
  • I'm leaving this forum.
    And fuckyall btw. Ban waiting.
  • Why my thread got deleted?!
    To clarify..i will never burn ants alive..this is just a compulsive thought that hits me sometimes. And I'm not afraid to admit that. I know this is part of human psychology. I know that every human being must have had similar thoughts. Can anyone please answer my queastion?!..why sadistic desires exist ?!.
    Note; I'm not talking about the strive for killing animals to feed ourself. I'm talking about harming others just for the sake of harming them.!
  • Why my thread got deleted?!
    I thought this forum supports free speech.
  • Why my thread got deleted?!
    I didn't tidy philosophy in university. I'm just a normal guy . I enjoy reading to philosophers like Kant and Descartes and shopenheor etc..should I be a scientist to have the right to post here?
  • Why my thread got deleted?!
    Lol ..that was just an example to give an idea. But in general..why does this have to be pleasurable in the first place?
  • Why my thread got deleted?!
    I need to discuss this queastion please. I'm serious . Sadisicm is the enjoyment of doing evil or causing suffering to other entities..why is it that way?!!..philosphicaly speaking I want to figure it out. What is so pleasurable about evil?!.
    English is not my first language btw.
  • Why my thread got deleted?!
    Yes i put philosophically. I gave examples. As For the sick example that i gave about the ants..i know it's so sick..i never did it..but my brain does give me this thought sometimes.
  • Why my thread got deleted?!
    It's not low quality. Maybe the way i put it was too rude and Kinda trolly. But I'm asking a serious queastion " why evil feels Good?..why harming others for no reason feels Good?..
  • Reality as appearance.
    You don't get . Everything without exception is appearances. Even me saying that . Done with this.
    Now..your dreams look like something..fine. But let me ask you :is there an objective external source to your dreams or No? The answer is no. Which means they are something which being sourced by nothing.
    Don't tell me the brain..the brain is an appearance.
  • Reality as appearance.
    Your dreams are something in a sense that they are appearances. But they came from nothing which means there is no actual substance to them . This experience you are having right now is just another dream.
  • Reality as appearance.
    It looks like your dreams .Which is identical to whats happening right now.
  • Reality as appearance.
    Yes you don't understand. What I mean is that everything without exception (even this paragraph) is appearances with no external objective medium creating it just like dreams.
  • Reality as appearance.
    Take LSD or DMT and see for yourself.
  • Reality as appearance.
    Yes. Ofcourse .everything is just appearances. This very statement is appearance.
  • Reality as appearance.
    no. It is nothing not a something. Which means it is not created.
  • Reality as appearance.
    And what are "the human cognitive system " if not just another appearance.
    What is the ultimate ground of reality?!
  • Reality as appearance.
    no "the mind" doesn't create these appearances. The mind is itself an appearance. You might ask " then WHAT is creating it?:?
    Literally nothing. Reality is a hallucination. A dream. If you take DMT you will know.
  • Reality as appearance.
    the content of consciousness?! Where did it came from? What is the external source for dream appearances?.
    Don't tell me the brain. The brain is just another appearance.
  • Reality as appearance.
    No. I'm completely sane and mature and I know what I'm talking about. Please if you wanna keep with me in this conversation give me rational arguments to your claims rather than offending me personally when I defeat you. Thanks.
  • Reality as appearance.
    You can't give me any evidence I know.
  • Reality as appearance.
    you are stuck in the the materialistic world view
  • Reality as appearance.
    Again .give me (or give yourself) a shred of evidence that the "tv" is there when you are not experiencing it directly other than mere faith.
  • Reality as appearance.
    no..why would you assume that?. In your dreams ..what are the external objective stuff that's being represented?!. Literally nothing..but still thers appearances.
  • Reality as appearance.
    Impossible. How can you say that if you didn't experience it.
  • Reality as appearance.
    What do you mean by direct experience of tv? I guess you don't mean me watching the tv?!
  • Reality as appearance.
    No I'm actually not familiar with that.
  • Reality as appearance.
    Look..take three persons ..aske them :do you see the sun over there ?
    The first one will say:yes I do.
    The second one:yes I do.
    The third: yes I do.
    Scientists call that an objective fact ..the sun exist .
    But notice that (the three persons +the sun over there+the scientist's telling you of the objective truth ) is all occurring within your subjective experience!!
    It can't be any other way any it will never be.
  • Reality as appearance.
    No . You never "see" any objective thing. If you perceive it then it is subjective. It is by defention. Examle: if you hold an orange ..the colour..the smell..the touching is your perception which is your direct experience of a perceived object. The actual object is not any of these is the stuff behind the scenes which is sourcing these appearances . But ofcourse there is no such thing as there is not a shred of evidence for an objective world. All you can ever encounter is your subjective experience and nothing else. Even any ideas about something existing behind your subjective experience is also occurring within your subjective experience. Please notice that right now.
  • Reality as appearance.
    Direct experience or first person subjective. Which is the only thing there is.
  • Reality as appearance.
    There is only one reference frame. The frame of the observer. The" frame of the objective medium " is an appearance within the frame of the observer. It can't be any other way. Objectivity is a leap of faith.
    Please notice right now in your direct experience that the only thing you can ever encounter is this phenomenon appearances..atoms and molecules are also appearances..your materialistic objective world view is nothing but appearance.
  • Are dreams harmful to our well-being?
    Are reality harmful to our well being?
  • Reality as appearance.
    Yes ofc ..the first application..stop taking life so seriously. Secondly..everything you have ever learned from society is wrong. Third..enjoy life to the fullest and let go..thats what happens when you become lucied in the dream.
  • What is NOTHING?
    Nothing is everything.
  • Is reality a dream?
    ahaa here's the BIG MISTAKE. How do you know that wake up from a dream?what makes you sure that you didn't wake from a dream to enter another dream? night time you dream 3-4 dreams at least. And each time you get tricked that it's "reality " but it turns out it's a dream. Now whats happening right now is just another dream . You can't tell the know why? Because THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. Otherwise you could have been able to tell that it's a dream from it's very beginning. Think of an infinite will live for eternity inside that dream without knowing it's dream. Now that's what reality is. Infinite dream which you will never wake up from but to enter another one.
  • Is reality a dream? I'm seeing a touching smelling it etc..all of that is just appearances or perception of something. The actual thing that is there is not any of these perceptions..nor it is the sum of them. It is an objective independent object which we assume is the actual tree. You never see a tree .You see a perception of a tree. An appearance. Then you assume there is something behined the scenes to you call objective reality is causing these appearances.
    Now..if the appearance if a tree in your perception is caused by an objective tree "out there" behined the scenes..then WHAT IS CAUSING THE ACTUAL TREE?
    Answer me..please
  • Is reality a dream?
    again you are missing my point. I'm not saying that there is "reality" in one side and "dreams " in the other side and then reality is real and dreams are illusion . Dreams are real. Reality is real. They are both reality. We create that false distinction between them which is completely baseless..otherwise I'm challenging you to tell me whats the difference?.
    Now what this "reality " Is? And where did it come from?
    Well..ask yourself what is a dream and where did it come from and tell me..
  • Is reality a dream?

    "Reality " and "us" are one giant hallucination inside of a hallucination forever. It's like a simulation inside a simulation forever without a simulator.
  • Is reality a dream?
    We see an appearance of a "world" which is our perception. We assume that this appearance must be sourced by an objective world out there existing independently from our minds..otherwise where did it come from?..but then you have to ask what is sourcing the source itself?..add infinitum =there is no just keeps going forever =reality has no ground=reality is not some solid objective medium "out there"=reality is just appearances..infinite appearances =infinite dreams.
  • Is reality a dream?
    The dream persona can die ..but dreams are infinite. Once a dream ends ..another one appears. That's what reality is..a dream within a dream within a dream.....
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