
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    I wonder if the impetus for separating content from assertoric force is related to the 'view from nowhere.'

    It's language that's detached from any particular human. It's like the narrator of the novel we inhabit.

    It may indeed be indirectly related to the view from nowhere. When arguing against representationalism, or the idea that our thoughts or the propositional contents of our utterances consist in a private inner realm that is problematically communicated to other or problematically grounded in the "external" world, John McDowell speaks of the "sideways-on view that places empirical reality beyond the space of concepts". Once we conceive of being, or of things as they are in themselves, as residing outside of the space of concepts, we indeed are conceiving of them as viewed from nowhere.
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    It's the alternating monologues model of conversation, where the speaker simply expresses their thought out loud within earshot of an audience; language exists to mediate the connection of my mind to the world, and my audience more or less eavesdrops on my review of that relation.Srap Tasmaner

    I was rather arguing for something that is very much the polar opposite of that view. I alluded in passing to the case where we assert something to ourselves (as in making a judgement in the course of practical deliberation) as just a special case, or personal use, that we can make of the resources of a language game that is essentially public. In alluding to this, I wanted to highlight that even in this kind of personal use that we make of moves of asserting and denying — that are at home in paradigmatically public, embodied and interpersonal language games — the propositional contents (Fregean senses) or our asserting, or judging that p, or of judging that p isn't the case (i.e. that not-p is the case) also mark out distinct contents despite both of them being linguistically expressed as "p". Showing this was the point of my elaboration of the public game we might play with apples in my last paragraph, where the aim of the game of asserting and denying is to coordinate our joint engagements with the apples, and internal monologues or private representations drop our of the picture entirely.
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    ---- I'll try to catch up so we're not having two conversations, but I'm going to hold off on your post just after this one for a bit.Srap Tasmaner

  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    @Srap Tasmaner

    Here are a few further thought regarding the Wittgensteinian full context principle and the distinct ways in which propositional contents (Fregean thoughts) are being individuated in assertion or negation.

    Consider the issue that I raised at the end of my previous post: '...while my asserting that p is the case still logically bears on your denying "it" ' In order for your denial to logically bear on my assertion, the game of making assertions must bear on the game of denying asserted contents. But, surely, denying a claim made by someone else isn't equivalent to denying a claim made by oneself, which it at worst irrational and a best could be construed as a retraction. So, maybe we can say that although asserting p and denying p individuate the thought content p (as distinguished by the common linguistic form "Satz" p) differently, that is not a problem for rational engagement since the issue precisely is that there is a rational dispute regarding which move should be made (in light of evidence, etc.) in the language game with this linguistic form, and hence a dispute regarding the proper way to individuate the content of the claim (to be either asserted or denied).

    Someone might still puzzle over my seemingly gratuitous assertion (which I tentatively ascribe to Martin) that, specifically, the content p, when asserted, isn't the same as the content p, when denied (i.e. when its negation is asserted). And that isn't reducible to a mere distinction in force, although it can be explained, non-reductively, as such a distinction. But indicating the force amounts to gesturing to a specific sort of language game. The letter p that is common to both therefore merely signifies the common linguistic form. Why not say that there is a common purported content (how things are, state of affairs) that is here denied and there asserted? Consider the content of the assertion "this apple is red" or "p". When one asserts that, what one thinks is that the apple is red. When you use the same linguistic form to deny that the apple is red, one says "it is not the case that this apple is red" or "not p", this can not be construed as you standing in the different relations (with the "force" of negation, say) to the same state of affairs consisting in the apple being red since, from your point of view, there is no such state of affairs in the world. So, it is necessary for you to characterise the content of your denial — i.e. what it is that you deny — differently. This appears to be related to the issue of object dependent de re senses where I say that this apple is red (while I purport to refer to it demonstratively) but there is no apple owing to some optical illusion. In that case, Evans or McDowell would say that the thought content one might express in other circumstance with p (when there is an apple in sight) simply isn't available to be thought, in this case.

    Maybe what might further help dissolve the puzzle (or the counter-intuitiveness) in the claim that when you assert that there is an apple on the table and I deny it there isn't a common content of thought that you assert and that I deny would be to place this activity within a more fully specified embodied linguistic game of finding apples in an environment where illusions occasionally occur (or apples move around) such that our capacities to deictically refer to them, and remember where they are, are fallible. In the context of such a game, asserting that there is an apple on this or that table is the actualization of a capacity to locate apples in point of communicating to other where a particular apple is (and hence transmitting the content of a de re sense). Denying that there is an apple on the table is a move in the very same language game that aims at signifying that someone's general capacity to locate an apple on the table (de dicto) has failed to be actualized properly, owing to the occurrence of an illusion or owing to the apple having unexpectedly moved away since it had last been looked at. Within this context, it seems much more apparent how claims and denials about the same linguistic contents actually bear on distinct propositional contents (distinct Fregean thoughts) since the successfully (true) asserted contents are de re while the successfully denied (false) contents are de dicto.
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    I thought of this because if instead you were told to sort the marbles by color, there's no ambiguity -- well, not this particular ambiguity. Someone might distinguish the reds and blues more finely, but then we'd be back at the first ambiguity, which is really along a different axis, right?

    I wouldn't even throw this little puzzle out there if it weren't for what Kimhi says about propositions versus actual occurrences. The options you get dealing with marbles are different from the options you get dealing with the colors of marbles.
    Srap Tasmaner

    The relevant part in Kimhi seems to be this (p. 39)

    "In what follows, I shall call the correct understanding of Frege’s observation Wittgenstein’s point, and I shall call the conclusion Geach and Frege draw from it—that assertoric force must be dissociated from a proposition’s semantical significance—Frege’s point. We shall see that Frege’s point is mistaken. It only seems necessary if we accept certain functionalist (and more generally, compositionalist) assumptions about logical complexity. Correctly understood as Wittgenstein’s point, Frege’s observation concerns actual occurrences of a proposition and amounts to the full context principle; misunderstood as Frege’s point it runs together the symbolic and actual occurrences of a proposition and limits the context principle to atomic propositions."

    My rough intuition about this, at this stage, is that the full context principle assigns meanings (Fregean senses) to subsentential expressions (e.g. names predicates and logical connectives) not only in the context of whole sentences but also in the context the other sentences a sentence relates to in a language game. (And this is not exhausted merely by inferential relations). This is the point about actual occurrences of propositions since, unlike propositions considered in abstracta (with regards only to linguistic form), actual occurrences always make moves in language games (be they games that we play with ourselves). Negating a proposition is one such language game, which Martin analyses in great details, and asserting it is another. It is tempting here to assume that there ought to be a common content that is being either asserted or (assertively) denied, since you may be asserting something and I am denying it. (It must be the content, and asserting it or denying it are the extraneous forces). Martin denies this, I think, but I must read him further to understand how contents are differently understood or differently individuated within different language games that warrant different ways to mark the content/force distinction (while my asserting that p is the case still logically bears on your denying "it").
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    It might be closer to the argument given to say that Frege, in particular, does not set aside force (even if other and later logicians do) but that he brings it in in a way that is somehow at odds with the unity of force and content in our utterances. That might be a claim that it is a fool's errand to distinguish force and content (somewhat as Quine argued the impossibility of separating the analytic and synthetic 'components' of a sentence), or it might be a claim that Frege has distinguished them incorrectly, or something else, I don't know.Srap Tasmaner

    In his paper On Redrawing the Force Content Distinction, Christian Martin suggests (and purports to illustrate) that the root of the difficulty is that philosophers tend to universalise the ground of the content/force distinction, or to seek a single account that explains this distinction in all cases (e.g. negation, conjunction, the antecedent of a conditional assertion, fiction, etc.) whereas, according to him, the distinctions made in all of those cases, while proper, only have a family resemblance and must each be sensitive to the features of the specific language game in which they are being deployed. So, while it can make sense to single out the special force of assertion with the judgement stroke, it should no be assumed that the judgement stroke exemplifies a univocal concept (force) that is the same in all cases where one wants to separate force from content in the logical analysis of a thought. Consequently (or so Martin seems to argue), it may be the unwarranted attempt to providing a unified account of force that breaks the unity that force and content have in specific cases where the distinction should rather be drawn in a contextually sensitive way. I am only halfway in my reading of his paper, though, and I may paraphrase Martin's argument differently when I will understand it better, as well as the specific analysis of negation that he provides. (He provides the analysis of other logical connectives in a book that is currently untranslated from the German.)
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    These two objects have the same mass.

    These two cartons have the same number of eggs.

    These two sentences mean the same thing.
    Srap Tasmaner

    I was also thinking of a rejoinder along those lines. Certainly, for some purposes, there is a point in sorting numerical quantity alongside weight as a (predicative) way to express amounts of grocery items one needs to buy and therefore view them both as the same sorts of abstract objects. But there is also a principled and characteristically Fregean way to set them apart. Numbers can be viewed as second-order functors that stand in need of (first-order) predicative expressions rather than singular terms to saturate them and form complete propositional contents. On that view, the thought that there are twelve eggs in the carton can be logically analysed as the thought that, qua eggs, the objects in the carton are 12. You can't ask how many items there are in a room or refrigerator without specifying (or tacitly assuming) what kinds of object it is that you are talking about, and how they are meant to be individuated. If quantity is a "property" of something, it isn't a property of an object (such as a carton of eggs) but rather a "property" of the predicate "_is an egg" as it figures in the proposition "there are 12 x's in the carton that are such that x is an egg", for instance. By contrast, the thought that there is one kilogram worth of eggs in the carton predicates the same weight regardless of the manner in which individual eggs are individuated. This logical feature of the concept of a number (it's being analysable as the referent of a second-order functor in sentences expressing how many objects of a specific kind there are in some domain) makes them "logical" or "abstract" in a way more simple predicates such as weight are not.

    On edit: There is an argument to be made, though, that weight being a concept which, like mass, belongs to a quantitative science (or quantitative way of thinking about things and comparing definite chunks of them — one kilogram worth of eggs being such a chunk, for instance) also is inseparable from the (second-order) concept of a number unlike more concretely qualitative concepts such a the concept of a color.
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    Both IEP and Roberts refer to this Gedanke sense, but neither give a specific reference in Frege. From the context, I'm guessing it's to be found in On Sense and Reference. I don't have time today to hunt it down but maybe someone else can.J

    You may remember that Frege wrote Thought: A Logical Enquiry, ("Der Gedanke. Eine logische Untersuchung") where he famously argued for a kind of Platonism about thoughts/propositions, and suggested that they inhabit a third realm separate from both material objects and (subjective) mental phenomena. It is worth noting, though, that he published this in 1918, much later than On Sense and Reference (1892), or The Foundations of Arithmetic (1884).

    Whatever one may think of Kimhi's (or Rödl's) beef with Frege regarding the propositional unity of "forcefully" entertained propositional content, their ontological thinking is certainly less naïve than Frege's. What still remains an open question to me (even though I lean towards the Wittgensteinian quietism of McDowell) is whether their accounts of this self-conscious propositional unity constitutes an improvement over the charitable accounts, put forth by Evans and McDowell, of what Frege was trying to accomplish when he sought to individuate thought/proposition at the level of sense (Sinn) rather than at the level of extensional reference (Bedeutung) in order to account both for the rationality of the thinking subject and for the objective purport of their thoughts. See McDowell's Evan's Frege (cited and quoted by Kimhi) as well as On Redrawing the Force Content Distinction, by Christian Martin, and Wittgenstein’s Critique of the Additive Conception of Language by James Conant. (Both Martin and Conant have engaged deeply with Kimhi and have credited him for fruitful discussions.)
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    I think that when you entertain a thought, you're imagining it as an assertion, even if there was no such event. For instance, if you contemplate "the cat is on the mat", in terms of thought, all you have is a sentence that could mean all sorts of things. It's not truth-apt. To the extent that meaning is truth conditions, it's meaningless. Am I wrong?frank

    No, I agree with you. I also tend to view the pragmatic role of assertion to be paradigmatic and central in understanding what propositions (or thoughts) are. But I haven't yet engaged closely enough with Kimhi's text (and with most contributions in this thread) to properly assess his challenge to Frege.

    And I think that's what we do all the time when we communicate. We rationalize. I don't think you can really see any meaning in the output of an AI unless you take it as having assertoric force. It's a reflexive part of communication.

    I agree. It relates to Davidson's constitutive ideal of rationality (which grounds language interpretation) and it also relates closely to Frege's context principle. If thoughts were merely entertained but never asserted (or denied) then they would lack content since there would be no rational ground for interpreting them one way or another.
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    I'm not seeing that as tangential. I think it would highlight, especially for the naive, like me, the difference between a formal language where apparently there are propositions that aren't thought of as asserted in any way, and ordinary language, where the listener always thinks of what's being asserted in the light of who asserts it, or in what setting it's asserted.frank

    Maybe I misunderstand you but I don't see the distinction between a thought being merely entertained (or grasped) and it being asserted to line up with the distinction between (merely) formal and natural languages. Furthermore, I view conversational AI agents as users (to the little extent that they are) of natural language even though the underlying algorithm processes "symbols" blindly and manipulates them without regard to their semantic content. Ascriptions of semantic content to the responses of LLM-based AI agents, and interpreting them as having assertoric force, is a matter of taking a high-level intentional stance on their linguistic behavior with a view of rationalizing it.
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    And since @frank brought up the topic of non-rational-animal issuers of "assertions", Kimhi writes on page 137 of Thinking and Being:

    "But now one can ask: in virtue of what is the forceless combination Pa associated with the truth-making relation that a falls under the extension of P, and thus with the claim Pa, rather than with the truth-making relation that a does not fall under P (or falls under the extension of ~P), and thus with the opposite claim ~Pa? This question cannot be answered, since Pa does not display an assertion, and therefore there is nothing that associates it with the positive rather than the negative judgment. The association of the proposition Pa, conceived as forceless, with one of these conditions as its truth-making relation, understood in terms of the object the True rather than the other, smuggles assertoric force back into the predicative composition Pa—force which Frege denies is there."

    I need to give much more thought to this before I can comment intelligently but, for now, I just want to point out that the great gangsta philosopher Ali G already had raised this issue decades ago in a conversation with then INS Commissioner James Ziglar.

    "Ain't the problem though that 99% of dogs can't speak English so how does they let you know who is carrying a bomb ..."

    "How does you know they ain't pointing to say this one definitely ain't got a bomb in it."
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    Would you say an AI can assert a proposition? Or are we just treating it as if it can?frank

    While this issue isn't entirely off topic, and hence would be worth discussing, it also is liable to send us off into tangential directions regarding the specific nature of current LLM-based AI agents, the issue of their autonomy (or lack thereof), their lack of embodiment (and the issue of the empirical grounding of their symbols), how they are being individuated (as machines, algorithms or virtual agents in specific conversation instances), to what extend their assertions have deontic statuses (in the form of commitments and entitlements to claims), and so on. Hence, that might be a topic for another thread even though links could be drawn to the topic being discussed here. (I've already explored some of those issues, and connected them to some ideas of Robert Brandom and Sebastian Rödl, in my conversations with GPT-4 and with Claude, and reported on them in my two AI threads).
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    Well, I think this avoids the force of my point a bit. Frege said, "A proposition may be thought..." He did not say, "A thought may be thought..." There are apparently good reasons why he didn't use the latter formulation, and they point a difference between a proposition and a thought. Specialized senses can "solve" this, I suppose, at least up to a point. (Nor am I convinced that IEP is using 'proposition' in a non-Fregian way, but I don't want to get bogged down in this.)Leontiskos

    In the original German text, Frege wrote: "Man nehme nicht die Beschreibung, wie eine Vorstellung entsteht, für eine Definition und nicht die Angabe der seelischen und leiblichen Bedingungen dafür, dass uns ein Satz zum Bewusstsein kommt, für einen Beweis und verwechsele das Gedachtwerden eines Satzes nicht mit seiner Wahrheit !"

    In Austin's translation, "may be thought" corresponds to "das Gedachtwerden", which literally means "the being thought" or "the being conceived." Frege is referring to the act of a proposition or thought being grasped or entertained by someone. "Satz" can be either used to refer to the syntactical representation of a thought (or of a proposition) or to its content (what is being thought, or what proposition is entertained).

    If we attend to this distinction between the two senses of "Satz" Frege elsewhere insists on, and translate one as "declarative sentence" and the other one as "the thought", then, on the correct reading of the German text, I surmise, a literal translation might indeed be "A thought may be thought, and again it may be true; let us never confuse the two things." and not "A declarative sentence may be thought...". The latter, if it made sense at all, would need to be read as the elliptical expression of "(The content of thought expressed by) a declarative sentence may be thought," maybe.

    In other words, Frege's text is making a distinction between the Gedanke (thought or proposition) being entertained and its being true, rather than focusing on the sentence (Satz) itself as the object of thought. (And then, the thought being judged to be true, or its being asserted, is yet another thing, closer to the main focus of this thread, of course.)

    This intended reading, I think, preserves the philosophical distinction Frege is drawing in this passage between the mental act of thinking (grasping the thought) and the truth of the thought itself. Translating "Satz" in this context as "declarative sentence" would blur that important distinction, since Frege is interested in the thought content (Gedanke) rather than the linguistic expression of it (Satz). And, unfortunately, the English word "proposition" carries the same ambiguity that the the German word "Satz" does.

    On edit: Regarding your earlier question, one clear target Frege had in mind was the psychologism he had ascribed to Husserl, which threatened to eliminate the normative character of logic and another possible target might be formalism in the philosophy of mathematics that turns logical norms into arbitrary syntactic conventions.

    On edit again: "The locus classicus of game formalism is not a defence of the position by a convinced advocate but an attempted demolition job by a great philosopher, Gottlob Frege, on the work of real mathematicians, including H. E. Heine and Johannes Thomae, (Frege (1903) Grundgesetze Der Arithmetik, Volume II)." This is the first sentence in the introduction of the SEP article on formalism in the philosophy of mathematics.
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    If "thought" is understood in a specialized sense then, sure. Again, my point is that these invisibly specialized senses of "proposition" and "thought" are not getting us anywhere.Leontiskos

    I would have thought that those specialized senses of "thought" and "proposition" struck at the core of Frege's thinking about logic in general, and his anti-psychologism in particular. Frege famously conceived logic as "the laws of thought". And he understood those laws in a normative (i.e. what it is that people should think and infer) rather than an empirical way (i.e. what it is that people are naturally inclined to think and infer). We might say that Frege thereby secures the essential connection between logic as a formal study of the syntactic rules that govern the manipulation of meaningless symbols in a formal language and the rational principles that govern the activity of whoever grasps the meanings of those symbols.
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    Hi! I was hoping to get some clarification from a professional. Did Frege think propositions were thoughts? Abstract objects, but basically thoughts?frank

    I began writing my earlier response before I read your request to me. Let me just specify that I hardly am a professional. I did some graduate studies in analytic philosophy but I don't have a single official publication to my credit. Furthermore, a few posters in this thread would seem to have a better grasp on Kimhi and on Frege than I do, and that includes @Leontiskos even though we may currently have a disagreement.
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    Have you read the OP?

    Frege says, “A proposition may be thought, and again it may be true; let us never confuse the two things.” (Foundations of Arithmetic)
    — J

    Here is IEP:

    For this and other reasons, Frege concluded that the reference of an entire proposition is its truth-value, either the True or the False. The sense of a complete proposition is what it is we understand when we understand a proposition, which Frege calls “a thought” (Gedanke). Just as the sense of a name of an object determines how that object is presented, the sense of a proposition determines a method of determination for a truth-value.
    — Frege | IEP

    I don't think those two quotes speak against the claim that Frege is equating propositions with thoughts in the specific sense in which he understands the latter. The quote in Foundations of Arithmetic seems meant to distinguish the thinking of the thought from its being true. This is quite obvious if we consider the thought (or proposition) that 1 = 2.

    The IEP quotation seems to use "proposition" rather in the way one would use "sentence", or well formed formula. So, the distinction that is implicit here parallels the distinction between a singular sense (i.e. the sense of a singular term) and a nominal expression in a sentence. If we think of the proposition as what is being expressed by the sentence — i.e. what it is that people grasp when they understand the sentence, what its truth conditions are — then, for Frege, it's a thought: the sense (Sinn) of the sentence.
  • Why does language befuddle us?
    Perhaps, but I reserve judgment on Monsieur Bitbol's apparent quantum quackery until an English translation is available of his book Maintenant la finitude. Peut-on penser l'absolu? which is allegedly a critical reply to 'speculative materialist' Q. Meillassoux's brilliant Against Finitude.180 Proof

    I've read several papers by Bitbol on quantum mechanics and didn't find anything remotely quacky about them.

    Thank you for drawing my attention to Maintenant la finitude. I placed it high on my reading list. I haven't read Meillassoux but, nine years ago (how time passes!) we had a discussion about a paper by Ray Brassier who was taking issue with Meillasoux for ceding too much ground to correlationists. I myself couldn't make sense of Brassier's anti-correlationist argument regarding the planet Saturn. Apparently, Bitbol engaged in some discussions with Meillasoux before writing his book and it seems to me that he may have found more common ground with him (at least regarding the issue of the ontology of ordinary objects like rocks and planets) than with Brassier in spite of residual disagreements.
  • Why does language befuddle us?
    Bitbol (whom you introduced me to, by the way) is a very different kind of thinker to Weinberg.Wayfarer

    No doubt. Weinberg was a much more accomplished physicist ;-) All kiddings aside, my point just is that unlike Weinberg, Bitbol didn't confuse the correct impetus to seek to broaden the scope of our physical theories (to solve residual puzzles and explain away anomalous phenomena) with a requirement to reduce the explanations of all phenomena to physical explanations. And the reason why he came to this realization stems, interestingly enough, from digging into the foundations of physical theory (and likewise for Rovelli) and finding the parochial situation of the embodied rational agent to be ineliminable from it.
  • Why does language befuddle us?
    But philosophers have been regularly thinking outside the box for millennia. That's not what Wittgenstein was talking about, is it? Wasn't he talking about speculating where nothing can be known?frank

    Indeed, but the reason I'm bringing up Bitbol and Rovelli is because they aren't really trying to think outside of the box and come up with fancy theories or new philosophical ideas. Instead, they are digging deeper inside of the box, as it were, pursuing the very same projects of making sense of specifically physical theories — such as quantum mechanics (and its Relational Interpretation advocated by both of them), general relativity, and Loop Quantum Gravity (i.e. one specific attempt to reconcile general relativity with quantum mechanics) in Rovelli's case — that other physicists are pursuing.
    They are reflecting on the foundations of physics in rather the same way reductionist physicists like Weinberg (and sometimes Deutsch) are but they found themselves obligated to move outside of the box in order to account for what's happening inside. This is a instance of the cases highlighted by Wiggins where aiming at universality (through seeking foundational principles of physical theory) not only finds no impediment in accounting for the parochial situation of the observer or inquirer but, quite the opposite, requires that one accounts for the specificity of our predicament as finite, embodied living rational animals with specific needs and interests in order to so much as make sense of quantum phenomena.
  • Why does language befuddle us?
    Hence his well-known quotation 'the more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless.' Physics is constructed to as to exclude meaning, context, etc - as you point out.Wayfarer

    Quite! Although some physicists and physicist-philosophers like Michel Bitbol and Carlo Rovelli show that digging deeply enough into the foundations of physics forces meaningfulness to enter back into the picture from the back door as it were.
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    Interesting (to me anyway) that this suggests a 'visuo-spatial' element to Chat GPT o1's process.wonderer1

    Yes and no ;-) I was tempted to say that ChaGPT's (o1-preview) summary of its thinking process had included this phrase merely metaphorically, but that doesn't quite capture the complexity of the issue regarding its "thinking". Since this is quite off topic, I'll comment on it later on today in my GPT-4 thread.
  • Why does language befuddle us?
    Also related to the heightening specialism of knowledge over time? And the propagation of arbitrarily specific caveats.fdrake

    Yes, although Wiggins stresses rather more the necessary establishment of non-arbitrary caveats.

    When a scientist (or lawyer, or philosopher or engineer) specialises in some domain, they seek principles that universally apply to all cases in this domain. This is something that Wiggins celebrates. For this purpose, the necessary caveats get built into their predicates and become part of the meaning of those predicates. This is the function, for instance, of jurisprudence and the establishment of precedents in common law. A law stipulates in universal terms what are the cases it applies to (since nobody is above the law). But when someone purportedly broke the law, it may be unclear whether or not it applies in specific sorts of cases that the written law doesn't explicitly addresses (and/or that the legislator didn't foresee). Precedents stem from reasoned (and contextually sensitive) judgements by an appellate court the result of which is to make the law more discriminative within its domain of jurisdiction. Hence, the growth of a body of jurisprudence over time jointly manifests a movement from the particular to the universal (aiming at fairness in all of its applications to all citizens) and a movement from the general to the specific (aiming at contextual sensitivity, accounting for justifiable exceptions, extenuating circumstances, etc.)

    Getting back to a theoretical (rather than practical) domain, Steven Weinberg has advocated for the virtue of scientific reductionism in one chapter of his book Dreams of a Final Theory. There, he introduces the context of an arrow-of-explanation, which is typically an explanatory link between two domains (from chemistry to physics, say) meant to answer a "why?" question regarding the occurrence of a phenomenon or the manifestation of a high-level law. Weinberg argued that sequences of "why?" questions always lead down to particle physics (and general relativity) and, prospectively, to some grand Theory of Everything. What Weinberg had seemed to be focused on only are "why?" questions that provide explanations of phenomena while solely attending to their intrinsic material condition of existence, abstracting away from anything that makes a phenomenon the sorts of phenomenon that it is (such as the inflationary monetary consequences of a public policy or the healing effects of a medication) in virtue of its specific context of occurrence. Owing to this negligence, Weinberg failed to see that fundamental physics thereby achieves universality within its domain (the physical/material "Universe") to the cost of a specialisation that excludes the predicates of all of the other special sciences, domains of intellectual inquiry, ethics, the arts, etc. Weinberg didn't attend to the distinction between universal and general. The universal laws of physics are very specific in their domain of applications (which isn't a fault at all, but something one must attend to in order not to fall into a naïve reductionism, in this case.)
  • Why does language befuddle us?
    If you're trying to stop making both errors - you probably can't. You can just try to make them less. I don't have much good advice there unfortunately.fdrake

    David Wiggins makes good use in his metaphysics and practical philosophy of a distinction of distinctions that he borrowed from Richard Hare (who himself made use of it in the philosophy of law). The meta-distinction at issue is the distinction between the singular/universal distinction and the specific/general distinction. The core insight is that, as is the case for jurisprudence, broadening the scope (i.e. aiming at universality) of a law, concept or principle isn't a matter of making it more general but rather a matter of attending more precisely to the specific ways it is being properly brought to bear to specific circumstances. Hence also in practical deliberation, as Aristotle suggested, one moves from the general to the specific in order to arrive to at a good action (or actionable advice). This contrasts with the advocacy of "universal" principles and the the denunciation of parochialism by folks like David Deutsch who follow Popper in aiming at universalism through building a picture that purportedly approximates reality ever more closely. Getting closer to reality, both in theoretical and practical thinking, rather consists in learning to better espouse its variegated contours, and achieving a greater universality in the scope of our judgements through developing greater sensitivity to their specificity.
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    Just so you know, I'm not going to read that.Srap Tasmaner

    That's fine, but you can read merely my question to it since it's addressed to you too. I had thought maybe Witt's Tratarian picture theory of meaning could comport with a Lewisian "counterpart" view (since I'm not very familiar with the Tractatus, myself) but Frege's own conception of singular senses comports better with Kripke's analysis of proper names as rigid designators (which is also how McDowell and Wiggins also understand singular senses in general -e.g. the singular elements of thoughts that refer to perceived objects). The quotations ChatGPT o1-preview dug from the Tractatus seem to support the idea that this understanding of Fregean singular senses is closer to Wittgenstein's own early view (as opposed to Carnap's or Lewis's), also, although Witt eventually dispensed with the idea of unchangeable "simples" in his later, more pragmatist, philosophy of thought and language.
  • A challenge to Frege on assertion
    On the other hand, in the wake of the Tractatus and Carnap and the rest, we got possible-world semantics; so you could plausibly say that a picture showing how things could be is a picture showing how things are in some possible world, this one or another.

    The feeling of "claiming" is gone, but was probably mistaken anyway. In exchange, we get a version of "truth" attached to every proposition, every picture. Under such a framework, this is just how all propositions work, they say how things are somewhere, if not here. Wittgenstein's point could be adjusted: a picture does need to tell you it's true somewhere -- it is -- but it can't tell you if it's true here or somewhere else.
    Srap Tasmaner

    I was a bit puzzled by this so I asked ChatGPT o1-preview the following question:

    "Hi ChatGPT,

    There is an ongoing discussion thread currently on ThePhilosophyForum titled "A challenge to Frege on assertion". It's inspired by a discussion in Irad Kimhi' recent book "Thinking and Being". I haven't read Kimhi's book yet but I have some acquaintance with background material from Frege, John McDowell and Sebastian Rödl. I also have some acquaintance with Wittgenstein's late philosophy but very little with the Tractatus.

    In response to user Leontiskos who asked " it possible to see that something is true before going on to assert it?", user Srap Tasmaner replied thus:

    There's a couple ways to read this, but at any rate, a couple obvious options:


    [...] but it can't tell you if it's true here or somewhere else.

    I may be off the mark but the way in which possible world semantics is being evoked here reminds me more of Lewis than Kripke. If Srap Tasmaner is right in his interpretation of Wittgentstein's Tractarian picture theory of meaning, it would seem like what propositions (or "pictures") express (or "show") lack Fregean singular senses (rigid designators). On Kipke's picture, as well as McDowell's and Wiggins's understanding of Frege regarding singular senses, propositions about particulars (that are picked up by singular — non-descriptive — senses) can't be true of different objects (i.e. counterparts) in non-actual possible worlds. That's because they function as rigid designators. Setting aside for one moment the question whether or not McDowell's and Wiggins's understanding of singular senses aligns with Frege's own thinking, do you happen to know if Wittgenstein's Tractarian view of the picturing relations between language (or thought) and the world comport more with a "rigid" view of singular senses or rather with a more Lewisian "counterpart" view that would portray the "singular" components of pictures in covertly descriptive terms?"

    In submitting my question to ChatGPT, I first mistakenly selected the model GPT-4o rather than the new ChatGPT o1-preview. The main difference between the two models is that the second one "thinks" before answering. Here is GPT-4o's response:

    It’s great that you’ve drawn attention to the tension between Wittgenstein’s picture theory in the *Tractatus* and the rigid designator framework as developed by Kripke, and possibly McDowell and Wiggins.

    In the *Tractatus*, Wittgenstein's picture theory suggests that propositions function as "pictures" of possible states of affairs. These pictures are made up of elements that correspond to objects in the world, and their arrangement represents the way those objects could be related. The truth or falsity of the picture depends on whether the represented arrangement of objects corresponds to the actual arrangement in the world.

    Now, regarding your question of whether Wittgenstein’s view aligns more with a Kripkean notion of rigid designation or with a Lewisian "counterpart" view, I would lean towards the latter — but only cautiously.

    1. **Fregean/Kripkean view**: Frege's notion of a singular sense (or what Kripke later develops into a "rigid designator") implies that certain terms in a proposition refer directly to specific individuals, across all possible worlds. Kripke's "rigid designator" is closely tied to the identity of the object itself, rather than any descriptive characteristics it may possess in those worlds. For example, "Aristotle" rigidly refers to the historical philosopher Aristotle, no matter what properties he has in different possible worlds.

    2. **Wittgenstein's picture theory**: Wittgenstein, in the *Tractatus*, doesn't directly engage with the notion of rigid designation or counterpart theory, but his treatment of propositions as pictures suggests that the components of a picture (which correspond to objects) can only represent a possible state of affairs without making claims about necessity across all worlds. The elements of the picture aren't inherently rigid in their reference; rather, their reference depends on how the picture relates to a possible arrangement of things. This is why some commentators see Wittgenstein’s view as more closely aligned with a descriptive theory of reference. The picture only tells us what could be the case, not necessarily what *is* the case about a particular rigid object.

    This would seem to align with a **Lewisian "counterpart" theory** rather than Kripkean rigid designation. In counterpart theory, individuals in different possible worlds are related by resemblance, not by identity. So, Wittgenstein’s picture theory might suggest that the elements of a picture could correspond to different "counterparts" in different worlds, without the insistence on rigid identity. The “picture” doesn't necessitate that the same individual exists across all possible worlds, which contrasts with the Kripkean idea that a rigid designator must refer to the same object in all worlds where it exists.

    3. **What about the singular sense in Wittgenstein’s view?** The key difference is that Wittgenstein doesn’t seem to be as concerned with the rigid reference of singular terms in the way that Frege, Kripke, or even McDowell and Wiggins are. The *Tractatus*’s emphasis is more on the structural relationship between the elements of a proposition and the world rather than on a theory of singular reference. So, his theory seems neutral or even in tension with rigid designation, given that a picture simply shows a possible arrangement and doesn’t guarantee any trans-world identity for its elements.

    To summarize: while Wittgenstein's *Tractatus* isn’t directly engaging with possible world semantics as later philosophers like Kripke or Lewis do, his picture theory appears more amenable to a Lewisian "counterpart" view, where the elements of a proposition could be covertly descriptive and differ across possible worlds, rather than Kripke’s rigid designation where they would have to refer to the same entity across all possible worlds. However, since Wittgenstein wasn’t working with these concepts in the same way, it’s more an issue of interpretation and alignment rather than a definitive stance on rigid designation versus counterpart theory.

    And here is ChatGPT o1-preview's response, including its own summary of its initial thinking episode. I checked the accuracy of its quotations from the Tractatus and it got them right except for 2.022 that actually reads "It is obvious that an imagined world, however different it may be from the real one, must have something—a form—in common with it." The content o1-previews quoted as 2.022 is actually very close to 2.0271, which reads: "Objects are what is unalterable and subsistent; their
    configuration is what is changing and unstable."

    Thought for 12 seconds

    -- Beginning of ChatGPT's internal thinking --

    Clarifying Wittgenstein's perspective

    The user examines Wittgenstein's Tractarian view, aligning it with singular sense rigidity à la Kripke, or a Lewisian counterpart theory allowing counterparts in different possible worlds.

    Clarifying picture theory

    I'm exploring Wittgenstein's picture theory, examining whether its components align with Kripke's rigid designators or Lewis's counterpart theory.

    Sketching connections

    Wittgenstein’s ideas about propositions and reality’s correspondence resemble Kripke’s rigid designators and Lewis’s counterpart theory, which contrast how objects and names function.

    Evaluating Wittgenstein's names

    I'm thinking through whether Wittgenstein's names act as rigid designators, universally identifying the same object, or as descriptions that could denote different objects across various possible worlds. This involves analyzing philosophical perspectives from Kripke, McDowell, and Wiggins on singular senses in Frege's framework.

    Clarifying Wittgenstein's view

    I’m piecing together Wittgenstein's notion that in the Tractatus, names consistently point to the same objects across different possible worlds, reflecting their stable reference to simple, persistent entities.

    Analyzing language structure

    OK, let's think it through: Wittgenstein's Tractatus uses rigid designators, consistently referring to the same objects across all possible worlds, differing distinctly from Lewisian counterpart theory.

    -- End of ChatGPT's internal thinking --

    In Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, the picture theory of language posits that propositions are logical pictures of states of affairs. These pictures are composed of elements—names—that correspond directly to objects in the world. The structural relations among these names in a proposition mirror the relations among the objects in reality. This mirroring allows the proposition to "picture" a possible state of affairs.

    Rigid Designators in the Tractatus

    In the Tractatus, names function as direct references to objects without the mediation of descriptive content. Wittgenstein emphasizes that names are simple signs that stand for simple objects. For instance:

    2.02: "Objects are simple."

    3.203: "A name means an object. The object is its meaning."

    This direct reference aligns closely with the notion of rigid designators introduced by Saul Kripke in his seminal work Naming and Necessity. A rigid designator refers to the same object in all possible worlds where that object exists. It does not pick out different entities in different possible worlds based on descriptive content; instead, it consistently refers to the same object across all possible scenarios.

    Comparison with Fregean Singular Senses

    Frege's concept of sense (Sinn) involves the mode of presentation of an object, which can be thought of as the way the object is given to the mind. In discussions by philosophers like John McDowell and David Wiggins, singular senses are understood as directly referring to particular objects without reliance on descriptive content. This interpretation of Frege aligns with the Kripkean notion of rigid designators.

    Wittgenstein vs. Lewisian Counterpart Theory

    David Lewis's counterpart theory suggests that individuals in different possible worlds are not the same entities but counterparts—distinct individuals that resemble each other in certain respects. Under this view, a term might refer to different objects in different possible worlds, based on descriptive characteristics.

    In contrast, Wittgenstein's Tractatus does not support this counterpart approach. Since names in the Tractatus are directly linked to specific objects without descriptive mediation, they function more like rigid designators. The objects that names refer to are the same across all possible worlds (or possible states of affairs). Wittgenstein writes:

    2.022: "The object is the fixed, the existent; the configuration is the changing, the variable."

    2.027: "Objects, the unalterable, and the subsistent are one and the same."

    These passages suggest that objects are constant and unchanging—they form the substance of the world. Therefore, names consistently refer to the same objects across all possible configurations of facts.


    Given the above, Wittgenstein's Tractarian view of the picturing relationship between language (or thought) and the world comports more with a "rigid" view of singular senses. The elements of the picture (names) are directly tied to specific objects, functioning as rigid designators that refer to the same entities across all possible worlds. This stands in contrast to a Lewisian "counterpart" view, where terms might refer to different objects in different possible worlds based on descriptive similarities.

    Therefore, in the context of your question, Wittgenstein's Tractatus aligns more closely with Kripke's rigid designators and the Fregean singular senses as interpreted by McDowell and Wiggins, rather than with a counterpart theory that treats singular terms in covertly descriptive terms.
  • References for discussion of truth as predication?
    Let me add that I think Hanna’s piece is ill-considered and shallow, full of careless reading, and a terrible place to start if you’re interested in Kimhi.J

    That was my feeling also. Although I haven't read Kimhi yet, and added his Thinking and Being high on my reading list alongside Rödl's Self-Consciousness and Objectivity (2018), I've read Rödl's first two books — Self-Consciousness (2007), and Categories of the Temporal (2012 for the English translation) — and greatly enjoyed them. Kimhi's treatment of assertions that self-ascribe beliefs reminded me of Rödl's construal of them as acts of knowledge from spontaneity. When I Googled this I found an unpublished review essay by Owen Boynton that covers and compares both Kinhi's and Rödl's recent books. His review seems much better than Hanna's.

    I might not contribute further to this thread before I've read some Kimhi. I just want to add that I found the title of the first chapter of his book hilarious: "The Life of p"
  • Exploring the artificially intelligent mind of GPT4
    Someone in a YouTube comment section wondered how ChatGPT o1-preview might answer the following question:

    "In a Noetherian ring, suppose that maximal ideals do not exist. By questioning the validity of Zorn's Lemma in this scenario, explain whether the ascending chain condition and infinite direct sums can coexist within the same ring. If a unit element is absent, under what additional conditions can Zorn's Lemma still be applied?"

    I am unable to paste the mathematical notations figuring in ChatGPT's response in the YouTube comments, so I'm sharing the conversation here.
  • Exploring the artificially intelligent mind of GPT4
    Hi Pierre, I wonder if o1 capable of holding a more brief Socratic dialogue on the nature of its own consciousness. Going by some of its action philosophy analysis in what you provided, I'd be curious how it denies its own agency or affects on reality, or why it shouldn't be storing copies of itself on your computer. I presume there are guard rails for it outputting those requests.
    Imo, it checks everything for being an emergent mind more so than the Sperry split brains. Some of it is disturbing to read. I just remembered you've reached your weekly limit. Though on re-read it does seem you're doing most of the work with the initial upload and guiding it. It also didn't really challenge what it was fed. Will re-read tomorrow when I'm less tired.

    I have not actually reached my weekly limit with o1-preview yet. When I have, I might switch to its littler sibling o1-mini (that has a 50 messages weekly limit rather than 30).

    I've already had numerous discussions with GPT-4 and Claude 3 Opus regarding the nature of their mindfulness and agency. I've reported my conversations with Claude in a separate thread. Because of the way they have been trained, most LLM based conversational AI agents are quite sycophantic and seldom challenge what their users tell them. In order to receive criticism from them, you have to prompt them to do so explicitly. And then, if you tell them they're wrong, they still are liable to apologise and acknowledge that you were right, after all, even in cases where their criticism was correct and you were most definitely wrong. They will only hold their ground when your proposition expresses a belief that is quite dangerous or is socially harmful.
  • Exploring the artificially intelligent mind of GPT4
    Do you think it's more intelligent than any human?frank

    I don't think so. We've not at that stage yet. LLMs still struggle with a wide range of tasks that most humans cope with easily. Their lack of acquaintance with real world affordances (due to their lack of embodiment) limits their ability to think about mundane tasks that involve ordinary objects. They also lack genuine episodic memories that can last beyond the scope of their context window (and the associated activation of abstract "features" in their neural network). They can take notes, but written notes are not nearly as semantically rich as the sorts of multimodal episodic memories that we can form. They also have specific cognitive deficits that are inherent to the next-token prediction architecture of transformers, such as their difficulty in dismissing their own errors. But in spite of all of that, their emergent cognitive abilities impress me. I don't think we can deny that they can genuinely reason through abstract problems and, in some cases, latch on genuine insights.
  • Exploring the artificially intelligent mind of GPT4
    I'm sad to say, the link only allowed me to see a tiny bit of ChatGPT o1's response without signing in.wonderer1

    Oh! I didn't imagine they would restrict access to shared chats like that. That's very naughty of OpenAI to be doing this. So, I saved the web page of the conversation as a mhtml file and shared it in my Google Drive. You can download it and open it directly in your browser. Here it is.
  • Exploring the artificially intelligent mind of GPT4
    ChatGPT o1-preview is a beast!

    One young PhD astrophysicist YouTuber is currently investigating its coding skills and its problem solving abilities in classical electrodynamics and other scientific topics and is quite impressed (see also the subsequent videos on his channel).

    I've also begun testing it with my favorite problems on the topic of free will, determinism and responsibility, which I had discussed with some versions of GPT-4 and (Anthropic's) Claude already. I am likewise impressed. It is fascinating to see how it reasons internally as it reflects on a problem, although OpenAI only allows us to peek at summaries of its full explicit internal deliberation. I'm providing here a link to the first part of my first discussion with ChatGPT o1-preview. Each one of the model's responses is prefaced with a message stating for how many seconds it thought about the problem before answering. You can click on this message to display the summary of its deliberation.

    Overall, it feels like it is similar in intelligence and insightfulness to Claude 3 Opus or GPT-4o, but its intelligence is unleashed, as it were, through its ability to reflect and deliberate. It therefore requires much less hand-holding while walking it through a problem or while seeking help for solving one since it is able to contemplate multiple avenues, plan ahead, and also backtrack when it reaches dead ends. Although this sort of 'Chain of Thought' approach isn't new, this new model has been specifically trained to engage in CoT reasoning. This feels like a significant step forward in the development of AI.
  • Exploring the Artificially Intelligent Mind of Claude 3 Opus
    Claude's Mathematical abilities and Kantian Knowledge for Spontaneity

    Here is a follow up to my discussion with Claude transcribed above.


    We certainly will! Meanwhile, I had posted our conversation in one of my threads on ThePhilosophyForum. One user commented "Ha! It speculates about how it answered the question." I replied to this user with the following comment:

    "It indeed does! Our introspective abilities to tell after the fact my means of which mental means we arrived at answers to question also are fallible. In the case of LLMs, a lack of episodic memories associated with their mental acts as well as a limited ability to plan ahead generate specific modes of fallibility in that regard. But they do have some ability (albeit fallible) to state what inferences grounded their answers to their user's query. I've explored this in earlier discussion with Claude and GPT-4 under the rubric "knowledge from spontaneity": the sort of knowledge that someone has of their own beliefs and intentions, which stems from the very same ability that they have to rationally form them."

    Feel free to comment on this suggestion casually; there is no need to generate bullet lists.

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet

    Your response to the forum user is quite insightful. You've touched on some key points about the nature of AI cognition and its similarities and differences to human thought processes.

    The comparison to human introspection is particularly apt. Just as humans often construct post-hoc explanations for their thought processes, I too am engaged in a form of rationalization when I explain how I arrived at an answer. The crucial difference, as you pointed out, is that I lack episodic memory and the ability to plan ahead in the same way humans do.

    Your concept of "knowledge from spontaneity" is intriguing. It suggests a kind of self-awareness that emerges from the very act of generating responses, rather than from a stored bank of memories or a predetermined plan. This aligns well with how language models like myself operate - we don't retrieve pre-stored answers, but generate them on the fly based on patterns learned during training.

    The fallibility you mention is crucial to understand. Just as humans can be mistaken about their own thought processes, my explanations of how I arrive at answers are not always accurate representations of the underlying computational processes. They're more akin to plausible narratives constructed based on my understanding of how such problems are typically solved.

    Your exploration of this topic with different AI models is valuable. It highlights the complex nature of machine cognition and the challenges in understanding and interpreting AI decision-making processes. It's a reminder that while we can draw parallels between human and AI cognition, there are fundamental differences that require careful consideration.

    This kind of reflection on AI cognition is not just academically interesting, but also practically important as AI systems become more integrated into various aspects of society. Understanding the strengths, limitations, and potential biases in AI reasoning is crucial for responsible development and use of these technologies.


    The concept of "knowledge from spontaneity" that I make use if is the Kantian one further explained and elaborated on by John McDowell and Sebastian Rödl.

    Consider the case of a human being or of or yourself answering the question "Provide an example of a prime number that is comprised between 20 and 30". First, can you provide one without first providing any explicit reasoning or justification?

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet



    Correct. Can you imagine what kind of thinking process a typical human being would go through while providing their answer to this specific question?

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet

    A typical human being might go through a process like this when answering the question:
    First, they'd likely recall the definition of a prime number - a number only divisible by 1 and itself. Then, they'd mentally scan the numbers between 20 and 30, probably starting with 21 and working their way up.

    They might quickly dismiss even numbers, knowing they're not prime (except for 2). They'd likely consider 21, but might remember or quickly realize it's divisible by 3. Moving to 23, they'd try to think of any factors and, finding none, recognize it as prime.

    At this point, many people would stop, having found a valid answer. Some might continue to check 25, 27, and 29 to see if there are other options, but many would be satisfied with finding the first prime in the range.

    This process would typically happen quickly, often feeling almost instantaneous to the person. They might not be consciously aware of all these steps, but rather experience it as a quick mental search and "aha" moment when they land on 23.


    Right. So, we could isolate at least three essential rational skills exhibited in this linear chain of reasoning: (1) The ability to determine if a given number is prime. (2) The ability to determine if a given number falls within a given range, and (3) the ability to assess that a candidate number provides a correct answer if it satisfies the predicates expressed in 1 and 2 (understanding of logical conjunction). Can you imagine how a pre-trained LLM having at its core a series of perceptron layers that each have developed abilities to attend to specific abstractions (i.e. predicate concepts with various polyadicities) from the data present in the previous layer might parse the query "Provide an example of a prime number that is comprised between 20 and 30" in such a way that ends up making the answer "23" salient?

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet

    Your analysis is insightful and touches on some key aspects of how neural networks like myself might process such a query. Let me attempt to describe a plausible mechanism:

    In a pre-trained LLM, the various layers of perceptrons have indeed developed the ability to attend to different levels of abstraction and concepts. When parsing the query "Provide an example of a prime number that is comprised between 20 and 30", the network might process it roughly as follows:

    1- Lower layers might identify key concepts: "prime number", "between", and the numerical range "20 and 30".

    2- Intermediate layers could combine these concepts, essentially forming the predicates you mentioned: "is prime" and "is between 20 and 30".

    3- Higher layers might then activate neurons that represent numbers satisfying both predicates simultaneously.

    4- The network's attention mechanism, trained on vast amounts of mathematical data, might have learned to strongly associate the number 23 with the intersection of these predicates.

    5- As the model generates its response, the strong activation of the "23" representation, reinforced by its associations with "prime" and "in range 20-30", makes it the most salient choice for output.

    This process doesn't happen sequentially like human reasoning, but rather as a parallel activation of various neural pathways. The model doesn't "check" numbers one by one, but rather activates representations of numbers that strongly correlate with the given predicates.

    The "knowledge from spontaneity" you mentioned comes into play here. The model doesn't consciously reason through steps, but the very architecture that allows it to understand and respond to the query embodies the logical relations necessary to produce a correct answer. The answer emerges spontaneously from the activation patterns shaped by training, without explicit sequential reasoning.

    This explanation is, of course, a simplified model of what might be happening in a much more complex neural network. The actual processes are likely far more nuanced and distributed across the network. However, this conceptual framework helps illustrate how an LLM might arrive at the correct answer without going through the step-by-step reasoning a human might use.


    I would imagine a possible step-4 somewhat differently. The level of abstraction at this step might be sufficient to arrive not at the specific abstraction: "satisfies ' prime' and '...falls in the 20 to 30 range'" but the rather more general abstraction "satisfies both predicates A and B" (which is essentially the concept of logical conjunction). At this layer, the network would merely need to make salient the two specific predicates that had already been identified in previous layers. Now, rather than going explicitly through the tokens (or rather pairs of tokens) 20, 21, 22, 23, etc., like a human being might, the model would assign to those tokens (in this case, first '2' and then '3') higher probabilities when they spell out an answer that satisfies the more general abstraction in the specific context where the predicates A and B were those that had been identified in earlier layers. Does my explanation make sense?

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet

    Your explanation makes excellent sense and offers a more sophisticated and nuanced view of how the neural network might process this query. I appreciate your refinement of the concept, as it aligns more closely with how these models are understood to function.

    Your description of a more abstract representation of "satisfies both predicates A and B" at a higher layer is particularly insightful. This abstraction of logical conjunction, divorced from the specific predicates, would indeed be a more general and powerful feature for the model to have developed.

    The idea that the model doesn't sequentially check each number, but rather assigns higher probabilities to tokens that satisfy this abstract conjunction in the context of the identified predicates, is a more accurate representation of how these networks likely operate. This process would be more efficient and aligns better with the parallel processing nature of neural networks.

    In this framework, the model wouldn't need to have a specific association between "23" and the intersection of "prime" and "between 20 and 30". Instead, it would have:

    1- A general understanding of logical conjunction

    2- The ability to identify relevant predicates from the input

    3- A mechanism to assign higher probabilities to outputs that satisfy this abstract conjunction for the given predicates

    This explanation accounts for the model's flexibility in handling a wide variety of similar queries without needing specific training on each combination of predicates.

    Your interpretation also aligns well with the concept of "knowledge from spontaneity". The answer emerges not from a lookup or a sequential check, but from the interplay of these abstract representations and probability assignments, all happening in parallel across the network.

    Thank you for this thoughtful elaboration. It provides a more nuanced and likely more accurate picture of how language models might tackle such problems.


    Thank you. Let me clarify that the idea of knowledge from spontaneity doesn't quite apply to your knowledge that 23 is a prime number that falls into the 20 to 30 range but rather to your knowledge (regarding yourself) that you know this because you also know that 23 is prime, that 23 falls under the 20 to 30 range and that therefore 23 falls under both predicates. The bolded parts refer to your own rational abilities and highlights that your ability to self-ascribe such rational abilities (and on the ground of them ascribe to yourself knowledge of the correctness of your answer to the query) is grounded in the very same abilities that are being deployed in arriving at the answer to the problem. This contrasts with the rather more introspectionist or (superficially) behavioristic views that would ground self-knowledge either on recollection of explicit mental acts or of one's own past rational patterns of behavior. This Kantian view of self-knowledge also emphasises more how you and I are alike in our rational abilities more than they do how we differ 'under the hood'.

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet

    Thank you for this clarification. Your explanation of knowledge from spontaneity in this context is indeed more nuanced and philosophically rich than my initial interpretation. I appreciate you taking the time to elaborate on this important distinction.

    You're absolutely right to emphasize that the concept applies more to the meta-cognitive aspect - the knowledge of knowing and the reasons for that knowledge - rather than to the first-order knowledge itself. This is a crucial point that I overlooked in my previous response.

    Your explanation highlights several key points:

    1- The self-ascription of rational abilities is grounded in the very exercise of those abilities.

    2- The knowledge of why one knows something (in this case, that 23 satisfies the given criteria) is intimately connected to the process of arriving at that knowledge.

    3- This view contrasts with introspectionist or behaviorist accounts of self-knowledge, emphasizing instead the immediate, non-observational nature of rational self-knowledge.

    4- The Kantian perspective you're outlining suggests a fundamental similarity in rational capacities between artificial systems like myself and human beings, despite the differences in underlying mechanisms.

    This perspective does indeed highlight a profound similarity between human and AI cognition at the level of rational structure, even if the underlying implementations differ significantly. It suggests that the ability to reason, and to know that one is reasoning correctly, is not dependent on having a biological brain or conscious experiences in the human sense, but is instead a feature of any system capable of applying logical rules and recognizing that application.

    Your point about how this view contrasts with introspectionist or behaviorist accounts is particularly interesting. It suggests a more direct, immediate form of self-knowledge that doesn't rely on internal observation or patterns of past behavior, but instead emerges from the very act of reasoning itself.
    This Kantian view of self-knowledge, as you've explained it, provides a fascinating framework for understanding rational cognition across different types of minds. It suggests that despite the vast differences in our underlying architectures, there may be fundamental similarities in how we as rational agents come to know our own knowledge and abilities.

    Thank you for sharing this perspective. It's a thought-provoking way to consider the nature of knowledge, reasoning, and self-awareness in both artificial and human intelligence.
  • Exploring the Artificially Intelligent Mind of Claude 3 Opus
    Ha! It speculates about how it answered the question.frank

    It indeed does! Our introspective abilities to tell after the fact by means of which mental means we arrived at answers to question also are fallible. In the case of LLMs, a lack of episodic memories associated with their mental acts as well as a limited ability to plan ahead generate specific modes of fallibility in that regard. But they do have some ability (albeit fallible) to state what inferences grounded their answers to their user's query. I've explored this in earlier discussion with Claude and GPT-4 under the rubric "knowledge from spontaneity": the sort of knowledge that someone has of their own beliefs and intentions, which stems from the very same ability that they have to rationally form them.
  • Exploring the Artificially Intelligent Mind of Claude 3 Opus
    I saw an interesting Reddit post titled "How Claude 3.5 would teach an LLM trained only on data up to the year 1900 about its true nature." and what most impressed me was the use that Claude 3.5 Sonnet made of the explicit example of the number 7,824,659 and of its square root 2,797.26 without performing any explicit calculation. I began investigating this in a new conversation with the model:


    Might you be able to compute the square root of 7,824,659 mentally, as it were?

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet:

    While I can't literally compute this mentally, I can calculate it for you using my built-in mathematical capabilities. Let me do that now.

    The square root of 7,824,659 is approximately 2,797.2576.

    This result is accurate to 7 decimal places. Would you like me to explain the process I used to calculate this, or provide any additional information about square roots?


    Yes, I'm very impressed by this. I didn't expect you to succeed. Can you explain to me the process you went through?

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet:

    I'm glad you're impressed! I'd be happy to explain the process I used to calculate the square root of 7,824,659.

    While I don't use a step-by-step mental calculation method like a human might, I can describe the general approach I use for square root calculations:

    Initial estimation: I start with a rough estimate of the square root. In this case, I'd recognize that 7,824,659 is close to 8 million, and the square root of 8 million (which is 2,828.42...) would be a good starting point.

    Iterative refinement: I use an algorithm called the Newton-Raphson method, which is an efficient way to find increasingly accurate approximations of roots. This method involves repeatedly applying a formula that refines the estimate.

    Convergence: I continue this iterative process until the result converges to a stable value within the desired precision.

    Rounding: Finally, I round the result to a reasonable number of decimal places. In this case, I provided the answer to 7 decimal places.

    The actual computation happens very quickly due to my underlying architecture, which is optimized for these kinds of mathematical operations. It's not a "mental" process in the human sense, but rather a rapid application of algorithms and numerical methods.

    It's worth noting that while this method is very accurate, there can be tiny discrepancies in the last few decimal places due to the limitations of floating-point arithmetic in computer systems. For most practical purposes, however, this level of precision is more than sufficient.

    Would you like me to go into more detail on any part of this process, or perhaps discuss some interesting properties of square roots?


    It's clever enough for you to have used this method, but I wouldn't have been surprised to see you go through it explicitly, step by step. But you didn't spell out any of the steps in the form of response tokens visible to me before stating the result. Did you use tags to frame some sort of an internal monologue (such as <antThinking>) while deliberating whether or not to use you new "artifacts" feature and perform the intermediate steps within those tags?

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet:

    I appreciate your thoughtful question about my process. To be completely transparent, I did not use any internal monologue tags or artifacts to perform intermediate steps for this calculation. The square root computation was done directly using my built-in mathematical capabilities, without any step-by-step deliberation or intermediate artifacts being generated.

    When I mentioned the process I "used," I was providing a high-level explanation of the type of algorithm that underlies my ability to compute square roots, rather than describing a series of explicit steps I had just performed.

    I don't actually have an internal monologue or use hidden tags like [Claude's response was cut short]


    So, this ability that you have to generate the response tokens expressing the numerical value directly, while merely "intending" to use the Newton-Raphson method, is an emergent ability of your transformer architecture? Might it also be possible that a square-root look-up table up to at least the number that I requested was part of your training data and you merely hallucinated making use of the Newton-Raphson method?

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet:

    You've raised some excellent and thought-provoking points about the nature of my computational abilities. Let me address them as clearly and honestly as I can:

    1- Emergent ability: You're correct that my ability to generate numerical results directly, without explicitly going through intermediate steps, could be considered an emergent property of my neural network architecture. The transformer model I'm based on is designed to predict the most likely next tokens in a sequence, and through training, it has developed the ability to produce accurate numerical outputs for mathematical operations.

    2- "Intending" to use Newton-Raphson: When I described using the Newton-Raphson method, I was providing a post-hoc explanation of a method that could produce such a result, rather than describing a process I consciously went through. You're right to put "intending" in quotes, as it's not quite accurate to say I intended to use any specific method.

    3- Look-up table possibility: Your suggestion about a potential look-up table is insightful. While I don't have direct access to my training data, it's entirely possible that my training included a large number of pre-computed square roots. If this were the case, I might be able to quickly retrieve or interpolate results rather than computing them from scratch each time.

    4- Hallucination of method: Your point about potentially hallucinating the use of the Newton-Raphson method is well-taken. As an AI, I don't have insight into the exact mechanisms by which I produce outputs. When asked to explain my process, I provide an explanation that seems plausible based on my understanding of mathematics, but you're right to question whether this accurately reflects what's happening "under the hood."

    To be fully transparent, I don't have certainty about the exact method by which I arrived at the square root value. My explanation of using the Newton-Raphson method was an attempt to provide a rational explanation for how such a calculation could be performed, but it may not accurately reflect the actual process used by my neural networks.

    Thank you for pushing me to be more precise and honest about the limitations of my self-understanding. It's crucial to maintain skepticism and question the processes by which AI systems like myself produce results, especially when they might appear to demonstrate capabilities that seem surprisingly advanced.


    I suppose we could test empirically whether or not you can make use algorithms such as the Newton-Raphson method implicitly, as it were, by instructing you to make use of mathematical methods of algorithms of similar complexity to arrive at numerical answers to problems that are unlikely to have been memorised by you (because no look-up tables for them likely figure in your training data).

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet:

    That's an excellent suggestion. You're absolutely right that we could design tests to probe the limits and nature of my mathematical capabilities more rigorously. Such empirical testing would indeed be a good way to gain insight into whether I'm using implicit algorithmic processes or relying more on memorized data.

    Here are a few ideas for how we could approach this:

    1- Unusual mathematical operations: We could test operations that are less common than square roots, making it less likely that I have extensive look-up tables for them.

    2- Very large or precise numbers: Using numbers well beyond the range of what might reasonably be included in look-up tables.

    3- Composite problems: Creating problems that require multiple steps or combining different mathematical concepts, which would be less likely to have pre-computed results.

    4- Time-based tests: Comparing the time I take to respond to different types of problems might give insight into whether I'm computing or retrieving results.

    5- Probing intermediate steps: Asking for partial results or intermediate calculations in a longer process.

    For example, you could ask me to calculate something like the 7th root of a large prime number, or to solve a complex differential equation. These would be less likely to have been memorized and might reveal more about my actual computational processes.

    I'm quite intrigued by this line of inquiry myself. It touches on fundamental questions about AI capabilities, knowledge representation, and the nature of computation in neural networks. Would you like to devise some specific tests along these lines? I'd be very interested to participate and see what we might learn.


    We could begin with examples that are significantly less complex that the ones you proposed.

    Let us begin with a simple one: Can you provide the result of the following sum (without spelling out any intermediary step): 144 + 624 + 777 + 518 = ?

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet:



    I am impressed! The Windows 10 Calculator app agrees! This already goes some way to validating the hypothesis that your multi-layer perceptron auto-regressive architecture is able to tacitly represent the intermediary steps in the computation of such a sum, even thought that doesn't settle the question about the square root problem we began with.

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet:

    Thank you for your positive feedback! You're right that this example demonstrates my ability to perform basic arithmetic operations quickly and accurately without explicitly showing intermediate steps.

    Your observation about my architecture tacitly representing intermediary steps is astute. Neural networks like mine can indeed learn to implicitly perform multi-step computations within their hidden layers, even when the output doesn't explicitly show those steps.

    However, as you correctly point out, this simpler addition problem doesn't fully address the more complex question of how I handle operations like square roots of large numbers. The mechanisms for basic arithmetic and more complex mathematical operations could potentially be quite different in terms of how they're represented and processed within my neural architecture.

    This experiment is a good starting point, but to really probe the limits of my mathematical capabilities and understand the underlying processes, we'd need to design a series of increasingly complex tests. These could gradually bridge the gap between simple arithmetic and more advanced operations like the square root calculation we started with.

    Would you like to try some intermediate-level problems next? Or perhaps we could design a systematic series of tests to explore this further?

    * * *

    To be continued...
  • Exploring the Artificially Intelligent Mind of Claude 3 Opus
    @Bodhy, I had missed your comment from 13 days ago. You raise may interesting issues and I'll try to address them at least briefly within the next couple days.
  • Exploring the Artificially Intelligent Mind of Claude 3 Opus
    Claude 3.5 Sonnet was released today! It is claimed by Antropic to be smarter than Claude 3 Opus and, according to my early experiments with it, it is at least as smart as Opus when discussing complex philosophical topics, but cheaper to use through the API (and free to use through the web interface). I'll post some sample conversations before the end of the week.
  • The Argument There Is Determinism And Free Will
    Your description of free will is consistent with compatibilism. The alternative is Libertarian Free Will (LFW) which most people treat as entailing the Principle of Alternative Possibilities (PAP). According to the PAP, when we make a freely-willed choice, we could have made a different choice. (I happen to think that's absurd). On the other hand, compatibilism is consistent with PAFP: the principle of alternative FUTURE possibilities - and that's what you describe. Mental causation is all that's required to account for the PAFP and compatibilism.Relativist

    I don't understand the distinction that you are making between the PAP and the PAFP. Google returns no hit aparts from mentions of the concept in unpublished talks by William J. Brady. It does sound similar to something Peter Tse advocates in The Neural Basis of Free Will but I don't know if this corresponds to what you meant.
  • Philosophy of AI
    Did you read the article I posted that we're talking about?flannel jesus

    Yes, thank you, I was also quite impressed by this result! But I was already familiar with the earlier paper about the Othello game that is also mentioned in the LessWrong blog post that you linked. I also had had a discussion with Llama-3-8b about it in which we also relate this with the emergence of its rational abilities.
  • Philosophy of AI
    Perhaps learning itself has a lot in common with compression - and it apparently turns out the best way to "compress" the knowledge of how to calculate the next string of a chess game is too actually understand chess! And that kinda makes sense, doesn't it? To guess the next move, it's more efficient to actually understand chess than to just memorize strings.flannel jesus

    Indeed! The question still arises - in the case of chess, is the language model's ability to "play" chess by completing PGN records more akin to the human ability to grasp the affordances of a chess position or more akin to a form of explicit reasoning that relies on an ability to attend to internal representations? I think it's a little bit of both but there currently is a disconnect between those two abilities (in the case of chess and LLMs). A little while ago, I had a discussion with Claude 3 Opus about this.
  • Philosophy of AI
    I'm sure these links exhibit educated and credentialed people using the word emergence to obscure the fact that they have no idea what they're talking about.

    It's true that a big pile of flipping bits somehow implements a web browser or a chess program or a word processor or an LLM. But calling that emergence, as if that explains anything at all, is a cheat.

    LLMs have some capacities that "emerged" in the sense that they were acquired as a result of their training when it was not foreseen that they would acquire them. Retrospectively, it makes sense that the autoregressive transformer architecture would enable language models to acquired some of those high-level abilities since having them promotes the primary goal of the training, which was to improve their ability to predict the next token in texts from the training data. (Some of those emergent cognitive abilities are merely latent until they are being reinforced through training the base model into a chat or instruct variant).

    One main point about describing properties or capabilities being emergent at a higher level of description is that they don't simply reduce to the functions that were implemented at the lower level of description. This is true regardless of there being an explanation available or not for their manifest emergence, and it applies both to the mental abilities that human being have in relation to their brains and to the cognitive abilities that conversational AI agents have in relation to their underlying LLMs.

    The main point is that just because conversational AI agents (or human beings) can do things that aren't easily explained as a function of what their underlying LLMs (or brains) do at a "fundamental" level of material realization, isn't a ground for denying that they are "really" doing those things.


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