childish behaviour? Grow up.
  • Streetlight
    I'm sorry the truth hurts your feelings. Will try to be more pc next time.

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