
  • Is the following definition appropriate to rationality?
    You really got me on that one, but only in the case if the animal posses the said quality.
    I could twist the story about the elephants, and say that they get drunk in order to get happier, and thus releasing dophamine, serotonine, that will keep his mental state clear and thus= survival. It's sure that humans posses a lot of examples like so, but let's consider that one. If you type the word ,,analysis'' 50000 time in your workbook, you will get to a point where you will get from a very small amount to almost none of these hormons, probably even getting cortisol that will ruin your mental state of life. Even if that action doesn't have logic, you could do it without getting pleasure, so that is a very good example. Does any animal posses it too? I'm searchin currently for a counterexample.
  • Is the following definition appropriate to rationality?

    Does any other animal (not human) have the will to act as not for the survival of its own specie?
    I'm not talking here about all the humans activities, but some. If you could give me an example from the world of animals :#
  • Is the following definition appropriate to rationality?
    It doesn't mention because nobody knows what rational thoughts are, I've tried to give a definition to rationality and I'd say it makes sense, even without mentioning the mental phenomena
  • Is the following definition appropriate to rationality?
    All what I try is to define rationality, not to define some of humans activities in accordance with its definition from wikipedia. Stil, it helds