Questioning the Idea and Assumptions of Artificial Intelligence and Practical Implications
The theoretical ideal of AI replacing the 'bullshit jobs' seems to be going the other way round mainly. The jobs which many would have done, such as in shops and libraries are being cut down to the minimum with the introduction of automated machines and artificial technology. What remains are high positions, for which there is so much competition or jobs which require so many hours of hard physical labour, such as in warehouses. The introduction of pressures in jobs in relation to pressures and demands because more out of work is leading people to become ill, especially with stress.
The idea of universal income would only work if it was livable on and economically sustainable. In the UK, more people have been claiming benefits for unemployment and sickness leading to crisis. There is a current crackdown to find all ways to reduce benefits, with further use and development of AI. Obviously, some of this is about the state of English politics, but it likely reflects global trends.
At the present, the situation is that many have been educated to expect a job which is meaningful and to earn money. It is becoming increasingly difficult for many to find jobs for either of these purposes. It does not help when political leaders blame the unemployed and those who are unwell by saying that they lack a work ethic.
The use of artificial technology is likely to create a wider gulf between the rich and the poor. Those thrown into poverty are going to be able to access less education and afford less smart technology. This will lead to benefits for the elite and fortunate ones with finances.
What started out with a theoretical goal of better quality of life for many is gradually becoming the opposite. What seems to be happening is a capitalist emphasis on economic growth without emphasis on the needs of people. The artificial intelligence which is designed and programmed seems to be reinforcing this, alongside the authoritarian control of state socialism. Many are opposed to what is taking place politically and what remains unclear is how democracy will remain amidst this.