• Kenosha Kid

    We have known for years that different communities have different levels of satisfaction in the NHS and more recently we have seen anti-vaccination messages have been specifically targeted at different groups, including different ethnic or religious communities.

    Has anyone heard of this before? I'm finding it difficult to find verification. Also wondering if other countries are seeing something similar.

    Before Covid, I'd switched to using public transport to get around, the smug tree-hugging bleeding heart communist that I am. After lockdown, my employer started paying for me to get taxis for work purposes. I've gotten quite friendly with one taxi driver, a very nice, intelligent guy, who told me he wouldn't vaccinate if he had the choice, stuff about not knowing what was in it and a belief that a healthy lifestyle (this is a taxi driver we're talking about) would stop him getting Covid.

    I put this down to unfortunate ignorance on his part and tried to talk him around without triggering any of that anti-vaxxer rage he might have been suppressing but as of last time we spoke he's still planning on styling it out instead.

    If it were true that anti-vaxers are targeting ethnic minorities with anti-vaccine propaganda, I'd consider that tantamount to an attempt of ethnic cleansing. While there are a lot of sick bastards in the world, I hope this allusion to a concerted effort to trick BAME people out of vaccinating is, if not fiction, at least overstated.

    Anyone with any insight into this where they are?
  • frank
    Anyone with any insight into this where they are?Kenosha Kid

    It's here too. I don't think anybody is being tricked. My impression is that it's part of a broader lack of trust
  • Kenosha Kid
    It's here too.frank

    Remind me where here is... US?

    My impression is that it's part of a broader lack of trustfrank

    I wonder what the direct causes of that distrust are. Even in the context of economic inequality and racism, it doesn't seem obvious that so many would not trust doctors.
  • frank
    Remind me where here is... US?Kenosha Kid


    wonder what the direct causes of that distrust are. Even in the context of economic inequality and racism, it doesn't seem obvious that so many would not trust doctors.Kenosha Kid

    Just lack of trust in institutions in general? Blacks are more likely to look for ulterior motives everywhere they go (not that they're all the same). Once it becomes more common to get the vaccine and it hasn't been discovered that it causes strokes or cancer, maybe more people will feel comfortable taking it.

    Maybe the question is more: why do white, educated, liberal minded people feel so comfortable taking it?
  • Kenosha Kid
    Blacks are more likely to look for ulterior motives everywhere they go (not that they're all the same).frank

    Is this based on something? I understand why black Americans don't trust the American police, but not what they have against institutions generally.

    Maybe the question is more: why do white, educated, liberal minded people feel so comfortable taking it?frank

    Speaking for myself, I don't want to get Covid and I don't want to pass it on to others. I imagine that's normal.
  • frank
    Is this based on something? I understand why black Americans don't trust the American police, but not what they have against institutions generally.Kenosha Kid

    I don't know. I'll ask around. :grin:

    Speaking for myself, I don't want to get Covid and I don't want to pass it on to others. I imagine that's normal.Kenosha Kid

    Yes, but you probably wouldn't die of Covid. Most of the vaccines that are out are based on new technology. Didn't that give you pause?
  • Kenosha Kid
    Yes, but you probably wouldn't die of Covid. Most of the vaccines that are out are based on new technology. Didn't that give you pause?frank

    Speaking for myself, I don't want to get Covid and I don't want to pass it on to others. I imagine that's normal.Kenosha Kid

    I'm due to get the vaccine in September. That's as long again as the pandemic has been in the UK so far.
  • frank

    I got the second Pfizer shot last week. I have to admit: I wasn't thinking of protecting other people.
  • Kenosha Kid
    That was my argument to the taxi driver: even if you're fit, you have to think about everyone you meet, everyone who touches something you touch, your own family. He seemed to agree at first, but it didn't stick.

    You're right, I don't worry for myself at all, not much for my household either as we're all healthy. It's more people that use the same shops as me, taxis as me, etc. Although I sanitise like a motherfucker. I'm actually drunk most of the time now just from Lady Macbething my way through half the world's supply of alcoholic hand gel :rofl:
  • frank
    That was my argument to the taxi driver: even if you're fit, you have to think about everyone you meet, everyone who touches something you touch, your own family. He seemed to agree at first, but it didn't stick.Kenosha Kid

    But it hasn't been established that the vaccine keeps you from being a carrier. Don't blow smoke up the poor guy's butt.
  • Kenosha Kid
    But it hasn't been established that the vaccine keeps you from being a carrier. Don't blow smoke up the poor guy's butt.frank

    There's no data on it because there's no long-term vaccinated population to study. However there's every reason to expect a reduction in transmission rate, not least the reduction of the lifespan of the virus in the vaccinated individual. You can't transmit a virus you no longer have. Also, logically, the possibilities are it does or it doesn't.

    If someone said, "I'll toss this dollar coin. If it's heads, you can have it; if it's tails, I keep it," would you refuse because of lack of evidence it would be heads? Same deal.


    Back to the OP, not much more to go on. Apparent evidence of Russian disinformation on social media, no surprise there:


    Someone more on the ground claiming that ethnic minorities are being particularly targeted, which is slightly more trustworthy, but still no hard evidence:

  • frank
    There's no data on it because there's no long-term vaccinated population to study. However there's every reason to expect a reduction in transmission rate, not least the reduction of the lifespan of the virus in the vaccinated individual. You can't transmit a virus you no longer have. Also, logically, the possibilities are it does or it doesn't.

    If someone said, "I'll toss this dollar coin. If it's heads, you can have it; if it's tails, I keep it," would you refuse because of lack of evidence it would be heads? Same deal.
    Kenosha Kid

    No, it's not the same deal. You're telling some stranger than he can't pass on the virus after he's vaccinated when health officials presently eagerly want to know if that's true or not.

    Then you wonder why there's a lack of trust.
  • Kenosha Kid
    No, it's not the same deal. You're telling some stranger than he can't pass on the virus after he's vaccinated when health officials presently eagerly want to know if that's true or not.frank

    No, I did not say that. I said you have to think about others. You can conscientiously take the vaccine to lower the risk to others without a guarantee that it will do so, just in the same way you can bet heads without the guarantee it will come up heads. Don't rewrite my conversations for me, that's pathetic.
  • frank
    Don't rewrite my conversations for me, that's pathetic.Kenosha Kid

    I was just yanking your chain. No need to start patheticizing.
  • Kenosha Kid
    Chain well and truly yanked, accusations of pathos retracted.
  • frank
    Chain well and truly yanked, accusations of pathos retracted.Kenosha Kid

  • Changeling
    Chain well and truly yankedKenosha Kid

    Yankee corner over here.
  • Kenosha Kid
    Bunch of yankers.
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