• Going further with Fulcanelli....
    The Cabala I am referring to, this Phonetic Cabala, is all through the 1611 KJV. This Cabala, reveals a Furnace. By which to transmute Metals. Please, I am being as open as I possibly can. SEARCH IT OUT.
  • How does a fact establish itself as knowledge?
    I am honored to have read ur minings.
    That's a tough one. Initially I'd say that science aims at mind-independent knowledge, not dependent on our opinions or tastes. At the same time, science is dependent on human beings, who discovered it. So an element of subjectivity remains.

    The very fact that u recognize that SOME aspect of subjectivity MUST remain, is awesome! Reminds me very much of Mercury drowning in his own Reflection.... From there the connecting story is the Phoenix Rising, to be Scorched by the Sunne, die/Dissolve and be Reborn.

    Truth, my friend, is a Sword.

    But Truth is also the Experience of that Sword. That is why witness testimony is so strong. If ones see's it, it is counted as Fact. But facts change, due to our subjective experiences running OUR Show.

    I have mentioned before that the very Experience of Solidity in any way whatsoever, attests to there being an underlying Vein of Truth, which the lying image uses to prop up it's lying kingdoms.

    But I've said too much.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    And btw, TheQuestion, no, I am NOT a mason, a member of any secret society whatsoever. But, they are in my blood, for sure. As I am sure most by now have a connection somewhere. So that in itself allowed me to see some things. At first, diving into the esoteric utterly terrified me. One cannot just go down that path without a guide. They are sure to get lost. So, I had to be SURE I was being led, and by Whom? By Whom?! O M G was this terrifying. But always, ALWAYS followed by Comfort and Scripture. The connections to things every Christian has asked, all come together in this Revelation, and truly opens the Eyes.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    But I didn’t mean to offend. God Bless in your pursuit and I hope you find what you are looking for.TheQuestion

    Bro, I think you greatly misunderstand me. You may have been responding based on one post maybe? Didi you not follow the entire conversation? For the record, I too am a KJV-only type of person, and for the very same reasons. But, if you would read my other writing, I was trying to point out there is a Cabal, a Secret Society of People, who were communicating, passing down secrets, all through that original 1611 KJV. Any KJV that has reformed the spelling, whether knowingly or unknowingly, is destroying secrets that need to be known for the times to come. I have explained that Alchemists were used in the translation of the original 1611, and I can prove it by their own writings. Not just this, but what this means for the True Church is beyond words. Revelation 2:19, my friend. 1611 version.

    The 1611 is what I was raised on, and studied through, and was even read to me by my Nanna every night before bed, as a child. Something always stood out about the language, but even more when I started reading myself. For decades, I just knew there was something else we were not seeing. So I prayed about it every now and then, just so when the time was right, I would get my answer. When that day came, a few years back, it was beyond astonishing, because He took me into the esoteric. I was SCARED as hell, because I had no idea what He was doing. But assured me He was guiding, every step of the way.

    But the Revelation itself is not something I can just "give", unless one has been Prepared. There is surely "work" involved in the Search.

    I am sorry my flesh responded to you so quickly. I am usually better at catching it before I respond. Forgive me? But please, if you want the shock and Freedom of your life.... search it out.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    Generally speaking, good tends towards life and being. Evil tends towards nothingness. Augustine defines evil as an absence of good/being. The loss of God and being, brought about by the fall, leads to evil and nothingness.EnPassant

    I would have to agree with your final statement, but "tending toward" is not "absolute being", nor can it reach such a state. Simply because it remains divided. Consider, how does one remain divided if, "It is Finished"? How could a non-divided Realm be both, "to come" and "Finished", at the same time? Truth is not the same as Prophecy. I personally do not separate the Is-ness of Truth from the was and will be aspects of the same. It's impossible to do, in all Actuality.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    And I could say the very same things toward you. I could disrespect your understanding, just because it is not the same as mine. You have the audacity to say how hard the bible is to understand, yet you make claim to having something I apparently do not have? Simply because you don't "get it"?? Whatever dude. Go be all puffed up and thinking u have it all figured out. I am trying to DO the Truth. Not telling you that you are not, because I have been there. That's a bit offensive, isn't it?? You spent 2 long posts and my time to read both, "correcting" me. I have not brought anything but Scripture to the table, aside from showing how "science" is all through my understanding, now. It did not used to be. There was always a separation between science and spirituality. But not for me anymore. Now, I see another Science, and omG, once you can see it, one cannot unsee it. Am I out here preaching to stupid people that just don't get it? No, ur not calling me stupid, but u assume my revelations are not from God simply because they do not align with yours. My understanding opens up doors of Christianity that have long been locked. I understand you could also be coming from a "loving" heart, but look again at how you are approaching me, and look at Hebrews 11 again. I would gladly "explain", but u don't seem to want to hear anything else, like you have it all figured out? Again, whatever dude. I have been a believer all my life, and have been studying all my life. The Label of "academic scholar" could just as easily apply to me, but without being forced to believe a certain way, under the threat of academic failure or incurring debt. The threat of being seen and heard by others seems to outweigh the search at that point, but one cannot even see it, blinded by pride and self-desire. Just as your comments, don't take this offensively.

    "Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" -- Matthew 18:7

    Now consider with this Scripture another....

    "Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me." -- John 14:30

    Therefore, if "offense" is not in us, we cannot Experience offense. That is what the Scripture claims. And Yeshua walked it. Lived it. Shoot over to Hebrews 11:1-3 . These "offense" is an "invisible", from which the Matrix of the World is Made from. He would have said, I am quite sure anyway, that if "offense" is not in me, I could not be offended. I could not Experience "offense", anywhere "the soles of my feet go" (Joshua 1 reference).

    If you care at all to search this out, the "flipping" of that which appears "offensive" is done by Genesis 50:20, and the Process follows Genesis 1:1-10, at least.

    The Pharisees of old were worried about losing their place in society, according to John as well...

    "If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation." -- John 11:48

    Please, "prove all things". -- 1Thes. 5:21
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    A realistic scenario

    "That's impossible! It cannot be Smith who did this."

    "Then who did it?"

    "It has to be Brown!"

    Just because of your reply..... Why who? Why should "who" said what even matter? So what if it was Bejon King? Why should "who" come before "what"?? What they SAID should matter, not who they are, the position they hold. But that's only if you were answering seriously.

    I can show you a link that can explains it better than I can.

    I call it the Bible Project is very informative and I think is up your ally.

    "You" call it The Bible Project??
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    The snake in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was a fallen angel that manipulated Adam and Eve.TheQuestion

    First things first.... Who "named" the serpent? Was it not Adam??

    Yes, I understand the serpent is a manifestation of the fallen one, ha'satan, but here again I have to ask, what is an angel?? Is it not a "messenger"? So, this is the core play on the Agreement issue, the play on the free will choice of who/what to believe. At least, this is my Perspective. But ths Perspective unlocks access to a ton of spiritual things that have been "hidden", and dare I say, deliberately, as per Scripture:
    46 But some of them went their ways to the Pharisees, and told them what things Jesus had done. 47 Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for this man doeth many miracles. 48 If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation.
    -- John 11:46-48
    And validated by [link] https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/israelites-ask-for-a-king_bible/ [/link]

    1Samuel 8 states exactly what would happen.

    As to my interpretation of Scripture, I have searched this out for years now. As a certain class of people have repeatedly said, to separate God's Word from God's Work, is a quite serious Blasphemy.

    I know there are opposing views, and that is fine, but I have seen none to cause me to alter my position. I do appreciate your response nonetheless. The "church-ianity" just does not fly with me anymore. We have been told in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV to "Prove all things". 3 in 1, 1 in 3. This understanding does in fact allow for the Experience of Belief, by Way of Perspective, which indeed points to a Science of Manifestation.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    The "choices" we are faced with, regardless how seemingly small, are still founded on Life or Death, but when we are trapped in the world of Experiences, alone, then the appearance of what we desire to Experience is governed by the Screen, and we find ourselves in a forceful war for dominance. Whereas Belief is not forceful, if approached by Way of Faith in the Truth. The Experience of Truth is validated by Way of a Chosen Perspective. Once purified, is said to be Returned to the earth....
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    To specify here, I see the choice of giving Life to either Good or Evil.... our life. Our Perception of the Experience is then governed by our Agreements with Good or Evil, Right or Wrong, and all this governed by Life itself. Life "grows", Death "consumes", putting Self initially on the "wrong side".
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    We can have many choices in specific situations, some are better than the others, however no matter how many choices we have all of them can be grouped as either good or bad.SpaceDweller

    The issue I see here is quite simple, yet extremely hard, lol. Who/what decides "Right" or "Good"??

    To say that it is only Correct for Good to be chosen, the way I see it, one needs to ask if it is Good for the whole, or merely good for self?

    Here I find an easy solution, as self can only consume, being insufficient in the understanding of "who art thou"? Once the understanding is Enlightened, only then does one have the Legal Right to dissolve the opposition. This dichotomy is a construct, built upon "some thing", however metaphysical.

    Once one has reached an understanding of Reality not being Physical at all, the only way to justifiably affect our Experience is to make us as nonphysical as we now understand Reality to be.

    In the words of the Philosophers, "make two Waters One", "make the outside like unto the inside", etc, etc.

    But the "will" is the problem, as I understand it. Willing the deletion of the Experience of evil seems only legitimized by Way of Truth. Truth being Absolute, cannot contain any lies, and therefore the Experience of lies, and a science based on such Experiences, is circular, gaining momentum, to become more forceful.

    But hopefully you can see the same applied to the Truth, theoretically stands to not only affect the Experience-r, but also that which is POSSIBLE at all to Experience.

    I hope I have been clear enough.
  • Foundations of Experience
    I would like to have an actual conversation about this, talk it out, work it out, etc.

    I see here an application of spiritual alchemy.... and done legally.

    What I am about to dive into is surely going to offend most, but worse, stands to destroy economies, social structures, and virtually every prison of Mind projected upon the masses, yet promises that this understanding will not allow for the Experience of Opposition. I am making an attempt to explain a whole other Way of understanding and application of mystical texts, from the Bible to Buddha, lol, altho Buddhism does not openly reveal this. It appears this understanding is only given to the initiated, once they have been prepared. So consider well before denying, and even more before application.

    Perspective alone proves the Experience of Belief.

    From Yeshua of Nazareth to Plato to Newton, the Laws of Motion are more applicable to things not seen. Hebrews 11:1-3 in the KJV 1611, explains this well.

    This I find to be evident, once pointed out. The Process though, has been revealed as well, in the first few verses of Genesis. Explained as the Process of bringing a spirit to manifestation, this understanding stands to destroy the lies believed. The prisons of mankind are now opened.

    I can not drop a bomb like this without warning: the application of this presents as a Fire, by which to put the fires of the world under subjection.

    Yeshua of Nazareth is the only One to bring the Concept of the Law of Life into the Equation, and thereby giving us "legal right" to proceed on this Journey.

    Law = if/then

    if(Truth/Lies + Agreement) then Experience

    If Truth is an Absolute, then no lie can come from Truth. This Agreement, when Applied, strengthens the Fire. When purified, the Fire stands to reForm the Experience to align with Truth.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    I believe there is nothing wrong with attempting to interpret the bible as an art rather than trough faith.SpaceDweller

    This is what u "believe", and this "belief" is acquired by "faith" is ur own interpretation of the Scripture, rather than using Scripture to justify Scripture. I'm not trying to be rude here, as much as just pointing to an apparent error that u may not have considered.

    Now, to interpret the Scripture as Art, tell me, what is Art? As I understand it, Art gives Form to things with no Form.... "ideas", etc.

    To reach this Manifestation, the Properties of the "invisible" must be the Focus, which is a Choice. Hence the Free Will option, which opposes the Forceful option, need not rest on the outward appearances, as do the Forceful. This to me is the proper application of the "spirit behind the letter".

    My point is basically that when presented with solidity, the only way to alter this state is by Faith first. Faith is what is needed to reach Belief, just as the Seed needs Grown in order to bear Fruit. The Seed is not the Fruit, and is buried in the earth, before external manifestation can be Experienced.

    Perspective alone validates this Truth.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    "Good" and "evil" are mostly just arbitrary terms we give to different things according the metrics our morality/systems of belief tell us to assign to them. But beyond our preexisting systems of belief there is no clear way to explain why something is good or evil.

    Take for example the cells in our body. When they are behaving in the way we want them to they are generally considered "good" but when they do not (like when they are cancer cells) they considered "bad" or "evil". However such cells don't really choose whether they either help or hinder the body since they are not really conscience of what they are doing nor are they aware of how their behavior either helps or hurts their host nor if their actions really benefits them or not. this is more or less true of all any and all animals who are not sentient and can not really be "moral agents".

    In essence anything that isn't human or sentient (or even human but not really sentient) falls into a category or problem called "natural evil".


    However the existence of natural evil begs the question, if man is influenced by most of the same problems and limitations of as other animals, cells, forces of nature, etc. how can we are considered "objective moral agents" when pretty much everything in nature is not. Is it or is it not considered wise to expect human beings in many ways as fallible (or perhaps sometimes more fallible) then the cells in our body which can be expected to go "bad" from time to time?
    — dclements

    Wow.... Truly am grateful for your time and response, as I am everyone in this feed, really. Thank you all for thinking this out with me. There is some underlying thing driving the need to understand and have an answer to, what it is I see here.

    .... You take me to the very point I have been trying to build to with all this weaving around. I needed the basis laid in order to makebetter sense of what it is I see, without being discarded as absolutely nuts, lol.

    Behind the evil and the good, is some metadata of some sort, that presents us with a version of our Belief/s. From here, we add colour.

    Data comes in, we give it colour, and "it" fills in the Forme, that our Belief gives it.... This is my hypothesis, after deciphering many things written in stone, written for Posterity. These things, along with the alchemists of old, as Fulcanelli clearly states, were not looking for gold in the form of the metal we all know and love.

    I see, after all these years, the Path to the island Hesperides, and much more than even this. Four and Three and Two and One.... Two Waters, made One....

    Perspective alone assures us of the experience of belief. Knowledge and belief are two different things. Knowledge is based on forms, the letter of the spirit behind the form. But belief is the invisible that takes form, depending upon the ingredients provided by said belief.

    The belief of the existence of evil, at all, is what allows for the infinite manifestations of evil that we experience daily.
    — PseudoB
  • Phenomenology and the Mind Body Question
    Well, let's all agree that we all come from a singular Perspective. Granted, these Perspectives are infinite, as is apparent. Personality, as seen under Perspective, is just as rational. But what I do not see many in agreement with, is that these Perspectives are all founded on Belief. Each and every Perspective is merely through the lens of agreements held.... better known as Belief. I have often made the comparison that one does not get up to get something from the fridge, without BELIEVING there is something there that is wanted. Belief clearly comes before Will, and we could also say that Will determines Experience.... when placed under the Laws of Motion.

    The Experience of the many, may not be as justified as we have been taught for centuries now. Perspective alone proves this. Once the Momentum of Belief is taken into account, placed under the concept of Perspective, the Belief of the many is more likely to be Experienced than the Belief of the singular. Not to say the singular has no chance to affect his own Realm of Experience.

    Experience is Perspective. Determined by Agreements held. So when Agreements held are based on the Experience of the Agreements held, this shifts Focus from the True Source and shifts it to the Experience.

    I know there are billions who would oppose this idea. Does that change the fact that it is an idea? Does it not need Agreement in order to Experience? How do we Experience anything?? Perspective.

    Ok, now, throw in the Experience of "solidity".... That Experience alone attests to the Reality of Truth. But it is the only reliable manifestation, able to be used to build upon. All else would be a Water, of sorts. But this Water, depending upon Agreements, can be Experienced as Solid.... This is a "thought experiment" that proves the theory. This "proof" is what is required for the Faith aspect of the Law of the Experience of Belief.
  • Phenomenology, the Eye, and the Mind/Brain Problem
    Amen, lol, at least for those who have not lost their first Love ;)
  • Phenomenology, the Eye, and the Mind/Brain Problem
    The lack of explanation for why brains are conscious but hearts aren't is a problem.RogueAI

    I love this point. So clear and concise. All Matter should be conscious, if any form of Matter is considered to be, unless a reason could be given/explained. And if all Matter IS conscious, then this lends some credence to the Natural Philosophies of old. Of course, I'm not in court, being threatened with death by fire either....
  • Phenomenology, the Eye, and the Mind/Brain Problem
    Two gases, easily mix together, yet they remain separate.

    The only way to join two gases is by fire, or, in the case of CERN, violently smashing atoms, and again causing a heat, which, in the case of Hydrogen and Oxygen, both are highly combustible, which in turn would destroy both before any other chemical reaction could arise.

    So the Formula for Water, H2O, is truncated…. to say the least.

    So given there is a form of fire required, I’d like to point out that fire has both Active and a Passive qualities, understood as Heat and Light.

    This is pointed out by Kenneth S. Davis and John Arthur Day, in Water The Mirror of Science .

    Just this understanding alone shines some light on the alchemical Process, because the light is the Passive cause of the Union of two "opposites", two otherwise not-able-to-be-unified substances. Light, changes the Experience of the two made one.

    Now, "Water" is an alchemical representation of Soul. Soul/Mind quite obviously partakes of two Natures. The in and the out, the above and the below.... forming a Cross, and the Process giving Form to a Circle.

    This is where the purification of either side, lies or Truth, gets twisted, and used against all who lack this understanding.
  • Phenomenology, the Eye, and the Mind/Brain Problem
    In the old days, like Dark Ages, there are tons of Fountains mentioned. These Fountains were how the Ideas and Abilities of the dead who were placed in the Fountains, and dispersed and consumed by the drinking of the water mixture. Quite a morbid understanding of Fountains, if one asks me, but this is another mixing of two Waters.... ;)
  • Phenomenology, the Eye, and the Mind/Brain Problem
    Some will say that Life feeds on Life, which then circulates, giving rise to our Spherical theories of everything.PseudoB

    This at first necessitates Death, in the circular Nature of Life feeding on Life.

    But what if, lol, Life is just Transmuted? The Conservation of Energy is usually applied at this stage. The only problem I see here is that the Life itself gets utterly negated to non-conscious Matter, where I do not at all understand how this is possible?
  • Phenomenology, the Eye, and the Mind/Brain Problem
    The lack of explanation for why brains are conscious but hearts aren't is a problem.
    — RogueAI

    Not only that, but only some brain activity is correlated with consciousness. So if there's something special neurons are doing, it's not all of them. That's a problem for mind-brain identify. What makes some neural activity conscious? It needs to be something more than an identity, or you end up an unexplained ontology where only certain, very specific things are conscious, for no reason at all.

    From my Perspective, which is truly all we have, the Flesh is said to be "alive", until not, but is said not to be conscious. I personally understand all particles to be conscious, in that they interact with others in a very select and specific manner.

    Now, to add some Philosophy to the Scientific theory,

    "Life" grows,

    "Death" consumes.

    Maintaining these two, presents as a Tapestry. Presents to what tho?? To the eye? That is made of particles?? But is not decided upon until Experienced?? How can that be, when the Agreement is what allows for the Experience? The atoms and particles are now merely agreements, restricting all forms and limiting all Experiences.

    Consider where does Death come from?

    Cannot come from Life, for Life is Absolute, and all possibilities of Life must aid Life, whereas Death clearly is not helpful in any way whatsoever.

    Some will say that Life feeds on Life, which then circulates, giving rise to our Spherical theories of everything. But if looked at from an Absolute Perspective, the Division and Circulation of Life and Death is a house divided, and is doomed to repetition, adding more Force per rotation. But Force requires Potential Energy, to grow more Forceful.

    What I am led to, is that this Mindset, is a divided kingdom, which breeds Force....

    That there is no other outcome possible, until, we stop feeding Death.

    This sounds at first utterly irrational, until Death is seen as a Concept. An IDEA.

    Ideas are "Energy", are they not?

    E=pc, right??

    F=MA, right??

    So how do we delete "force"? Well, Belief does the same function, just not forcefully!

    One doesn't get up to go to the fridge, without BELIEVING an IDEA that says something is wanted over there. The IDEA, Agreed with, is the Cause for Movement. Then the Weight of the Agreements necessitated for the Experience as a whole appear to the Senses....

    I'm just working this out, out loud, in a sense, lol.

    Not just any Philosophy will admit that Philosophy affects Experience, but this one.

    This Philosophy, appears to be a Science??
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    "Good" and "evil" are mostly just arbitrary terms we give to different things according the metrics our morality/systems of belief tell us to assign to them. But beyond our preexisting systems of belief there is no clear way to explain why something is good or evil.

    Take for example the cells in our body. When they are behaving in the way we want them to they are generally considered "good" but when they do not (like when they are cancer cells) they considered "bad" or "evil". However such cells don't really choose whether they either help or hinder the body since they are not really conscience of what they are doing nor are they aware of how their behavior either helps or hurts their host nor if their actions really benefits them or not. this is more or less true of all any and all animals who are not sentient and can not really be "moral agents".

    In essence anything that isn't human or sentient (or even human but not really sentient) falls into a category or problem called "natural evil".


    However the existence of natural evil begs the question, if man is influenced by most of the same problems and limitations of as other animals, cells, forces of nature, etc. how can we are considered "objective moral agents" when pretty much everything in nature is not. Is it or is it not considered wise to expect human beings in many ways as fallible (or perhaps sometimes more fallible) then the cells in our body which can be expected to go "bad" from time to time?

    Wow.... Truly am grateful for your time and response, as I am everyone in this feed, really. Thank you all for thinking this out with me. There is some underlying thing driving the need to understand and have an answer to, what it is I see here.

    .... You take me to the very point I have been trying to build to with all this weaving around. I needed the basis laid in order to makebetter sense of what it is I see, without being discarded as absolutely nuts, lol.

    Behind the evil and the good, is some metadata of some sort, that presents us with a version of our Belief/s. From here, we add colour.

    Data comes in, we give it colour, and "it" fills in the Forme, that our Belief gives it.... This is my hypothesis, after deciphering many things written in stone, written for Posterity. These things, along with the alchemists of old, as Fulcanelli clearly states, were not looking for gold in the form of the metal we all know and love.

    I see, after all these years, the Path to the island Hesperides, and much more than even this. Four and Three and Two and One.... Two Waters, made One....

    Perspective alone assures us of the experience of belief. Knowledge and belief are two different things. Knowledge is based on forms, the letter of the spirit behind the form. But belief is the invisible that takes form, depending upon the ingredients provided by said belief.

    The belief of the existence of evil, at all, is what allows for the infinite manifestations of evil that we experience daily.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    An Absolute, cannot in any way be divided.... cannot contain within itself an opposite of its very self. lol, do you believe in ghosts? Has anyone ever come back from the dead?
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    What I see is an Absolute. Absolute Truth tho, can have no "opposite", no "potentially other experiencel". The only thing affirming the "need" for both sides, is Perspective and/or Experience. But Absolute Truth can in no way have an opposite. No other Experience can be justified as Truth, if it at all diverges from the Truth. Before I get in trouble for not defining Truth, my understanding is Truth is that which IS, regardless of Experience. Once given to Perspective, "realms" become thoroughly legitimized. So in the Realm of the Believer of the opposition of Truth, one is giving their life to a lie. A lie so Foundational, that the Momentum of previous generations, and the Momentum of Affections, just as in the use of Dialectic and Rhetoric, to Force the Agreement for one, and for two, allows for no other Experience, thus keeping the "so-called scientist" in a never ending circle.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    The Experience of "opposition" to the Truth, is the Experience of lies.... Most people take this as absurd, and impossibility that could not exist. But every single person in this world has the Experience of lies that cannot be denied, once the solidity of anything at all is attributed to there being a Foundational Truth.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    Looks like everybody recognizes evil! Should be easy, then, for someone to say what it is. You-all do know what you're talking about, don't you? What is evil?tim wood

    You do ask an important question. Sorry I didn't acknowledge until now.

    I personally come from the perspective of there being an Absolute Truth, and given the Experience of solidity, I feel justified in this. So then any Experience that "opposes" this Truth, would be considered the Experience of "evil". Evil then being defined as the opposition of Truth.

    In Hebrew, this "opposition" to Truth is embodied in the Personality of "ha'satan" -- the opposer.

    Now, right there, this "spiritual" text has just turned into an esoteric, Mystical, and Experience-affecting text.

    The Belief in this "pre-existing evil", makes no sense, yet the Experience thereof is quite sensible. But it surely allows for the Experience to Manifest. So consider the Momentum behind the "evil".... The solidification of the Idea is ensured by the equation, " p = MV " . The specific Weights needed to reach Specific Manifestations are only given to the children of Art.... an Art founded on the Movement of the Elements.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    It's said that belief taken up a notch - conviction - is a very powerful state of mind in that it can, in a sense, open doors....TheMadFool

  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    What I am trying to get at in these conversations is how the Laws of Motion apply more to things nonphysical. That the manipulation of feelings and affections greatly alter the perceptions of the people, allowing for the manipulation of free will.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    In trying to keep on subject here:

    Let's allow Hitler and Tojo to have some air time; let's hear what they have to say. After all, they have a huge following and all those people can't be wrong, can they? Maybe they have a point?James Riley

    Do you see the "potential energy" being given?? The "maybe's", the "possibilities", are given more fuel, per person who comes into Agreement that such a "possibility" is actually there. I understand the mindset that needs to prepare and is governed by Fear. But I also see a very simple math equation being played out on the biggest Stage there is. Meanwhile, another veil is laid overtop it, so that the people affected are so distracted by their fears and desires, quite literally blinded by fear. The solidity takes place due to generations of Momentum of Propaganda. Bernays would be proud. That should scare the hell out of the population but no, it somehow gets twisted back and used against the fearful.

    "The American people don’t believe anything until they see it on television” is a quotation by American politician Richard Nixon (1913-1994) — https://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/the_american_people_dont_believe/#:~:text=%22The%20American%20people%20don%E2%80%99t%20believe%20anything%20until%20they,solid%20for%20months%20after%20the%201972%20Watergate%20break-in.

    This, along with many, many, many attempts tp "program" the minds of the masses, have been admitted, proven, since the 60's, and the effects of the Momentum's used and abused clearly blind the "woke", When the affections of the masses are manipulated to the point that they are willing to pay to be lied to about their reality, there is no government who would give back such power over the people. I fully understand just how offensive this "idea" can appear, the cognitive dissonance this causes, but it is the momentum of lies believed that overpower the perception of reality. Almost as if the everyday people are the ones tripping. Quite seriously, like a mushroom trip. Anymore, the lies believed produce a "flakka" response....
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    There is always room in academia to entertain argument, both sides, and objectivity. That is what academia does best. But don't shovel it out, uncontested, as propaganda. You may not get anyone fired up next time around when it's time to kill.James Riley

    I could not agree more. As the Metal in the Furnace, the Heat is purifying.

    I don't believe in evil, but I understand the utility of a social construct called evil. Does the fact we construct something that does not exist render it extant?James Riley

    I am curious as to the utility of such a lie? The prospect of such a thing, once internalized, determines the experience of it, externally, all legitimized by Perspective. The prisoners have been promoted to prison guards that never leave.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    Spiritual beliefs are validated by the Experience of solidity. The motivational factor, all movement whatsoever, is validated by Law, and Experience. But the circle of Experience is quite dangerous, because once based ONLY on Experience, no other Experience is considered justified, nor justifiable. It is beyond clear that no movement occurs without thought. Thought, being an invisible, has no Matter. At least, not that I have seen. So you see, this concept is a prison, refusing any other belief that is not based upon an experience in the world. But the world we are taught, is a sphere too, ensuring the imprisonment of all who disregard the spirituality of thought. Now, if one would like to justify brain, I have to ask, is not the brain an Experience?? Somehow, Perspective, however reinforced by the multitude, is only confirming what one believes at the core, where thought and manifestation agree. The agreement forces the circular Nature of the Experience, thereby ensuring the science of the times to be an infinite circle, allowing only for the solidification of lies believed. Truth does not allow for "potential energy". Thus the Experience of solidity.

    To be clear here, I am not trying to introduce any type of "religion". I am approaching a hard topic, that has been treated both by science and religion, to no satisfying end. If we apply Newtonian Laws of Motion to the "things of the spirit", to the "invisibles", the Momentums clearly affect far more than Matter is said to affect Matter, in and of itself. If scientifically applied to things of the spirit, the forceful are understood to be the Virus. The virus of all mankind is beyond evident. I see no need to bring the confinement of religion into a theory on True Freedom :)
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    Perspective alone states that we all Experience lies, and daily.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    Richard, I would have to question u on the Belief that the evil precedes the Experience. Before any Experience of evil, one must take into account the Momentum of the Beliefs born into. Thus presenting one with a world experience that is this and that. Divided. To overcome this Experience of evil would indeed be a fire heated seven times hotter than normal, but with the right Fire, one can make fire afraid of Fire.
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil
    Ok, but what of the dissolution of Evil? Is it Experiential? Can it be? To dissolve all Experience of evil, from my realm of Experience? The entire concept of Potential Energy gives life to the Idea that Circulates. The Beginning is also the End. Suddenly, Light has shined in the darkness :)
  • The definition of art
    Seems to me the hardest part in killing the Experience of Death, in all its forms, is the Work it takes to overcome the beliefs that allow for the Experience. The person u were before reading this is no longer the same. Technically a part of you has died, by merely reading this. Call it an assault? Maybe. But if it leads to a better and more thorough understanding of the whole, then how can I deserve to be punished? At some point a stand must be taken, else one commits philosophical suicide.
  • The definition of art
    “Art” has always given a form to that which has no specific form. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. So does Death. So does Fear. So does Love. All invisibles, that, like Life, have infinite forms, but their essence or spirit is one. Life grows. Death consumes. As I understand things, us giving life to death is the cause of the momentum of iniquity, the belief of lies, that provides us all with an experiential realm which confirms our core beliefs by hiding them from us and keeping us focused on the forms it takes. You could be a bit more patient and less frustrated with me and my faith. Funny how Death prefers to even kill that which gives it life. But I’d be glad to kill Death :)
  • The definition of art
    as to Experience of anything non physical, yes sir, I have had many such experiences. I have had dreams that end up playing out exactly. How I could have known the exacts of the most non meaningful things, months ahead of time, is an impossibility that our science of the day has left me with giant holes to fill in. Whereas other Philosophies have given a very scientific explanation, when understood nonphysically.
  • The definition of art
    I am a writer Tom. My writing helps me work out mysteries. Helps me see things that otherwise remain hidden to myself, because it’s then placed right in front of me. Yes, some may call it Faith, but that is only the initial step in belief in something one cannot sense. From there tho, it is surely a Science, which, as I have found, is quite like our laws of motion according to Newtonian physics, applied to “invisibles”. I refer back to Scripture all the time because just as Constance has said, it is the meeting place of reality and thought or ideas, and this Science is rejected by the masses simply because they don’t believe a physics of matter has any effect of things immaterial. As you have said, you don’t believe anything immaterial exists, basically. Yet, I bet you believe in Momentum! Lol, immaterial, yes, but clearly has effects on material things. We are taught this is an attribute of Matter, but what I see is Ingredients of Matter. What hinders this are the beliefs we are born into the Momentum of. Trying to overcome these presents as a “fire heated seven times hotter than normal”. So the language provides the connections necessary, the meanings, etc. Quite scientifically, just upside down and backwards.
  • The definition of art
    Truth, being that which is, regardless of Experience, this Truth provides for the Experience of Realms of Belief. From here, Newtonian laws of motion apply more to “invisibles”, just as stated in Hebrews 11:1-3 kjv.

    This “key”, opens a Door, that once shut cannot be opened and once opened (understood) cannot be shut (ignored).

    This Key and this Door, if applied to the Four Elements and their Relationships, are a Furnace, by which to purify Gold. Some would say, to MAKE Gold, to Transmute what appears as Lead initially, into the Experience of Gold.

    Knowledge of BOTH good and evil, provides for the Experience of BOTH. This divided house cannot stand, in that it does decay, does, gets lost, stolen, etc. Without the knowledge of evil, the Experience would in fact be impossible, however the Fire required to put the fires under subjection is “insanely” hot….