
  • The case against suicide
    I’ve never much understood why permanent solutions to temporary problems ought to be shunned. It’s only temporary problems that have solutions, not the permanent ones. And does one not want one’s solutions to problems to last and thereby be permanent? How then is this supposed to assuage those who are suicidal and have no doubts regarding there not being an afterlife?

    Unfortunately for your theories, the reality is the majority of unsuccessful suiciders regret their decision to attempt suicide. In fact among unsuccessful suiciders, greater than 90% will never die of suicide (23% will have another unsuccessful attempt, but a whopping 70% will never attempt it again).
  • The case against suicide
    The argument against suicide is that it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
  • What is creativity?
    Some creativity involves creating an end product, say a movie, other creativity involves creating a pathway to an end product, that is: problem solving.
  • In defence of the Principle of Sufficient Reason
    The outcome “4” exists from “2+2” by logical necessity

    While true, it is bordering on insignificant and useless. Basically you're saying if you give me an answer I can come up with an equation that comes up with that answer. Of course my equation may not be how Nature came up with that answer, but it's AN equation that explains the answer. BTW, many, many actual explanations don't initially seem to be the most reasonable explanation.

    Basically a bundle of (next to) nothing.
  • How do you define good?
    So I decide to build my own set of rules and values, this is my first attempt and I will need your help, so where should I begin?

    Well in my opinion you should start with the realization that "good" ( and therefore "evil" as well) is a subjective descriptor. Thus good, to you, is whatever you deem it to be. Societies also decide what the common good is for the community.

    Of course there are certain cases where the good option is almost universally agreed upon and many fall into the trap of concluding that "good" is therefore objective. Don't make that error as there are many more areas where there is no consensus on the good option whatsoever.
  • I know the advancement of AI is good, but it's ruined myself and out look on things
    What do you think about kids using social media. Personally I would ban smart phone use (outside of the home) for anyone under the age of 18. Cities do need to adapt to the needs of children though - green spaces to explore with freedom is so important I feel (beyond the watch of adult supervision).

    I think it's like the hullabaloo about TV when I was a youth (remember the "boob tube"?) and video games when I was a young adult. Could watching TV rot your brain? The main issue with TV back then and social media now isn't what TV and social media add to a youth, rather it is all of the other things kids could be doing with the time wasted on these electronic time sucks. The difference with social media is that you have the added issue of warped values as to the relative importance of things (such acceptance by peers).
  • Is Incest Morally Wrong?
    Most disagree with you. If someone supports the right to abortion for no reason, why decry a situation when someone states a "reason"?
  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    If you insist going back to the times when there is no written records on the theistic studies, then it is not philosophical topic we would be discussing. It would be then shamanism, totems and superstitions you would be talking about. They are subjects for parapsychology, occultism, esotericism, anthropology or historical discussions at best.

    Ah yes, the fallacy of the familiar. Predictable.
  • I know the advancement of AI is good, but it's ruined myself and out look on things

    The optimal scenario is to grow up in an era where there are no artificial aids, learn to perform tasks yourself, then later acquire the technology, since youll have a broader understanding of where the technology fits in the big picture. Those who grow up with the technology in place and never learn what the technology "helps" you do, without it, tend not to question the technology.
  • Is Incest Morally Wrong?
    ↪Talkopu, this reasoning is the same, as I said before, as eugenics for disabled people. Would you likewise bar disabled people from procreating?

    You do know that in the deaf community some parents will do genetic testing to see of their fetus has inherited familial deafness (like the parents) and terminate the pregnancy if the child would be hearing, right?
  • Why ought one do that which is good?
    After all, wasn't the reason for trying to work out what was good, precisely to enable us to decide what we ought do?

    Exactly. "Good", as a subjective descriptor is a functional label (when applied to actions and outcomes) for what an individual finds to be moral, which is what that individual ought to do. Of course a different individual will have a somewhat different set of what they find to subjectively be "good", and thus will have a somewhat different set of what is moral and thus what they ought to do.
  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    If you decided to take up a religion, then you would be expected to read up on the principles and traditions of the religion. and study the objective definition of God, and be knowledgeable about the God.

    Once you take up a religion, then that would be your religion for the rest of your life accepting all the code of conducts, principles and definition of the God

    Several things:

    First the overwhelming majority of theists dont "decide to take up a religion" in particular. Rather they are indoctrinated into the religion of their family from early childhood, no requirement to "read up" and study anything. What you're describing are what adult converts tend to do, but they make up a tiny fraction of the religious.

    Second, even a simpleton knows that if you ask 10 members of a religion the details of their personal belief system, there will NOT be a universal concensus on codes of conduct, priciples and definitions of the qualities of their god. The beliefs of American Catholics on divorce and birth control are only the most obvious example of this reality.
  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    I am not sure what God you are talking about, but if we talk about the Christianity, then omnipotence of God is evidently implied in the Bible describing the creation of the world and humans by the God. God can also allow people to resurrect after their deaths ... etc. It sounds too naive to say that omnipotence of God is recently invented by humans, therefore not omnipotence. It screams a loud contradiction here.

    Unless you are talking about a woman you met recently as your God, it is quite reasonable to assume religious Gods are omnipotent

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

    Okay. Now, "what god"? All gods (that is all 10,000 of them). Are you limiting your discussion/understanding to a single god? How quaint.

    Animistic deities were definitely not omnipotent and animism started over 14,000 years ago. Polytheistic gods are also not omnipotent. Omnipotence, as you noted was invented by monotheistic religions about 3500 years ago, but had only minor, regional popularity. Monotheism didn't really take off until about 1500 years ago. So yes, omnipotence of gods is a relatively recent invention.
  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    It was a possible scenario post when you chose the definition of God with omnipotence. It was not my own definition of God.

    Uummm... I was pointing out that humans invented the concept of omnipotent gods relatively recently, that is: for a long time gods weren't omnipotent. Thus it isn't MY choosing a single "scenario".

    From a functional standpoint god definitions are essentially subjective, since each religion, and each worshipper within the religion, gets to decide what THEIR god means to them, essentially their "definition" of god, that you are focused upon. Just as we all decide what we find beautiful, we all get to decide what our god is or isn't like.

    Since subjectivity exists in human minds, not in the objective universe, "proving" subjective entities "exist" is possible, yet meaningless. I'm convinced beauty exists, so does my neighbor, BUT what I find beautiful is totally different from what he does. We're both "right", yet being so correct doesn't further anyone's understanding of anything. It's just a word game, leading nowhere.
  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    Huh? You might consider becoming more familiar with a topic before posting authoritatively on it.
  • Is Incest Morally Wrong?
    Everyone is aware that first cousin marriage is legal outright in 20 states and DC, right?
  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    Just to be clear the concept of omnipotent (and omniscient) gods was invented relatively recently. Thus the majority of gods are not omnipotent.
  • Is Incest Morally Wrong?
    Despite the devolution of this thread into eugenics and the relative merit of not having children, the fact is that the main "wrong" of incest is when it involves unequal power dynamics, not birth defects.
  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    Huh? I've spent considerable energy in this thread arguing against the concept of physically "proving" metaphysical entities, like gods. So, no, I don't need to define anything, since I'm not proving anything.

  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    You mean the typing "proof"? Well, it works great for unicorns (and anything else imaginable), so I'm not impressed, TBH.

    As to whether gods are metaphysical, they are by my understanding, do you disagree?
  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    Agreed, that's why my first post in this thread noted that it is a fool's errand to search for physical evidence to provide proof of a metaphysical entity.
  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    I believe by "existence" you mean objective existence, which in the case of gods (or any other entity that only exists inter-subjectively) is, of course true (as I said). My point is that many things we deal with routinely and without controversy also don't possess objective existence.
  • Post-truth
    Not quite. I'm pointing out the reality that in the past those with ideological differences tended or tried to follow their ideology where ever it led, even if they result wasn't to their liking. Currently groups advertise their ideology merely as a convenient label, but have no trouble not following said ideology if it happens to logically lead to a non self-serving (predetermined) conclusion.
  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    God doesn't have any of those properties. God only exists in word.

    Yes, the dollar's value can be "readily identifiable" after the fact, just as believers of gods can agree upon dogmatic properties of their gods. That's neither my point nor THE point.

    Rather, the dollar only has value because the vast majority of humans consciously agree that it has value, that is, it has no intrinsic or objective value. Similarly, gods definitely exist as entities through agreed human belief that is, as intersubjective entities (like nations, corporations and economies), though not objective entities, as you noted.
  • Abortion - Why are people pro life?
    The tragedy is the concept of unwanted pregnancies, which have the potential to result in unwanted children. Unwanted children are over represented in the criminal element as adults. Effective Birth Control has lowered this number considerably, but every BC method has a failure rate.
  • Post-truth
    A not unreasonable opinion, but as anyone can tell, I was addressing Ourora Aureis' idea, I didn't originate the concept.
  • Post-truth
    If you'd have read and understood what I've posted, you'd know that my use of the descriptor "Post Truth era" doesn't reference "ideological combatants".
  • Post-truth
    One should only trust what should be trusted.
    I don't disagree, but what distinguishes the Post Truth era is which entities qualify as "what should be trusted".
  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    Is Germany an entity? How about Apple corporation? How about the US dollar's value? Intersubjective entities are entities.
  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    I do agree that the numerous definitions of gods will "require" different proofs. Having said that, more importantly metaphysical entities (which the vast majority of god definitions are) defy purely physical proof.
  • Can One Be a Christian if Jesus Didn't Rise
    Exactly. Before the rise of Fundamentalism in the wake of the Born Again movement of the 1970s, many if not most Christians were comfortable with viewing the scriptures as a moral guidebook instead of a history textbook.
  • Post-truth
    I don't disagree with your analysis of the relative roles of distrust as pertains to enemies in the Truth vs Post Truth eras. My point is that among those who share the same conclusions, say party members and party leaders, shared ideology trumps adherence to the Truth (meaning the generally accepted Truth, not ideological Truth). Thus the rise of QAnon believers etc among party leadership.
  • Post-truth
    How much Truth (in the Truth era)? The exact same amount. What distinguishes the Post Truth era isn't the absence or lack of Truth, it's the marginalization of Truth and a degradation of it's public influence. Previously, there was a general public consensus of the way various entities work, say elections. Of course many disagreed with this understanding, but there was a price to pay for verbalizing (usually self serving) alternatives publicly, since acting in a blatantly self serving manner in a public forum went against the public interest, which meant something in the Truth era Thus speech about ideas such as gerrymandering, or electing election officials who would only certify one party's majority could only take place privately among others with the same viewpoint. In the Post Truth era, a leader pays no price for verbalizing self serving proposals since his constituents are only interested in his conclusion or goal, but don't care how he accomplishes it nor the "logic" he uses to justify it. So liberated from any downside from not adhering to the Truth, he's free to say (or do) essentially anything, and for the purposes of this thread, that includes lying.
  • Post-truth

    Nice thead. We are definitely in the Post Truth era. But having said that, I'm referring specifically to the way obvious lies are treated publicly, not individually. In the past (as now) everyone had their personal appreciation of what they understand to be the truth. What has changed is the way what is commonly understood to be the truth (by a majority of society), no longer serves as a guardrail to moderate publicly spoken opinions.

    For example, everyone has a preference of how a society should work. Many in the past, collected observations of society, pondered what "worked" and didn't work, then came to a conclusion based on their interpretation of the "evidence". Now many more folks come to (an expedient) conclusion first, then cherry-pick observations to support that conclusion. In the first scenario, new evidence can change the conclusion, in the latter new conflicting evidence is discarded (just as conflicting evidence was discarded initially) so the (usually self serving) conclusion is never changed.

    Similarly, in the past public figures feared appearing to have conflicts of interest, or appearing to behave inappropriately and thus often tempered their behavior and their rhetoric to give the (often false) appearance of fairmindedness. Now public figures know that their constituents likely support their policies regardless, that is they and their constituents share the same conclusion of how society should work, so are willing to overlook impropriety, scandals and (for the purposes of this thread) lying.
  • Abortion - Why are people pro life?
    Majority acceptance does not signify that a moral stance is right. That's what matters.

    No one said the majority moral opinion automatically makes an opinion "right", so I don't know who you're addressing. I said when viewed in it's own era a majority opinion is reasonable. That is a logical train of thought can lead to that opinion. Perhaps you're unfamiliar with the reality that when dealing with complex issues reasonable, thoughtful individuals can come to different conclusions.
  • Abortion - Why are people pro life?
    And if the majority decided we need to have a human sacrifice to help the crops that would settle it for you?

    What this overly simplistic, knee-jerk response fails to acknowledge is that if we lived In an era where the majority of people concluded as you propose, we'd be in a level of human cultural development where you and I could reasonably conclude as you suggested. The attitude of the majority can honestly best be evaluated in the moral framework of the era. Thus why a moral stance that enjoys majority acceptance, when evaluated in it's own era, the majority acceptance signifies that the moral stance is reasonable (though perhaps not optimal) within the framework of it's era.
  • Abortion - Why are people pro life?
    This is similar to an argument made for supporting slavery in America. It's not about humanity, it's about whose autonomy ought to prevail. Bad precedent to set

    Nope, people (regardless of "precedent") can and have successfully navigated competing interests and have overwhelmingly concluded that slave owner and slave interests are equal (as adult humans). Similarly, the majority of folks have concluded that an adult human mother's interests outweigh those of a human fetus'. Simple, really.
  • 'It was THIS big!' as the Birth of the God Concept
    Since the topic of the thread is the origin of the concept of gods, it bears mentioning that the issues of godly omnipotence and omniscience are relatively modern ones. The original gods were definitely superhuman, but often not dramatically so. Thus in my opinion their origin story is more likely to explain unexplainable natural phenomena
    such as sickness and say, lightning.
  • Perception of Non-existent objects
    Does it imply that our perceptions are not direct? Could there be other factors involved in perception apart from the the object of perception, sensory organs, memories and experiences?

    Exactly. More evidence that the brain (not the eyes) is where objects, real or imaginary, are "seen".
  • Abortion - Why are people pro life?
    "The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?" --Edgar Allan Poe

    Yes, folks focus (overly focus, in my opinion) on the life vs death of the fetus when addressing the topic of abortion, whereas the crux of the issue lies elsewhere, namely whose autonomy should supercede the other's.