Is destruction possible? I'd say a Label can Cease to Exist in terms of a mountain or ice, but that is just the construct and the image we use in our heads to communicate in this world. The mountain is really just the earth which is really just the universe. Like a pimple on a face can disappear a mountain is to the earth. Like a sand castle can become sand, ice can become a puddle. When these things do fit a label though there are interesting things we can do with them. We can throw ice and cause a *Ding on a sign, it's hard to do that in it's liquid form. Therefore I guess one could dare to say the only thing destroyed is the options in the moment. Bulldoze a mountain, you can't climb it(traditional sense of climb, I could easily pretend to climb a flat area) but you can now do different things ☺. So function can become not able to function