How Would a Loving Creator Perceive Time? Well... where should I start? As stated by MathematicalPhysicist, the creator is truly above and beyond time. If I ask, is he infinite, the answer is yes. because the creator in order to create such a universe should be truly unfathomable In his power. If he has a limit, who imposed the limit to his power? If the creator truly was limited, he would very well know the limits to his power and use it to find the truly unlimited personality behind the limit. Btw on to the topic on hand --- the creator has no sense of time. He is omnipotent in all aspects and does not interact directly with this material world. Well how does he interact with the world then you ask? He makes a powerful force with limited omnipotency but enough to cover this one "creation" and interacts through that power. That is the story of the birth of the first god. Why does he do that? Because he knows that some dumb people will say that the creator is conditioned by this material world and to shut them up, he show us that he truly does not interact with this world.
Don't get me wrong, the creator truly loves us but do we love "him"? he left us in this world full of suffering so that we realize in due time that we are truly sprit souls, part and parcel of the creator and truly finite before the infinite. He want us to pay attention to him. think of him as the only source of true joy. He wants us to endure the suffering and tolerate the joys of life to show our true sincerity to him. So basically he loves us to that extent.