
  • Relationship of Mind and Brain
    The brain can be investigated, from the outside, by science in the third person. The mind, on the other hand, has to be investigated, from the inside, in the first person. If I am having a tooth ache, this will show up for outside observation, as brain activity and behavior changes. It will also show up in my own mind's eye through my being conscious of it through the experience of pain in my mouth. These two things are connected, but each is observed differently.

    Neither the first person or third person observation can get the full pictureall by itself. If you never had a toothache, third person data would never be enough for the full affect. While a scientist with an induced toothache may be too distracted, internally, to analyze the external data. Scientific investigation in the first person requires the ability to self observe even under internally distracting circumstances.

    Observing the brain from the outside satisfies the philosophy of science, which requires others being able to reproduce and verify your results. Observation of the mind, in the first person; from the inside, violates the philosophy of science, as it is currently defined. This is not easy to verify. This is the real divide; philosophical. In the tooth ache example, pain is subjective or may be different for different people, so what is the standard we would all use?

    As another example, if you had a dream and were conscious enough to remember all the details of the dream, this data is not something we can prove, scientifically, since nobody else can dream our dream and there is no machine to do it for the group. From the outside we can monitor brain activity, know one is dreaming, and even record this, so others can see the same graphs and diagrams for dream verification. But the conscious activity connected to the personal experience of the dream is unique to each person and not subject to third person verification.

    The philosophy of science factors out the first person experiences needed to investigate the mind. The current philosophy only allows that which others can also see. Psychology is called a soft science because much of its data cannot be verified, even if true. It requires empathy, faith and a working knowledge of lots of similar data, to show this is within the realm of possibilities. From that trends appear.

    If you took first person soft science, to the next level, and used your consciousness to explore your own unconscious mind, to figure out how the mind's operating system works, even perfect data collection cannot be verified under the terms of the philosophy of science. The mind is segregated based on a philosophy. The philosophy of science was designed to segregate the mind, so only what was verifiable by all would be studied. The mind is unique to each and has a subjective element. The mind was left as the final frontier and its investigation would require an amendment to the philosophy of science, so it could be called science and not lump as subjective metaphysics.
  • Belief
    All invention and innovation as well as all new ideas begin with a belief. Belief is the gateway to innovation. Beliefs should then be subjected to investigation, to see if they pan out. There is nothing wrong with belief, unless you stop there and never investigate. If I believe the keys are in the kitchen and I investigate, then I am doing it correctly. If it pans out I am done. If it does no pan out I start with a new belief that learns from my mistake. Maybe it is in the laundry!

    If you get all your information from reading, you will be reading only the final reports, which are organized to make the original belief look rationally and/or scientifically neat and tidy. But if you create your own ideas, you realize that belief is the starting point. The stronger the belief, the further one will go to make the belief a reality, so it is neat and tidy.
  • Social Conservatism
    Yes, and in the case of adultery, the damage is most often irreparable, irreversible and hence necessitates exemplary damages to be awarded. These are not expectation damages that could be recovered, as from the theft of a car for example. You do realise that adultery is (or should be), morally, ethically, and legally MUCH more serious than pretty much any act of theft. That is why adultery was punished by death in the past, just like murder. Theft wasn't punished by death in most cases for example.Agustino

    I often wondered why a behavior that can potentially psychologically injure so many people, spouse, family and children, is legal, why stealing a wallet or calling someone a name is a crime. There should be a rational sense of proportion in terms of defining crime as a function of pain and suffering. This deliberate injustice could be because lawyers like to cheat and they have rigged the system so they can get away with it. Lawyers are also not required to tell the truth in court. How many prosecutors or defenders go to jail for perjury?

    We should do a national survey and ask people to weigh which illegal and legal behavior would cause them more pain or sense of personal violation. We will contrast each illegal behavior with adultery. For example, what would hurt you more; someone stealing your wallet or someone having sex with your married spouse, leading to family conflict and trouble? How about jay walking or spitting on the sidewalk? How about breaking the speed limit? One would have to almost reach murder before the scale shifts, yet adultery is the only violation of others that is legal.

    If adultery is still legal, then everything less painful in the survey should be legal. Or if we keep all the less painful illegal, than anything worse than the least should be illegal. That is a rational justice system. It is not based on special interest groups, such as creating jobs for lawyers and double resource usage needs for merchants.
  • That which is 'right' and that which is 'wrong' is entirely dependent upon location in Time.
    Frequently, all too frequently, intelligent people have intelligent arguments upon the right or wrong nature of a particular thesis.

    Philosophy is crowded with theses that are debated upon the basis of right or wrong. Many of today's truths are destined to become tomorrows fallacies.

    Is it not therefore possible that intelligent people are always (or at least almost always) right AND wrong, and it is merely the context of the thesis, more specifically it's position in time that is the arbiter of truth.

    Are there 'ever lasting truths'? If given enough time, will all truths as we know them today ultimately become fallacy?
    Marcus de Brun

    An analogy is connected to the colors black and white. If you had a pure black piece of paper and wrote on it with a light gray ink, the light gray will look almost white to the eyes, due to the contrast. The pure black background will wash out the black that is in the light gray, so it appears whiter.

    If we started wth a medium gray piece of paper and used the same light gray ink, it will look like it is lighter gray. There is less contrast since both contain black and white. The brain works this way in terms for contrasts for good and evil.

    If culture is very light; good, then one has to be very good,; Saint, for others to see your good. Average good is nothing special. If culture is very dark, then even semi-good behavior can appear white. Various writers write in the context of their times and locations, where certain contrasts appear more obvious . They write to make people aware.

    Eternal truth would by definition be pure white. This cannot be seen as easily differentiated in a dark background, since light grays will also appear white; relative morality. It needs to be seen against a light gray background, so only the whitest whites stand out.

    On the other hand, even a small spark can be seen far away in the darkness of night. Darkness or evil backgrounds are the beginnings of truth, since they set a contrast for even subtle light.
  • Relationship of Mind and Brain
    The analogy is a computer, which is composed of hardware and software. If the software has a bug, this bug will appear even if we change computers. If it is a hardware issue, the bug will appear in any software added to the computer. A bad sound card will cause any software that uses these resources to have an issue. A virus added to the software can cause any computer to act like there is a problem.

    The brain is unique in that hardware and software are merged into firmware. There is a mind over matter and matter over mind affects via the firmware.

    If I stress myself out over small things; software issue, this can cause changes in the body that can impact health. It can cause the habitual release of certain neurotransmitter combo's and adrenaline that can start to impact the brain hardware. Or a brain tumor can cause pressures in the brain that start to impact how our software outputs.

    Conscious evolution, in the classic sense, can be induced via software changes that can impact the hardware of the brain. For example, the strategy of love your enemy and faith is designed to induce the release of certain neurotransmitter combinations, that help to spatially integrate the memory and software. When you are in love, everything seems connected and nice. This hardware matrix allows room for software updates that can increase the hardware set point.

    Many of the ancients were brain IT specialists skilled in the software side of the firmware. Witch doctors use software side manipulations hoping to impact software and hardware problems. Modern doctors are more hardware side since this is easier to observe and quantify, scientifically.
  • Entropy- How we are One Manifestation of General Principle of
    We are the universe's self-reflecting strivers. Pursuing due to the unrecognized underlying principle of entropy. We must work, work, work..schopenhauer1

    The concept of entropy was invented back in the days of the original steam engines. When developing the steam engine, it was noticed that one could not complete an energy balance. There was always unaccounted for energy loss. This unaccounted for energy was lumped in the term entropy. It was measurable, but not exactly explainable.

    The concept of entropy is similar to the modern concept of dark energy. We infer both from affect, but we have never seen either directly in the lab. However, both are needed to close an energy balance in line with observations and measurements. They are probably the same thing.

    Describing entropy gets nebulous. However, measuring entropy is routine. Entropy was found to be a state variable, meaning for any given state of matter, there is a fixed amount of entropy. Water at 25C and one atmosphere of pressure has an entropy of 6.6177 J ˣ mol-1 ˣ K-1. This is a standard that is measured the same in all labs. If we change state to 30C, there is an entropy difference, that influences the energy balance.

    If we took a glass of water at 25C and 1 atmosphere, we often describe the molecular environment in random terms with various degrees of freedom. However, the sum of all this state, always adds to a fixed number. Entropy demonstrates that random is a subset of order.

    In a work cycle, such as a steam engine, entropy does not change when there is work. The entropy remains constant during a work cycle. The second law states that the entropy of the universe has to increase, which means work alone is not enough. It has to be productive work that alters the states of matter into higher entropy states. Humans build things of increasing complexity. This is driven by the second law. We now make computers to help add even more complexity of our work.
  • Homosexuality
    Don't lose your time, Wellwisher is a troll.

    I mean, "homosexuality is contrary to evolution". Do you really need a deep critical philology to figure out he's just inserting a more hip word in " X is contrary to the will of God"?

    Beside being entirely wrong, besides, since we already have working models showing how homosexuality could be considered an evolutional advantage.

    Homosexuality, by definition, does reproduce in a biological sense. Evolution is tied into reproduction. Male-male or female-female cannot reproduce. This is biological fact. If you want to call that God's law then fine. Either way, there is no perpetuation of the DNA, even if a homosexual person offers many selective advantages. The only way for these useful qualities to perpetuate is through learned behavior, by others, which involves choice and willpower. Or, like in modern times, the cultural superego, via fake news, encourages this learned behavior since it creates political division.

    On the other hand, when the bible and the Church were very strict about the enforcement of old time standards of homosexuality, homosexuals had to pretend to be straight by marrying and having children. The church helped perpetuated the DNA of natural homosexuals. When choice was taken away, the DNA was satisfied. However, it was less wide spread because learning homosexual behavior was not easy to study and copy.

    If you look at alcohol and drug addiction, these were choices in the beginning. The first beer someone drank was a choice to look older or cool. However, this initial choice can become habit forming to some; internal pleasure loop into a subroutine, to where it seems like second nature to both oneself and to outsiders. If you look at an alcoholic, functional or dysfunctional, the original choice often becomes the foundation of who they will become.
  • Is existence created from random chance or is it designed?
    The question of whether existence came from chance or was determined, comes down to whether you believe in an intelligent God or a blockhead God. Neither predetermined existence or random existence can be proven, so both are based on faith. This faith translates to two different types of religions and godheads.

    If the universe came by chance, this implies a God who is an idiot savant. He has no clue what he is doing. He is unable to plan, but periodically he will come up with something by chance. He will throw all the parts of a car in the air hoping a car appears. If something else happens, fine. He is not very smart but depends on luck for anything to happen.

    A God of determinism is more mediative and is able to plan things out. He is the genius old brother of the idiot savant. I like this religion better.

    The ancients always assumed determinism instead of random, in terms of the larger things, because creation was connected to the Gods and random creation meant their God or Gods were mentally defective, unable to do what human could do; think and plan.

    Random was never satisfying, except by those who were trying to overthrow the Gods and put man in his or their place. An idiot savant God can be made subservient, since he can't counter the planning of man, in a timely fashion. A God of determinism is always steps ahead of man.
  • The Inter Mind Model of Consciousness
    The current sciences that deal with the mind and brain leave out certain features of chemical matter that are needed to explain the consciousness phenomena. We still use last century science that is not up the task. Most of these needed features are connected to water.

    Water exists in the liquid state, with the liquid state having unique properties that are different from the solid and gas states. The body and brain is more or less organic semi-solids and solids immersed in liquid water with the solids and liquids each having distinct properties.

    A liquid can be under pressure and tension at the same time, and still reach steady state. This is not possible for gases or solids. The organic materials of the brain are closer to solid state, with the water of the brain able to complement solid state affects with liquid state affects.

    For example, a glass of water open to the atmosphere feels the atmospheric pressure while also exhibiting tension; surface tension. It is being pushed by the atmosphere at the macro-level and pulled at the same time, at the microlevel, via surface tension. Gases do not exert tension, just pressure, while solids can express pressure and tension but these vectors will add instead of remain independent at the macro and micro-levels.

    Another unique set of properties of the liquid state is connected to osmosis. Osmosis is a colligative property, meaning it is only dependent on the concentration of the solute but not the character of the solute. This means that osmosis is generated by entropy. It is entropy in action. Osmosis will generate pressure called the osmotic pressure. Pressure is defined as force/area with this force generated by entropy, a fifth force of nature; entropic force. This fifth force of nature is unique to the liquid state, and found at the interface of organic semi-solid membranes and liquid water.

    If we had an osmotic device at steady state, one side of the device will have a pressure head driven by entropy. Although this pressure head would be expected to force the water to go the other direction; pushes downward, at steady state the water will still move in both directions like the pressure is not there. This is another example of micro and macro separation in the liquid state.

    Consciousness is generated by the organic hardware; semi-solid state, working in conjunction with the liquid state of water. The liquid state of water can generate a global or macro affect; consciousness, that is connected to, but can act independent of the micro-state; memory. We can generate new ideas or actions not in memory; spontaneity, due to liquid state physics.

    My theory is consciousness exists in the cerebral spinal fluid and ventricles. This is sort of a holographic projection medium, that is wired to the solid state organics of the brain, through the continuity of water. The liquid state duality allows it to stand in its own as a macro-affect that is connected to the micro-affects of organics and water.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    How do you account for the fact that Mueller (a Republican) was appointed by a Republican (Rosenstein), and Rosenstein was a Trump appointee? I'll certainly grant that Dems have, and will continue to use this politically, but isn't this typical of our political system? Need any reminders about Trump's making political capital out of the negative Hilary news?Relativist

    Trump was not a Washington insider. He was an outsider who needed to take advice from insiders, in terms of the best people to fill key positions. Insiders from both parties had problems with Trump and he was not always given good advice. It appears Trump was set up by the swamp. For example, he never would have hired Session if he told him he would recuse himself and give all the power to the second in charge. However, Trump adapted and is learning who he can trust.

    Mueller is a Republican. The question I have is why does his team only include lawyers who are Democrat donors? If Mueller goal was to seek truth, a balanced team would work better. If the goal is to appease the swamp, then pick all Democrats. It was never intended to be fair.

    Mueller was the head of the FBI under Obama, when he sold the uranium to the Russians and the Clintons got a large foundation donation from the Russians. Mueller did not tell congress of the charges of Russian bribery and racketeering, before the sale. This may have changed the sale. He was in good graces with the swamp.

    Mueller was not fully righteous, which is why he put together a biased hit squad. If Trump decides to revisit that nuclear deal, Mueller career could be toast, unless he can get rid of Trump, first. However, Mueller is a career man and places his loyalty where the power is. Trump is maintaining his control so Mueller may well side with Trump in the end; kiss up defense for himself.
  • Perception: order out of chaos?
    If you mixed vegetable oil and water together, and then randomize them with an agitator, we can get the chaos of an emulsion. If we stop the agitator, the chaos of the emulsion will reverse all the way back to order; two layers.

    Life is a partnership between organics and water, with the oil-water affect active at all levels of life, to various degrees, causing order to appear, including in the mind and brain.

    Energy input such as light into the eyes, is like the agitator. It will cause some chaos in the water-organic medium, but once this energy is dissipated; agitator stops, the water and oil separate into new order.
  • An argument defeating the "Free Will defense" of the problem of evil.
    Good and evil set a contrast to each other allowing one to be perceived via the other. A small match flame may not be obvious in the light of day, but appears quite bright in the darkness of night. Evil, like dark, creates a contrast allowing subtle good; light, to be perceived. If everyone was good, it would be like high noon, such that the light of our good would not be seen. If culture got dark, this same behavior is now every bright.

    If you started with a black background and wrote on that background with a light gray color, the light gray color will appear white due to the contrast with black. When thing are very evil, like in war, even intermediate evil starts to become good. If everyone was shooting each other to kill and you shoot only to wound, instead of kill, this is light gray or doing good under those black circumstances. In peacetime, shooting to wound is gray against white, which now makes the same action look evil.

    If you consider how laws are made, someone does an evil act first, then a law is created to help people know how to avoid the evil and do good. Good comes from evil, due to the contrast that is created. There is no need to avoid anything, until we decide it was evil. Then the contrast for good appears.

    In practical reality, it is easier to make mistakes than to be perfect. It is easier to act on compulsions than via deliberate choice. Making mistakes or acting hastily gives one the opportunity to set a dark contrast in memory, so one can learn to move closer to perfection; good.
  • Trump Derangement Syndrome
    Almost everyone has taken their eye off the ball. Wikileaks, before the election, described how Hillary was election tampering in terms of the Democrat party nomination process. Bernie should have been the nominee, but Hillary illegally hijacked the DNC funds and rigged the nomination process with the super delegate scam. Nobody ever denied what was leaked was not true. The focus of the Democrats, instead, was it was the doing of Trump and is alliance with Russia. The left, along with fake news, has been running a Trump centric smoke screen, to take the heat off the crimes in their own party.

    Further digging into Hillary bring us to her e-mail server, which she deleted in spite of an order from Congress. This was another crime. If this had been by Trump to Mueller what would have happened? The fix was in.

    Then we go back to the sale of uranium to the Russians, whose purchasing delegation was accused of bribery and racketeering. Mueller was the head of the FBI at the time and did not make this known to Congress before the sale. He was protecting Hillary, Bill and Barrack, since the Clintons were to get a large Russian donation for their foundation. Talk about Russian collusion. Russian-Trump collusion is a distraction away from DNC-Russian collusion.

    Then there was all the cash sent to Iran. What was the middle man cut from that untraceable cash? How much did the Clintons snd Obama's get and where is it hidden? That was a perfect way to skim the tax payer. By the way the Democrats reacted to Trump dealing with Iran, it is possible the hidden skim was still in Iran and was spread far and wide even through Europe.

    The entire Trump soap opera is a distraction to hide all these real crimes. If the soap opera stops real questions will be asked and two former presidents could be on the chopping block. The hate mongering is there to blind the left to their own dirt.

    The goal of the left is to use the daily soap opera to take people's mind off Democrat problems. The delay has been effective for over a year, but desperation is setting in, since it is not separating Trump from his followers. It is even backfiring and causing support from moderate Democrats. Trump followers are aware of the dual standard of injustice and are not fooled by the soap opera.
  • Homosexuality
    Homosexuality is contrary to evolution since it does not reproduce itself biologically. This is not to say that many homosexuals are not fine individuals with many features that would be favorable to evolution. Rather, without the ability to pass on genes biologically, by definition, homosexuality should not persist unless it is based on willpower and choice; epigenetic.

    If you look any drug addiction, this shows that it is possible to become obsessive with behavior that are is natural, to the point where it appears almost instinctive. One can game the brain. Gay behavior, for example, is not sanitary. If we did not have artificial things like condoms and medications to act as prosthesis, nature would run it course and create a disease to correct this behavior.

    Even if some gay individuals could develop a natural resistance, this is not passed forward biologically since this progressive change is not part of evolution. We do have choices but not all choices are natural with unnatural choices needing extra propping up. I am for free choice, but one needs to keep in mind what is natural and what is not natural so they can be objective.
  • Trump Derangement Syndrome

    Trump has practical skills, but with a personality that can rub people, who think they are smart and refined, the wrong way. The Liberals tend to be shallow and pretentious and lack ingenuity and common sense. PC is all about the shallow surface of people. PC has nothing to do with skills. Calling person a name only smears the makeup. It does not diminish real skills. If all one is, is make-up, a name can be devastating.

    Trump does not have the correct surface features for the Liberals, while the Liberals can't appreciate his skills since this is secondary to them. He can stimulate the economy and all the left can see is he made an error in grammar. The left wades smoothly in the shallows, while Trump makes waves in the shallows, as he heads to deeper water. The left does not like the splashing since it can cause their hair to get wet and eye shadow to smear. This can diminish their image, which is their best feature.

    For example, nobody expected Trump to win since he was underfunded, lacked the extensive political social network, and was considered a boar by the elites. The previous formula for success had been the proper two-face, and the most funding and the most access to political consultants; shallow and inefficient.

    Trump used ingenuity and was able to break the formula. He started out by attacking the shallows, with clever names, so the pretentious in the group would blink by fearing the splash. He also used his practical skills and boundless energy to make less funding and organization go further. His followers see his capacities and excuse his rough exterior since the exterior is only useful for entertainment, but not for this difficult job.
  • Trade war effects on the global economy
    America has a huge trade deficit. This is due to other countries having more protectionism and tariffs on international trade, than the US. Trump is trying to level the playing field. Countries, donors and middle men who benefit by this lopsided trade status quo, from the US and other countries, don't want to give up their advantages and are portraying fairness as unfair, and unfairness and fair.

    Trade is currently set up like the game of golf, where players of different skill levels all play together using a system based on the handicap. In golf, lower skilled players get extra strokes taken off their score card. If you have a handicap of 10 and you shoot 90, your score is 80. This allows you to play with others of higher skill, and still be close, on paper.

    Trade has been set up using the handicap method of golf. This was fair during and after World War II when countries were broken by war. Many countries needed some extra advantage to play with the better trade players. But now many of the larger players; China, Germany and Japan, are shooting 80, but still want to have a 10 handicap. This makes good players like the US, without any handicap, look like amateurs; trade deficit. Trump is renegotiating the handicap system so all finish closer together.

    In most other sports, players of various skill levels play in leagues for their skill level. If their skills improve they move up. Baseball has major-league and several tiers of minor leagues. There is no handicap system since less killed players don't play with better skilled players. This may be something to look at in terms of trade.

    The left likes the handicap system. This is the template for quota systems. This is where less skilled players can create an illusion of more competence, on paper, based on a handicap scoring system. Trump's targeting of the trade handicap system, has a potential ripple effect into social engineering handicapping by the left. Trade is being fought for reasons other than trade.
  • Is Christianity a Dead Religion?
    When the brain writes memory to the cerebral matter, an emotional tag is added by the limbic system in the core region of the brain as it writes to the cerebral. Our final memory has both content, as was well an emotional tag. Our strongest memories always have the strongest emotional tagging.

    The value of this schema is our memory can be triggered in two ways; via the content or via the emotional tag of the memory. I can look at my favorite food and starts to feel hungry due to the previous emotional tagging, Or I can start to get hungry and images of my favorite food will appear in my imagination. This is also due to previous memory.

    When you love your enemy, you are tricking the brain into adding a love tag to a memory that the brain will normally; instinctively or collectively, tag with fear and hate. If successful love tagging occurs, due to willower and choice, one is much less stressed in life.

    Love integrates us internally and externally. When you are in love everything seems better. Hate and fear attempts to divide us internally and externally. Hate isolates us. Therefore if you increase the proportions of love tagging in your memory, and decrease the proportion of fear and hate tagging, your mind becomes more integrated and 3-D. It is a path for human evolution.

    The ancient prophets did not have a materialist explanation for the brain, but they understood how the brain software worked. Jesus was trying to upgrade, via choices and willpower.
  • What will Mueller discover?
    Mueller was the Director of the FBI, when the US made that Uranium deal with the Russians, and when Putin donated $25M to the Clinton Foundation; kickback. During the deal, the Russian players had been accused of bribery and racketeering. This information was withheld from Congress by Mueller, so the deal would go through. Mueller is protecting himself as well as two former presidents. Mueller was more involved in Russian collusion than even Manafort, who did his dealings under the watch of the Obama Administration.

    Mueller's investigation team is composed of lawyers who are all Democrat donors. His chief investigator is a slime ball who has, on several occasions, sent people to jail who were later released in Appeals courts. The slime ball withheld evidence which would have cleared these men in the first place, but he sent them to jail anyway, until appeal. He should have been disbarred. This is the type of slime ball Democrat, the Democrats use to rail road people.

    The entire Mueller investigation is based on the saying, the best defense is a good offense. As long as Mueller appears to be on the offense, and Trump on the defense, Mueller can delay the investigation into his own shady dealings with the Russians. Trump knows this, but he is not stopping it, because they have nothing. It makes Trump look like the underdog which is creating sympathetic support for Trump. It is also putting the spot light on the radial side of the Democrat party and the media, who are both showing their true colors. This will allow Trump to win the midterms for the Republicans, then the tide turns.
  • Is Christianity a Dead Religion?
    I agree with that. Augustine is well-known for having struggled to find a doorway into Christianity. Instinct actually blocked his path: he loved women in every sense of the word. It was the physical aspect of that which put him in opposition to faith. So there's a convoluted story in there for someone who might want to explore it.

    And Christianity is dead as a worldview. Calling it a living religion is perhaps a nod to the possibility of its being absorbed into a new world religion as it once absorbed all the dead worldviews in its cradle.

    If we lost our sense of sight, in the short term, we would become disorientated. But as time goes on our others senses would become enhanced. The brain will gradually reroute resources, so we are able to function under the new constraints of no sight. If you repress the extroverted and materialistic aspects of sexuality, using will power and choice, a similar thing will occur, with the brain rerouting aspects of the brain's operating system.

    One common affect of repressed desire is active imagination and fantasy. This is a gateway to the operating system of the brain. The personality firmware, associated with sexuality, will become more conscious, via fantasy and symbolism, as a way for it to get the ego involved to help it remove the dam, so the energy can flow. But if the dam persists, pressure builds behind the dam, and the potential finds new ways around.

    These induced brain dynamics are the reason many, if not most religions, often deny aspects of the physical self. It was about a rewiring of the brain away from instinctive pathways of animal man. Born again is similar to a system update. But like any update, the brain first has to uninstall the old, which is a destructive process which can get stressful.

    Bible prophesies, such as Revelations, appears to discuss a major update of the operating system of the human brain. The final human left are very different. The materialists will see an extroverted dynamics that occur outside themselves; materialistic and physical dynamics in cultural reality. But those who live in the gateway, due to the willful repression, witness an internal dynamics that requires a certain amount of willpower and choice to maintain sufficient potential for initiation.

    The firmware of the brain first needs to be updated to accept the larger update of the operating system. The gateway to the firmware is connected to the new inner world beyond the dam.

    An analogy is an older PC or Mac, may not accept the latest operating system, because some parts of the mother board first need to be updated. This may require a new computer or tablet unless one replaces the motherboard. The human brain is pliable and we can update the mother board, in situ, in advance, to accept the latest update in the operating system.

    You don't want to try the update too early on an older computer, since the old operating system will be lost and the new not installed properly. Natural man can't accept the update. However, an updated version of natural man will appear after the update. Where faith comes in is an acceptance of the changes from the initial rewiring, then to uninstall, then to reinstall, so you don't corrupt the files. The Saints who appear, were like human dynamos.

    But also the warnings are there to make sure you do all the steps or it will lead to your own destruction. This is where the motherboard is not prepared properly before uninstall.
  • Science as continuing research
    hat's what every generation says. Science is always looking for a better theory to explain. In fact that is science's modus operandi. Wouldn't it be wrong to claim that we do know?
    7 days ago

    If you look at physics, most of what is being done today is derivative science. The best stuff was already done almost 100 years ago using spartan tools. The main difference today are the tools are much better and the number of scientists are greater, with everything generating data faster than the development of new grounding breaking theory. It is more about people collecting data, but doing less in terms of ground breaking analysis. One gets the impression science is now more about money and jobs than about truth.

    A good example is in biology. About 50 years ago or so, it was discovered that proteins fold with exact folds. This observation was important, because biology was assuming a statistical model of life. Protein folding, on the other hand, was not following the laws of statistics; probability 1.0.

    This should have raised a yellow flag in terms of the future direction of biology, but the caliber of science analysis was not there, to meet the needs of change. It was more about money and jobs, with statistical modeling as wasteful as it gets, and therefore useful to that purpose.

    In fact, those who pointed this data out, were shunned for decades by the leaders of derivative science. The derivative science looks impressive, but this is due to the fancy technology able to compensate for the obsolete theory. The black box approach of statistics precluded the needs for too much thinking and needed a lot of man power, which was good for profits.
  • An argument defeating the "Free Will defense" of the problem of evil.
    The argument from evil is an inference that a 3- omni God cannot exist, because this is inconsistent with the presence of so much evil in the world. Theists reject this with the "free-will" defense, which suggests that God "had" to allow evil because it is a necessary consequence of free will. My argument defeats this defense based in Christian doctrine:Relativist

    Good and Evil is a human subjective concept connected to law. For example, marijuana laws are changing in many places. What was once called evil, by the law, is no longer evil, where the law is revoked. The same behavior can be evil in one place but not in another place. It is all based on how human define it. Marijuana laws have nothing to do with God. However, depending on the political and legal environment, this can be called evil or not. Then some will blame God for the latest new evil that was created by man.

    In natural instinct, all actions are morally neutral. The Lion can kill to eat, or the hyena can steal to survive. It is all part of the ways of nature, that allows nature to integrate in 3-D. It is humans who define good and evil and then blame God for the evil.

    Bible symbolism shows Adam and Eve being told not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which law. Once you do that, humans will rig the system with subjective laws to benefit themselves and their cronies.

    There was also the tree of life, where good and evil do not exist. It is based on natural instinct. But you can't have it both ways, so natural human instinct disappears.

    Consider President Trump revoking a wide range of rules and regulations put in place by the previous administration. Trump got rid of a bunch of subjective evil, that the previous administration can blame on God, who was not even in the meetings, when the laws were made. Minimizing law heads humans in the direction of natural instinct, where good and evil disappear.
  • Our Bodies house Two Minds
    The split in the two hemispheres appears to correlate to differential versus integral thought processing and thinking. Either method of thought processing can orientate one to reality. Like in math, differentiation finds the slope of a curve at a given point, while integration finds the area under a curve from point A to B.

    Differentiation sees uniqueness and detail, whereas integration sees commonality. For example, if a Westerner was to travel to the Orient, the integration factor would make it seem like everyone looks similar; commonality. If we stay long enough, we would start to differentiate more and more subtle differences.

    Normally both operations occur in the brain, with both operations self standing. Differentiation is more conscious than integration in most people. This could be due to the needs of language, as you pointed out. One can see the process of differentiation in science, which generates and collect data faster; differential, than it processes or integrates it. Differential is 2-D whereas integral is 3-D.

    Relative to emotions, love and hate have a connection to integral and differential thinking, respectively. Love integrates people with each other. Love seeks commonality; family and friends. Hate is more differential since it isolates and differentiates. Our emotions cross the boundaries. Religions based on love attempt to induce integral thinking; 3-D. Racism is a composite that differentiate a subset of all people, and then integrates that subset, into an average.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)

    The entire Mueller process is a political stunt for the midterms. The establishment does not like Trump since he is successfully rocking the boat and messing up the international and national donor gravy train. This stunt is all about swaying public opinion via fake news. If the Mueller team had anything they would have leaked it by now, since this has been the pattern. They are looking to stain Trump by associations to third parties.

    Trump has the authority to force Mueller's hand, but Trump is allowing it to continue, since he is gaining sympathy vote by being seen as the victim of the swamp, fake news and desparate Democrats. They are trying everything to discredit him, but it is all backfiring at the polls.

    The FBI said there was evidence that many players has hacked Hillary's private server. These would have included our own intelligence agencies. They would have hacked her server to act as a sentry to help defend its potential vulnerability. If my job was to protect a VIP, I would follow them and eavesdrop so I can keep them in sight. This is not to hurt them, but to protect them.

    What would happen if Trump had soldiers, loyal to any president, in these agencies, who had had access to this firewall protection data? Trump would have a Trump card, that he knows he can play at anytime. There wood be no need to act or fire anyone, since he can pardon himself and play the winning hand.

    Image how many Democrats, including Obama, may have used this server to talk strategy. Or how many of the foreign players who are against trade balance used that server. Or how many donors used that server. Trump is being nice since he does not feel cornered. It is also possible Trump may already know the Mueller hand, through insider people loyal to the president. Washington is about suck-ups who do it for their own careers and who calculate who the winning team is. Trump is the winning team and Washington will eat its own.
  • What is NOTHING?
    Here is an interesting practical example of nothing being interpreted by the brain as something. Consider my response. It is composed of black type on a white background. In terms of the physics of light, black is the absence of light or photons, while white is composed all colors blended at the same time.

    In terms of the eyes and brain, there is no photon signal going into eyes and brain, stemming from the black type, since black is the absence of color or photons. The eyes and brain don't actually see the type, since there is no photon output, coming from the type, to stimulate the brain.

    What we see is a white background, with funny shaped holes of nothing; the type. Without actually seeing the type, the brain interprets this nothing as something. This basic written language and reading schema extrapolates nothing, into something.

    Books and other forms of reading may be responsible for nothing becoming something. The brain will fill in the void, with its own version of speculation, to create a continuity in the visual centers. Written language not only allowed better communication, but it also opened up the ethereal world; unconscious mind, via the void.
  • Is Christianity a Dead Religion?
    God became flesh. He had himself crucified in order to redeem his own creation. It's the ravings of a lunatic.frank

    The Old Testament was based on law, while the New Testament is based on faith. The first mention of law originates in the Garden of Eden and was symbolized by the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Law is composed of a bunch of rules that breaks down human behavior into good and evil, with consequences for both.

    The tree knowledge of good and evil or law was populated by Satan, who was the left hand man of God during the Old Testament. Satan, who began as Lucifer, was in charge of the earth and was in heaven during the Old Testament. Arguments could b made that Satan was the intermediary to God during the Old Testament.

    Satan is not thrown from heaven, until Revelations, which was written years after the death of Christ. The main problem with law, was the Satan connection. Law can be perverted through loopholes, double standards and unneeded complexities.

    With that being said, the torture, death and rebirth of Jesus was a legal strategy that made law and therefore the old dispensation, void. Death is the ultimate penalty under the law. After you die at the hands of the state/law, you are no longer under the law since you have paid the highest penalty. The rebirth symbolism creates a reboot of the same person, who is now legally protected by double jeopardy, and therefore beyond law.

    This loophole causes a symbolic disruption in heaven, where Satan recruits his followers and is thrown out of heaven, since his authority in the hierarchy has been superseded by Jesus using this legal strategy. There after, the righteous man was to live by faith and not by the works of the law, since law is made obsolete to those who are reborn.

    The torture and death of Jesus showed everyone how the law can be perverted for political gain to do evil. Law had its day in the sun, but humanity needed to step on up higher. Faith brings one back to something close to natural instinct. With natural instinct and faith we become like the animal who has natural laws written in their hearts, with no need of man made ordinance contained in commandments carved in stone. Now the tree of life appears.
  • Why free will is impossible to prove
    I like your focus on entropy, but we would need to make a distinction between physical entropy and informational entropy here.apokrisis

    Physical entropy is a state variable, while information entropy is not. As a physical variable, entropy is fixed for a given state of physical matter. For example, water at 25C and one atmosphere has a measured entropy of 6.6177 J ˣ mol-1 ˣ K-1. This value is a standard and is measured the same by all labs. This value remains the same no matter how we approach this state. The entropy of that state is not a random number, but a number that is fixed for that state. This is basic to chemistry but is rarely taught properly, outside chemistry.

    Information entropy, which is a derivative concept, is not the same. Information entropy is more about loss, change and randomization. With physical entropy, I can start anywhere and as I long as I end up back to water at 25C and 1atmosphere, the entropy is the same as before. There is no randomization or loss. The information is restored again.

    Brain entropy and neural information are both state variables since each implies the other. This type of memory is connected to physical states which are defined by fixed entropy in each state. This is not how computer memory or telecommunications works. Human languages, are subjective and arbitrary, whereas neuron memory is based on how matter works; universal laws of physics.

    When the neurons pump and exchange cations, this defines a new physical state, at the neuron membrane, with a given entropy value, based on that state. This state is lower in entropy than previous, and defines a base level of neural information. Neuron firing alters this state into a higher entropy state. Long term memory is a physical state. It would need to be a high entropy state, so there is little need to alter it further. Alternation in the brain will preferentially occur with lower entropy memory; short term memory. We will push this toward long term.

    Where willpower comes in is there are many ways to increase entropy toward the ceiling state of entropy; total firing of all the neurons, as long as the sum of all the new states reaches a certain entropy total value.

    An analogy is collecting 1 liter of water. The entropy of water at 25C, above, is measured per mole of water; 18 grams. I can collect the water in teaspoons or pints. As long I reach the same final liter, all roads lead to Rome. Free will is connected to a unique path to the same place for all. Our conscious mind sort of deflects the path of free energy and diverts it in unique ways, with this unique river of free energy still reaching the lake. This translates to unique information.

    Note: Entropy was a concept developed in the early days of steam engines. When you did an energy balance around the steam engine, one was always short. Entropy was added as an adjustment favor, so energy input matched energy output. Something was going on at the molecular level, which was not exactly clear. Yet it was there and reproducible; state variable. It was constant for a given state.

    If we look at a mole of water in a beaker; 18 grams, all the molecules are displaying what appears to be random behavior that coincides with a bell curve. Yet, no matter who we reach that final state, all these molecules seem to average the same randomness and bell curve. Random is a subset of order when it comes to entropy states. Information entropy deals with the subsets and not the states. It gets bogged down in the weeds and never sees the state; lake. This is due to the disconnect between the subjectivity of human language and the universal logic of physical states.
  • Why free will is impossible to prove
    ↪wellwisher I think you have the science wrong. Entropy increases and living systems try and revert to a lower entropy state by utilizing external energy and using the inevitable transition to higher entropy to do useful work. This is what I think makes sense.TheMadFool

    If we you were to start with sodium and potassium salts and place these is water, they would dissolve and diffuse to form a steady state uniform solution. This is the direction of increasing entropy. The neurons, as well as all cells, start with the uniform solution, and the segregate these ions on opposite sides of the membrane. This is lowering entropy, using a small ionic material that is easy to reverse, since it naturally wants to go the other way.

    When neurons fire, the ions blend. Firing neurons helps entropy increase. It is a second law affect. Consciousness makes the brain fire at will, since consciousness is an entropy generator. It is needed to help neurons reverse.

    Free will have a connection to entropy. The choices we make are not perfect in the sense that the same ionic pathways are used for all. Each person's memory is different so the path of potential from here to there is never quite the same.

    The reason the cells use sodium and potassium ions is due to the way each impacts water. Sodium ions bond stronger to water than water does to itself, via hydrogen bonds, while potassium ions bond to water weaker than water binds to self via hydrogen bonds. The entropy potential set by the ion pumping is extended into the water, with the water touching all things in each side go the membrane. Many organic things are fixed in structure. The entropy potential starts with the ions, is bridged by the water, and is anchored by the organics. Consciousness impacts matter at the nanoscale, with much of that defined by our unique DNA signature.
  • How to interpret the Constitution
    Can you make a decent guess based on whatever is appropriate? Sure. Can you run a country based on decent guesses? You have to!

    Or this. Were it possible to know original intent, then why a judiciary, and why a Supreme Court?

    The distinction is categorical: either you know or you do not know. If you claim to know, or that knowing is possible, please make your case.
    tim wood

    The reason you need judiciary and a Supreme Court is criminal behavior trying to undermine original intent using lawyer tricks. Supreme court and other justices are appointed by politicians who, like monarchies, will try to stack the deck in their favor, using beholden people of like minds. When there is a social issue, watch how the trained seals vote. They will vote down party line and sugar coat their answer, with lawyer tricks, so it looks like a spontaneous thought out inference.

    If you go back to the Pilgrims who settled America, and the criminal and political prisoners sent to settle Australia, neither settlement was going to be a cat walk. These people were not going to arrive, like modern illegal immigrants, to land with jobs, social services, health care and logistics all set up by big Government. It was going to be a wild and untamed place. Their survival would depend on rugged individualism, cooperation, and a need to improvise. This set the tone. Not many people wanted to go there unless ordered, pressured, or as a way out of their current negative predicament.

    Religious criminals, civil criminals and political prisoners were willing to go, because what they had in England was not good, and they were willing to take the chance. It was worse for them in England because monarchy rule and the heavy hand of government had highjacked religious freedom, and stack the deck in favor of the ruling class. They had two sets of laws and their own version of PC speech.

    The founding fathers of the Constitution, would include things that represented the original founding father, relative to them; freedom of speech for political prisoners, freedom of religion for the spiritual and pilgrims, and freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness for those impacted by the dual standard legal system of monarchy rule.

    These were the things big government had stolen to maintain the status quo. The Constitution also addressed rugged self reliance and individualism, since this was needed to tame and settle the frontiers. The Constitution was about a new way of life based on the needs of a moving frontier, that was always ahead of government logistics, and not slow boated behind it. The idea was to unleash human potential; Government of the people, by the people and for the people. It was not supposed to be a government of, by and for special interests groups; ruling classes, who control the people. That was the old way of monarchies.

    The bottom line is the Democrat preferred the monarchy way, and try to regress backwards by pretending to move forward. For example, slavery in the Democrat south was a way for someone to play the role of royalty, with control over life and death. Undermining original intent started early. The removal of slavey by the Republican brought original intent back. The slaves were the pilgrims and political prisoners of old.
  • Is casual sex immoral?
    Morality was designed with the group in mind. It was not designed for the individual. This is based on the team being more than the sum of its parts. A fully assembled sports car is more than a pile of parts, even of the parts in the pile look prettier. The team affect adds a new dimension to the parts. Morality was designed to build the sports car and not just polish the parts. Look at the 10 Commandments from the POV of a team and it makes sense.

    Immorality, in that sense, is not so much good and evil, as it is anything that adds flaws to the team which make it less additive and less efficient. Casual sex can cause social disease which can hurt the team. Sex is also a game which can involve sweet little lies and promises you can't keep. This can also impact the team if the two lovers lose attraction. It is like having sex with a coworker, which does not work out for one of the two, yet you still have to work together. The team can suffer.

    However, there are also scenarios where the two lovers become a better team, who both also play on the larger team and make it better. The math of immorally is more complex than the opening action. It also has to include the aftermath and the total impact on the larger team.
  • Why free will is impossible to prove
    Neurons pump and exchange cations to build a potential across the neuron membrane. This is called the membrane potential. This action also results in a lowering of cation entropy at the membrane. Since this lowering of cation entropy is in the opposite direction of the second law, which states that the entropy has to increase, the membrane becomes a source of entropy potential.

    The reaction to increase entropy, is connected to active and passive transport through the membrane. It is also connected to neuron firing, since neuron firing will increase entropy by blending the cations. The neurons quickly segregate the cations and reset the entropy potential.

    Free will and consciousness is the artifact of the second law. They both add complexity in an attempt to increase brain entropy, to offset the continuous neuron insistence that it lower brain entropy at the membrane.

    An analogy is putting worms in a jar. The worms want to increase entropy and scatter. However, like the neurons, we try to place them close together in opposition to their natural state. Consciousness and will is analogous to a way for the worms to escape to satisfy the second law.

    No two people are exactly the same in terms of personality and consciousness. There will be common things but also differences This is an artifact of entropy. Culture may try to impose uniform standards; one size fits all, which lowers group entropy in an attempt to create determinism; predictable interactions. The result will be choices by some, that resist the one size; increase system entropy. The will power to do so is connected to the second law in action.

    In classical symbolism the first law is God and the second law is Lucifer/Satan. God creates the universe; energy balance. While the deterministic order in space and time lowers universal entropy. The second principle; Lucifer, creates change in the order driven by the second law. Lucifer and Satan are the first symbolism of will power.

    Pure 100% determinism would lower universal entropy and/or prevent it from increasing. If we add entropy, perturbations occur that reflect a departure from zero entropy change; free will.
  • How to interpret the Constitution
    We need to place the Constitution in historical perspective to understand intent.
    — wellwisher

    This is what does not happen. The best you do is establish what you think is original intent. If you're honest you leave it with that label: what we think they meant. Anything else is dishonest even to the point of being a lie. Ignorance isn't an excuse because people know too much to claim ignorance. They can ignore information, but then we're back to ignorance and lies compounded.

    The rest of your post is too skewed and ill-informed to respond to.
    tim wood

    Original intent has to go back to before the Constitution was written, so we can understand what the motivation was that led to the writing. You don't start the day it was written, since the thought process and need began years, if not generations, before it was written.

    The USA was originally a colony, of a colonial empire, ruled by king and queens. Under a monarchy there were two classes of people; upper and peasant. The King had the divine rights of kings and had control over life, death and taxes. While royal blood line gave advantages but did not always mean competence. History is full of leaders who should not have been, but were, due to royal entitlement. Lack of ability in power can lead to insecurity and paranoia, or to a lecherous lifestyle.

    Settling the new territories was not something most people wanted to do. Australia used criminals and prisoners. The Pilgrims came to America for religious freedom. The Royal control over religion was enough motivation for many people to leave their home and deal with the fear of the unknown in the new world.

    The colonists were far enough away from England to enjoy more freedom than those who had remained in England. They had a chance to see there was another way. The old way was as old as civilization. The new way, connected to religious and personal freedom, was closer to an ideal way; heaven on earth. The idea of inalienable rights comes from religion not monarchies. The left argues religion from the POV of the King of England, not the colonists.

    The founding fathers understood the usefulness of government. But based on the English government and power structure model, they also saw how government can also become overbearing and an instrument for violence and corruption. They were looking for a new sweet spot. Government should be like a butler to its citizens, not an overlord. The butler will serve the citizens so they are free to pursue life, liberty and happiness. The King's government was that of an overlord trying to control lifer to maintain power.
  • If reality can be simulated via logic, then shouldn't all Platonist's necessarily be logicians too?
    Computer logic is 2-D. It is based on cause and affect (x,y). Reason is a curve drawn on a 2-D logic plane. Nature, such as an ecosystem, is 3-D, or is spatially integrated. It is not based on a 2-D logic plane. Its logic also has a z-axis. Computers are not programmed to do this.

    As a practical example of the contrast between 2-D and 3-D logic, consider political views. Each political view looks at the social data and presents a logical analysis based on their chosen premises. Since more than one political view exists, shows that each view may expresses truth, but no one view expresses the whole truth.

    The whole truth is 3-D. While the partial truth in each political POV is analogous to a 2-D rational plane. All the planes have the same center; social data, but each approaches the data at different angles. The sum of all the views; angles, approximate the 3-D truth. All the views together approximate 3-D.

    Since the various views often express conflicting logic with respect to each other, it is not easy to merge them all into 3-D, using 2-D logic. One needs 3-D logic; affect, cause and affect, or cause, affect, cause. The (x,y,z) reflects an integration of logic planes that take into account how separate things; 2-D logic planes impacts things outside itself. It shows up as an affect before cause and effect, or a cause from cause and affect.

    For example, Progressives think in terms of social services, while Conservatives think in terms of economic growth. Each path is part of the whole and each has an impact on the other path. Too much social spending can impact economic prosperity, while too much free market can impact social spending; affect, cause and affect. Each political party will push for its POV, at the expense of the other, even though this will lead to an unbalanced ecosystem. Both assume the other will push back and each will constraint the other; cause, affect, cause. This ebbs and flows back and forth as time moves on.

    3-D logic would see this and reason out the sweet spot, instead of depending on competing 2-D logic planes to approximate the sweet spot, through long term ebb and flow. An ecosystem finds the sweet spot and if there is disturbance, find the new 3-D spot.
  • Reality versus Desire
    Innovation, invention, and other creative acts begins with a hunch, which can generate desire. In development work, you may have a goal or idea; often from a hunch. You sort of know the answer before the practical solution. You need to build a bridge to see if it is possible to reach the other side. For example, you may desire to sequester 100% of the carbon from a process. This is on the other side and you need to build a bridge.

    When others read the final report paper on the development process, it reads logically for the audience. However, the paper is not the day by day path used by the creator during the creative process. His personal log would seem far more disjointed than the final paper. The log is about hunches, pitfalls, learning from mistakes and eureka moments. The paper is about eureka moments arranged as though they were logical.

    Sexual desire, which is the foundation of all desire, works the same way. For example, male sexual desire seeks a happy ending. The male can see the other side; goal. However, going from here to there, does not always have a clear cut logical path. He will strike out many times. The needed path may not be in the literature, if the circumstances are unique.

    For example, if you were on a first date, then the bridge building from here to the goal, has constraints that may be set by the other person; unique to her. It is like the EPA not wanting the water disturbed when you build the bridge; have to appear positive even if not. One may need to develop a strategy to deal with these imposed reality circumstances, before bridge building can start. After you write the final report; tell your friends, then it appears logical for them.
  • Un/Subconscious mind and neuroscience
    The brain has two centers of consciousness. The inner self is the center of the unconscious mind, while the ego is the center of the conscious mind. The inner self is the original center; primary, and came way before the conscious mind. It was dominate during the pre-human time in evolution; up to about 10,000 years ago.

    The ego is relatively new in terms of evolution. It consolidated when civilization appeared. Lack of awareness of the two centers is the main source of confusion about consciousness. The modern ego has deluded itself into thinking it is all of consciousness. In reality, the inner self is the main frame, while the ego is like a terminal that is also a standalone computer, fed by the mainframe.

    The inner self has a much higher data input awareness than the ego; subliminal data. The unconscious mind organizes this higher data density through firmware connected to natural instinct and natural human propensities. The ego has a much narrower bandwidth in terms of awareness and organizes this terminal data via habit, logic and theory. This difference can be demonstrated with hypnosis, where far more detail is possible if the unconscious mind is made conscious.

    There are many layers between the ego and the inner self. Below the ego is the personal unconscious. This is not the same as the unconscious mind connected to the inner self. The personal unconscious is based on data that came into ego awareness, that is stored in terminal memory.

    Below the personal unconscious is the shadow, which is the gateway to the unconscious mind and main frame. Freud called this the ID. Like a shadow in the sun, the unconscious shadow is always with the ego, and defines unconscious content that is slightly below normal conscious awareness; main frame to terminal signals.

    The shadow, at one time may, have been the secondary; before the ego. In tradition, the shadow was originally called Lucifer and then Satan; morning star. The shadow splits and the ego appeared; added firmware reflection. The ego is an entropy generator for the brain needed overcome the propensity of neurons to lower entropy via ion pumping. Its contrary nature helps the second law.

    Below the shadow, are the archetypes of the collective unconscious. These are the brain firmware that the inner self uses to organize data. Since the ego has control over conscious focus and collects data in parallel with the inner self, the ego can have an impact on the firmware. Natural instinct is not full nat home in civilization, therefore inner self adapts to the artificial environments.

    There are many layers of firmware wth the lowest, closest to the ego, connected to male and female instinct. Below that are firmware that organize data in terms of relationship or how similar things relate; family, prestige, polarizations, etc. Below that and closest to the inner self are firmware of meaning; logic and wisdom.
  • Does Christianity limit God?
    The above post is more than philosophy, since law has an impact on how the brain works, which is not natural to the brain. When memory is created emotional tags are added to the memory, as it is written to the cerebral matter. Law is a unique form of memory in the sense it has two conflicting emotional tags; for good and evil. If you follow the law you feel calm, but if you break the law you feel fear.

    The problem with this is the brain will not store a law memory, in one place, due to the two conflicting emotional tags. Instead law is a unique binarius memory, that is stored in two separate locations; layers, based on the two opposing emotional tags. If they were in one location, your memory of law would always be conflicted. Two locations makes each aspect more differentiated.

    Since the ego can only focus on one at a time, if it tries to do good, the bad side of law is repressed and the side can become animated by the unconscious mind to help make it conscious. This is why prohibition creates temptation. If you try to follow the good side of law and repress the bad side, so you don't break the law, unconscious compulsion can still occur, as the bad side of law consolidates under the control of the unconscious mind. The preacher who teaches purity, tries to be and do good for his flock, but gets caught with prostitutes, due to the compulsions from dark side of repressed law.

    As Paul said, I would not have know about coveting if the law did not tell me thou shall not covert. Law teaches us useful things, However, sin taking opportunity through the commandment, produces sin of all kinds. Law creates awareness, but it also creates the divided memory storage. If the dark half is repressed it can produce unconscious compulsive affects associated with the dark side. The anti-trump side believes they are doing good, but use methods normally associated with evil.

    The Salem witch trials were based on laws. They thought they were doing good by being by the book. This seemed to justify their murderous compulsions that were evil. Jesus was aware of this mind and brain problem and overcame the law in his death and rebirth symbolism. If there was only love tags attached to all our memories; love your enemy, we are not internally divided. The mind is whole and there are no compulsions.
  • Does Christianity limit God?

    If you go back to Genesis, Adam and Eve eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is symbolic of law. Law differentiates human behavior into two paths, a good path and a bad path. Implicit in law is reward and penalty attached to each respective option.

    As the Genesis also shows, this tree was occupied by Satan; serpent. This symbols show that law uses Satan as an intermediary to God. Law can get corrupt, for example, in terms of enforcement. Or those in charge can make laws to benefit themselves and their donors.

    In Revelations, which came after the time of Jesus, Satan is not thrown from heaven until the future; AD. This symbolism means Satan was in heaven, as the left hand of God, when law was in effect; Old dispensation. Jesus taught love, instead of law and was anticipating the future.

    Jesus outsmarts Satan and the law via his death and rebirth symbolism. Once you die, the law no longer applies to you. If you had 10 death penalty sentences, due to crimes you committed, and you are kill on the electric chair, this single death purges all the others crimes, and law no longer applies to a dead man. So when Jesus comes back from the dead, he was technically free from law. He has already paid the ultimate penalty. This is what that symbols was about. Law was made void, as was the pact with Satan.

    The future did not shift to the new way of love, but rather law continued; Old Testament. This stagnation was enforced by making laws that made it illegal to teach or practice the new way; Satan was among us as the symbolism goes.
  • Bruno Latour Joins Forces with Climate Science
    Climate change and global warming are occurring. However, the majority of the data, from past and present, indicate that change is natural and not manmade. Global warming and climate change has been occurring, in modern times, since the last ice, when half the earth was covered in ice. More ice melted, before the start of civilization, due to natural climate change, than what is left in the polar caps. This did not destroy the planet, as the propaganda goes. It changed the planet, but life adapted.

    The practical problem, with the manmade climate change assumption is, if true, it would be the first time, in the history of the earth, that man impacted the global climate. The earth has done this many times, but manmade would be a unique event to the earth, if it was true.

    From a science POV, one data point event, from a very complex process, is not sufficient to draw a straight line with a fixed slope. You need at least two points. With one point, you can use any "angle" and still make the line touch a single data point. This is where fake news came in; reinforced the optics for the chosen angle. If we had two data points, the slope of the curve is defined by the data and not a subjective sales angle. The angle, being used by the majority of scientists is not making good predictions, since it is not the correct curve. They always overshoot the future.

    An analogy is developing a new drug. We run a single one pill test with one subject, whose stomach ache goes way. We use that one event as proof the drug is a wonder drug for everything. One cannot factor out coincidence, if we only have one data point from a complex system.

    On the other hand, earth induced climate change, is like aspirin, in the sense that this has happened on many occasions; hundreds of data points, allowing one to draw a clean curve, without the need for a clever emotion driven sales pitch. The single point conclusion is a magic trick. Bruno Latour is not able to see through the magic trick, so it is real to him, based on what he thinks he sees.
  • Spacetime?
    In terms of acceleration, acceleration has the dimensions of d/t/t. It is one part distance and two parts time. It is space-time plus time. SR applies to velocity, which is d/t, or one part distance and one part time, just like space-time. Acceleration is different due to the extra time acting on space-time.

    In the case of gravity, the extra time for acceleration comes from gravity which comes from mass. Mass has a connection to the second time. Relativistic mass also has a connection to the second time that impacts space-time. Dark matter might be relativistic mass.

    One difference between mass and relativistic mass is mass can generate pressure, whereas relativistic mass does not generate pressure, or else a space ship would implode at extreme velocity and change material phases. The only impact is on space-time.
  • Spacetime?

    References are not relative, unless you ignore the conservation of energy. In SR, conservation of energy is where relativistic mass comes in. However, relativistic mass is not as easy to measure, compared to time and distance. As such, relativistic mass is often left out and/or lumped into space-time. The result is an illusion.

    The train and diesel fuel example above, was not about sensing motion or acceleration. Rather it was about viewing two study state references after all the acceleration is done. Both parties go into the final references, blind to any energy balance. This allows both references can apply the relative reference assumption in good conscience.

    However, since a third party knows the energy conservation answer before the two references tell us what their reference appears to say, we have a way to prove if their assumptions are true or an illusion. If we did not know how much fuel was used such that the energy balance was left open ended, then the illusion would work.

    The train and landscape may not be a good example, since rational common sense would say the landscape can't move, unless the entire earth was moved, which is unlikely due to the energy needed. So we could do this with two trains or two rockets, to avoid second guessing, what you appear to see, in terms of the relative reference assumption.

    When we look at the universe , we do not have an accurate energy balance. The idea of no preferred reference or center of the universe tells us that. We know the Conservation of energy applies, but we don't have a hard starting number. The illusion will work, if nobody is able to impose a hard energy balance.

    I not saying SR is not real, only that relative reference is an illusion that can be seen through it we include energy conservation.
  • How to interpret the Constitution
    We need to place the Constitution in historical perspective to understand intent. Before it was written, Royalty and centralized government controlled all aspects of life. The King, such as in the case of the Kind of England, could impose one set of religious standards on his subjects and use the church and faith to leverage citizens for power and profit. The self serving king was against religious freedom. Instead the church was a propaganda machine for the king.

    There was essentially two classes; royal/upper and peasant. Royalty was based on bloodline and not merit, which meant leadership would often not be qualified, and would often make irrational and selfish demands at the expense of the individual, who had no upward path or say.

    What was different about America was the ideas of God given rights; individual liberties, above the rules of the king or queen and big government. Among these universal rights were life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Before the Constitution, royalty and central government could override these to perpetuate its own power. With the Constitution, the role of government was to become much more limited and was supposed to play a support role toward these ends. The middle class is very new and an artifact of the Constitution; upward mobile all the way to president.

    The left appears to want the country to regress backwards to the pre-constitution royalty model. During Obama, the middle class shrunk and the peasant class grew. The goals of socialism and communism is a powerful central government, lording over a peasant under class, that pretends to be happy with this. This can be done via regulations which placed a choke hold on companies and jobs that supported the middle class and grow the upper and peasant classes.

    The Clintons are like left wing royalty with them being above the law since the law is created to control the peasants. While a powerful centralize government can be used to squash those threaten the status quo.

    When the Constitution was written, the only people who could vote were men who owned property. The founding fathers wanted the voters to be rational and self reliant, instead of emotional and dependent and easily manipulated using emotional appeal. The voter needed to have a stake in the fire, was committed to be in it for the long term, and was a contributor and not a dependent.

    The rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness was based on self reliant people able to pursue their dreams, unhindered by big government. However, it needed to happen in a way where one person's pursuit did not take away from another. That meant working toward your own goals in ways that added value, so your happiness was not a net loss for others.

    The founding fathers did not have an income tax, but only user taxes. The exception was during wars. The founding fathers kept money in the pocket of the people who earned it , so they could pursue happiness. The welfare state and big government violates rights if the taxes needed to help pursue happiness, creates a net loss in terms of other people pursuing their happiness. This should done with charity. Charity is a choice that can bring happiness and therefore is not imposed by big government as a deficit to others.

    In the case of abortion, the Constitution would allow abortion in terms of the pursuit of happiness. Women get abortions, so they can get back into the game. However, abortion would need to be paid for by the woman who are getting the abortion. The cost cannot be placed on the backs of others through taxes and regulations. Taxes limit the ability of others to pursue their own happiness. It comes down to all our rights being based on self reliance. It cones back to the original voter profile.

    As an example, we have the right to bear arms. This right does not mean the tax payers needs to foot the bill for anyone who wishes to own a gun. The gun owner has to buy his own. This is how rights are supposed to work, which is why only men were able to vote at the beginning. Men expected each other to work hard and buy your own. The women and children were used to the men paying. They were not given the right to vote, since this will turn out bad in terms of stealing rights through irrational redistribution schemes.