Let q be any thought….. — J
Nahhhh….I ain’t doin’ that. Language use is tough enough without that nonsense. Sorry.
Sorry for the delay; I changed my mind regarding the type and depth of reply.
As thinking that things are so is thinking it valid to think this, the 'I think' is thought in every act of thinking. — Wayfarer
…..thinking that things are so….
(is a judgement relative to those things; thinking things, is thought as such)
….as thinking that things are so is thinking it valid to think things are so….
(Judgement, with respect to its form, cannot be self-contradictory; if I judge this plate is round it is necessarily valid that I’ve already conceived a thing as conjoined with its shape)
“…. for where the understanding has not previously conjoined, it cannot dissect…” B129)
….the “I think” is thought in every act of thinking.
(As thinking that things are so, this thinking, this unity of conceptions, only relates to things judged to be so. “I think” is not to be found in thinking of things, for such act belongs to understanding, but merely represents the consciousness that the unity of conceptions for things which understanding thinks, is given)
If all that Kantian counterargument is the case, and Rödl mandates his metaphysics to be absent the character** of the subject in order to be absolute idealism, he must eliminate the transcendental unity of apperception, which JUST IS the character of the subject in his empirical nature, and in keeping with strict Kantian dualism, his moral disposition being his rational nature.
If “I think” is self-consciousness, and “I think” is thought in every act of thinking, and I am conscious of my act of thinking, which quite obviously is the case, then very idea of self-consciousness as underlaying the subjective character has lost its validity, the character of the subject disappears, and that particular condition for absolute idealism is true.
ibid, 1.2, pg 4, and others
The unity of apperception, represented by “I think”, makes explicit the presence of representations, insofar as “I think”, by assertion, must be able to accompany all of them. In the proposition, As thinking that things are so is thinking it valid to think this, the 'I think' is thought in every act of thinking, there doesn’t appear to be any representations. That was a general statement, having nothing given as cognized, so…..what is contained therein for “I think” to accompany?
I don’t fathom a connection between accompanying all my representations and accompanying all my thoughts, with an identical self-consciousness.
“…. Understanding is, to speak generally, the faculty of cognitions. These consist in the determined relation of given representation to an object. But an object is that, in the conception of which the manifold in a given intuition is united. Now all union of representations requires unity of consciousness in the synthesis of them. Consequently, it is the unity of consciousness alone that constitutes the possibility of representations relating to an object, and therefore of their objective validity, and of their becoming cognitions, and consequently, the possibility of the existence of the understanding itself. (…)
The first pure cognition of understanding, then, upon which is founded all its other exercise, and which is at the same time perfectly independent of all conditions of mere sensuous intuition, is the principle of the original synthetical unity of apperception. (…)
The synthetical unity of consciousness is, therefore, an objective condition of all cognition, which I do not merely require in order to cognize an object, but to which every intuition must necessarily be subject, in order to become an object for me; because in any other way, and without this synthesis, the manifold in intuition could not be united in one consciousness. This proposition is, as already said, itself analytical, although it constitutes the synthetical unity, the condition of all thought; for it states nothing more than that all my representations in any given intuition must be subject to the condition which alone enables me to connect them, as my representation with the identical self, and so to unite them synthetically in one apperception, by means of the general expression, “I think.” B137-139
Condition of all cognition, of all thought, if an analytical principle, explicates necessity; must be able to accompany is because necessity has already been given. As well, condition for, as analytical principle, is systemically antecedent to that which is conditioned by it.
Ya know….the deeper we go the cloudier it gets. Not sure there are any A-HA!!! moments here.