
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)

    hello- this argument applies to all virtues that have some social content, from compassion to honesty. when virtues are followed excessively they become vices- i think Aristotle or some other old greek fellow pointed this out
  • Help coping with Solipsism

    Hi- I sincerely don't think solipsism is a cause for existential despair...

    1. Solipsism's story goes: my representations/perceptions exist, but what they refer to does not.
    2. This story presupposes a self that 'has' representations/perceptions
    3. This self is no more immediately certain than anything else, it is one entity that is only intelligible as an entity in relation to other entities (there can be no concept of self without other, no concept of mind without external 'content' etc.)
    4. Therefore solipsism is incoherent as it demands a standard of reality for representations/perceptions of things 'external' to the mind that cannot be applied to its own premise (that there is a 'mind' or 'self').