
  • Black Hole/White Hole
    1. I think it is worth noting that blackholes involve the maximum compression of matter possible, compressed H1. Note that recent discovery has found compressed H1 to be a super conductor beyond the efficiency of silicon, etc.

    2. My explorations have led me to believe it is possible. Think of different ways for universe organisms to see. On earth most of us use light differentiation, but not all. Bats and others see just fine with sonar and surely their brains translate this information into a mental "image" of their world. It turns out that blackholes have a gravitational force attraction that can stretch to the farthest reaches of the universe, edge to edge. Now consider that there are billions of black holes, probably more than one per galaxy. If this is a network, and you envision gravity as a "sense" instead of "attraction" or pull...but as a field in which all other objects and atoms and possibly subatomic particles have an attraction to and move sensitive might their data acquisition be?

    3. What makes "black hole omniscience network theory" more curious, is the fact that the matter of the black hole is inside the event horizon, and therefore is in a space of bent or distorted time. The only thing better than more processing "power", would be more processing "time."

    In my opinion, the universe itself may possess sentience with an omniscient awareness of every particle within itself through a network a the most dense, most massive objects known which happen to be entirely made of superconductive material with a sense of gravitational field that interacts with every particle. We can only imagine the sensitivity of this "sight" and how much "time" is created to process.

    Viewed this way each black hole is like a neuron in a giant mind we call the universe. An omniscient mind.