Given that this is around sixty percent of your population, why is it that they do not have "the power"?When pro-choice people have enough power to create an amendment... — frank
I don't need to.Do you even own a weapon of any kind? — frank
Seriously? So you have given up on rationality. Fine. See you on the ramparts.You can't even justify believing 2+2=4. That doesn't diminish your civil rights. — frank
They think it is immoral, but their justification for that is shite.They think it's immoral. The reason that matters is a little thing called democracy. — frank
I didn't deny their feelings, just their excuse. What they think their invisible friend says is no justification for forcing their view on others. If they do not agree with abortion, that's fine, they do not have to have one.It's dishonorable and morally repugnant to suggest that they don't have a right to their feelings. — frank
Your terminology is muddled here, but it seems you are intent only on being a bit of a dick, so I'll leave you to it.Point was it's a cyst with a beating heart. — frank
That doesn't seem to be so.They don't like to do them before 12 weeks. — frank
If you decide to have an abortion, it is best to have it as early as possible.
It is safe, simple and low-risk when done under 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Abortion is not murder if it is legal.Slavery is ok if it's legal? — frank
Not to begin with.It's a cyst with a beating heart. — frank
Murder is unlawful killing. It's not murder if abortion is legal.They just think it's murder. — frank
There is no transcendent source material. — Tom Storm
begged the question — Shawn
I've no idea what that might mean. I'll leave you to it.if concepts are truth-apt under universal quantification... — Shawn
How?...this is again nominalism — Shawn
concepts are used in different ways. — Shawn
I'm not. I'm wondering about your thinking on the topic, and how it relates toIf you're looking for a specific answer, then go ahead, provide one. — Shawn
It is clear Wittgenstein is rejecting any notion of treating words as just names, and that concepts are about use, not just grammar....the passage of the Philosophical Investigations, I/§383, regarding "concepts as words" and Wittgensteins nominalism. — Shawn
Midgley's plumbing metaphor might show the point better than Wittgenstein's therapy metaphor.Are philosophers still in need of therapy? — Shawn
We are not analysing a phenomenon (e.g. thought) but a concept (e.g. that of thinking), and therefore the use of a word.
I'm just not going to go on a tangent to other topics. — Vivek
G.E. Moore asks a similar question. What exactly do we mean when we say something is good? What does it mean when we say something is right or wrong? — Vivek
So, I think, there is some internal aspect of how learning can at all take place... — Shawn
Not qualities, but uses. In addition to the grammar, there is what we do - we choose the blue bicycle and go for a ride. That's not grammar.Are you alluding to qualities of concepts — Shawn
If it is all about the externalities of the topic, then I'm only concerned with the internal aspect of how concepts are understood. — Shawn