
  • Atheist Take on Reincarnation and Karma
    I want an Atheist's opinion on the Easter Bunny while we're at it.
  • What is a scientific attitude?
    The "scientific method." It's pretty straight forward.
  • Link Between Feminism And Obesity
    It's really simple. The modern feminist movement promotes obesity in women because it claims that women taking care of their health and being in shape is part of the patriarchal control.

    Good luck with that.
  • Can you lie but at the same time tell the truth?
    Sure you can.

    If you intentionally divulge only parts of whole truth as you know it, you give a dishonest representation of the matter at hand, thus leading the audience to form a distorted image of the events.
  • Free Will or an illusion and how this makes us feel.
    I think we confuse "wide range of choices" with free will. Humans are very complicated, and a lot of tiny factors may decide whether we have pancakes and eggs vs cereal in the morning, but it doesn't make us "free". A cockroach doesn't has any more "free-will" today than it did yesterday simply because today it were given the option to pick and choose anything it wanted from the menu at a restaurant.
  • Language is not moving information from one head to another.
    Language is the framework or matrix upon which ideas can be transferred, but language itself is also comprised of information, simply a less complex type information. Just like computer languages are themselves blocks of information(code) to be interpreted by a cpu into a command, so does language run through the human brain to form an idea.
  • Philosophers are humourless gits
    Philosophers are humourless gits

    I can debate you on that.

    But no, seriously, I get what you're saying. They don't call it "The Comedy Forum" for a reason.