Pi = the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
My mind tells me one of the main revelations of pi is the picture of the straight line of the diameter surrounded by the encircling circumference. This juxtaposition shows concisely that the rectilinearity (straight-lining) of science is only partially commensurable with the curvilinearity (curving) of nature.
The straight lines infinitesimal of the analysis of calculus can only approximate nature's reality.
Science is nature-adjacent rather than natural.
As technology diminishes and displaces nature, humanity rejiggers itself out of mysterious existence into self-reflection. The trick of AI and SAI is baking in a component of mystery and a component of error. Mystery and error support otherness, a component essential to forestalling the cognitive suffocation of an enclosing self-reflection.
Intentional mystery and error preserve the irrationality pictured by pi.
We must pull on and push against the idea our natural world is full mystery and error because some prior race of sentients understood the essential importance of forestalling cognitive suffocation. Having original sin in the mix is better than the damnation of perfection.
Against utopia! — ucarr
It's like you know, as none of us other contributors do, what 'masculine' human nature is beyond social and cultural influence, and everyone who disagrees is wrong and degenerate. No doubt you also then know, as I certainly don't, those circumstances if any, when violence is justified and virtuous. — unenlightened
I think there are public rejections of violence and aggression, which are seen as stereotypically masculine traits, but you do receive social sanctions if you don't behave enough like a man. If no one no longer needed or wanted, ie no longer enforced, the straitjacket of masculinity the expectation to behave that way would dissolve. — fdrake
It’s not simply relegated to buying things — though that may be its primary goal, the secondary psychological processes involved in achieving that goal, on philosophical outlook — on beliefs and values — is more insidious than often credited. — Mikie
What I am pointing out is that the power grab of the far right can be considered as solely a result of a backlash of some sort of patriarchy against equal rights, but may be more fruitfully considered as both the result of anxious masculinity and other more insidious feminine forms of control through which the self image of masculinity is becoming perilous. — Tobias
Unless that is Trump finds some cajonas and forces Russia into a much weaker position.
Do you think he will go there? — Punshhh
The most likely candidate is still Ukraine, but possibly a non-state pro-Ukraine actor. — Benkei
Or Europe would really get it's act together. And they might, even if you don't want them to do that. — ssu
What happened after women joined the work force? The people in power raised prices to match a double income. — DifferentiatingEgg
I suspect there is Kompromat on Trump [...] — Punshhh
I do not question that you may be more convinced in one case than the other, but I’ll repeat that the criteria you are repeating seem rather arbitrary. — neomac
Could you provide criteria that would make such difference so much morally grey in one case over the other? — neomac
Concerning genocidal intentions and war crimes, can you articulate a bit more your moral views on that? — neomac