
  • On the role of death in ethics
    But do you think that's right or justified?

    I think its justified, it sounds monotonous to say its right.
    From all well being of a person, only that person has the right to end their lives, unless if they have any disability that requires a third party to take a decision for them.

    With an option for life or death; its life! Life comes ones.
  • On the role of death in ethics
    that seems like the top priority of ethics at all angles. The well being of someone's life even if it involves harm. Harm we can also relate it to the law. Since ethics and law go hand in hand
  • What's up with people who contradict themselves on their own sincerity & can't see their own faults?
    I've enjoyed both participant opinions, I can't even say who is right nor wrong. But rather agreed to my self that when it comes to an individual, certain people allow criticism from people they only respect or most common 'worthy'. If your not within their 'circle' hard luck.

    (I've joined this forum today)