• Holding that life after death exists makes me angry
    "Consciousness finds that it immediately is and is not another consciousness, as also that this other is for itself only when it cancels itself as existing for itself, and has self-existence only in the self-existence of the other."Gregory

    What does he mean?
  • Holding that life after death exists makes me angry
    A mechanical linear view of matter won't get to the core reality on consciousnessGregory

    Neither will a non-linear view. The core reality of consciousness lies inside matter.

    An afterlife, reinforced by society and culture, is an effective way to manage grief and dread. But I agree with you that supernatural beliefs like this often cause great harm.Tom Storm

    Natural beliefs can cause great harm too. Just look at the state nature is in. And the worst has still to come.
  • Reverse Wormhole FTL Travel Possible
    What were you on while writing this?
  • Holding that life after death exists makes me angry

    On the other hand, @Wayfarer makes a good point. Belief in a new life, be it secular or not, can give a good excuse from refraining doing harm. If that has repercussions for the afterthislife.
  • Holding that life after death exists makes me angry
    Getting drunk on thoughts of a better life beyond this one is no better than getting drunk every evening after work.Philosophim

    Very true. It can stand on the same ground even as escaping by heroin. No real solution. Maybe heroin is even better. That at least takes pain away. Better than: "Ah, WTF! Next life better! Let's focus on that..."
  • Holding that life after death exists makes me angry
    And this is my point. Coming up with something that satisfies our emotional desires is stunting growth. It is imaginary. Does it help you be a better person to others? Does it help you make the world a better place? I just don't seePhilosophim

    Well, I didn't come up on it to fit my desire. I never desire to live another life. It just turns out to be that way. And luckily. Maybe next time it's done better. I didn't ask for this world I live in.
    It's not going to make a better or worse person of me. Is it that what makes you angry? That people believing in reincarnation forget to think about fellow people? Then you could transpone life every time to the next. Same as prolonging everything to tomorrow. I don't like that either. It's no excuse.
  • Look to yourself
    There is literally nothing easier than not doing what one does not want to do.unenlightened

    Tell that to the heroin addict.
  • Immaterialism

    Must be the mushroom soup...
  • What's the big mystery about time?
    Do any of that explain what time really is?Alkis Piskas

    Can't we say that time is an irreversible collective motion of particles, which started near time zero?
  • Holding that life after death exists makes me angry
    What makes me angry is when people lie to support their personal bias.theRiddler

    You can see your present existence as proof of a previous existence. Why is that a lie?
  • Holding that life after death exists makes me angry

    How are you so sure you won't be born again?

    I have the mechanism to make it happen.
  • Holding that life after death exists makes me angry
    Why do you insist on believing something you know you just came up with?Philosophim

    Took me 15 years to come up with. It fits my belief exactly. It even inspired it.
  • Holding that life after death exists makes me angry
    This is all made up in your headPhilosophim

    All cosmological theories are made up in heads!
  • "If men wish to be free, it is precisely sovereignty they must renounce.”

    I have fairly good knowledge of the physics and chemistry of the brain. But that's contingent on the real state of affairs. I know the basic neo-cortex structures and have done a fair amount of personal experiments, even drug-induced, and read a lot about it. But personal experience shows me how the network actually functions. Just observe.
  • Atheism & Solipsism
    Either way, atheism is warranted.Seppo

    Atheism is then empty too. Even doubly!
  • "If men wish to be free, it is precisely sovereignty they must renounce.”

    You got it the wrong way round. I don't allow my thoughts to think about all that science. I know how the brain functions. It's not that difficult. I have over 30 years experience with it! It's a neural network that's there for me, like the physical world. The neo-cortex is a nice extra feature!
  • Holding that life after death exists makes me angry

    Okay. I'll try. I'm not trolling or whatever. I'm serious. In my view, the singularity is a thin wormhole connecting two parts of a 4-dimensional universe. I consider particles as small geometric structures. Three large space dimension of a 6D space are curled up to tiny circles. A tiny Planck-sized torus. A cartesian product of circles. Almost, but not quite pointlike. They are confined to 3D space (which is 6D basically). Before I continue, you want me to continue?
  • Is not existing after death temporary or permanent?

    Why am I trolling? How do you know what I know?
  • What's the big mystery about time?
    Can you give a real-world, specific example of a cause that effects a change over distance, with elapsed time equal to zero?ucarr

    They can't! Every change in space, dx, is accompanied by a dt. You're absolutely right!

    There are no spacelike worldlines.
  • Is not existing after death temporary or permanent?
    Mind citing what that hard scientific reality is?Philosophim

    I can cite myself.
  • Holding that life after death exists makes me angry
    Rebirth is no fact.Philosophim

    You can deduce the proof from cosmology.
  • Holding that life after death exists makes me angry
    Yet when I have spoken with people who believe in life after death, and as someone who once believed in it, I have found it is a convenient excuse for why you don't do more.Philosophim

    No, rebirth is no excuse, it's a fact.
  • Is not existing after death temporary or permanent?

    I see you started a new discussion on this topic! I'm not sure why it makes you mad. It's not like believing in God. It's hard scientific reality.
  • Can this art work even be defaced?

    Abstract? Seems pretty concrete to me. Hyper realism, that's abstract.
  • Is not existing after death temporary or permanent?
    If its not the same as in this universe, then its not you. Beyond the fantastical idea that this will even happen, at best its a clone.Philosophim

    That's because you argue from the perspective in this universe. In this universe there can't be a clone of me. It's someone else. The follow up universe is disconnected from this one. By the way, it's even more fantastic to think there is only one big bang.
  • Is not existing after death temporary or permanent?
    Explain to me why you think that person born in a different universe is you? Its the same as if there was a clone in this universe. It is not you.Philosophim

    That's my point. It's not the same as in this universe. All material particles will disappear in time in this universe. New appear in a new bang. A new you and me appear. Why shouldn't they be me or you?
  • Is not existing after death temporary or permanent?
    Yes it does. If you are cloned after a big bang, that is not you. You will not come back. You will never come back. I don't say this to hurt you. I say this so you recognize reality, and are able to live your life free from a fantasy otherwise.Philosophim

    I don't say it to hurt you either, but the new you is you. All is gone here, everything starts again in zillion years. But it seems the blink of an eye. But if you don't believe this, it's up to you.
  • Is not existing after death temporary or permanent?

    You can't be reborn in this universe. The clone is not you. It's impossible you are reborn in this universe, as the particles you are made of have a unique history. If all particles here will be gone in the future, new particles appear in a new big bang, leading to a new you.
  • Is not existing after death temporary or permanent?
    Second, you are who you are because of yourself, and the circumstances you are in. If you were cloned today, you would not be your clone. You would be in one location, while they would be in another. You would not share consciousness. On the second of creation, your paths would diverge. In the incredibly unlikely scenario of an exact repeat of existence trillions of years later, it would not be you, just someone very like you. You will be dead and gone. You will never come back.Philosophim

    The clone argument doesn't hold for serial big bangs. I have good theoretical arguments for them to occur. You can get born like you in an infinite variety of planets and situations on them. We will come back...
  • Look to yourself
    I hope that technology absolutely ensures that we will all perish if we use war to settle things.universeness

    Don't you think this reassurance will be a reason for some to start such a war? I think it's a very scary idea that such a war is possible in the first place. Gives me nightmares!
  • Is not existing after death temporary or permanent?
    Do not live with the idea that there will be something after, live with the idea that what you have is a precious moment in all of existence that will never be repeated again.Philosophim

    Who says our state doesn't appear again in a follow up big bang? All material particles in the present universe will be annihilated in the far future. All that will be left is a diluting photon gass sending fleeting remembrances of all happy happenings into oblivion at infinity. This state can induce a new bang and fresh particles can condense on a new planet around a new star into new you's, me's and everyone's. Just a thought.
  • Antinatalism and the harmfulness of death
    Are you accusing Bartricks & me of being prime movers? :blush:Agent Smith

  • Basic Questions for any Kantians

    But why are you skeptical about that?
  • Basic Questions for any Kantians

    Baby's are born with a priori knowledge. If born blank knowledge gathering can't even start.
  • "If men wish to be free, it is precisely sovereignty they must renounce.”
    No, your brain controls the entire body you see in the mirror.Garrett Travers

    No. My body controls and it uses the brain. If I type these words, it's my body typing, my body steering my vingers, via the brain, not from the brain.
  • Global warming and chaos
    The only way to secure a suatinable future is to increase and extend prosperity, and the only way to do that is to harness magma energy - to meet all our energy needs, plus, capture carbon, deslainate, irrigate and recycle.karl stone

    Get real mr. Stone! The only way out is not magma. That's letting the volcano in. The only way out is production decrease. Nature has suffered long enough under the capitalistic hammering.
  • Antinatalism and the harmfulness of death
    But they were aborting the girls so they could have sons. Leaders also figured out that they would run out of people to participate in the economy and China would plunge into a bottomless depression. There's a good chance they're right. Then we'll see some real misery.T Clark

    Abortion should be forbidden then. Economy is of no importance whatsoever.
  • Antinatalism and the harmfulness of death
    That's a reasonable position, although it didn't work so well for the Chinese.T Clark

    The Chinese changed it to 3. They are stupid. One was better.