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Favourite philosophers | Arthur Schopenhauer, John Locke, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Richard Burthogge, Bertrand Rusell, Ralph Cudworth, Noam Chomsky, Galen Strawson, Raymond Tallis, Bryan Magee |
Favourite quotations |
"It's always night or we wouldn't need light." - Thelonious Monk "It has become standard practice in recent years to describe the problems of consciousness as "the hard problem," others being within our grasp, now or down the road. I think there are reasons for some skepticism particularly when we recognize how sharply understanding becomes beyond the simplest systems of nature." - Noam Chomsky "You may reasonably expect a man to walk a tightrope safely for ten minutes; it would be unreasonable to do so without accident for two hundred years." - Bertrand Russell "We found, to be sure, that although we had in mind to build a tower that was to reach to heaven, yet our supply of materials sufficed only for a dwelling just spacious enough for the tasks we perform at the level of experience, and just high enough for us to survey these tasks." - Immanuel Kant "Enchanted by its rigour, humanity forgets over and again that it is a rigour of chess masters, not of angels." - Jorge Luis Borges "...From all which it is evident, that the extent of our knowledge comes not only short of the reality of things, but even of the extent of our own ideas. Though our knowledge be limited to our ideas, and cannot exceed them either in extent or perfection; and though these be very narrow bounds... and far short of what we may justly imagine to be in some even created understandings, not tied down to the dull and narrow information that is to be received from some few, and not very acute, ways of perception, such as are our senses; yet it would be well with us if our knowledge were but as large as our ideas, and there were not many doubts and inquiries concerning the ideas we have, whereof we are not, nor I believe ever shall be in this world resolved." - John Locke "Let us chase our imagination to the heavens, or to the utmost limits of the universe; we never really advance a step beyond ourselves, nor can conceive any kind of existence, but those perceptions, which have appear'd in that narrow compass." - David Hume "Submission ends it all..." - The Stone Roses "But, concerning what you think to be the truth of the thing, or the ultimate nature of honey, this is what I ardently desire to know, and what remains still hidden from me..." - Pierre Gassendi "The essences of light and colours (said Scaliger) are as dark to the understanding, as they themselves are open to the sight.” Nay, undoubtedly so long as we consider these things no otherwise than sense represents them, that is, as really existing in the objects without us, they are and must needs be eternally unintelligible. Now when all men naturally inquire what these things are, what is light, and what are colours, the meaning hereof is nothing else but this, that men would fain know or comprehend them by something of their own which is native and domestic, not foreign to them, some active exertion or anticipation of their own minds…" - Ralph Cudworth "All you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be." - Pink Floyd "If it be Inquired how it comes to pass, that sentiments and notions, which really are not in the things that are without us, do yet appear as if they were, and consequently that they seem to be Objects? It must be Answered, that this arises from the very nature of cogitation it self, and of the cogitative faculties; and that both Reason and Experience do evidence, it must be so. ...Reason sheweth that it must be so; for as we are conscious that we have a perceivance of Objects under certain Images, and Notions, so we are not conscious of any Action by which our faculties should make those Images and Notions; and therefore being sensible that we are Affected with such Images, and Notions, so long as, and no longer than we do attend to things without us (which things are therefore called Objects) and not being sensible that we are so by any Action from within our selves it cannot but appear that we are Affected only from the things without us, and so, what really is only in our selves, must seem to come from those things, and consequently to be really in them." - Richard Burthogge |