Criticizing identity politics tout court, as Peterson often does, is crap, and done from a privileged vantage point of being a white male. — Maw
what's the lure of mind altering drugs to a person? — Posty McPostface
Actually, I always saw someone more thoughtful and somber. — Vinson
Do you think anyone who is fed up with life, or maybe just bored by it, has to sit in a corner, crying? — Vinson
Another reaction that pisses me off is the jump to a “mental health issue”, often insinuating that he should have sought “help” and if he had done so, he would still be alive. — Vinson
It’s nobody’s bloody business if someone else wants to be alive or not. — Vinson
It’s their decision and their decision alone. — Vinson
The reason may not necessarily be a troubling psychological issue. The decision to end one’s life at a time and in a manner of one’s own choosing can be perfectly rational. — Vinson
I actually have a lot of respect for people who make that ultimate decision. — Vinson
As always, people are looking for signs — Vinson
There isn’t, and until people understand that not everyone thinks like them, they won’t ever be ready to spot those signs. — Vinson
If it’s possible at all. — Vinson
Because where someone sees a fulfilled life, someone else doesn’t. Where someone sees a point in living, someone else is bored. — Vinson
Where someone is afraid of death, someone else knows that suicide is the one decision you will never regret. — Vinson
And don’t ever be distracted by someone’s “adventurous attitude” to life. After all, seeking out adventures (and eating crazy food) is a way of gambling with death every day and every dish. — Vinson
Sometimes, I have the feeling as if suicide by adventure is the only socially accepted form of suicide. — Vinson
So my question stands. The creator of the universe believed that his messaged would be most accurately accepted by inspiring a book that would be misinterpreted over centuries. And instead of coming down and clearing up the genuine confusion that some believers have, he allows the confusion to continue. This confusion causes further conflict between believers themselves, and creates a larger gap between the non-believers. — chatterbears
Ah, so when confronted with statistics that are at variance to your armchair analysis, those surveyed must simply be liars. — Maw
That's the precisely type of absurd obtuseness I've repeatedly come to expect from you, Buxtebuddha. I guess the real epidemic here is that boys in various developed countries are lying! I did read your post - a vexing experience as usual - and it's filled with indigent scrutiny including bullying — Maw
some strain of millennial nihilism — Maw
dismissive — Maw
apathetic — Maw
A) ignores the indisputable fact that the preponderance of guns is the only correlative answer as to why American gun violence far outstrips that of other developed nations — Maw
B) misses the point entirely, because gun violence is not reducible to school shootings, but is an every day occurrence in America. — Maw
Let's be clear: toxic masculinity does not preclude the fact that women can be also abusive, predatory, or creepy. These are not exclusive phenomenon. But you are hopelessly clueless if you cannot acknowledge the extremity of toxic masculinity in practice, including Isla Vista, his imitator, and now the recent Santa Fe shooting. — Maw
Ah, so any modern form of Nazism is innocuous, because it needs to fit a certain stereotype in a certain time period that not even Hitler himself measures up to. Breathtakingly brilliant. — Maw
Except bullying isn't an epidemic exclusive to American schools. In fact, boys ages 11-15, in nations such as Canada, Switzerland, France, and Ireland have reported being bullied more often than boys in the USA. The only epidemic exclusive to the USA is the virulent obsession with guns. — Maw
But in your eagerness to blame everything save for the weapons themselves — Maw
"Ban guns" may sound easy, and there are many measures we can and ought to take — Buxtebuddha
It's a combination though isn't it? — Baden
Yes — Buxtebuddha
This is precisely the toxic masculinity that we often speak about on the Left, and women have every right to fear for their lives over it. — Maw
Also the shooter literally had images on Nazi symbols on his now deactivated social media accounts, so it seems weird that we can't literally blame Nazism when the proof is in the pudding. — Maw
So it's genetic, like Downs syndrome? — Sapientia
"Doth the Lord desire holocausts and victims?" — Posty McPostface
It's a combination though isn't it? The last thing you need in a toxic bullying environment is easy availability of guns. — Baden
Said every raving conspiracy theorist ever. — StreetlightX
One alternative is that the existence - or not - of God is a non-issue, and that the question itself it not worth contemplating because it is a badly posed question. That is, what ought to be rejected is not God's existence or non-existence, but the very question itself, which asks a question about a non-sense, not unlike - perhaps exactly like - the question of weather or not square circles exist: a question not worth answering on account of the nonsensicality of its very subject. God is like that. A mistake of grammar. — StreetlightX
I would just say that a cow is not human, and I empathize with humans but not with cows. I empathize with humans and not with pigs. I empathize with humans and not with fish. I don't think there is a single trait that separates us. We are all, after all, animals.
But if empathy is the basis for considering other beings moral agents, and compassion is a subset of empathy, then by your own trifecta, since I do not feel much empathy for these things, I wouldn't be logically inconsistent. — Moliere
There may be a justification for killing and eating the flesh of other animals, and for not killing and eating that of our own species, but it has not been put forward on this thread. However, so far, there isn't an argument for never killing and eating the flesh of other animals either. — jastopher
Sap wasn't saying that X can eat Y if X is more intelligent than Y. He seemed to be saying that X can eat Y if Y isn't sufficiently intelligent. — Michael
A cow isn't sufficiently intelligent, and so we can eat it. We are sufficiently intelligent, and so a much more intelligent species cannot eat us. — Michael
If your first plan of attack fails, call it incoherent and give up trying. I like your style. — Sapientia
No, I took him as saying that once something reaches a certain level of intelligence then it would be unethical to eat that thing. Humans have reached that level and cows haven't. That there may be aliens who are more intelligent than humans doesn't change this. — Michael
My position must be what you say it is? No, that's not how it works, pal. I'm priority number one, irrespective of whether there were to arise a more powerful or intelligent species than my own, and I haven't once claimed or implied otherwise, so you've got nothing on me. — Sapientia
I would likely act as expected and try to avoid that from happening. It is not a logical consequence of what I've said that I would willingly submit to any of that, so I see no valid point from you there. — Sapientia
I think he’s arguing more about humans having reached a certain threshold that other animals haven’t. It’s not just about a comparison between species. — Michael
Advanced intellectual capacity. — Sapientia
Both are about the treatment, not intrinsic wrong. — chatterbears
Do you really want women to be thought of as victims who are not responsible for their own behavior? — T Clark
Did you know that the government will be the one in charge of regulating or banning guns, if such things are passed? Your concern here works both ways. — Thorongil
Better mental health screenings and treatments. — Thorongil
Better policing. — Thorongil
Universalized gun-violence restraining orders. — Thorongil
Reform of existing laws. — Thorongil