
  • Is existence created from random chance or is it designed?

    In 100 billion million gazillion years, evolution could never "natural selection" a wedding cake with a little plastic bride and groom statue on top.
    I'm just a stupid girl and I can do that;
    but not even the smartest man on the planet can make a human body or even fully understand it.
    There's no way we are "random."
    Someone designed us;
    and that someone is a genius.
  • Lying to yourself
    i am a tree.
    i just lied to myself.

    do i believe it?


    half the people i lie to don't believe me either.
    but i'm still lying to them - intentionally.

    so are you really asking how to lie to yourself and believe it?

    i don't think you can - intentionally.

    i think when people say "you are lying to yourself" the case is actually that you are mistaken in your perception of the subject and genuinely believe the wrong concept.

    they can see the truth so clearly that it stands to their reason that you should see it equally as clear, but since you cannot it appears that you are "lying to yourself."

    a lie is simply something that is false. which means it's not correct.

    if you form a believable opinion, based on inaccurate information, you are basically "lying to yourself" by believing false data.
  • Relationship of Mind and Brain
    Neither the first person or third person observation can get the full pictureall by itself.wellwisher

    i think they need a second person opinion
  • Entropy- How we are One Manifestation of General Principle of
    are you saying we live to work, but must work to live? sounds like we are a bunch of oxymorons.
  • Is existence created from random chance or is it designed?
    you guys are way too smart.
    my head hurts reading all that.

    let's say we were not intentionally designed, but rather began from an explosion that led to the division of a "single celled organism" right?? that led to...well everything we are now??

    our bodies have very few parts to them that we can live without.
    they all depend on each other.
    we need a brain to make all of our organs function, but we need the organs to allow our brain to function.

    for instance,
    our brains tell our lungs to breathe
    our lungs draw oxygen from the air and send it into our blood stream.
    our hearts (also told to beat by our brain)
    pump the oxygen rich blood through a network of arteries to the brain so it can continue to tell the body to keep doing what it does.

    SO --
    when this single cell was splitting....
    when it was one, it became two, and so on, right?
    how many cells is a brain made of?
    or a heart?
    or even our veins?

    at what point did a single cell decide it was going to start splitting and growing into a heart?
    and if it DID, why?
    was it already a brain that knew it needed a heart?
    was a Primordial Goo Brain smarter than we are now?
    that it (accidentally randomly) knew it needed a complex operating system??
    but even if it WAS that smart -- how the heck did it manage to keep the body alive while it was
    3D printing itself over a million years? one. piece. at. a. time. when all the pieces function as a WHOLE?

    i am so confused right now
  • Relationship of Mind and Brain
    depends where our minds are stored as to if or not any psychological trauma would transfer. personally, if i were to experience some damage and have need to transfer to a new cranium, i'm covered. i do automatic back-ups to The Cloud.
  • An argument defeating the "Free Will defense" of the problem of evil.
    perhaps determining the correct value of "sin" would help solve this equation