
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?
    If you think police brutality is something for black people only...


    Oh and they just skipped the part where they spray him to death, because youtube and not liveleak.

  • If God(s) existed.. and he played a scenario in his head....
    It's not possible for us to know in which form god exists, or if he exists in such a way that he is able to play a scenario in his/it's head or exists at all.

    If god was an entity with the same structural consciousness as a human and he played out a scenario in his head,since he is omnipotent and probably has full control over his ability to manipulate matter in time and space, he would also have the power to choose whether his scenario in the head would come true or not.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?

    Well, then unless America becomes more socialist they are pre destined to remain on the bottom class level forever, unless they adopt a mindset to achieve something greater than the ghetto like Eminem for example.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?

    Sure it is structural racism as a side effect of the slavery, but there is already being done much politically to improve it, which can be proven by the history of time. I can understand that black people have an identity of being targeted and that gives them freedom to defend themselves, but they fail to realize all the efforts that are being thrown into improving their life, or they fail to realize that much of that responsibility also lies on them.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?

    And so the blacks that rise with the tide gets immune to racism and accepted into society, while the bottom remains that the bottom because of the capitalism society structure of America. This just proves more that racism today is more about class level society and prejudices, whereas before it was about color. In a fictional society if there were a certain low life type of white people that commited crimes they would probably be branded as something sloggy as "The rats" and people would look down upon them in the same way as people look down on low society blacks that commit crime but respect black people that belong to their same societal sphere.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?

    How can you agree in the beforehand post that there has been improvements of certain colored people and now claim it's false? Everytime i look upon a picture of Americans in government or in a workplace i always see black people. Successful companies are filled with black people and they aren't even stereotyped as the first person to die in a horror movie anymore. Things are getting better.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?

    Yeah but this demonstration should be about police brutality and not black lives matter.
    Lives for black people are already being improved for colored people around the world, which is made true by politics, you don't have to start a violent protest about it.

    I can understand the reason for a violent protest about police brutality, since nothing is being done about it politically, but racial issues are another matter.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?

    It's kind of linear though, since it began with slavery>low class society>mixed society. It can get worse but according to the narrative and how much less racism there is compared to before, the evolution of a more tolerant society is on a positive scale and has been since the dawn of time. Things have always gotten better for humanity and we've found ways to improve ourselves by meddling and learning from chaotic times and our past mistakes.

    Our basic will to strive for greatness will guide us through our journey as a life form in this time and space. Black people were taken into slavery and branded, white man has guilt and wows to seek redemption and learn how to integrate, with patience on both sides we will learn how to control the chaos of inequality.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?

    Yes that's what i was pointing out in my first reply about it's origins in slavery and how they were automatically placed in this position after the abolishment of it and that their evolution as been slow because of this. Within given time, as it has been proven since before, things will get better. This is just people venting out frustration and nothing will probably come of these protests.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?

    Sure they do, but black/white people born into poverty may not strive after the achievements in the same way as is expected of middle/high class people do, which is where the majority resides.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?

    Why don't you think it's true? You can see it reflective in the societies that white man has created. It's all about advancements and making a life for yourself and to behave in a certain way which is expected of you. Your parents tell you to go to school and study, to obey the law and find love. There are many black people that follow these values themselves because they're at the foundation of a good life in this society and they suceed.

    However, since many black people are born into poverty and gets more exposed to shitty parentship they are not given these values to be a an achiever and to strive after further goals, which further cements your descent into criminality.

    That's why this is more a problem about class level society than race and color.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?

    Sure i can agree to that, but you forget about the heavy responsibilities of a white man. It is expected of a white man to be an achiever and to strive to reach higher goals.

    We all choose to aim our empathy towards people we can connect with that share our same values, regardless of color.

    I would probably put a low class society criminal black person in the same category as a "white trash" person.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?

    The cops only wants to do their job, and they're given many means to do them. Some cops choose a more destructive approach because it either feels safer for them or if they're lesser good by nature, and that aggression could be related to them being unprofessionally trained to deal with stressful situations so they use the destructive tools that was given to them. Cops should be more professionally trained.

    I don't think that they suffer structural discrimination, more like structural deficiencies. They have the same rights as white people but harder prerequisites to abide by the core values of the white man.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?

    I can try to understand it but i can't feel it. I can only make sense of how to live in this world based on the values and way of thinking that is passed on to me by my parents while raising me and the freedom of choice.

    If i can imagine being a black person in low class society it would all largely depend on the values that were given to me by my parents. If my parents were absent and i were given too much freedom to absorb into it's chaotic society i would be tempted to turn into a criminal lifestyle.

    If my parents had listened to Martin Luther king and teached me good values and given me a goal to strive for, it would increase my chances of becoming an unprejudiced black man accepted by society.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?

    I don't live in america so i can't look from a white persons perspective there. I don't think that white people necessarily see themselves as privileged, they just exist in whatever comforts that were given to them, and the majority of white people are not racist today. White people are making a change and have been trying to make a change if you look at people like Abraham Lincoln and his decisions. There are even successful black people today and there has even been a black president. If Martin Luther king lived today he would be joyful over how far black people have progressed and how much freedom they have been given in society.

    The issue today is probably less about the color of your skin, and more about the structure of capitalism society which thrives on indifferences and it's all just a chain reaction since the time of slavery.

    Theoretically, if every black person in low class society set their goals on making a better life for themselves in an honest way they would probably succeed. Unfortunately that's not in every black persons mindset.

    It's great that white people are showing solidarity to black people with #BLM hashtags but it also overshadows white people that has suffered the same fate of police brutality, which probably make these protest more about showing solidarity to black people and their suffering in low class society than actual police brutality.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?
    Systemic racism today is based on human prejudice, which has it's biological origin in the human way of finding problems and solutions and also on the societal structure and ideology of capitalism that the U.S is fueled by today.

    If you play with the thought that black people are over represented in crime, it makes sense for humans/cops to identify that section as a more probable cause to the structural problems of crime that they're trying to solve, and therefor have a more destructible/aggressive approach towards it. However, police brutality is not something that black people face alone so this statement is not entirely true and lacking other variables.

    How systematic racism came to be probably derives from the history of US slavery and the abolishment of it. After the end of slavery in America, black people probably didn't have the academic possibilities of gaining a medium or high class position in society so they took place in low class society as it were their only choice.
    Life in a low class society creates prerequisites for a human to be more inclined to shift into a criminal life style and it's also hard to get out of which creates a slow momentum in their evolution.

    I don't think it's easy even for the government to make a change for black people since it's all based on class indifference from a capitalism ideology. What are they going to do, cash out more paychecks, change to socialism welfare culture?

    Black people in low class society should rise up against themselves and really show the world that they're ready to make a change and be left out of the typical "afro american" stereotype that you see in movies, that would be beautiful and remarkable human feat to see.
  • Abortion and premature state of life

    Well i am ok with your logic without taking time into the equation. If you take time into the equation that clump of cells is equal to a conscious human, since we're all a part of it. Life is just a process that begins and ends and all processes are dependent on time. It is not entirely certain that the child will become mentally scarred, and even if it do, there are many records of people rising above and obtaining some kind of quality of life. To exist, even in great measures of pain is better than to not exist at all, but that is entirely subjective and my personal opinion.

    It's not possible to apply an animal into this debate since it's been necessary for our survival to consume, just the law of nature.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Abortion and premature state of life

    If you did read my text then you'd understand that life within different stages is still life. According to your logic it would be equally right to kill a newborn child as to an abortion state fetus as they both haven't really developed into full consciousness.
  • Abortion and premature state of life

    Well, when you masturbate, the process of creating a life hasn't begun yet,so you're not really denying anything from happening. You are just choosing not to start the process which leads to life kind of like abstaining from sex.

    Abortion is killing a fetus, which is predestined to become a life. Since we're all bound to time just like we're bound to the physical rules of this universe it could be considered equal to kill a fetus as to kill a functional living being because there isn't really any difference between them and a thinking human because within time they will share the same attributes.

    Could you argue against it?
  • Is the moral choice always the right choice?

    Then perhaps America will be seen as the derivatives by those who believe that they have the moral majority. Problem is that there are so many different majorities so they form their own morality tribes.

    Take china that has atleast 1 billion inhabitants, they probably think they are morally justified of not taking in immigrants or putting Uigurs in concentration camps because they share an protective ideology.

    So yes maybe in a hypothetical scenario in which humans all around the world share the same societal structures my theory could be more Applicable to the whole collective human consciousness but for now it has to be restricted to a regional level since we are all so divided in our values.
  • Is the moral choice always the right choice?

    I think that morals are decided upon by the collective consciousness of the human mind. So to then decide what is "right" is judged upon by those who own the moral high ground(Maybe Obi-Wan Kenobi). If a larger mass of people consider it to be morally and just to allow open borders then that is the right way to go. Just as the victors of a war write the narrative upon what happened.

    A moral high ground can be ever-changing and take different shapes depending on the current state of thinking of the greater mass of people which is affected by the variables of the comfort and current state of the world in which we live. So basically the majority of the people who thinks in a certain way have the power to decide what is right and the others will be seen as derivatives.

    Only a person who can look upon actions(allowing open borders) and see their definitive consequences(the impact of the decision on for example economical, social structures and individual life) in a future timeline could have the proper depth to make an correct analysis based on our current moral values about what is right and wrong. But even our moral values do change, so nothing is really constant.
  • Abortion and premature state of life

    You do know that within the passage of time in which everything in the universe must pass, that planted seed will grow into a thinking humanoid with feelings, which you deny for eternity. All that just because you wanted to have sex, which in turn is an act of egocentrism, knowing that your biological structure sure is made to have children. Could you then please explain to me what's the difference between murder and abortion since both equal the same outcome: to end a life?

    I personally don't think humanity is ready for this type of moral dilemma yet which is why we can't really make up our minds about it. Sex is too much of an importance for us to bear life in it's current state so we disregard some things that may seem morally unjust. Maybe in a future, where we can achieve a different enlightenment about different forms of comfort to survive, we could make a balanced suggestion based on our current moral development too have sex only when needed or maybe due to technical wonders, achieve sexual relations with 100% reduced risk of impregnating?
  • Abortion and premature state of life

    Imagine working in a factory and you have this new product called "Cookiebookie". You start the process in creating it but somewhere along the way you decide that it's an bad idea so you throw it to the side. Cookiebookie was bound to become a product, only by the passage of time and the goodwill of the person.

    Masturbating is like deciding that CookieBookie wasn't a good idea at first, so you didn't even start the process of creating it, which by itself is denying the possibility of the product, but you don't deny it's inevitable existance, since all pre-products become products by the passage of time in which everything must pass according to our laws of physics.

    Imagine the fetus being the product.
  • Abortion and premature state of life

    All objects are equal to time and hence must pass through it. A premature existing lifeform is a life form not yet fully wandered through the passage of time to be considered a "mature" life form, but it will be, unless denied by the actions of the Carrier
  • Abortion and premature state of life

    Yes i've now read some of it. It made me embark upon a journey questioning wether we really are in control of our own bodies. Our bodies are mostly autonomus and control themselves, we merely use these different functions to interact with the physical world around us. However, we posses some kind of control since we can choose what happens to it. In the same way the pro abortion woman in the article states that she has full control over her body which she has not. Her desire for pleasure has sparkled a chain of events that leads to the creation of life and thus placing another body in her responsibility. She no longer only has control over her own body, but she has the power over another body aswell. Who has the right to choose between existance and non existance? Can we really consider ourselves as moral beings when we have such power in our hands. I get it now that morality is in some cases more about damage control than actually something pure. Some of our hardest decisions in life is wether we choose between what's more egoistically comfortable for us or what is questionable considered as the "right" path to take.
  • What is Wisdom?

    Wisdom could be different set of attributes, set by one consciousness to describe the appearance of another consciousness in a certain way.
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