if you do not want abortions (and no one thinks they are a good thing worth getting pregnant for), if you value the unborn highly as most pregnant women do and most men do, then you should value the women who carry them and the children that they become. You cannot reasonably make them other peoples risk, consequence, fault, responsibility, problem, and also complain about how they deal with their problems. A society that does not care for the child and the mother has no standing from which to moralise about them, any more than a society that drives women into prostitution has any standing from which to moralise about prostitutes. — unenlightened
Shutting down international travel simply doesn't have the crazy affects that you describe, especially temporarily. — boethius
There's nothing especially good about, nor especially bad about me. I'm just trying to remain sane when every part of me is drifting into insanity. — Wheatley
Not at all. It would be like if drunk driving rates were to skyrocket in this country and you saw me getting into my car drunk; could I just tell you: "well MOST people drive drunk, it's fine!" — BitconnectCarlos
You can literally educate yourself for free on this topic. There's a billion resources and it's vastly relevant to your life if you're not already rich and you're concerned about your financial well-being. — BitconnectCarlos
You seem like a good candidate for this question. I don't know if you're from the states here but even if you're not, you might could answer this question, since you're an atheist. Do you feel resentful that America has In God We Trust on our currency? — 3017amen
There is a little irony in your parody.!
Are you thinking you could be the majority? — 3017amen
I'm not a Bill O' Reilly fan by any stretch. If anything, though I'm not sure of this, he's probably a far-right religious person who is more aligned with Fundamentalism than not. Nonetheless, his point is well taken. Or, at least he is raising the question that appears to be a valid one. He is suggesting that the majority of Atheists are angry.
As a Christian Existentialist (or Liberal-moderate Christian if you prefer) myself, my observation has been, that much like the Fundy, the typical Atheist appears to be angry all the time. Even Einstein commented on that prevailing thought process in so many words, here: — 3017amen
Maybe. I've not enough reliable true information at my fingertips in order to draw such a conclusion. — creativesoul
Namely, I do not know what will be the determining factor guiding Warren's decision, one way or the other. — creativesoul
it showed beyond all reasonable doubt that the primary motivating factor for her was not 'fixing the broken/rigged system'. — creativesoul
Clinton has ties to the 2008 financial scam. She also had their(the financial sector) full support... as does president Trump... as did president Obama... as did president Bush Jr... as did president Clinton... as did president Bush Sr... as did Ronald Reagan...
...as does vice-president Biden... — creativesoul
A band of sisters... perhaps? — creativesoul
Biden is not a sister though. — creativesoul
I am saying is that financial responsibility is your responsibility first and foremost. — BitconnectCarlos
I've already had a talk like this with Pfhorrest and I refuse to hold him up as a perfect example of personal fiscal responsibility. — BitconnectCarlos
Fiscal responsibility is a basic requirement of adulthood and it's a shame they don't really teach it in school. — BitconnectCarlos
I took that as complimentary. — Pfhorrest
And the power to determine the pay and rent and interest that affects that situation is far more in the hands of the wealth people who own the businesses and housing and money than the poor people who need to work at and live in and borrow them. — Pfhorrest
I've yet to see anything akin to a "grand unified theory" or humor, or how humor relates to art and aesthetics — IvoryBlackBishop
I’m still not sure I will be able to retire at all, never mind “and then some”, off of even twice a median income.
(This is reinforcing your point, not arguing against it). — Pfhorrest
I understand public services are good, but the freedom provided when you have enough money to retire and then some is much preferable IMO. — BitconnectCarlos
It's nice that you believe that but we're talking about the world as it is. When american taxpayers have more money in their pockets after taxes that helps them attain freedom and security. — BitconnectCarlos
There are studies that claim the US spends twice as much on healthcare and performs less well in medical outcomes compared to countries such as the Netherlands. — praxis
In regard to paid leave... — praxis
There's no way Obama or Hillary or Warren lend support to Bernie. No way. No how. — creativesoul
If one were to choose 1000 people at random...and put my take to them along with the questions:
Is this an agnostic position?
Is this an atheistic position?
...I dare guess 99% or more would respond "YES" to the first...and "NO" to the second. — Frank Apisa
So what kind of personality profile is this? — schopenhauer1
Is there a difference between this kind of willful manipulation and the plain old self-imposed limitations of what sources and opinions we wish to follow? — schopenhauer1
If its the former, are these subtle lies or outeageous ones? — schopenhauer1
If its outrageous ones, I ask again, what is the personality profile of this hapless non critically discerning person? — schopenhauer1
I both agree and don't. There will be more mullah and goods to go around per capita; a 2% increase in a flash. The upfall is also that retired, i.e. conventionally and economically non-contributing members go out; that way the production is at a steady rate, and relative wealth will grow.
It is true that fear may induce public panic. Stores will be ransacked. No food available. Farmers refuse to truck their stuff to town. Massive starvation, manier people die from malnutrition, than from New Coronavirus. STealing, and eating other people's loved pets becomes a fashion, and cannibalism is not out either, if things get really bad.
The funeral home industry will strive. So will the doomsday prophet industry. Doomsday prophets and street preachers have been industriously preaching the end of the world, I think since the world began. — god must be atheist
I'm getting hungry just re-reading what I've so far written. Cheers, off to the kitchen. — god must be atheist
...those who throw food away as soon as it reaches the "best by" date...
— ZhouBoTong
So people who like higher quality foods?
:rofl: — creativesoul
Two percent isn't low. I'd say flu's 0.1% is low. — Michael
Who is this hapless demographic that gets duped by Facebook/social media content and ads? Are there really people that look at this and go "Ah, that's gotta be true because I saw it on Facebook!". I guess there is, but I'm wondering how ignorant one must really want to be to believe everything because it's on social media. I'm imagining thousands of little old ladies that have been introduced to social media and don't know that anyone can post anything, and they are constantly saying "Oh my!". It just doesn't make sense who is being manipulated whether by foreign or internal trolls. — schopenhauer1
Both of my parents fit that description. — Pfhorrest
However, if one frames the question as: what is the percent likelihood of god existing? then it's theoretically possible to arrive at an "accurate" value. — TheMadFool
Three, we need a genuine working class party -- not slightly more and slightly less conservative parties serving the interest of the ruling class. — Bitter Crank
This means taxing wealth at a high rate. Maybe it should be enshrined in the constitution, so it can't be changed easily. — Bitter Crank
The Sunrise Movement and other large, national organizations and movements is interesting and all of that, but I think I'd be more comfortable locally -- and that's kind of the point of the article anyway, in the sense that this is where everything starts. — Xtrix
being interested, informed, and willing to have the conversations with other people in a rational way, are all necessary. Even THAT would be sufficient to change things, too, because in that case we'd be voting very differently. Unfortunately we're being indoctrinated in all kinds of ways, and having our consent "manufactured," to a large degree. How to overcome this is an interesting topic. — Xtrix
No one who was caught off-guard by underestimating voter turnout or Trump's ability to secure enough support to beat Clinton will allow that shit to happen again, assuming that their worldview is much the same as it was four years back. Give Sanders the national spotlight. Place him on stage with Donald John Trump, and watch school start for all those willing to learn.
The most pleasant slaughter that one may ever see.
I cannot wait. — creativesoul
That’s the kind of cynicism that everyone else here is showing. — Wayfarer
Ironic, considering how Sanders is running for the Idealist Party. — Wayfarer
Right, because they can’t vote for Sanders. — Wayfarer
Like I said, I would *love* to see Sanders win. I would gladly eat my words or parade around the city with a sandwich board saying WRONG ABOUT SANDERS. So, get in touch later. ;-) — Wayfarer
There's a good Atlantic article about this under "political hobbyism." Very interesting. Very scary, too. — Xtrix
They would NEVER do this otherwise, in any other domain. — Xtrix
What about a simple "I don't know," or "tell me more about that"? I think it's because, sadly, MOST of this repeating of an opinion that Rush Limbaugh formulated often passes as intelligent, and most people don't even know enough or follow things closely enough to know that it's complete nonsense. — Xtrix
So these people get away with it, over and over, in their own social circles and social media bubbles, reinforcing what they believe and convinced that they have a lock on truth and knowledge -- when in reality, they're parroting propaganda. — Xtrix
This happens on the left as well, of course. — Xtrix
But the hilarious part is that BOTH sides will accuse the other of this phenomenon -- and both are correct. Yet they can never see it in themselves or from their own "tribe." It's staggering. — Xtrix
I think this is another reason to try and discourage people from labeling themselves "liberal" or "conservative," — Xtrix
A little long winded. I digress. — Xtrix
I think NOS4A2 doesn't care much about any of these details. He'll move on to the next Limbaugh talking point like "socialism always fails (even though the word is meaningless)", wonderful historical facts like "Charles I created the Post Office," or else put on his Nostradamus hat and foresee the collapse of the Chinese economy because they're too "mercantile."
I wouldn't put in much more effort. — Xtrix
The corporate tax rates in Denmark or Sweden are not that high, but Bernie wants to raise it to 35%. — NOS4A2
I think you're exactly right: for millions of Americans, it's not the details. I don't think many people are all that informed. They voted for Obama because he was a charismatic guy, they voted for Trump because they liked a "tough guy" saying things they couldn't say and to piss off the "liberals," they voted for Bush because he was a guy they wanted to have a beer with, etc. If they like the person and they like what he or she says, then that's usually enough. I think Bernie does very well on both counts. — Xtrix
Lets us work on that problem and see how much we can eliminate that in our lives. Some people may not like this but eliminating it in our lives, involves not associating with people who are not willing to think about what they think and lack an appreciation of virtues. Creating some social pressure on everyone to make the effort to strive for excellence and creating a support group that supports that effort. — Athena
I am accused of being offensive, and condescending and other unpleasant things. — Athena
There is a saying, "Do not argue with ignorance". To take care of ourselves, we need to avoid these people except maybe as friends to do simple things with, like go to a movie or play cards. — Athena
For discussions, we need to find people who are thrilled to shared thoughts and have good virtues. — Athena
We have not educated for this since 1958, — Athena
In my grandmother's day well-bred women were closer to 30 years old before marriage and having children and they did not have sex outside of marriage. Can you think of any benefits for that? — Athena
So Bernie Sanders, who wants free public health care and higher education, the forgiveness of student loans, and paying for all of this by taxing wealthy corporations, is going to be mercilessly skewered as communist and 'anti-growth' by the Republicans. It's not true, but one of the sad facts about Trumpworld is that facts don't matter. . — Wayfarer
Experts estimate that Sanders' major proposals would cost a staggering $60 trillion and would double the size of the government (while his tax plans fall $27 trillion short of paying for it). There's a reason that, when pressed on the cost of his plans, Sanders simply refuses to answer, saying he actually has no idea and 'no one does.
And that's from a Democratic think tank! — Wayfarer
Bernie Sanders is openly calling for a political revolution. — Wayfarer
If Ralph Nader hadn't run against Gore, America wouldn't have had W. — Wayfarer
I will vote for whoever is not Trump in the end. And if the American people, including some so-called moderate dems, would rather vote for Trump over Bernie, I guess America gets what it deserves.
But we simply can't keep pushing these corporate Dinos — Artemis
Suppose, for the sake of argument, Bernie is unelectable. — Relativist
Would you agree that would be a good reason to nominate someone who IS electable? — Relativist
My point is that you need to consider the consequences of your choice - and it's possible that your choice will result in 4 more years of Trump. — Relativist
You make me think it is a fool's game to compare that past with the present, but awareness of people being very concerned about morality is highly important to me. — Athena
Unfortunately in trying to make my argument with you, I realize this is opening a huge can of worms! :grin: and I love it. — Athena
:up: And occasionally to confirm that I am not the only human to think what I think :smile:This is why we come here, isn't it? To think about what we think. — Athena
What we have forgotten today is the importance of submitting to power and how this goes with being responsible and self-government. — Athena
Do you understand family duty? Are you being a good child or a good man? — Athena
I say too much but quickly I want to say, outside of the can of worms, we need to know of the Age of Reason to understand what morality has to do with our liberty and democracy. I really hope we can discuss this more. — Athena
So in the places where lots of people live, their biggest economic factor is necessarily scarce, so people in those places more readily face the failures of our capitalist economic system and call for policies ameliorating them. — Pfhorrest
I'll be 30 this year. — BitconnectCarlos
I feel it's kind of like a pendulum sometimes; sometimes the attitude is super positive and other times it's pretty cynical/realistic. Maybe we'll see it swing back in the other direction more to the realistic side soon. — BitconnectCarlos
I don't need you reminding me of my condition, nor do you score brownie points for coming up to me and expressing me how you're such a virtuous person who is good enough to feel pity. — BitconnectCarlos
The thing with pity is that men don't make friends with other men out of pity, nor do women fuck men out of pity either. — BitconnectCarlos
but 94.3% of the population can not manage it. — Bitter Crank
What influence does the political leaning of a state have on the cost of its housing? — Pfhorrest
Sometime I'd be interested in doing a more serious, critical history of marketing, journalism, and so on (something which doesn't boil down to or degenerate into childish fandom of a specific "network" devoid of any further facts, or critical assements of the reality thereof to begin with, and what the primary and various marketing methods, axioms and target demographics are to begin with. — IvoryBlackBishop
That is sweet but perhaps a little immature. — Athena
The past standard for an adult was a person who welcomed responsibility. — Athena