
  • Let's Talk About Meaning
    For some thing to have meaning, it has to be tied to a value for that person or people. Such as, a sense of status or independence.. An idea that encompasses a value or opposes them, would have meaning to it. It has to touch one of your higher values in a personal way.
  • Let's Talk About Meaning
    In my view, meaning is tied to feelings and values.. Of course, my definition will largely depend on the context. ‘Meaning’, i’m sure many would agree, is a broad term. I find the discussion on blogs frustrating at times because people are really only arguing semantics. Put it in some context everyone can at least agree on first..
  • Centrist and Small Government debate
    quote][/I have no problem with the size of government. Just the motivations behind the government]

    The principal behind the American philosophy of small government is man’s motivation is always self seeking.

    ‘Men are not angles, if they were, we would not need government in the first place’, Madison.

    Therefore, government is a necessary evil and for many reason should be kept small and used only in certain areas of life.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    From where i’m sitting the only party that is talking about racism are the democrats. If you see the world based on the color of ones skin, well, that kinda makes you a racist. The democrats see everting as a race issue. Plus, the pure hatred and real violence are all coming from the democrats. They have totally self destructed and are making fools of themselves like little children calling everyone names. They set these standards for Trump but when it comes to themselves, well, by any means necessary. Sound like a bunch of baby nazis. Get over it, please.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    I curious , if you were president, what would you do with the border issue?
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Not true. Most mexicans I meet in So Cal are Trump supporters, pro border security and frankly less likely to embrace homosexuality and gender blah blah.. They are very conservative culturally, religious and find open borders offensive given their efforts to come here legally. Trust me, they are the least likely to embrace illegal immigration for several reasons.

    The cubans in miami where i’m from are passionately free market republicans (given their experience with communism). In fact, many south americans are pro free market, culturally conservative.

    The media cherry picks what they show you. There are hundreds of stories a day thousands of people they can interview on the street. and they pick a the ones that fit their values and beliefs. You are not get a good sample.
  • Does consciousness = Awareness/Attention?
    It’s a question of which part of the brain you’re using.
    A deer, for example, is aware of its surroundings, but not conscious of its awareness.
    If we turned off our critical part of the brain, the neo cortex, such as when we are in fight / flight mode, doing simple tasks such as cleaning, in ‘the zone’ , we are perfectly aware, but not conscious of that awareness.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Democrat strategy room:

    Clinton :How can we beat Trump?

    A: Economy? National Defense? Domestic Security? Trade? Foreign wars?

    Clinton: No, can’t because he’s turned all that around and the country is doing fantastic in those areas.

    A:,How about the old way, anti- establishment and against working class people?

    Clinton; No. Workers love him and he is the most anti-establishment president in history.

    A; Well, how about make him out to be a racist?

    Clinton: Maybe. But he’s been in public eye for 50 years and has never been known as racist. Plus, his Palm Beach club is one of the few that allows blacks and Jews and he’s been friends with several black celebrities his whole life and none have ever accused him before of racism. Do you think we can pull it off?

    A: Sure, he’s got a big mouth, he’s already said a few things that we can spin as racist and we’ll just wait until he says anything remotely racist or against anyone of color and run along our partners at NBC and CNN a hundred times a day until it becomes truth. It’s worked before..

    Clinton: ok, it’s the only chance we have. Good luck!
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    The left continues to try to define Trump and his supporters without their consent. They continue to insist they are all racist and therefore unfit.
    But Trump and his supporters never talk about racism! Only the left does. And racism has never been out front of their agenda, Though I admit Trump did make a stupid remark about Muslims though this was during a time when terrorist acts were happening quite frequently.
    Point I’m trying to make is, the race issue today is no different than the abortion issue 10 years ago. It’s a non-issue to begin with! It simply is a simplistic, morality issue promoted by the self- appointed morally superior party to gain support. In fact, it doesn’t even have a place in politics.
  • What does psychosis tell us about the nature of reality?
    I don’t think reality is relevant to psychosis. The question may be can the psychotic person function in his day to day life, is he healthy and at peace within himself? Is he able to focus on a certain task, does he have healthy relationships and is he able to provide for himself.

    If someone wants to go around believing they are superman and insists it’s his own making of reality, then fine. But if he can’t survive as a result, then he has a problem.
  • Hotelling's Law in US Politics
    Traditionally, the criteria for president has been the economy, national defense, domestic security, immigration...

    When the current administration is getting high marks in theses areas, which by most reasonable accounts Trump gets an ‘A’ across the board, the challenging party attempts to hijack this criteria into their own criteria which of course favors themselves - abortion in the past years and racism today.

    These are black and white issues that an average joe can make a quick, decisive, moralistic and emotional decision on. No real analysis required.

    The strongest frame a person can hold in an argument is a moral frame, such as racism or abortion. For most humans, morality trumps (no pun intended) all else. For our salvation, it can be argued, is a person’s greatest incentive. This is why the ‘ market’ of religion has always been so ‘profitable’.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    @Metaphysician Undercover

    Like I said, TV does not count because yes, its being edited for him to look like a racist. That is exactly what the right is saying!

    I think most of us do experience racism, outside of what we see on TV, most of us not every day,Metaphysician Undercover

    So your answer to the question 'are you or anyone you know experiencing racism in your life (outside TV) , the answer is no. So my point is that what you are seeing on TV is propaganda because what is being portrayed on TV does not fit your reality.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)

    many have thought to themselves "they should go back where they're from"Relativist

    You are assuming this. I'm sure some may say that to themselves. I'm sure, myself included, have said that regarding Muslims when several terrorist attacks were happening around the country and the world a few years ago. I was angry and therefore had angry thoughts. However, a passing thought does not define somebody. I like most Muslims I meet and think they add flavor to our already diverse society. But, yes, we are only human and when we see our neighbors die in vein, then its only human to be angry.

    I've strayed off the subject a bit. To your point, I suppose expressing an idea that may be dormant in the collective consciousness could feed that idea , which is a dangerous and inappropriate idea, one that should not be voiced by a leader.

    However, isn't it the media and the democrats that are really spreading the idea. I mean, to take a phrase, such as 'go back to where you are from' out of a sentence, out of an entire speech, out of hundreds of speeches is taking it out of proportion. They are completely taking it out of context. Not to mention, why is it that when AOC, for example, attacks Trump, she is not accused of being racist? Why are they not held to the same standard? And since it's the left that continues to voice the idea of racism, not Trump, isn't it them who are at fault if anybody?
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    I think the argument comes down to this: simply ask yourself , in your day to day life, in your reality, do YOU experience racism? Do you know anybody in their day to day lives that experience racism? Or anyone they know?
    If the vast majority of people do not experience racism in THEIR day to day lives, then by definition , by sheer common sense, the race issue is leftist propaganda and in fact promoting racism by continuing suggest the idea.
    Please take note that what you hear or see on television does not count, as television does not equal reality since information is deleted, ignored , focused or not focused on, or taken out of proportion.
  • Is Revenge Hopeless?
    Revenge can give someone back their sense of dignity. If someone wrongs me and I take revenge, that might make me feel better. I know it’s taboo to say that publicly, but I view most feeling that come natural to us have a certain value. I have never believed that a natural feeling can be all bad.
  • Is Revenge Hopeless?
    Forgiveness may be divine but revenge is human. And isn’t Justice a form of revenge?
  • Why do human beings ignore that the world is like a hell which is full of suffering?
    We choose our own reality based on what we choose to focus on.
  • A definition for philosophy
    I think of philosophy as a core set of principals that guide all following thought. Example, American political philosophy is a mix of individualism. limited government and rights of man. Someone’s personal philosophy on life may be, life is but a game to be played. This underlining , mostly unconscious philosophy on life will guide this person decision’s through life.
  • Fake news
    The cause for the dramatic increase in tuition is the same as the housing bubble. Just follow the money. Who’s benefiting the most?? The banks.
    When ‘everyone deserves an education’ program or ‘everyone deserves housing’ programs, primarily pushed by the left, are implemented , the government essentially backs high risk loans from banks, which the banks would not have loaned the money themselves. The result is an increase in the supply of money going after colleges or housing. Not to mention higher default rates. The result is higher prices.
    You won’t hear this from the media because they are part of the same elite class as the banks, corporations and politicians.
    That’s what I mean by fake news.
  • Fake news
    People keep accusing Trump of not being a polished politician while he hates polished (and hypocritical, phony) politicians and real people are tired of the phoniness.
  • Fake news
    I don’t know what specifically you’re referring to but he exaggerates a lot and often gets facts mixed up. The camera is not kind to Trump nor is he a polished politicians. He’s a wall street / ny real estate broker. That’s how they all talk.
  • Fake news
    We are at the end of an era that started the moment the TV cameras aired the first Kennedy debate. From there, style began its emergence against substance.
    Since that time, the politicians have evolved into talking heads with no human connection.
    Trump has busted that bubble we’ve been in. Yes, he’s unorthodox, but that’s what people like about him! Plus, he can connect with people. Not one democrat tonight connects with people. If there was one it might be Booker, but he might have even killed that with his bragging , ‘ i live in the hood’ , all night. Bunch of phonies if you ask me.
  • Fake news
    Of course I don't blame strictly the democrats, though most expanded government programs that caused most of what I mentioned are democrat ideas. But, as Trump does, I use some hyperbole in my rhetoric. I find it funny when I see democrats (not you necessary) in general, get bent out of shape over Trump's obvious hyperbole and the democrats frame it as lying. Give me a break. That' s just his style of speech.
  • Fake news
    @Bitter Crank
    more dangerous is fake news from sources we respect.Bitter Crank

    I'm not sure who 'we' are? I didn't respect the news before Trump and I think they've gotten further down a hole they are digging. The crime is not only in their blatant fake new stories they run, but in the questions they are not asking.
    Why, in the debate tonight' did the media not ask, 'why student tuition is so high now?' or 'why we have not heard of from ISIS in 2 years', or 'why two people need to work in today's economy with the same standard of living from 40 years ago' .
    I'll tell you why, because it was these same democrats that caused the college tuition to go up, caused the housing crash, failed as ISIS, N Korea appeasement, failed in Syria and yes, Russia. They are also part of the cause of the two income families. The crime is the Democrats won't admit their mistakes which cause them to repeat their mistakes. And the media is complacent to their crimes.
  • Thoughts on Creativity
    Creativity comes with a growing enlightenment. If enlightenment is the becoming of aware of self, therefore becoming more objective to reality, he expresses more of his true divine self against the backdrop of a more clear reality.
  • Is belief in the supernatural an intelligent person’s game?
    A person who has no faith in the supernatural has too much faith in Science.... RMC
  • Fake news
    Whether a story is 'fake' or not, is no different as if a story is 'true' or not- it depends on the viewer and what is already fake or true in his mind.
  • Fake news
    Fake news has always been around- now it's just more of it... RMC
  • Fake news
    There’s a tipping point when journalism cherry picks it’s facts just to support their personal agenda or ideology. Certain facts are more relevant to a particular story and that does not have to be strictly subjective.
  • American education vs. European Education
    @boethius That's very interesting. I know there are conspiracy theories and books out there regarding 'the dumbing down' of America by way of stressing memorization vs. critical thinking.

    Do you know if other systems incorporate more critical thinking? I can certainly remember having to memorize most of my school years. No pun intended.
  • American education vs. European Education
    Income has nothing to do with a child's success. I've known many Asians who lived in the same low-income neighborhood as a black child and had no problem getting A's. Because that Asian parent would beat the crap out of the kid if he got anything less. Of course I'm exaggerating a bit, but the point is clear.

    Also, any conversation about black children's performance has to mention their roots here in America and their continuing and transforming Identity. In my opinion, for the benefit of blacks, having their own schools might be the best thing. I know some might try to spin this into some racial statement, but every community or social group needs to form their own identity first and be proud of that identity, not given to them by the same people who oppressed them.
  • American education vs. European Education
    I guess what I was wondering was not to what degree the differences are, if any, but is there something inherently different?
    Is there a certain philosophy or approach to education that varies? I know the philosopher, John Dewey had a major influence on American schools. I know many people at the time were theological in nature, given the time period. And quite possibly, does American's public / socialized system breed normalcy? A sort of collectivism and is this the case in Europe?
  • American education vs. European Education
    Well, America is still dealing with the fallout from slavery, which relatively speaking was not that long ago. Though we’ve come a long way, the media, movies and politicians especially continue to profit from dredging it up.
    Compared to European history. America is just a child. though one can argue we are an extension of Europe therefore share the same history.
    Of course. in terms of levels of education, I’m not trying to lump a whole continent together , but generally it seems Europeans are more astute in philosophy. Though I’ve come to discover America is rich in philosophy (Paine, Hume, Jefferson) and some consider us the ‘great experiment’, I can tell you very few people , in any circle, are familiar with these people let alone their views.
  • Can humanism be made compatible with evolution?
    I know a few self proclaimed humanist and they are honestly some of the most bigoted people. They hold an air of superiority and condemnation to anyone who does not 100% agree. I believe many of them identify as humanist, unconscious even to themselves, as a justification to believe they are morally superior to others.
  • Can humanism be made compatible with evolution?
    While humanism may value life, evolution values survival. And if survival is of the highest value, is that not just another expression of value in life? Survival not of the individual, but survival of the species.
  • Can humanism be made compatible with evolution?
    Humanism already presupposes a moral code, Evolution does not. That makes them incompatible from the start, at least if one is going to ask a moral question.
    But I suppose it is possible, that one can have a spiritual/ evolution view point, where evolution has a spiritual purpose in itself, therefore and possibly some morality.
  • If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?
    If all the millionaires money were distributed it would not do a single thing except cause massive inflation. A piece of pizza would cost $80, a new car $890,000...

    What no one is talking about is that in today’s world most families require two incomes to get same lifestyle as one income did 50 years ago.

    That’s inflation in itself. How can this be rectified? Start off by incentivizing a 30 hour work week. Which by the way Obama somewhat was attempting to do with Obamacare.

    What’s also interesting is, if our politicians were so concerned about the income gap, why not start out reducing or eliminating the poor’s and middle classes taxes first?

    Nothing can or will change anyway until our fiat money system goes away. As money is being created the very people that control it take their cut of the money first. Then, each group thereafter takes their cut until the rest of the money gets distributed to the masses.
  • Subject and object
    ‘... Beliefs are what people know to be true, with or without enough evidence to have made a rational determination that the belief itself is actually true....’

    Truth is tricker. One can begin to say something is true if it’s verifiable and has consensus, bit of course there are holes there that philosophers would love to disect.

    Generally, a subjective point of view is one from an individual based on their personal values, feelings, background, etc.. Objectivity would rely on verifiable facts.
  • Is it immoral to do illegal drugs?
    First, morality is contextual. What is immoral in Yemen or in the 1700’s America is not necessarily immoral today. So who’s definition of morality do you speak?
    Second, is it not immoral to lock a person up for exercising their free will? For smoking or snorting a plant? If any immorality is done it’s by the lawmakers and the people who demonize other for what they don’t understand.
  • We're conscious beings. Why?
    We may not need consciousness to survive in natural, but we definitely need it to survive socially. Obviously, we cannot act on all our unconscious desires. As societies have grown, so has consciousness. And surviving socially is an extension our of physical survival (mating, large group safety, market exchange).