
  • Re: Kavanaugh and Ford
    Latest news:
    In a written declaration released Tuesday and obtained by Fox News, an ex-boyfriend of Christine Blasey Ford, the California professor accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, directly contradicts her testimony under oath last week that she had never helped anyone prepare for a polygraph examination.

    The former boyfriend, whose name was redacted in the declaration, also said Ford neither mentioned Kavanaugh nor mentioned she was a victim of sexual misconduct during the time they were dating from about 1992 to 1998. He said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her "life-long best friend" prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office.

    He further claimed that Ford never voiced any fear of flying (even while aboard a propeller plane) and seemingly had no problem living in a "very small," 500 sq. ft. apartment with one door
  • Re: Kavanaugh and Ford
    At least two people (Dfpolis and I) identified problems with each point, and this made no difference.
    You never identified any problems, you just ignored them.
    I say Ford made long air trips just for pleasure, but when invited to the Senate hearings she refused to travel claiming she was afraid of air trips. My conclusion: she is a liar, you conclusion: she is brave.
    Ford named three witnesses all of whom failed to recollect the party. My conclusion: she is a liar, your conclusion: she has poor memory.
    Ford failed to answer the question about payment for polygraph test. Is that realistic that a person is not aware of someone having paid for the services the person obtained? My conclusion: in no way, Ford is a liar. Your conclusion?
    Ford has never mentioned Kavanaug's name in any official documents including sessions with her therapist for more than 30 years . My conclusion: she is a liar.
    Finally, For what have all these lies been made?
    My answer: Ford benefited becoming a national celebrity. My conjecture: She is a Russian agent who is well paid for and whose mission is to undermine American political system.
    Your answer?
    You either don't have any logical thinking or it fails you becaused you are biased.
  • Re: Kavanaugh and Ford

    Conspiracy with the Russians? The destruction of our alliances?
    Trump infiltrated American politics, and now Ford. Both are Russian agents.
  • Re: Kavanaugh and Ford
    So, now Dr. Ford is being blamed for overcoming her fears? Whether of not she is afraid of flying is totally irrelevant to her testimony.
    You stubbornly ignore two facts that show the woman is false.
    1. She traveled by air a lot for entertainment purposes visiting many remote countries as she writes in her cv.
    2. When invited to the Senate hearings she refused claiming her fear of planes. Only under pressure or for money, I don't know, she agreed to fly to Washington.
  • Re: Kavanaugh and Ford
    The main point she seemed false for me.
    As this is a philosophical forum can anyone tell about possible ramifications of Kavanaugh case for the USA and the the world on the whole?
  • Re: Kavanaugh and Ford
    Kavanaugh case has been discussed all over the United States and on this forum as well.
    Everyone everyone takes for granted that Ford was an assault victim. My personal impression from the hearings is that her story has been fabricated from scratch. And here are my reasons.
    1. The woman claimed she feared traveling by air and the Senate had to postpone the hearings. But at the hearings it turned out she had traveled a lot by plane to remote places such as French Polynesia.
    2. Ford named 3 witnesses all of whom failed to recollect the party.
    3. She was convincing answering Democrat's questions but whe asked by the prosecutor she couldn't remember how she got home located 8 miles from the assult place. The impression is Ford had no difficulty giving prepared answers and experienced evident difficulties answering prsecutor's questions that she could'n forsee.
    4. When asked who paid for the poligraph test she failed to give an answer. Her attorneys explained they paid for it. What else was she paid for?
    5. Ford is an experienced psychologist, she has command of special methodologies that help her to stand public pressure, questionings and interrogations .
    5. Ford benefited from the K-case. She has become a celebrity and aquired a nation wide popularity.
    Now suppose these my conjectures are true and the FBI investigation will reveal the whole K-case is a sham. What will the ramifications be? American political system will be dealt a mortal blow. And it is common knowledge that the most influental person in the world who hates America and has demonstrated intentions to destroy it is Russia' Putin. Hence the conclusion: Christine Blasey Ford is Putin's agent, and the Kavanaugh case is Russian conspiracy.